970 resultados para Ink


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We demonstrate inkjet printing as a viable method for large-area fabrication of graphene devices. We produce a graphene-based ink by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite in N-methylpyrrolidone. We use it to print thin-film transistors, with mobilities up to ∼95 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1), as well as transparent and conductive patterns, with ∼80% transmittance and ∼30 kΩ/□ sheet resistance. This paves the way to all-printed, flexible, and transparent graphene devices on arbitrary substrates.


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提出了一种高效的数字笔迹数据编码算法IWPHSP(integer wavelet packet based hierarchical set partitioned).该算法通过引入整数小波包变换、层次性集合分裂、重要位组合编码和快速自适应算术编码等方法,无损地压缩了数字笔迹多维数据.实验证明,提出的IWPHSP算法是高效的.


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We present a detail investigation on the development of a series of gradient index (GRIN) optical glass microlens and polymer microlens and microlens arrays in our laboratory in recent years. The special glass material GRIN lenses have been fabricated mainly by using ion-exchange technology, which are applied to construct micro-optic devices and other applications. On one hand, we demonstrated the light propagation and imaging properties of GRIN lenses and the results analyzed. On the other hand, we have explored a drop-on-demand ink-jet printing method to produce microlens array using nano-scale polymer droplets involved with a uniform ultraviolet light and heat solidifying process. The experimental setup for manufacturing polymer microlens array and the performance of refractive microlens elements are also given in this paper. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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伴随着计算机技术的发展,用户界面经历了一次次的变革。基于WIMP界面范式的图形用户界面以“所见即所得”的桌面隐喻方式表达计算机复杂、抽象的指令,成为划时代的革命。然而,随着计算机软件的功能和界面复杂程度的不断增加,传统WIMP界面逐渐不适宜于一些应用领域,随之发展起诸多新兴用户界面以满足新的需求,如三维界面、笔式界面等。其中,草图用户界面模拟传统纸笔的交互方式符合人们沿袭了几千年的习惯,因此近年来在概念设计、思维捕捉、3D建模、教学、计算机动画等领域得到了广泛的研究和应用。 然而,当前关于草图用户界面的研究仍然存在以下问题:关于草图界面的理论研究或侧重草图支撑技术的研究与实现,或侧重分析现有笔交互系统的基本功能需求,力图封装Ink操作,缺乏统一的理论模型与应用框架指导。关于草图界面的应用研究多集中于特定领域具体功能和技术的实现,缺乏对基于草图形式的人机交流方式的两个核心问题——草图信息表征与草图交互技术的研究。此外,很多关于草图应用系统与现有基于WIMP交互范式的图形用户界面相混合,其研究的重点并不在草图用户界面本身。本文正是从上述问题出发,围绕着草图用户界面从理论、方法与应用等方面展开研究。 本文首先综述了草图用户界面及其关键技术的研究进展,分析了草图用户界面应用研究所面临的两个核心问题——草图信息表征与草图交互技术。从认知心理学理论出发,分析了草图信息的表征特征和用户草图绘制时的行为特征,分别从信息、人以及人机之间的交互过程三个方面论述了草图信息描述模型、用户模型及交互策略。结合草图界面应用的领域相关性和无关性,研究了草图界面应用系统开发所应遵循设计目标和流程,并在草图界面模型指导下构建了草图界面统一应用框架。最后,分别以视频内容的组织与可视化和纺织行业的产品概念设计两个领域为典型应用环境,研究了面向各领域的草图信息表征方法与草图交互技术,以验证草图界面模型与应用框架的研究结果。 本文的创新点主要包括: 1.从信息、人、交互过程三个要素出发,构建了草图用户界面统一的界面模型与应用框架。 在传统用户界面模型研究的基础上研究了草图界面的理论模型。从人机交互的三要素——信息、人和交互出发,分析了草图信息的构成、基于草图交互的用户行为过程特征,阐述了基于分布式认知的用户模型和基于上下文感知的交互策略模型。进一步在此基础上结合草图界面应用的领域相关性和无关性,构建了草图界面应用框架。 2.提出了一种基于草图形式的视频内容表征方法,并在此基础上实现视频多种交互方式。 从人的认知角度出发研究了视频信息的基本认知特性和交互特性,分析了视频语义空间;结合草图信息的表征模型,构建了基于草图的视频语义表征方法。基于面向视频语义的草图视图,并研究了基于该草图视图的视频非线性组织和交互式浏览技术。实现了面向视频领域的草图界面应用原型系统StoryMap,并通过实验加以验证。 3.提出了一种基于草图的、面向设计过程的设计方案表征方法,并在基础上实现设计方案的灵活复用。 针对传统计算机辅助设计领域缺乏考虑设计过程中隐含的领域知识和过程信息的问题,提出了面向设计过程的草图信息建模方法。并在此基础上研究了设计活动中的草图交互推荐技术,以支持面向过程的设计方案复用。最后,实现了面向服装工艺设计的草图工艺图板系统,并通过实验加以验证。


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随着计算技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,计算机的形态、结构和使用环境也发生了本质上的变化,当前以普适计算为代表的计算模式正逐渐改变着人们办公、交流的方式。普适计算最重要的特征是移动性,现有的办公系统大多是针对普通文秘工作者和交流工作者设计的,它们只支持结构化、文档驱动的、重复性的管理性工作。然而,对于知识工作者而言,他们在进行普通信息处理工作的同时,更多的时候需要进行信息捕捉和信息利用,他们期望应用系统支持灵活的、非结构化的、信息驱动的研究性工作。此外,当前的系统大多支持信息的产生和发布,而对同样重要的经验捕捉缺乏支持。因此,如何更好地利用普适计算的计算资源支持知识工作者在移动环境下进行办公、交流是当前研究的热点问题。知识工作者的工作具有创造性和信息驱动的特点,他们处理的信息往往是非结构化和需要即时记录的。为了更好地支持知识工作者的办公需求,需要提供自然、高效的交互方式,灵活、轻量级的协作方式和相应的移动计算技术。这样,知识工作者才能更好的关注于其任务本身,提高办公、交流的效率。本文正是以此作为出发点,展开题为“支持协作的移动办公系统”的研究。本文首先归纳和总结了国内外相关研究的发展趋势,以此说明开展支持协作的移动办公系统研究的必要性;从多个维度对应用场景进行分析,总结了支持协作的移动办公系统的应用需求,建立了研究工作的概念框架。基于分布式认知理论,本文研究了协作交互相关的信息资源,建立了针对知识工作者的用户模型。该模型将交互信息和协作交互任务紧密结合,能够有效地指导协作交互式系统的设计。在此基础之上,本文对支持协作的移动办公场景进行了分析,提炼出一组相对稳定的功能需求,并建立了相应的界面模型。该模型通过将系统划分为用户层、协作层和计算层,有效的实现了系统功能层次上的分离,使得之能有效地指导系统的构造。在用户模型和界面模型的基础上,本文提出了支持协作办公应用的软件架构,并构造了一个灵活的、可复用的软件开发平台。平台对Ink处理、通讯协作、运行时架构进行了封装,能够有效地支持应用系统的开发。为了支持协作,本文实现了支持草图的即时通讯工具和回溯执行一致性算法。前者能够有效地支持多人合作进行笔迹书写、概念捕捉和交流,后者能够检测并消解因为并发交互而带来的操作冲突,保证笔迹文档的一致性。基于上述研究工作,本文实现了一个支持协作的移动办公系统──思维系统。思维系统能够有效的支持知识工作者进行信息采集、信息整理、信息交流和信息发布。本文的目标是:针对知识工作者的办公需求,从用户任务特征和应用场景两方面出发,建立用户模型和界面模型,设计和实现相应的关键技术和软件平台,最终构造具体的应用系统。本文主要的创新点有: 1. 提出了支持协作的移动办公系统概念框架本文从人机工效学的角度对系统进行了分析,认为人、计算机、环境是支持协作的移动办公系统需要考虑的主要因素。通过对协作交互空间中各种因素的分析,进行了维度划分。在此基础上提出了一个概念模型,概念模型抽象了人机交互、计算机支持的协作系统、移动计算和软件开发方法中的相关因素,探讨了研究范畴以及其中的交叉问题。 2. 建立了支持协作的移动办公系统的用户模型和界面模型。本文引入分布式认知理论,建立了协作资源模型CoRM(Collaborative Resource Model)。CoRM抽象出了多人协作交互式系统中交互相关的信息,提出了具体应用的交互策略,能够帮助交互系统获得一定的认知能力,理解和引导用户意图。本文提出了一种支持多人协作交互的界面模型CoPenIM。协作交互的本质是用户空间和计算空间之间的交互,我们通过对用户空间和计算空间的分解,建立了一个层次模型,并且对文档对象、交互过程、交互任务和一致性维护这四个层次进行了阐述。与现有的协作模型相比,CoPenIM更适合于协作笔式交互,更能够保持交互的自然性和高效性。 3. 设计并实现了支持协作的移动办公系统开发平台本文构造了一种支持协作的移动办公系统开发平台CoPen Toolkit,用于支持协作的移动办公系统的快速构造和开发。平台对Ink语义对象、事件处理、通信协作和运行时架构等方面进行了抽象和封装,主要实现了支持草图的即时通讯工具和笔迹文档的一致性维护算法,这样用户可以将更多的精力集中在具体应用语义的处理上,而不需要过多考虑底层支撑结构。 4. 构建了具体应用实例──思维系统本文实现了一个面向知识工作者的应用实例──思维系统。思维系统能够有效支持知识工作者的各个阶段的工作任务,如信息采集、信息交流、信息整理和信息传播。系统使用了以笔式交互为主的交互方式,能够很好的支持知识工作者在移动环境下的进行办公,同时也支持多人之间的自然、流畅的交流和讨论。实践表明思维系统能够有效地辅助知识工作者进行概念捕捉、交流和传播。


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The reversible fabrication of positive and negative nanopatterns on 1-hexadecanethiol (HDT) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(111) was realized by bias-assisted atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanolithography using an ethanol-ink tip. The formation of positive and negative nanopatterns via the bias-assisted nanolithography depends solely on the polarity of the applied bias, and their writing speeds can reach 800,um/s and go beyond 1000 mu m/s, respectively. The composition of the positive nanopatterns is gold oxide and the nanometer-scale gold oxide can be reduced by ethanol to gold, as proved by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, forming the negative nanopatterns which can be refilled with HDT to recover the SAMs.


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Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) has been developed to pattern monolayer film of various molecules on suitable substrate through the controlled movement of ink-coated atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip, which makes DPN a potentially powerful tool for making the functional nanoscale devices. In this paper, the direct patterning of rhodamine 6G on mica by dip-pen nanolithography was demonstrated. R6G features patterned on the mica was successfully achieved with different tip movement which can be programmed by Nanoscript(TM) language. From the AFM image of R6G patterns, we know that R6G molecule is flatly binding to the mica surface through electrostatic interaction, thus stable R6G nanostructures could be formed on mica. The influence of translation speed and contact time on DPN was discussed. The method can be extended to direct patterning of many other organic molecules, and should open many opportunities for miniaturized optical device and site-specific biological staining.


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Both bare and self-assembled monolayer (SAM) protected gold substrate could be etched by allyl bromide according to atomic force microscopy (AFM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric (ICPMS) analysis results. With this allyl bromide ink material, negative nanopatterns could be fabricated directly by dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) on SAMs of 16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHA) on Au(111) substrate. A tip-promoted etching mechanism was proposed where the gold-reactive ink could penetrate the MHA resist film through tip-induced defects resulting in local corrosive removal of the gold substrate. The fabrication mechanism was also confirmed by electrochemical characterization, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis and fabrication of positive nanopatterns via a used DPN tip.


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A combination of microcontact printing and block copolymer nanoreactors succeeded in fabricating arrays of silver nanoparticle aggregates. A complex solution of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) micelles and silver salt was used as an ink to form thin films or droplets on polydimethylsiloxane stamp protrusions. After these complex aggregates were printed onto silicon substrates under controlled conditions, highly ordered arrays of disklike, dishlike, and dotlike complex aggregates were obtained. A Subsequent oxygen reactive ion etching treatment yielded arrays of silver nanoparticle aggregates.


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2-(9-Carbazole)-ethyl-chloroformate (CEOC), a novel pre-column fluorescence labeling reagent, has been synthesized and applied for the derivatization of phenols. Taken phenol, p-chlorophenol, 2,5-dimethylphenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 1,4-dihydroxybenzene as testing standards, the effects of derivatization conditions, such as pH of borate buffer, reaction time and fluorescent tagging reagent concentration, have been systematically studied. Under the optimized conditions, CEOC reacts readily with the phenols to form stable derivatives with excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively, at 293 and 360 nm. The single step derivatization reaction could be finished within 20 min even at room temperature. Such a method has been successfully applied to the analysis of phenols in printing ink by high-performance liquid chromatography. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wall-slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry.These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. The wall slip effect can play an important role in ensure successfulpaste release after the printing process. Wall-slip plays animportant role in characterising the flow behaviour of solderpastes and isotropic conductive adhesives. The study investigates the wall-slip formation in solder paste andisotropic conductive adhesives using flow visualisation technique. The slip distance was measured for parallel plate with different surface roughness in order to quantify the wallslip formations in these paste materials. An ink marker line was drawn between the parallel plate and the free surface of the sample. The parallel was rotated slowly at a constant shear rate of 0.05 sec-1 and the displacement of the ink marker was observed using a video microscope and image capturing software was utilised to capture the displacement of ink marker. From this study, it was found that the wall-slip effect was evident in all the paste materials. In addition, the different surface roughness of the parallel plates did not prevent the formation of wall-slip. This study has revealed that the wallslip effect could used to understand the flow behaviour of the paste in the stencil printing process.


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A long-synonymized species Benthoctopus normani (Massy 1907) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) is redescribed from material collected over 30 years by the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton and the National Museums of Scotland. It can be distinguished from other octopodid specimens found in deep waters of the Northeast Atlantic by its biserial suckers, lack of ink sac, and simple ligula, which lacks transverse ridges. Examination of the collections led to the identification of a new species of Benthoctopus from the Northeast Atlantic, which is described herein.


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Sketches and photographs are a familiar tool of the traveller-writer, who commonly draws on them when transforming experience into a textual narrative. The verbal thus displaces the visual — the latter retained, if at all, as mere illustration — in ways that echo James Heffernan's definition of ekphrasis as the ‘verbal description of visual representation’. Yet Nicolas Bouvier's 1963 travel narrative L'Usage du monde challenges conventional conceptions of ekphrasis. Juxtaposing the stark ink drawings of Thierry Vernet — Bouvier's travelling companion — with Bouvier's textual narrative, L'Usage du monde shifts representation away from a hierarchical relationship between verbal and visual; it offers instead an account of other cultures that is grounded in polyphony and exchange. This article applies Bouvier's own image of travel as a mosaic to the dual narrative form (or ‘iconotext’, to use Michael Nerlich's term) in order to consider a range of fluid relationships between Bouvier's text and Vernet's drawings. In examining these relationships of amplification, reduction, and absence, the article argues that the plurality of the narrative prompts a rethinking of conventional, binary paradigms of intercultural contact. Ultimately, the iconotextual nature of L'Usage du monde can be interpreted as a metaphor for the processes of cultural translation and transculturation that are central to Bouvier's travelling ethos.


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A simple UV-activated, TiO2-based film or ink for removing thin oxide or sulfide layers from metal surfaces by reductive photocatalysis is described.