985 resultados para Interaction Energy
Extensive systematizations of theoretical and experimental nuclear densities and of optical potential strengths extracted from heavy-ion elastic scattering data analyses at low and intermediate energies are presented. The energy-dependence of the nuclear potential is accounted for within a model based on the nonlocal nature of the interaction. The systematics indicates that the heavy-ion nuclear potential can be described in a simple global way through a double-folding shape, which basically depends only on the density of nucleons of the partners in the collision. The possibility of extracting information about the nucleon-nucleon interaction from the heavy-ion potential is investigated.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Direct muon transfer in low-energy collisions of the muonic hydrogen H-mu and helium (He++) is considered in a three-body quantum-mechanical framework of coordinate-space integro-differential Faddeev-Hahn-type equations within two- and six-state close coupling approximations. The final-state Coulomb interaction is treated without any approximation employing appropriate Coulomb waves in the final state. This procedure of treating Coulomb interaction leads to much improved results for low-energy transfer rates. The present results agree reasonably well with previous semiclassical calculations. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
It is well known that experimental data, coming from solar and atmospheric neutrino detectors and also from experiments which look for neutrino oscillations. strongly suggest that neutrinos must have a mass different from zero. However at least the solar and/or the atmospheric neutrino data can be related to new flavor changing interactions beyond the standard model instead to the finite mass of neutrinos. This new physics may induce i) extra effects in neutrino-matter interactions, ii) CP violation in pion and lepton decays and, iii) muonium to antimuonium transition. We give two examples of models in which all those effects arise even with strictly massless neutrinos: the 331 model and multi-Higgs doublet extension of the standard model (mHDM) with flavor changing neutral currents in the charged lepton sector. It means that in this kind of models if neutrino masses were eventually needed, they will be independent of the parameters of the new interactions.
The low-energy scattering of ortho positronium (Ps) by ortho Ps has been studied in a full quantum mechanical coupled-channel approach. In the singlet channel (total spin s(T) = 0) we find S- and P-wave resonances at 3.35 eV (width 0.02 eV) and 5.05 eV (width 0.04 eV), respectively, and a binding of 0.43 eV of Ps(2). The scattering length for s(T) = 0 is 3.95 Angstrom and for s(T) = 2 is 0.83 Angstrom. The small s(T) = 2 scattering length makes the spin-polarized ortho Ps atoms an almost noninteracting ideal gas which may undergo Bose-Einstein condensation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Models with interacting dark energy can alleviate the cosmic coincidence problem by allowing dark matter and dark energy to evolve in a similar fashion. At a fundamental level, these models are specified by choosing a functional form for the scalar potential and for the interaction term. However, in order to compare to observational data it is usually more convenient to use parametrizations of the dark energy equation of state and the evolution of the dark matter energy density. Once the relevant parameters are fitted, it is important to obtain the shape of the fundamental functions. In this paper I show how to reconstruct the scalar potential and the scalar interaction with dark matter from general parametrizations. I give a few examples and show that it is possible for the effective equation of state for the scalar field to cross the phantom barrier when interactions are allowed. I analyze the uncertainties in the reconstructed potential arising from foreseen errors in the estimation of fit parameters and point out that a Yukawa-like linear interaction results from a simple parametrization of the coupling.
We study and look for similarities between the response rates R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) of a static scalar source with constant proper acceleration a(0) interacting with a massless, conformally coupled Klein-Gordon field (i) in de Sitter spacetime, in the Euclidean vacuum, which describes a thermal flux of radiation emanating from the de Sitter cosmological horizon and (ii) in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, in the Gibbons-Hawking vacuum, which describes thermal fluxes of radiation emanating from both the hole and the cosmological horizons, respectively, where Lambda is the cosmological constant and M is the black hole mass. After performing the field quantization in each of the above spacetimes, we obtain the response rates at the tree level in terms of an infinite sum of zero-energy field modes possessing all possible angular momentum quantum numbers. In the case of de Sitter spacetime, this formula is worked out and a closed, analytical form is obtained. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime such a closed formula could not be obtained, and a numerical analysis is performed. We conclude, in particular, that R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) do not coincide in general, but tend to each other when Lambda-->0 or a(0)-->infinity. Our results are also contrasted and shown to agree (in the proper limits) with related ones in the literature.
We consider a new type of point interaction in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. It is characterized by a boundary condition at the origin that involves the second and/or higher order derivatives of the wavefunction. The interaction is effectively energy dependent. It leads to a unitary S-matrix for the transmission-reflection problem. The energy dependence of the interaction can be chosen such that any given unitary S-matrix (or the transmission and reflection coefficients) can be reproduced at all energies. Generalization of the results to coupled-channel cases is discussed.
We study the Bose-Einstein condensation of an interacting gas with attractive interaction confined in a harmonic trap using a semiclassical two-fluid mean-field model. The condensed state is described by the converged numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. By solving the system of coupled equations of this model iteratively we obtain the converged results for the temperature dependencies of the condensate fraction, chemical potential, and internal energy for the Bose-Einstein condensate of Li-7 atoms. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We study the low-energy scattering of charmed (D) and strange (K) mesons by nucleons. The short-distance part of the interaction is due to quark-gluon interchanges derived from a model that realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confines color. The quark-gluon interaction incorporates a confining Coulomb-like potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations in Coulomb gauge and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The long-distance part of the interaction is due to single vector (rho, omega) and scalar (sigma) meson exchanges. We show results for scattering cross-sections for isospin I = 0 and I = 1.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)