920 resultados para Inflammatory bowel disease. Caulerpin. Colitis


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Objective The spondylarthritides (SpA), including ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), reactive arthritis, and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cause chronic inflammation of the large peripheral and axial joints, eyes, skin, ileum, and colon. Genetic studies reveal common candidate genes for AS, PsA, and Crohn's disease, including IL23R, IL12B, STAT3, and CARD9, all of which are associated with interleukin-23 (IL-23) signaling downstream of the dectin 1 β-glucan receptor. In autoimmune-prone SKG mice with mutated ZAP-70, which attenuates T cell receptor signaling and increases the autoreactivity of T cells in the peripheral repertoire, IL-17–dependent inflammatory arthritis developed after dectin 1–mediated fungal infection. This study was undertaken to determine whether SKG mice injected with 1,3-β-glucan (curdlan) develop evidence of SpA, and the relationship of innate and adaptive autoimmunity to this process. Methods SKG mice and control BALB/c mice were injected once with curdlan or mannan. Arthritis was scored weekly, and organs were assessed for pathologic features. Anti–IL-23 monoclonal antibodies were injected into curdlan-treated SKG mice. CD4+ T cells were transferred from curdlan-treated mice to SCID mice, and sera were analyzed for autoantibodies. Results After systemic injection of curdlan, SKG mice developed enthesitis, wrist, ankle, and sacroiliac joint arthritis, dactylitis, plantar fasciitis, vertebral inflammation, ileitis resembling Crohn's disease, and unilateral uveitis. Mannan triggered spondylitis and arthritis. Arthritis and spondylitis were T cell– and IL-23–dependent and were transferable to SCID recipients with CD4+ T cells. SpA was associated with collagen- and proteoglycan-specific autoantibodies. Conclusion Our findings indicate that the SKG ZAP-70W163C mutation predisposes BALB/c mice to SpA, resulting from innate and adaptive autoimmunity, after systemic β-glucan or mannan exposure.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) caused by a combination of genetic, clinical, and environmental factors. Identification of CD patients at high risk of requiring surgery may assist clinicians to decide on a top-down or step-up treatment approach. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective case-control analysis of a population-based cohort of 503 CD patients. A regression-based data reduction approach was used to systematically analyse 63 genomic, clinical and environmental factors for association with IBD-related surgery as the primary outcome variable. RESULTS: A multi-factor model was identified that yielded the highest predictive accuracy for need for surgery. The factors included in the model were the NOD2 genotype (OR = 1.607, P = 2.3 × 10(-5)), having ever had perianal disease (OR = 2.847, P = 4 × 10(-6)), being post-diagnosis smokers (OR = 6.312, P = 7.4 × 10(-3)), being an ex-smoker at diagnosis (OR = 2.405, P = 1.1 × 10(-3)) and age (OR = 1.012, P = 4.4 × 10(-3)). Diagnostic testing for this multi-factor model produced an area under the curve of 0.681 (P = 1 × 10(-4)) and an odds ratio of 3.169, (95 % CI P = 1 × 10(-4)) which was higher than any factor considered independently. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study require validation in other populations but represent a step forward in the development of more accurate prognostic tests for clinicians to prescribe the most optimal treatment approach for complicated CD patients.


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Background: Patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) often require surgery at some stage of disease course. Prediction of CD outcome is influenced by clinical, environmental, serological, and genetic factors (eg, NOD2). Being able to identify CD patients at high risk of surgical intervention should assist clinicians to decide whether or not to prescribe early aggressive treatment with immunomodulators. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of selected clinical (age at diagnosis, perianal disease, active smoking) and genetic (NOD2 genotype) data obtained for a population-based CD cohort from the Canterbury Inflammatory Bowel Disease study. Logistic regression was used to identify predictors of complicated outcome in these CD patients (ie, need for inflammatory bowel disease-related surgery). Results: Perianal disease and the NOD2 genotype were the only independent factors associated with the need for surgery in this patient group (odds ratio=2.84 and 1.60, respectively). By combining the associated NOD2 genotype with perianal disease we generated a single “clinicogenetic” variable. This was strongly associated with increased risk of surgery (odds ratio=3.84, P=0.00, confidence interval, 2.28-6.46) and offered moderate predictive accuracy (positive predictive value=0.62). Approximately 1/3 of surgical outcomes in this population are attributable to the NOD2+PA variable (attributable risk=0.32). Conclusions: Knowledge of perianal disease and NOD2 genotype in patients presenting with CD may offer clinicians some decision-making utility for early diagnosis of complicated CD progression and initiating intensive treatment to avoid surgical intervention. Future studies should investigate combination effects of other genetic, clinical, and environmental factors when attempting to identify predictors of complicated CD outcomes.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common inflammatory arthritic condition. Overt inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs in about 10% of AS patients, and in addition 70% of AS cases may have subclinical terminal ileitis. Spondyloarthritis is also common in IBD patients. We therefore tested Crohn's disease susceptibility genes for association with AS, aiming to identify pleiotropic genetic associations with both diseases. Genotyping was carried out using Sequenom and Applied Biosystems TaqMan and OpenArray technologies on 53 markers selected from 30 Crohn's disease associated genomic regions. We tested genotypes in a population of unrelated individual cases (n = 2,773) and controls (n = 2,215) of white European ancestry for association with AS. Statistical analysis was carried out using a Cochran-Armitage test for trend in PLINK. Strong association was detected at chr1q32 near KIF21B (rs11584383, P = 1.66 x 10-10, odds ratio (OR) = 0.74, 95% CI:0.68-0.82). Association with disease was also detected for 2 variants within STAT3 (rs6503695, P = 4.6×10-4. OR = 0.86 (95% CI:0.79-0.93); rs744166, P = 2.6×10-5, OR = 0.84 (95% CI:0.77-0.91)). Association was confirmed for IL23R (rs11465804, P = 1.2×10-5, OR = 0.65 (95% CI:0.54-0.79)), and further associations were detected for IL12B (rs10045431, P = 5.261025, OR = 0.83 (95% CI:0.76-0.91)), CDKAL1 (rs6908425, P = 1.1×10-4, OR = 0.82 (95% CI:0.74-0.91)), LRRK2/MUC19 (rs11175593, P = 9.9×10-5, OR = 1.92 (95% CI: 1.38-2.67)), and chr13q14 (rs3764147, P = 5.9×10-4, OR = 1.19 (95% CI: 1.08-1.31)). Excluding cases with clinical IBD did not significantly affect these findings. This study identifies chr1q32 and STAT3 as ankylosing spondylitis susceptibility loci. It also further confirms association for IL23R and detects suggestive association with another 4 loci. STAT3 is a key signaling molecule within the Th17 lymphocyte differentiation pathway and further enhances the case for a major role of this T-lymphocyte subset in ankylosing spondylitis. Finally these findings suggest common aetiopathogenic pathways for AS and Crohn's disease and further highlight the involvement of common risk variants across multiple diseases.


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Objective. To investigate the role of the gene NOD2 in susceptibility to, and clinical manifestations of, ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods. A case-control study of NOD2 polymorphisms known to be associated with Crohn's disease (CD) (Pro268 Ser, Arg702 Trp, GlY908 Arg, and Len1007fsinsC) was performed in 229 cases of primary AS with no diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 197 cases of AS associated with IBD (referred to as colitic spondylarthritis; comprising 78 with CD and 119 with ulcerative colitis [UC]), and 229 ethnically matched, healthy controls. Associations between NOD2 polymorphisms and several clinical features of AS, including disease severity assessed by questionnaire and age at spondylarthritis onset, were also investigated. Exclusion linkage mapping of chromosome 16 was performed in a separate group of 185 multicase families with AS. Results. An association was identified between Gly908 Arg and UC spondylarthritis (P = 0.016, odds ratio [OR] 4.6, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.316), and a nonsignificant trend with a similar magnitude was observed in association with CD spondylarthritis (P = 0.08, OR 3.9, 95% CI 0.8-18). The Pro268Ser variant was inversely associated with UC spondylarthritis (P = 0.003, OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.37-0.82), but not with CD spondylarthritis. No association was demonstrated between NOD2 variants and primary AS, or between other variants of NOD2 and either UC or CD spondylarthritis. Carriage of the Pro268 Ser polymorphism was associated with greater disease activity as measured by the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (P = 0.002). Although patients with CD had a younger age at spondylarthritis onset than did those with UC (22.4 years versus 26.4 years; P = 0.01), no association was noted between the NOD2 variants linked with CD and age at spondylarthritis onset. In primary AS, the presence of a gene with a magnitude of association >2.0 was excluded (exclusion logarithm of odds score less than -2.0), and no association was observed with the microsatellite D16S3136. Conclusion. NOD2 variants do not significantly affect the risk of developing primary AS, but may influence susceptibility to, and clinical manifestations of, colitic spondylarthritis.


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Humans and microbes have developed a symbiotic relationship over time, and alterations in this symbiotic relationship have been linked to several immune mediated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes and spondyloarthropathies. Improvements in sequencing technologies, coupled with a renaissance in 16S rRNA gene based community profiling, have enabled the characterization of microbiomes throughout the body including the gut. Improved characterization and understanding of the human gut microbiome means the gut flora is progressively being explored as a target for novel therapies including probiotics and faecal microbiota transplants. These innovative therapies are increasingly used for patients with debilitating conditions where conventional treatments have failed. This review discusses the current understanding of the interplay between host genetics and the gut microbiome in the pathogenesis of spondyloarthropathies, and how this may relate to potential therapies for these conditions.


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The proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 has an important role in pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases. In immune-mediated joint diseases, IL-17 can induce secretion of other proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF, as well as matrix metalloproteinase enzymes, leading to inflammation, cartilage breakdown, osteoclastogenesis and bone erosion. In animal models of inflammatory arthritis, mice deficient in IL-17 are less susceptible to development of disease. The list of IL-17-secreting cells is rapidly growing, and mast cells have been suggested to be a dominant source of IL-17 in inflammatory joint disease. However, many other innate sources of IL-17 have been described in both inflammatory and autoinflammatory conditions, raising questions as to the role of mast cells in orchestrating joint inflammation. This article will critically assess the contribution of mast cells and other cell types to IL-17 production in the inflammatory milieu associated with inflammatory arthritis, understanding of which could facilitate targeted therapeutic approaches. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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The inflammatory skin disease pyoderma gangrenosum is characterized by destructive ulceration, typically occurring on the calves and thighs and less commonly on the buttocks and face. Lesions vary in size and may be multiple, often rapidly ulcerating to form deep painful wounds. Ulcers characteristically have ragged purple edges that overhang. In many patients a concomitant condition can be identified such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic autoimmune hepatitis, and various hematologic and solid tumours (1,2). Treatment of these ulcers in the past has been disappointing. The large lesions usually run a chronic course and heal very slowly, with traditional dressings often in combination with systemic steroids or immunosuppressants. Since 1998, a small number of case have been reported of adults with pyoderma gangrenosum whose lesions heal with the use of topical tacrolimus (FK506) (2–4). We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first successful treatment of a child with pyoderma gangrenosum using topical tacrolimus.


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Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeriston kehitys alkaa syntymästä, jolloin ensimmäiset bakteerit kansoittavat steriilin ruuansulatuskanavan. Bakteeristo kehittyy perimän, ympäristön ja varhaisen ruokavalion vaikutuksesta kohti monimuotoisempaa bakteeripopulaatiota. Aikuisen ruuansulatuskanavan normaalibakteeristo on varsin muuttumaton, mutta siihen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, kuten ikä, terveydentila, ruokavalio ja antibioottien käyttö. Bakteeriston koostumus vaihtelee ruuansulatuskanavan eri osissa ja bakteerimäärä kasvaa kohti paksusuolta, ollen paksusuolessa ja ulosteessa peräti 1010-1012 pmy/ml. Suurin osa ruuansulatuskanavan bakteereista on anaerobeja. Ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeristo vaikuttaa muun muassa suoliston kehittymiseen ja hiilihydraattien ja proteiinien hajotukseen sekä toimii osana immuunipuolustusta. Sulfaattia pelkistävät bakteerit (SRB) ovat monimuotoinen ryhmä pääosin anaerobisia bakteereita, jotka käyttävät aineenvaihdunnassaan elektronin vastaanottajana sulfaattia muuttaen sen lopulta sulfidiksi. SRB:t ovat sopeutuneet useisiin erilaisiin ympäristöihin. Niitä tavataan mm. vesistöjen sedimenteissä sekä ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa. Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa on SRB:ta n. 105-108 pmy/g, ja niitä on löydetty erityisesti anaerobisista osista kuten suun ientaskuista ja paksusuolesta. SRB:t voivat olla haitaksi ruuansulatuskanavalle tuottamansa sulfidin vuoksi, joka esiintyy vesiliuoksessa vetysulfidina. Tämän on havaittu olevan toksista suoliston epiteelisoluille. Viimeaikoina on kiinnostuttu sulfaatinpelkistäjien yhteydestä suoliston sairaustiloihin, kuten tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin (IBD). Pro gradu -tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli kehittää PCR-DGGE- ja qPCR-menetelmät ulosteen sulfaattia pelkistävien bakteerien määritykseen. Kohdegeeninä menetelmänkehityksessä käytettiin dsrAB-geeniä, joka koodaa dissimilatorista sulfiitinpelkistysentsyymiä. dsrAB-geeni on sulfaatinpelkistäjille ominainen konservoitunut geenialue, johon perustuvia tutkimuksia ei vielä ole paljon ihmispuolelta. qPCR-menetelmä saatiin optimoitua herkäksi ja spesifiseksi käyttäen dsrA-geenispesifisiä alukkeita, mutta PCR-DGGE-menetelmää ei saatu optimoitua käytössä olleilla alukkeilla, jotka monistivat PCR-DGGE:ssa myös negatiivikontrollikantoja. Tutkittaessa qPCR:lla IBD:tä (Crohn ja ulseratiivinen koliitti) sairastavien lasten ja terveiden kontrollihenkilöiden ulostenäytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta, merkittävää eroa SRB-määrissä ei havaittu eri ryhmien välillä. Crohnin tautia sairastavien aktiivisen vaiheen ja oireettoman vaiheen näytteiden välillä oli kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero (SRB-määrät; oireeton vaihe>oireellinen vaihe) (P <0,05).


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In response to infection or tissue dysfunction, immune cells develop into highly heterogeneous repertoires with diverse functions. Capturing the full spectrum of these functions requires analysis of large numbers of effector molecules from single cells. However, currently only 3-5 functional proteins can be measured from single cells. We developed a single cell functional proteomics approach that integrates a microchip platform with multiplex cell purification. This approach can quantitate 20 proteins from >5,000 phenotypically pure single cells simultaneously. With a 1-million fold miniaturization, the system can detect down to ~100 molecules and requires only ~104 cells. Single cell functional proteomic analysis finds broad applications in basic, translational and clinical studies. In the three studies conducted, it yielded critical insights for understanding clinical cancer immunotherapy, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mechanism and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology.

To study phenotypically defined cell populations, single cell barcode microchips were coupled with upstream multiplex cell purification based on up to 11 parameters. Statistical algorithms were developed to process and model the high dimensional readouts. This analysis evaluates rare cells and is versatile for various cells and proteins. (1) We conducted an immune monitoring study of a phase 2 cancer cellular immunotherapy clinical trial that used T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic T cells as major therapeutics to treat metastatic melanoma. We evaluated the functional proteome of 4 antigen-specific, phenotypically defined T cell populations from peripheral blood of 3 patients across 8 time points. (2) Natural killer (NK) cells can play a protective role in chronic inflammation and their surface receptor – killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) – has been identified as a risk factor of IBD. We compared the functional behavior of NK cells that had differential KIR expressions. These NK cells were retrieved from the blood of 12 patients with different genetic backgrounds. (3) HSCs are the progenitors of immune cells and are thought to have no immediate functional capacity against pathogen. However, recent studies identified expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on HSCs. We studied the functional capacity of HSCs upon TLR activation. The comparison of HSCs from wild-type mice against those from genetics knock-out mouse models elucidates the responding signaling pathway.

In all three cases, we observed profound functional heterogeneity within phenotypically defined cells. Polyfunctional cells that conduct multiple functions also produce those proteins in large amounts. They dominate the immune response. In the cancer immunotherapy, the strong cytotoxic and antitumor functions from transgenic TCR T cells contributed to a ~30% tumor reduction immediately after the therapy. However, this infused immune response disappeared within 2-3 weeks. Later on, some patients gained a second antitumor response, consisted of the emergence of endogenous antitumor cytotoxic T cells and their production of multiple antitumor functions. These patients showed more effective long-term tumor control. In the IBD mechanism study, we noticed that, compared with others, NK cells expressing KIR2DL3 receptor secreted a large array of effector proteins, such as TNF-α, CCLs and CXCLs. The functions from these cells regulated disease-contributing cells and protected host tissues. Their existence correlated with IBD disease susceptibility. In the HSC study, the HSCs exhibited functional capacity by producing TNF-α, IL-6 and GM-CSF. TLR stimulation activated the NF-κB signaling in HSCs. Single cell functional proteome contains rich information that is independent from the genome and transcriptome. In all three cases, functional proteomic evaluation uncovered critical biological insights that would not be resolved otherwise. The integrated single cell functional proteomic analysis constructed a detail kinetic picture of the immune response that took place during the clinical cancer immunotherapy. It revealed concrete functional evidence that connected genetics to IBD disease susceptibility. Further, it provided predictors that correlated with clinical responses and pathogenic outcomes.


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O nosso objetivo foi mensurar os níveis de Interleucina-6 (IL-6) no fluido gengival de pacientes com periodontite e doença inflamatória intestinal (DII), comparando-os com pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis, com periodontite. Como objetivo secundário será avaliada a IL-6 no soro desses pacientes. Foram selecionados 15 pacientes com doença de Crohn (DC, idade média 38.2, DP 11.4 anos), 15 com retrocolite ulcerativa idiopática (RCUI, 45.0 10.5 anos) e 15 pacientes saudáveis (C, 42.1 7.8 anos). A Profundidade de bolsa (PB), nível de inserção clínica (NI), presença de placa e de sangramento a sondagem foram avaliados em seis sítios por dente. O fluido gengival foi coletado de quatro sítios com periodontite (PP: PB ≥ 5mm, NI ≥ 3mm) e quatro sítios com gengivite (GP: PB ≤ 3mm e NI≤ 1mm), em dentes diferentes, com pontas de papel absorvente pré-fabricadas. O soro destes pacientes também foi coletado. A análise da IL-6 foi realizada pelo LUMINEX. A quantidade total e concentração da IL-6 estavam significantemente maiores no fluido gengival dos sítios PP do grupo RCUI quando comparados aos sítios PP do grupo controle (p=0.028; p=0.044, respectivamente). O grupo DC apresentou a quantidade total de IL-6 significantemente maior no sítio PP do que no GP (p=0.028). Já no soro, a IL-6 não diferiu entre os grupos. Sendo assim, pode-se concluir que os indivíduos com retrocolite ulcerativa idiopática apresentavam níveis mais altos de IL-6 nos sítios com periodontite, o que pode indicar um importante papel dessa citocina no estabelecimento e progressão da doença periodontal nesses pacientes.


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A Doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma desordem caracterizada pela inflamação difusa do trato gastrointestinal. Os dois principais tipos de DII são a Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCU) e a Doença de Crohn (DC) e ambas cursam com alterações no estado nutricional (EN). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a composição corporal, obtida por meio de diferentes métodos, em pacientes com DC e RCU em atendimento ambulatorial, avaliando possíveis diferenças nos grupos de doentes entre si e quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Foi realizado um estudo transversal incluindo 101 pacientes com DII, sendo 50 com DC (GDC) e 51 com RCU (GRCU), além de 35 indivíduos saudáveis (GCON), selecionados no Ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Informações sócio-demográficas e pessoais, como prática de exercício físico, tabagismo, doenças pregressas e procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios foram coletadas. A avaliação antropométrica consistiu de: peso; altura; circunferências do braço, da cintura e do quadril; circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) e pregas cutâneas do tríceps, bíceps, peitoral, axilar, subescapular, suprailíaca, supraespinhal, abdominal, perna e coxa. O percentual de gordura corporal (% GC) foi estimado a partir de equações que utilizam o somatório de pregas cutâneas e por meio de bioimpedância elétrica (BIA). Para estimar o percentual de gordura subcutânea foi utilizado o somatório de dez dobras. As variáveis laboratoriais analisadas foram: hemograma completo, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, velocidade de hemossedimentação e proteína C reativa. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o software STATA versão 10.0. A classificação do EN, por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), evidenciou baixa prevalência de desnutrição nos três grupos avaliados. Ao analisar diretamente as medidas antropométricas de peso e IMC, observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram valores significativamente menores do que os indivíduos do grupo controle. A avaliação da CMB mostrou que os pacientes do GDC e GRCU apresentaram depleção de massa magra em comparação aos indivíduos do GCON, porém sem apresentar diferenças entre os dois grupos de pacientes com DII. Em relação ao %GC obtido por BIA não foram verificadas diferenças entre os três grupos de estudo. Ao se verificar o %GC com a utilização das fórmulas de Peterson, Durnin & Womersley e Jackson & Pollock (que utiliza o somatório de três dobras) observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram tecido adiposo significativamente depletado em relação aos indivíduos do GCON e do GRCU. Ao compararmos os %GC obtidos por diferentes métodos de estimativa, observou-se que as equações de Jackson & Pollock (que utilizam o somatório de três e sete dobras) apresentaram resultados significativamente menores quando comparados aos das equações de Peterson e Durnin & Womersley, nos dois grupos de pacientes. Os níveis séricos de proteínas totais e albumina, e a contagem total de hemácias foram menores nos indivíduos com DC quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle e/ou aos indivíduos do grupo com RCU. Os pacientes com DC apresentaram comprometimento importante do EN em comparação aos pacientes com RCU e, notadamente, em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis.


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A azatioprina e a 6 mercaptopurina (6-MCP) são drogas muito utilizada no tratamento das doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII), porém estão associadas a vários efeitos colaterais. A determinação prévia do genótipo da tiopurina metiltransferase (TPMT) pode identificar pacientes de maior risco de toxicidade a droga. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência dos polimorfismos do gene da TPMT em pacientes com DII acompanhados no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da UERJ, comparando com a prevalência em outras populações e correlacionar a presença desses polimorfismos com a toxicidade às drogas. Foram avaliados 146 pacientes com doença de Crohn (DC) e 73 com retocolite ulcerativa idiopática (RCUI). A pesquisa dos principais genótipos da TPMT (*2, *3, *3C) foi realizada por técnicas de PCR (alelo específico e RFLP). Os achados clínicos foram correlacionados com a genotipagem e avaliados por análises multivariadas. Dentre os pacientes que estavam em uso de azatioprina, 14 apresentaram pancreatite ou elevação de enzimas pancreáticas, 6 apresentaram hepatoxicidade e 2 evoluíram com neutropenia. Os polimorfismos do gene da TPMT foram observados em 37 dos 219 pacientes (8 foram heterozigotos para o genótipo *2, 11 heterozigotos para *3A e 18 foram heterozigotos para o polimorfismo *3C). Não foi observado nenhum homozigoto polimórfico. Uma correlação positiva foi observada entre a elevação de enzimas pancreáticas e os genótipos *2 e *3C. A prevalência dos polimorfismos neste estudo (16,89%) foi maior que a descrita para população caucasiana e em outros estudos brasileiros. Apesar do predomínio do genótipo *3C, não houve ocorrência exclusiva de um polimorfismo, conforme observado em outras populações. A população brasileira devido à sua miscigenação têm características genotípicas próprias diferentes do outros países do mundo. Dois polimorfismos da TPMT (*2 e *3C) estiveram associados à toxicidade ao uso da azatioprina em pacientes com DII no sudeste do Brasil. O teste genético pode auxiliar na escolha da melhor droga e na dose ideal para os pacientes portadores de DII antes do início do tratamento.


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The past two decades have seen substantial gains in our understanding of the complex processes underlying disturbed brain-gut communication in disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Despite a growing understanding of the neurobiology of brain-gut axis dysfunction, there is a relative paucity of investigations into how the various factors involved in dysregulating the brain-gut axis, including stress, immune activation and pain, could impact on fundamental brain processes such as cognitive performance. To this end, we proposed a cognitive neurobiology of brain-gut axis dysfunction and took a novel approach to examine how disturbed brain-gut interactions may manifest as altered cognitive performance in IBS and IBD, both cross-sectionally and prospectively. We have demonstrated that, disorders of the brain-gut axis are characterised by stable deficits in specific cognitive domains. Specifically, patients with IBS exhibit a consistent hippocampal mediated visuospatial memory impairment. In addition we have found evidence to suggest a similar visuospatial impairment in IBD. However, our most consistent finding within this population was that patients with Crohn’s disease exhibit impaired selective attention/ response inhibition on the classic Stroop interference test. These cognitive deficits may serve to perpetuate and sustain brain-gut axis dysfunction. Furthermore, this research has shed light on some of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms that may be mediating cognitive dysfunction in IBS. Our findings may have significant implications for the individual who suffers from a brain-gut axis disorder and may also inform future treatment strategies. Taken together, these findings can be incorporated into existing neurobiological models of brain-gut axis dysfunction, to develop a more comprehensive model accounting for the cognitive-neurobiology of brain-gut axis disorders. This has furthered our understanding of disease pathophysiology and may ultimately aid in both the diagnosis and treatment of these highly prevalent, but poorly understood disorders.


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Persistent activation of NF-B is central to the pathogenesis of many inflammatory lung disorders including Cystic Fibrosis, Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A20 is an endogenous negative regulator of NF-B signalling which has been widely described in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders including Diabetes and Crohn’s disease, but which has received little attention in terms of chronic lung disorders. This review examines the existing body of research on A20 regulation of NF-B signalling and details the mechanism and regulation of A20 action focusing, where possible, on pulmonary inflammation. A20 and its associated signalling molecules are highlighted as being of potential therapeutic interest for the treatment of inflammatory disorders and a proposed model of A20 activity in inflammatory lung disease is provided.