944 resultados para Insect bites and stings
The dopamine monoxygenase N-terminal (DOMON) domain is found in extracellular proteins across several eukaryotic and prokaryotic taxa. It has been proposed that this domain binds to heme or sugar moieties. Here, we have analyzed the role of four highly conserved amino acids in the DOMON domain of the Drosophila melanogaster Knickkopf protein that is inserted into the apical plasma membrane and assists extracellular chitin organization. In principal, we generated Knickkopf versions with exchanged residues tryptophan(299,) methionine(333), arginine(401), or histidine(437), and scored for the ability of the respective engineered protein to normalize the knickkopf mutant phenotype. Our results confirm the absolute necessity of tryptophan(299,) methionine(333), and histidine(437) for Knickkopf function and stability, the latter two being predicted to be critical for heme binding. In contrast, arginine(401) is required for full efficiency of Knickkopf activity. Taken together, our genetic data support the prediction of these residues to mediate the function of Knickkopf during cuticle differentiation in insects. Hence, the DOMON domain is apparently an essential factor contributing to the construction of polysaccharide-based extracellular matrices.
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2004 1. Completed the second of a 3-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Escambia River, Florida. 2. Completed the first of a 2-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Apalachicola River, Florida. 3. Conducted Gulf sturgeon presence-absence surveys in three other Florida river systems. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use in the near shore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 5. Identified environmental threats to Gulf sturgeon spawning habitat in the Choctawhatchee River, Florida. 6. Initiated a study to document Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 21st Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 8. Over 86,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in Lake Seminole and the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 9. Drafted updates to Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Striped Bass Restoration and Evaluation Five-Year Plan with partners. 10. Fishery surveys were conducted on Tyndall Air Force Base and St. Marks and St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuges. 11. Habitat evaluations and population surveys were completed at 153 Okaloosa darter stream sites. 12. Aquatic insect biomonitoring and identification of over 39,000 individual aquatic macroinvertebrates was completed and provided to Eglin Air Force Base. 13. Ten years of fishery data from Okefenokee and Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuges was analyzed with recommendations incorporated into the refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan. 14. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in northwest Florida and southwest Georgia. 15. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 16. Worked with partners in developing the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership in the Flint River basin, Georgia. 17. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects were initiated or completed. A total of 6.8 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, along with 56.4 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 135 acres of wetlands and 58 acres of understory habitat were restored. 18. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, BASS ProShops event, several festivals, and school outreach.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): We argue that the most important climatically-driven terrestrial ecosystem changes are concentrated in annual- to decadal-scale episodic events. These rapid ecosystem responses to climate change are manifested as regionally synchronized disturbance events (eg, floods, fires, and insect outbreaks) and increased drought-caused plant mortality rates.
A study was conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of eight exportable dried fishery products of Bangladesh. The products were evaluated by examining organoleptic properties, water reconstitution behavior, microbiological and biochemical aspects. The water reconstitution rate was faster in ribbon fish and Bombay duck, and slower in other fishes and air bladder and shark fin products. Organoleptic and physical characteristics in respect of color, odor, texture, insect infestation and broken pieces of the products revealed that all of the products were either in excellent or acceptable condition. Total viable bacterial load ranged from 0.95 x 104 CFU/g to 1.8 x 104 CFU/g in dried products. Coliform bacteria was absent in all the dried fishery products. The results of moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the products ranged from 16.20 to 23.51%, 58.37 to 82.86%, 0.17 to 14.44% and 0.58 to 9.23%, respectively. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) contents were in the range of 0.104 to 2.372% and the pepsin digestibility values were of 88.41 to 94.23%. The results of the study suggested that the exportable dried products were of good quality and hygienically safe.
East African sun-dried fish infested by Dermestes maculatus were exposed to tropical sunlight at ambient temperature and analysed for insect mortality and weight losses. Solar treatment for 6 to 8 lo was highly effective for one layer of split sun-dried fish and 100% insect mortality was toted, while pest species were still present in the four layer batch. Weight losses between 1.2% and 10.2% were recorded, the top layer suffering the highest loss. The high surface temperature of 60°C caused fish to become brittle and quality losses occurred. A reduction in length of exposure/temperature is probably a presupposition for application of the method to local conditions.
The Lateral Leg Spring model (LLS) was developed by Schmitt and Holmes to model the horizontal-plane dynamics of a running cockroach. The model captures several salient features of real insect locomotion, and demonstrates that horizontal plane locomotion can be passively stabilized by a well-tuned mechanical system, thus requiring minimal neural reflexes. We propose two enhancements to the LLS model. First, we derive the dynamical equations for a more flexible placement of the center of pressure (COP), which enables the model to capture the phase relationship between the body orientation and center-of-mass (COM) heading in a simpler manner than previously possible. Second, we propose a reduced LLS "plant model" and biologically inspired control law that enables the model to follow along a virtual wall, much like antenna-based wall following in cockroaches. © 2006 Springer.
A 40 cm thick primary bed of Old Crow tephra (131 ± 11 ka), an important stratigraphic marker in eastern Beringia, directly overlies a vegetated surface at Palisades West, on the Yukon River in central Alaska. Analyses of insect, bryophyte, and vascular plant macrofossils from the buried surface and underlying organic-rich silt suggest the local presence of an aquatic environment and mesic shrub-tundra at the time of tephra deposition. Autochthonous plant and insect macrofossils from peat directly overlying Old Crow tephra suggest similar aquatic habitats and hydric to mesic tundra environments, though pollen counts indicate a substantial herbaceous component to the regional tundra vegetation. Trace amounts of arboreal pollen in sediments associated with the tephra probably reflect reworking from older deposits, rather than the local presence of trees. The revised glass fission-track age for Old Crow tephra places its deposition closer to the time of the last interglaciation than earlier age determinations, but stratigraphy and paleoecology of sites with Old Crow tephra indicate a late Marine Isotope Stage 6 age. Regional permafrost degradation and associated thaw slumping are responsible for the close stratigraphic and paleoecological relations between Old Crow tephra and last interglacial deposits at some sites in eastern Beringia. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.
Fungi play central roles in many biological processes, influencing soil fertility, decomposition, cycling of minerals, and organic matter, plant health, and nutrition. They produce a wide spectrum of molecules, which are exploited in a range of industrial processes to manufacture foods, food preservatives, flavoring agents, and other useful biological products. Fungi can also be used as biological control agents of microbial pathogens, nematodes or insect pests, and affect plant growth, stress tolerance, and nutrient acquisition. Successful exploitation of fungi requires better understanding of the mechanisms that fungi use to cope with stress as well as the way in which they mediate stress tolerance in other organisms. It is against this backdrop that a scientific meeting on fungal stress was held in São José dos Campos, Brazil, in October 2014. The meeting, hosted by Drauzio E. N. Rangel and Alene E. Alder-Rangel, and supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), brought together more than 30 young, mid-career, and highly accomplished scientists from ten different countries. Here we summarize the highlights of the meeting.
Dragonflies show unique and superior flight performances than most of other insect species and birds. They are equipped with two pairs of independently controlled wings granting an unmatchable flying performance and robustness. In this paper, it is presented an adaptive scheme controlling a nonlinear model inspired in a dragonfly-like robot. It is proposed a hybrid adaptive (HA) law for adjusting the parameters analyzing the tracking error. At the current stage of the project it is considered essential the development of computational simulation models based in the dynamics to test whether strategies or algorithms of control, parts of the system (such as different wing configurations, tail) as well as the complete system. The performance analysis proves the superiority of the HA law over the direct adaptive (DA) method in terms of faster and improved tracking and parameter convergence.
O crescimento populacional esperado para os próximos anos conduzirá à necessidade de aumentar a produção agrícola de modo a satisfazer o aumento da procura. Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a uma evolução tecnológica nos sistemas de produção que tem permitido aumentar a produtividade agrícola, por vezes à custa de elevados consumos de energia e com práticas nem sempre ambientalmente corretas. Os desafios que se colocam atualmente são no sentido de melhorar a conservação de recursos escassos, como o solo e a água, de aumentar a eficiência de uso de fatores de produção, de encontrar novas culturas, do desenvolvimento da biotecnologia, da diminuição dos consumos energéticos e de melhorar ainda mais as tecnologias associadas à produção. De maneira a responder aos desafios emergentes da procura por alimentos, da escassez de terrenos agrícolas aráveis bem como da existência de pragas de insetos e de ervas daninhas, os pesticidas tem vindo a ser usados com maior frequência, tendo-se assistido a uma contaminação dos solos e águas subterrâneas, causando deste modo um risco para a saúde dos seres vivos. Neste sentido, vários fabricantes de pesticidas estão a desenvolver novas formulações contendo pesticidas encapsulados em nanopartículas como modo de aumentar a sua solubilidade em água, biodisponibilidade, volatilidade, estabilidade e eficácia. tendo por objetivo um desenvolvimento sustentável. Neste trabalho, procedeu-se ao estudo do encapsulamento do herbicida Oxadiargil (5-terc-butil-3-[2,4-dicloro-5-(2-propiniloxi)fenil]-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2(3H)-ona) com a 2-hidroxipropil-β-ciclodextrina (HP-β-CD). O estudo da formação do complexo de inclusão Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD foi realizado em diferentes meios, água desionizada, tampão acetato pH = 3,46 e pH = 5,34 e tampão fosfato pH = 7,45, com o objetivo de determinar e comparar a sua constante de estabilidade. Verificou-se, em qualquer dos casos, a ocorrência de uma relação linear entre o aumento da solubilidade do Oxadiargil e o aumento da concentração de HP-β-CD, com um declive inferior a um, o que indicia a formação de um complexo na proporção estequiométrica de 1:1. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o processo de complexação Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD não é muito influenciado pela constituição e pelo pH do meio. De facto, as constantes de estabilidade obtidas para a água desionizada e soluções-tampão pH = 3,46, pH = 5,34 e pH = 7,45 foram de 919 ± 25, 685 ± 13, 623 ± 17 e 753 ± 9, respetivamente. A solubilidade do complexo obtido nos estudos realizados, em diferentes meios, é cerca de 23 a 32 vezes superior à observada para o Oxadiargil livre. De forma a caracterizar o complexo Oxadiargil - HP-β-CD procedeu-se à sua síntese utilizando o método de “kneading”. O composto obtido foi caracterizado por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) tendo-se confirmado a formação de um complexo de inclusão na proporção estequiométrica de 1:1. O complexo obtido é mais solúvel e porventura mais estável quimicamente. O encapsulamento permite uma redução da aplicação dos pesticidas diminuindo assim os custos e o impacto negativo no ambiente. Com a nanotecnologia é possível a libertação controlada dos pesticidas, aumentando a sua eficácia e fornecendo os meios necessários para um desenvolvimento sustentável.
Insects are an important and probably the most challenging pest to control in agriculture, in particular when they feed on belowground parts of plants. The application of synthetic pesticides is problematic owing to side effects on the environment, concerns for public health and the rapid development of resistance. Entomopathogenic bacteria, notably Bacillus thuringiensis and Photorhabdus/Xenorhabdus species, are promising alternatives to chemical insecticides, for they are able to efficiently kill insects and are considered to be environmentally sound and harmless to mammals. However, they have the handicap of showing limited environmental persistence or of depending on a nematode vector for insect infection. Intriguingly, certain strains of plant root-colonizing Pseudomonas bacteria display insect pathogenicity and thus could be formulated to extend the present range of bioinsecticides for protection of plants against root-feeding insects. These entomopathogenic pseudomonads belong to a group of plant-beneficial rhizobacteria that have the remarkable ability to suppress soil-borne plant pathogens, promote plant growth, and induce systemic plant defenses. Here we review for the first time the current knowledge about the occurrence and the molecular basis of insecticidal activity in pseudomonads with an emphasis on plant-beneficial and prominent pathogenic species. We discuss how this fascinating Pseudomonas trait may be exploited for novel root-based approaches to insect control in an integrated pest management framework.
Metarhizium robertsii is an entomopathogenic fungus that is additionally plant rhizosphere competent. Two adhesin-encoding gens, Mad1 and Mad2, are involved in insect pathogenesis or plant root colonization, respectively. This study examined differential expression of the Mad genes for M robertsii grown on a variety of insectand plant-related substrates. Mad1 was up regulated in response to insect cuticles and up regulation of Mad2 resulted from root exudates, tomato stems and non-preferred carbohydrates. A time course analysis that compared water, minimal media, and nutrient rich broth revealed Mad2 gene expression increased as nutrient availability decreased. The regulation of Mad2 compared to known stress-related genes (Hsp30, Hsp70 and ssgA) under various stresses (nutrient, pH, osmotic, oxidative, temperature) revealed Mad2 to be generally up regulated by nutrient starvation only. Examination of the Mad2 promoter region revealed two copies of a stress-response element (S TRE) known to be regulated under the general stress response pathway.
Lack of a valid shrimp cell line has been hampering the progress of research on shrimp viruses. One of the reasons identified was the absence of an appropriate medium which would satisfy the requirements of the cells in vitro. We report the first attempt to formulate an exclusive shrimp cell culture medium (SCCM) based on the haemolymph components of Penaeus monodon prepared in isosmotic seawater having 27 % salinity. The SCCM is composed of 22 amino acids, 4 sugars, 6 vitamins, cholesterol, FBS, phenol red, three antibiotics, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and di-sodium hydrogen phosphate at pH 6.8–7.2. Osmolality was adjusted to 720 ± 10 mOsm kg-1 and temperature of incubation was 25 8C. The most appropriate composition was finally selected based on the extent of attachment of cells and their proliferation by visual observation. Metabolic activity of cultured cells was measured by MTT assay and compared with that in L-15 (29), modified L-15 and Grace’s insect medium, and found better performance in SCCM especially for lymphoid cells with 107 % increase in activity and 85 ± 9 days of longevity. The cells from ovary and lymphoid organs were passaged twice using the newly designed shrimp cell dissociation ‘‘cocktail’’.
Genetic differentiation among plant populations and adaptation to local environmental conditions are well documented. However, few studies have examined the potential contribution of plant antagonists, such as insect herbivores and pathogens, to the pattern of local adaptation. Here, a reciprocal transplant experiment was set up at three sites across Europe using two common plant species, Holcus lanatus and Plantago lanceolata. The amount of damage by the main above-ground plant antagonists was measured: a rust fungus infecting Holcus and a specialist beetle feeding on Plantago, both in low-density monoculture plots and in competition with interspecific neighbours. Strong genetic differentiation among provenances in the amount of damage by antagonists in both species was found. Local provenances of Holcus had significantly higher amounts of rust infection than foreign provenances, whereas local provenances of Plantago were significantly less damaged by the specialist beetle than the foreign provenances. The presence of surrounding vegetation affected the amount of damage but had little influence on the ranking of plant provenances. The opposite pattern of population differentiation in resistance to local antagonists in the two species suggests that it will be difficult to predict the consequences of plant translocations for interactions with organisms of higher trophic levels.
Weeds are major constraints on crop production, yet as part of the primary producers within farming systems, they may be important components of the agroecosystem. Using published literature, the role of weeds in arable systems for other above-ground trophic levels are examined. In the UK, there is evidence that weed flora have changed over the past century, with some species declining in abundance, whereas others have increased. There is also some evidence for a decline in the size of arable weed seedbanks. Some of these changes reflect improved agricultural efficiency, changes to more winter-sown crops in arable rotations and the use of more broad-spectrum herbicide combinations. Interrogation of a database of records of phytophagous insects associated with plant species in the UK reveals that many arable weed species support a high diversity of insect species. Reductions in abundances of host plants may affect associated insects and other taxa. A number of insect groups and farmland birds have shown marked population declines over the past 30 years. Correlational studies indicate that many of these declines are associated with changes in agricultural practices. Certainly reductions in food availability in winter and for nestling birds in spring are implicated in the declines of several bird species, notably the grey partridge, Perdix perdix . Thus weeds have a role within agroecosystems in supporting biodiversity more generally. An understanding of weed competitivity and the importance of weeds for insects and birds may allow the identification of the most important weed species. This may form the first step in balancing the needs for weed control with the requirements for biodiversity and more sustainable production methods.