758 resultados para Intoxicação por amitraz
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Para testar a eficiência de vários tratamentos de intoxicação por amônia em bovinos, foram utilizados 25 garrotes que receberam cloreto de amônio por infusão intravenosa (iv) até o surgimento de quadro convulsivo. em seguida, os animais foram alocados em um dos cinco grupos experimentais e tratados da seguinte forma: 1) controle: infusão (iv) de 300mL de solução salina isotônica (SSI), no decorrer de 4h; 2) infusão (iv) de 30mL kg-1 PV de SSI no decorrer de 4h e administração de 4L de água intraruminal por meio de sonda esofágica (ASE); 3) mesmo tratamento do grupo 2 e dose única (iv) de furosemida (2mg kg-1 PV) (F); 4) injeção (iv) de 5mL kg-1 PV de solução salina hipertônica (SSH) 7,2% nos primeiros 30min, seguida de 20mL kg-1 PV de SSI e 4L de ASE; 5) mesmo tratamento do grupo 4 e dose única de F. No decorrer de 4h após a convulsão, foram determinados os teores plasmáticos de amônia e glicose, ureia, creatinina, potássio e sódio séricos, volume e gravidade específica da urina, e excreção urinária de amônio e ureia. No momento da convulsão, os teores de amônia plasmáticos foram muito altos e idênticos em todos os tratamentos, mas no 120°min, nos grupos tratados com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE (grupos 4 e 5), houve diminuição desse metabólito. O uso de furosemida (grupos 3 e 5) não aumentou a excreção total de urina. A terapia com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE aumentou ainda o volume urinário e a excreção percentual urinária de ureia e amônia durante o período crítico da 1ª hora de tratamento, mas o uso de SSI+ASE (grupos 2 e 3) teve resultados intermediários. A eficiência do tratamento com SSH+SSI+ASE ou SSI+ASE foi superior ao grupo controle. Embora com efeito menor que o observado com SSH+SSI+ASE, a SSI+ASE promoveu melhora no quadro clínico geral e, ao término do experimento, promoveu também uma adequada desintoxicação da amônia.
Este estudo pretendeu verificar a percepção que as crianças e os seus responsáveis têm sobre a intoxicação por chumbo e quais implicações relatam sobre o fato. Participaram desse estudo 50 crianças intoxicadas, de ambos os sexos, com idade de 4 a 13 anos e seus genitores e/ou responsáveis. Os participantes responderam a entrevistas estruturadas que buscaram investigar o que é o chumbo, como se dá a intoxicação, seus efeitos no organismo infantil, possíveis alterações no ambiente em função da contaminação e, o que os adultos julgam que melhoraria o desenvolvimento das crianças intoxicadas. Os resultados indicaram a falta de compreensão de vários entre os aspectos investigados e a evolução do conhecimento com o aumento da idade. Tais dados poderiam subsidiar a proposição de políticas de saúde pública adequadas e efetivas para o atendimento a essa população, assim como a divulgação de informações corretas sobre o acontecido e seus desdobramentos.
Amitraz, a formamidine insecticide and acaricide used in veterinary practice, presents side effects related to its pharmacological activity on az-adrenergic receptors. The present study was undertaken to investigate the antinociceptive effect of amitraz in rats and mice. The tail-flick test was used to determine the duration of the antinociceptive effect of the intraperitoneal tip) administration of amitraz (1 and 2 mg/kg, 10 animals per group) in male Wistar rats weighing 180-220 g. The writhing test (using 10 ml/kg of a 0.6% acetic acid solution as a painful stimulus). was performed in 140 male Swiss mice weighing 20-30 g, divided into 14 groups that received ip injections of saline, amitraz (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg), xylazine or detomidine (1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/ kg), in order to compare the effect of amitraz to that caused by xylazine and detomidine, and to investigate the participation of alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors which were blocked by idazoxan (1 mg/kg). Amitraz induced a significant antinociceptive effect in both rats and mice. This effect is blocked in mice by idazoxan.
This report describes the development of a behaviour chamber and the validation of the chamber to measure locomotor activity of a horse, Locomotor activity was detected by four Mini-beam sensors and recorded on a data logger every 5 min for 22 h. Horses were more active during daytime than in the evening, which was at least partially related to human activity in their surroundings. To validate the ability of the chambers to detect changes in activity, fentanyl citrate and xylazine HCl, agents well-characterized as a stimulant and a depressant, respectively, were administered to five horses. Fentanyl citrate (0.016 mg/kg) significantly increased locomotor activity which persisted for 30 min, Xylazine HCl (1 mg/kg) significantly reduced locomotor activity for 90 min. Amitraz produced a dose-dependent decrease in locomotor activity, lasting 75 min for the 0.05 mg/kg dose, 120 min for the 0.10 mg/kg dose, and 180 min for the 0.15 mg/kg dose, In a separate experiment, yohimbine administration immediately reversed the sedative effect of amitraz, This suggests there is a similarity in the mode of action of amitraz, xylazine and detomidine, as yohimbine acts primarily by blocking central alpha 2-adrenoceptors that are stimulated by agents like xylazine, There was also a significant decrease in locomotor activity following injection of detomidine (0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 mg/kg) for 1.5, 3.5 and 5.0 h, respectively, the locomotor chamber is a useful, sensitive and highly reproducible tool for measuring spontaneous locomotor activity in the horse, which allows investigators to determine an agent's average time of onset, duration and intensity of effect on movement.
This study was undertaken to investigate the toxic effect of Crotalaria spectabilis seeds added to the ration for commercial broilers during the final phase of growth. Ground seeds were added at different concentrations to the ration: 0.0% (control), 0.01%, 0.1% and 0.4%. Rations containing 0.4% caused symptoms of intoxication, beginning in the second week of the study. During the third week birds showed bristling, apathy, general weakness, distended abdomen and agglomeration. In the fourth week, four animals died. Necropsy revealed prominent ascites and severe lesions of liver, kidney and lung. Microscopic examination revealed necrosis of hepatocytes, inflammatory cell infiltration, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of biliary duct cells leading to atresia and cholestasis. Prominent cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs were also present as well as degenerative, changes in the kidney tubules and necrosis of cells of the bursa. All the broilers receiving a ration with 0.1% of Crotalaria seeds showed ascites and slight lesions of the liver. The remaining groups showed no reduction in weight gains, lesions or clinical symptoms. It is concluded that broilers during the final phase of growth are sensitive to administrations of seeds of C. spectabilis in their ration. The presence of ascites and cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs of the affected birds was also considered important.
The effects of postnatal amitraz exposure on physical and behavioral parameters were studied in Wistar rats, whose lactating dams received the pesticide (10 mg/Kg) orally on days 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19 of lactation; control dams received distilled water (1 ml/kg) on the same days. A total of 18 different litters (9 of them control and 9 experimental) born after a 21- day gestation were used. The results showed that the median effective time (ET50) for fur development, eye opening, testis descent and onset of the startle response were increased in rats postnatally exposed to amitraz (2.7, 15.1, 21.6 and 15.3 days, respectively) compared to those of the control pups (1.8, 14.0, 19.9 and 12.9 days, respectively). The ages of incisor eruption, total unfolding of the external ears, vaginal and ear opening and the time taken to perform the grasping hindlimb reflex were not affected by amitraz exposure. Pups from dams treated with amitraz during lactation took more time (in seconds) to perform the surface righting reflex on postnatal days (PND) 3 (25.0 ±2.0), 4 (12.3 ± 1.2) and 5 (8.7 ± 0.9) in relation to controls (10.6 ± 1.2; 4.5 ± 0.6 and 3.4 ± 0.4, respectively); the climbing response was not changed by amitraz. Postnatal amitraz exposure increased spontaneous motor activity of male and female pups in the open-field on PND 16 (140± 11)and 17(124± 12), and 16 (104±9), 17 (137 ± 9) and 18 (106 ± 8), respectively. Data on spontaneous motor activity of the control male and female pups were 59 ± 11 and 69 ± 10 for days 16 and 17 and 49 ± 9, 48 ± 7 and 56 ± 7 for days 16, 17 and 18, respectively. Some qualitative differences were also observed in spontaneous motor behavior; thus, raising the head, shoulder and pelvis matured one or two days later in the amitraz- treated offspring. Postnatal amitraz exposure did not change locomotion and rearing frequencies or immobility time in the open-field on PND 30, 60 and 90. The present findings indicate that postnatal exposure to amitraz caused transient developmental and behavioral changes in the exposed offspring and suggest that further investigation of the potential health risk of amitraz exposure to developing human and animal offsprings may be warranted.
Amitraz, an acaricide used to control ectoparasites in animals has a complex pharmacological activity, including α2-adrenergic agonist action. The purpose of this research was to investigate the possible antinociceptive and/or sedative effect of amitraz in horses. The sedative effect of the intravenous (i.v.) injection of dimethylformamide (DMF, 5 mL, control) or amitraz (0.05, 0.10, 0.15 mg/kg), was investigated on the head ptosis test. The participation of α2-adrenergic receptors in the sedative effect provoked by amitraz was studied by dosing yohimbine (0.12 mg/kg, i.v.). To measure the antinociception, xylazine hydrochloride (1 mg/kg, i.v., positive control) and the same doses of amitraz and DMF were used. A focused radiant light/heat directed onto the fetlock and withers of a horse were used as a noxious stimulus to measure the hoof withdrawal reflex latency (HWRL) and the skin twitch reflex latency (STRL). The three doses of amitraz used (0.05, 0.10 and 0.15 mg/kg) provoked a dose-dependent relaxation of the cervical muscles. The experiments with amitraz and xylazine on the HWRL showed that after i.v. administration of all doses of amitraz there was a significant increase of HWRL up to 150 min after the injections. Additionally, there was a significant difference between control (DMF) and positive control (xylazine) values up to 30 min after drug injection. On the other hand, the experiments on the STRL show that after administration of amitraz at the dose of 0.15 mg/kg, a significant increase in STRL was observed when compared with the control group. This effect lasted up to 120 min after injection. However, no significant antinociceptive effect was observed with the 0.05 and 0.10 mg/kg doses of amitraz or at the 1.0 mg/kg dose of xylazine.
This study compared the efficacy of yohimbine with atipamezole, a new α2-adrenergic antagonist, to treat canine amitraz intoxication. Thirty dogs were divided equally into 3 groups (A, AY, and AA). Group A received 2.5% amitraz iv at 1 mg/kg; Group AY received the same dose of amitraz followed 30 min later by 0.1 mg/kg (2 mg/mL) yohimbine iv; and Group AA received the same dose of amitraz followed 30 min later by 0.2 mg/kg (5 mg/mL) atipamezole iv. Temperature, heart rate, respiratory frequency, mean arterial pressure, degree of sedation, mean time of tranquilization and diameter of pupils were monitored for 360 min. Sedation, logs of reflexes, hypothermia bradycardia, hypotension, bradypnea and mydriasis were observed in Group A, with 3rd eyelid prolapse, increased diuresis and vomiting in some animals. Yohimbine reversed all alterations induced by amitraz, but induced significant cardiorespiratory effects such as tachycardia and tachypnea. Atipamezole was a useful antagonist for amitraz, with less cardiorespiratory effects, suggesting its potential role as an alternative treatment of amitraz intoxication in dogs.
The sodium monofluoroacetate (FAC) or compound 1080 is a potent rodenticide used for a rodents and vertebrate pest control. It was prohibited in many countries because of its high toxicity, but in Brazil exist evidences of ilegal use causing the intoxication in children and domestic animals. The fluoroacetate metabolite, fluorocitric acid, blocks body energy production by inhibit the Krebs cycle, resulting in neurological and cardiacs signs. In the present study, four group of oral toxic dosis of the FAC were compared in cats. The best oral toxic dose for clinical signs presentation, without cause acute lethality, was 0,45mg/kg. The clinical variability was dosis dependent and its intensity, in crescent order, was: light signs (dose 1: 0,3mg/kg), light to moderate (dose 2: 0,4mg/kg), moderate to severe (dose 3: 0,45mg/ kg) and severe (dose 4: 0,5mg/kg). There was individual clinical variability between animals that received the same oral toxic dose.
Clostridium botulinum causative of toxic infections due to toxin ingestion previously formed, occur in several ingestion species, mainly birds. In a poultry farm, located at São Paulo State, more than 3,000 birds have been attacked by this toxic infections, when the birds showed motionless, loss of weight, accelerated, breathing, resulting in death of the birds. The blood harvest for attainment of the serum and later necropsy was carried out throwgh the following samples: liver, gizzard, crop, feed, water and litter. After that, the toxin was extracted by gelatin-phosphate buffer and inoculation in mice, isolation of the agent in Blood. Ágar and Reinforced Clostridium Ágar and neutralization of toxin determine its type. The inoculation in mice showed positive results in samples of liver, gizzad, crop and symptoms like was waist, and death of the birds by limp paralysis. The colonies that have been isolated, suspected of Clostridium botulinum showed expected results and further analysis revealed positive results to botulinical toxin type C. The farms have to pay attention in the routine jobs, choicer, and elimination of carcass because they are essential to keep this problem away.
Amitraz (AM) and romifidine (RMF), two alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists, produce sedative effect and decrease spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) of horses. The behavioral effects and sedation after intravenous injection of RMF (0.06mg/kg) or AM 0.1mg/kg (AM 0.1) or AM 0.4mg/kg (AM 0.4) were compared in horses. RMF caused head ptosis (HP) until 45 min. The lower AM dose induced HP from 45 to 60 minutes and from 120 to 150 minutes, and the higher dose induced HP until 180 minutes. Data concerning changes in SLA were not conclusive. RMF or AM 0.4 caused a greater sedation than AM 0.1 until 20 min. After 20 minutes, the sedation caused by AM 0.4 was greater than that of RMF or AM 0.1. Romifidine caused consistent sedation until 45 minutes. The amitraz emulsion produced a dosedependent sedation until 180 minutes. Comparing to romifidine, the emulsion of amitraz induced a more substantial sedation. At dosages and dilution applied, amitraz is an effective sedative for horses.
The present study reports the occurrence of lead poisoning in a male, 2 year-old mongrel dog attended at UNESP Botucatu Veterinary Hospital. The animal was brought to the hospital with claim of gastrointestinal and nervous disturbs for 10 days, worsening in the last 24 hours. After unsuccessfully attempts to control status epileticus, the animal died. Hematological evaluation revealed significant rubricytosis and basophilic stippling, highly suggestive of lead poisoning. Serum lead concentration confirmed toxic levels of this element. Necropsy evidenced the presence of foreign bodies in stomach (one stone and two metallic objects) and, microscopically, characteristic inclusions in renal parenchyma. Fragments obtained from liver and kidneys revealed lead concentrations of 0, 8 μg/g and 25 μg/g, respectively, which in association to clinical signs of saturnism, determined the diagnosis of lead poisoning.