959 resultados para Information by segment
Regarding different programmes belonging to the public sphere, it is essential to have proper tools able to quickly provide accurate data related to impacts generated by its projects. This aspect, along with the actual use of this data is essential for proper planning. This communication presents the system designed for project-based evaluation of the employment programs in the Community of Madrid. This system aims to provide fast and reliable information by relying on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods from existing information and structures. Another contribution of the designed system is the implementation of the Empowerment Evaluation as a tool to encourage the incorporation of evaluation results to the planning processes in a systematic way.
In order to show the choice of transparency as the guiding principle of the accreditation process, the article evaluates its influence on the fundamental subprocess of self-evaluation, thereby confirming that transparency is an essential tool for continuous improvement of academic processes and those of educational quality management. It fosters educational innovation and permits the sustainability of the continuous accreditation process over time, resulting in greater probabilities of university self-regulation through systemization of the process, with the objective of continuous improvement of university degree programs. The article analyzes the influence of transparency on each activity of the self-evaluation process according to the Peruvian accreditation model prepared under the total quality approach, as a reference for other accreditation models, proposing concrete transparency actions and evaluating its influence on the stakeholder groups in the self-evaluation process, as well as on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It is concluded that transparency has a positive influence on the training of human capital and the formation of the university?s organizational culture, facilitating dissemination, understanding and involvement of the stakeholder groups in the continuous improvement of accreditation activities and increasing their acceptance of change and commitment to the process. It is confirmed that transparency contributes toward increasing the efficiency index of the self-evaluation process by reducing operating costs through adequate, accessible, timely contribution of information by the stakeholders and through the optimization of the time spent gathering relevant information. In addition, it is concluded that transparency contributes toward increasing the effectiveness index of self-evaluation by facilitating the achievement of its objectives through synthetic, useful, reliable interpretation of the education situation and the formulation of feasible improvement plans based on the adequacy, relevance, visibility, pertinence and truthfulness of the information analyzed.
En el campo del motociclismo y el automovilismo de competición se debe disponer de tecnología que ayude en la conducción y el aprendizaje del piloto. La telemetría juega un papel que es clave en este aspecto. Gracias a GPS precisos y que ofrecen una gran variedad de información, el piloto puede observar cualquier defecto en su conducción. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los pilotos que se dedican al motociclismo y el automovilismo de manera amater no puede permitirse la compra de estos dispositivos. A lo largo de este documento se explica el trabajo realizado para crear Teller. Teller es una aplicación que recoge los datos de un GPS de bajo coste, genera información mediante cálculos físicos realizados con Erlang y visualiza dicha información para los pilotos que quierenmejorar. Con esta aplicación se pretende ofrecer una alternativa barata de telemetría sin necesidad de gastarse el dinero en GPS precisos pero demasiado caros. ---ABSTRACT---In the field of motorcycling racing and motorsport technology should be available to assist in driving and learning from the pilot. Telemetry plays a key role in this regard. Thanks to accurate GPS which offer various information, the pilot can see any fault in his driving. However, most of pilots who engage motorcycling racing and motorsport in the amater way can not afford to purchase these devices. Throughout this document the work done to create Teller is explained. Teller is an application that collects data from a low cost GPS, it generates information by physical calculations made in Erlang and it displays this information for pilots who want to improve. This application aims to provide a cheap alternative of telemetry without spending money on accurate but expensive GPS.
Este Proyecto Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de las actividades del GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) con las Smart Grids. En la investigación actual sobre Smart Grids se pretenden alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: . Integrar fuentes de energías renovables de manera efectiva. . Aumentar la eficiencia en la gestión de la demanda y suministro de forma dinámica. . Reducir las emisiones de CO2 dando prioridad a fuentes de energía verdes. . Concienciar del consumo de energía mediante la monitorización de dispositivos y servicios. . Estimular el desarrollo de un mercado vanguardista de tecnologías energéticamente eficientes con nuevos modelos de negocio. Dentro del contexto de las Smart Grids, el interés del GRyS se extiende básicamente a la creación de middlewares semánticos y tecnologías afines, como las ontologías de servicios y las bases de datos semánticas. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado ha sido diseñar y desarrollar una aplicación para dispositivos con sistema operativo Android, que implementa una interfaz gráfica y los métodos necesarios para obtener y representar información de registro de servicios de una plataforma SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). La aplicación permite: . Representar información relativa a los servicios y dispositivos registrados en una Smart Grid. . Guardar, cargar y compartir por correo electrónico ficheros HTML con la información anterior. . Representar en un mapa la ubicación de los dispositivos. . Representar medidas (voltaje, temperatura, etc.) en tiempo real. . Aplicar filtros por identificador de dispositivo, modelo o fabricante. . Realizar consultas SPARQL a bases de datos semánticas. . Guardar y cagar consultas SPARQL en ficheros de texto almacenados en la tarjeta SD. La aplicación, desarrollada en Java, es de código libre y hace uso de tecnologías estándar y abiertas como HTML, XML, SPARQL y servicios RESTful. Se ha tenido ocasión de probarla con la infraestructura del proyecto europeo e-Gotham (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), en el que participan 17 socios de 5 países: España, Italia, Estonia, Finlandia y Noruega. En esta memoria se detalla el estudio realizado sobre el Estado del arte y las tecnologías utilizadas en el desarrollo del proyecto, la implementación, diseño y arquitectura de la aplicación, así como las pruebas realizadas y los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT. This Final Degree Project is framed within the activities of the GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) with the Smart Grids. Current research on Smart Grids aims to achieve the following objectives: . To effectively integrate renewable energy sources. . To increase management efficiency by dynamically matching demand and supply. . To reduce carbon emissions by giving priority to green energy sources. . To raise energy consumption awareness by monitoring products and services. . To stimulate the development of a leading-edge market for energy-efficient technologies with new business models. Within the context of the Smart Grids, the interest of the GRyS basically extends to the creation of semantic middleware and related technologies, such as service ontologies and semantic data bases. The objective of this Final Degree Project has been to design and develop an application for devices with Android operating system, which implements a graphical interface and methods to obtain and represent services registry information in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform. The application allows users to: . Represent information related to services and devices registered in a Smart Grid. . Save, load and share HTML files with the above information by email. . Represent the location of devices on a map. . Represent measures (voltage, temperature, etc.) in real time. . Apply filters by device id, model or manufacturer. . SPARQL query semantic database. . Save and load SPARQL queries in text files stored on the SD card. The application, developed in Java, is open source and uses open standards such as HTML, XML, SPARQL and RESTful services technologies. It has been tested in a real environment using the e-Gotham European project infrastructure (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), which is participated by 17 partners from 5 countries: Spain, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Norway. This report details the study on the State of the art and the technologies used in the development of the project, implementation, design and architecture of the application, as well as the tests performed and the results obtained.
This paper proposes an emotion transplantation method capable of modifying a synthetic speech model through the use of CSMAPLR adaptation in order to incorporate emotional information learned from a different speaker model while maintaining the identity of the original speaker as much as possible. The proposed method relies on learning both emotional and speaker identity information by means of their adaptation function from an average voice model, and combining them into a single cascade transform capable of imbuing the desired emotion into the target speaker. This method is then applied to the task of transplanting four emotions (anger, happiness, sadness and surprise) into 3 male speakers and 3 female speakers and evaluated in a number of perceptual tests. The results of the evaluations show how the perceived naturalness for emotional text significantly favors the use of the proposed transplanted emotional speech synthesis when compared to traditional neutral speech synthesis, evidenced by a big increase in the perceived emotional strength of the synthesized utterances at a slight cost in speech quality. A final evaluation with a robotic laboratory assistant application shows how by using emotional speech we can significantly increase the students’ satisfaction with the dialog system, proving how the proposed emotion transplantation system provides benefits in real applications.
Dada la amplia información que rodea el dominio de programas de estudios superiores, específicamente los estudios de grado, este trabajo fin de grado propone la construcción de un modelo para representar dicha información mediante la construcción de una red de ontologías, proporcionando una definición común de conceptos importantes, y que posteriormente puede ser reutilizada para la construcción de aplicaciones que ayuden a las partes interesadas, como, estudiantes, personal académico y administrativo, a la búsqueda y acceso de información oportuna. Para la construcción de esta red de ontologías, se siguen las recomendaciones y pautas propuestas por la metodología NeOn [1a] [1b], que sigue un paradigma basado en la reutilización de recursos de conocimiento. Por otra parte, se realiza una populación de dicha red de ontologías mediante datos específicos del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. La construcción de una red de ontologías siguiendo las directrices de la metodología NeOn requiere la realización de distintas actividades y tareas, como el estudio del dominio, estudio de la viabilidad, especificación de requisitos, conceptualización, formalización, implementación y mantenimiento. Se realizan también muchas otras actividades y tareas dependiendo del contexto en el que se construye la ontología. En este proyecto se hace un especial énfasis en las actividades de especificación de requisitos, conceptualización e implementación, además de la actividad de búsqueda de recursos ontológicos para su posterior reutilización. Se ha construido una red de ontologías llamada: European Bachelor Degree Ontology (EBDO) que incluye términos y conceptos importantes que se han detectado en la etapa de especificación de requisitos y que las ontologías a reutilizar no contemplan. Las decisiones de diseño para la construcción de esta nueva red de ontologías y su alineamiento con las ontologías a reutilizar se han basado en la especificación de requisitos ontológicos. Una vez definidos los conceptos relevantes de la red de ontologías, se ha implementado la red de ontologías en un lenguaje computable. Una vez que la red de ontologías se ha implementado se han realizado tareas de evaluación para corregir posible errores. Finalmente, cuando se ha obtenido una versión estable de la ontología, se ha realizado la instanciación de individuos del plan de estudios del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.---ABSTRACT---Given the extensive information surrounding the domain of higher education programs, specifically bachelor degree studies, this bachelor degree project proposes the construction of a model to represent this information by building an ontology network, providing a common definition of important concepts. This network can be reused to build semantic applications that help stakeholders, such as, students, academic and organisational staff, to search and access to timely information. For the construction of this network of ontologies, guidelines and recommendations proposed by the NeOn Methodology [1a] [1b] have been followed. This methodology follows a paradigm based on the reuse of knowledge resources. Moreover, a population of this ontology network is performed with specific data of the Computer Science Degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Building a network of ontologies following the guidelines of the NeOn Methodology requires the completion of various activities and tasks such as, the study of the domain, study of the feasibility, requirements specification, conceptualization, formalization, implementation and maintenance. Many other activities and tasks are also performed depending on the context in which the ontology is built. In this project a special emphasis is made on the activities of requirements specification, conceptualization and search of ontological resources for reuse and implementation. A new network of ontologies, named European Bachelor Degree Ontology (EBDO), has been built. This network includes terms and concepts that have been detected at the stage of requirements specification and that the reused ontologies have not contemplated. Design principles for the construction of this new network of ontologies and for the reused ontologies alignment have been based on the ontological specification requirements. Once the relevant concepts of the ontology network are defined, the network has been implemented in a computable ontology language. Once the network ontology is implemented, the evaluation activity has been conducted to correct the errors that the network presented. Finally, when a stable version of the ontology has been obtained, the instantiation of individuals of the study program of the Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has been performed.
The Plasmodium falciparum Genome Database (http://PlasmoDB.org) integrates sequence information, automated analyses and annotation data emerging from the P.falciparum genome sequencing consortium. To date, raw sequence coverage is available for >90% of the genome, and two chromosomes have been finished and annotated. Data in PlasmoDB are organized by chromosome (1–14), and can be accessed using a variety of tools for graphical and text-based browsing or downloaded in various file formats. The GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) implementation of PlasmoDB provides a multi-species genomic relational database, incorporating data from human and mouse, as well as P.falciparum. The relational schema uses a highly structured format to accommodate diverse data sets related to genomic sequence and gene expression. Tools have been designed to facilitate complex biological queries, including many that are specific to Plasmodium parasites and malaria as a disease. Additional projects seek to integrate genomic information with the rich data sets now becoming available for RNA transcription, protein expression, metabolic pathways, genetic and physical mapping, antigenic and population diversity, and phylogenetic relationships with other apicomplexan parasites. The overall goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate Internet- and CD-ROM-based access to both finished and unfinished sequence information by the global malaria research community.
The Patient Informatics Consult Service (PICS) at the Eskind Biomedical Library at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) provides patients with consumer-friendly information by using an information prescription mechanism. Clinicians refer patients to the PICS by completing the prescription and noting the patient's condition and any relevant factors. In response, PICS librarians critically appraise and summarize consumer-friendly materials into a targeted information report. Copies of the report are given to both patient and clinician, thus facilitating doctor-patient communication and closing the clinician-librarian feedback loop. Moreover, the prescription form also circumvents many of the usual barriers for patients in locating information, namely, patients' unfamiliarity with medical terminology and lack of knowledge of authoritative sources. PICS librarians capture the time and expertise put into these reports by creating Web-based pathfinders on prescription topics. Pathfinders contain librarian-created disease overviews and links to authoritative resources and seek to minimize the consumer's exposure to unreliable information. Pathfinders also adhere to strict guidelines that act as a model for locating, appraising, and summarizing information for consumers. These mechanisms—the information prescription, research reports, and pathfinders—serve as steps toward the long-term goal of full integration of consumer health information into patient care at VUMC.
Este trabalho avalia a influência das emoções humanas expressas pela mímica da face na tomada de decisão de sistemas computacionais, com o objetivo de melhorar a experiência do usuário. Para isso, foram desenvolvidos três módulos: o primeiro trata-se de um sistema de computação assistiva - uma prancha de comunicação alternativa e ampliada em versão digital. O segundo módulo, aqui denominado Módulo Afetivo, trata-se de um sistema de computação afetiva que, por meio de Visão Computacional, capta a mímica da face do usuário e classifica seu estado emocional. Este segundo módulo foi implementado em duas etapas, as duas inspiradas no Sistema de Codificação de Ações Faciais (FACS), que identifica expressões faciais com base no sistema cognitivo humano. Na primeira etapa, o Módulo Afetivo realiza a inferência dos estados emocionais básicos: felicidade, surpresa, raiva, medo, tristeza, aversão e, ainda, o estado neutro. Segundo a maioria dos pesquisadores da área, as emoções básicas são inatas e universais, o que torna o módulo afetivo generalizável a qualquer população. Os testes realizados com o modelo proposto apresentaram resultados 10,9% acima dos resultados que usam metodologias semelhantes. Também foram realizadas análises de emoções espontâneas, e os resultados computacionais aproximam-se da taxa de acerto dos seres humanos. Na segunda etapa do desenvolvimento do Módulo Afetivo, o objetivo foi identificar expressões faciais que refletem a insatisfação ou a dificuldade de uma pessoa durante o uso de sistemas computacionais. Assim, o primeiro modelo do Módulo Afetivo foi ajustado para este fim. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um Módulo de Tomada de Decisão que recebe informações do Módulo Afetivo e faz intervenções no Sistema Computacional. Parâmetros como tamanho do ícone, arraste convertido em clique e velocidade de varredura são alterados em tempo real pelo Módulo de Tomada de Decisão no sistema computacional assistivo, de acordo com as informações geradas pelo Módulo Afetivo. Como o Módulo Afetivo não possui uma etapa de treinamento para inferência do estado emocional, foi proposto um algoritmo de face neutra para resolver o problema da inicialização com faces contendo emoções. Também foi proposto, neste trabalho, a divisão dos sinais faciais rápidos entre sinais de linha base (tique e outros ruídos na movimentação da face que não se tratam de sinais emocionais) e sinais emocionais. Os resultados dos Estudos de Caso realizados com os alunos da APAE de Presidente Prudente demonstraram que é possível melhorar a experiência do usuário, configurando um sistema computacional com informações emocionais expressas pela mímica da face.
Open business intelligence: on the importance of data quality awareness in user-friendly data mining
Citizens demand more and more data for making decisions in their daily life. Therefore, mechanisms that allow citizens to understand and analyze linked open data (LOD) in a user-friendly manner are highly required. To this aim, the concept of Open Business Intelligence (OpenBI) is introduced in this position paper. OpenBI facilitates non-expert users to (i) analyze and visualize LOD, thus generating actionable information by means of reporting, OLAP analysis, dashboards or data mining; and to (ii) share the new acquired information as LOD to be reused by anyone. One of the most challenging issues of OpenBI is related to data mining, since non-experts (as citizens) need guidance during preprocessing and application of mining algorithms due to the complexity of the mining process and the low quality of the data sources. This is even worst when dealing with LOD, not only because of the different kind of links among data, but also because of its high dimensionality. As a consequence, in this position paper we advocate that data mining for OpenBI requires data quality-aware mechanisms for guiding non-expert users in obtaining and sharing the most reliable knowledge from the available LOD.
This study provides support to the characteristics of participatory and anticipatory stages in secondary school pupils’ abstraction of mathematical conceptions. We carried out clinical task-based interviews with 71 secondary-school pupils to obtain evidence of the different constructed mathematical conceptions (Participatory Stage) and how they were used (Anticipatory Stage). We distinguish two moments in the Participatory Stage based on the coordination of information from particular cases by activity-effect reflection which, in some cases, lead to a change of focus enabling secondary-school pupils to achieve a reorganization of their knowledge. We argue that (a) the capacity of perceiving regularities in sets of particular cases is a characteristic of activity-effect reflection in the abstraction of mathematical conceptions in secondary school, and (b) the coordination of information by pupils provides opportunities for changing the attention-focus from the particular results to the structure of properties.
Currently there are an overwhelming number of scientific publications in Life Sciences, especially in Genetics and Biotechnology. This huge amount of information is structured in corporate Data Warehouses (DW) or in Biological Databases (e.g. UniProt, RCSB Protein Data Bank, CEREALAB or GenBank), whose main drawback is its cost of updating that makes it obsolete easily. However, these Databases are the main tool for enterprises when they want to update their internal information, for example when a plant breeder enterprise needs to enrich its genetic information (internal structured Database) with recently discovered genes related to specific phenotypic traits (external unstructured data) in order to choose the desired parentals for breeding programs. In this paper, we propose to complement the internal information with external data from the Web using Question Answering (QA) techniques. We go a step further by providing a complete framework for integrating unstructured and structured information by combining traditional Databases and DW architectures with QA systems. The great advantage of our framework is that decision makers can compare instantaneously internal data with external data from competitors, thereby allowing taking quick strategic decisions based on richer data.
Tese de doutoramento, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
La traduction automatique statistique est un domaine très en demande et où les machines sont encore loin de produire des résultats de qualité humaine. La principale méthode utilisée est une traduction linéaire segment par segment d'une phrase, ce qui empêche de changer des parties de la phrase déjà traduites. La recherche pour ce mémoire se base sur l'approche utilisée dans Langlais, Patry et Gotti 2007, qui tente de corriger une traduction complétée en modifiant des segments suivant une fonction à optimiser. Dans un premier temps, l'exploration de nouveaux traits comme un modèle de langue inverse et un modèle de collocation amène une nouvelle dimension à la fonction à optimiser. Dans un second temps, l'utilisation de différentes métaheuristiques, comme les algorithmes gloutons et gloutons randomisés permet l'exploration plus en profondeur de l'espace de recherche et permet une plus grande amélioration de la fonction objectif.
Les institutions de mémoire et de savoir (par exemple, les bibliothèques, les archives, les musées) font face à des défis importants dans leurs responsabilités d’assurer la pérennité du patrimoine documentaire à l’ère numérique. Citons la surabondance de l’information numérique, la possibilité de production, théoriquement illimitée, offerte aux individus comme aux groupes sociaux, les limites dans les capacités de stockage et de diffusion de l’information numérique qui sont à la disposition des institutions mandataires du patrimoine documentaire. De plus, il est apparu que les approches et les méthodes utilisées pour identifier, gérer, préserver et diffuser le patrimoine documentaire de la société canadienne dans un environnement analogique n’étaient transférables à un environnement numérique. Nous suggérons que la théorie sociale de la connaissance peut servir de base à une réflexion portant sur le développement d’une politique publique qui viserait à encadrer l’identification, la sélection, la gestion et la préservation du patrimoine documentaire d’une société à l'ère numérique. Nous définissons la problématique puis proposons des réponses à travers trois articles scientifiques. Les résultats indiquent que les connaissances et les pratiques professionnelles utilisées demeurent persistantes et limitent la formulation et l'application de nouveaux cadres théoriques, de politiques administratives et de techniques associés à l'identification et la sélection du patrimoine documentaire. Cette recherche propose un cadre conceptuel qui permet de développer des politiques publiques sur le patrimoine documentaire du Canada.