221 resultados para Importation
Legislation providing that the British monarch could, by Order in Council, grant copyright protection, within Britain and its Dominions, to the authors of literary works first published abroad for a period specified within the Order but not exceeding the domestic copyright term. The Act provided the first occasion on which the British legislature offered the possibility of copyright protection for the work of foreign authors. Its timing is indicative of the widespread attention which the issue of international copyright had begun to attract in Britain, on the continent, and in the United States. The commentary describes the background to the legislation in relation to British attitudes to the importation of foreign works throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and in the context of early nineteenth century debates before the courts as to whether the work of foreign authors was in any event protected under existing legislative measures (see also: uk_1854). The commentary also explores the reasons for the failure of the British government to successfully negotiate any bilateral agreements under the legislation, but nevertheless suggests that the 1838 Act provided an important platform upon which to build a subsequent and more successful regime of international copyright protection (see also: uk_1844; uk_1852; uk_1886).
Ce mémoire compte deux parties distinctes, chacune étant toutefois rattachée à une étude du régime des entreprises entièrement exportatrices de la Tunisie, à laquelle nous avons participé. Ce régime instauré en 1972, avec des modifications depuis, avait pour but d'établir des conditions favorables à la venue d'investissements étrangers dans les secteurs d'exportation. Ce type de régime correspond, dans ses grandes lignes, à ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler les zones industrielles d'exportation. La première partie de ce mémoire est une revue de la littérature sur le sujet, une étude du pour et du contre autant d'un point de vue théorique que pratique. Nous tenterons par la suite d'en dégager des points de réflexion sur l'expérience tunisienne. Celle-ci a-t-elle rencontré des conditions qui favorisait sa réussite? Toujours dans le cadre de l'étude du régime tunisien, il a été nécessaire d'utiliser le concept de "taux de change de référence"(TCR), afin d'évaluer les avantages et les coûts de l'établissement de tels incitatifs. Il s'agit en quelque sorte de calculer le prix de référence (shadow price) des devises utilisées dans ce régime ou générées par lui. La seconde partie de ce mémoire consiste, dans un premier temps, à expliquer les bases théoriques du taux de change de référence, c'est-à-dire à en établir la définition selon deux différentes approches, et à en donner les formes d'évaluation. Dans un deuxième temps, nous tentons d'estimer le TCR de la Tunisie. Cet exercice avait déjà été tenté par l'Institut d'Économie Quantitative de la Tunisie en 1988 sur la base de la protection commerciale existante en 1983. Cependant, la fiabilité du résultat pouvait être améliorée en ce qui concerne l'estimation de l'élasticité des demandes d'importation. Nous avons refait ces estimations en utilisant un plus grand nombre de données. De plus nous avons basé nos calculs du TCR sur la base de la protection existante en 1990.
Le travail examine le rôle des prix dans le processus d’ajustement de la balance commerciale des pays de la zone CFA et vérifie la pertinence de la condition Marshall Lerner. Nous avons dérivé des fonctions d'importation et d'exportation à partir d'un problème d'optimisation dynamique puisé dans l'article de Reinhart (1994). Nous nous sommes servis des tests de cointégration. L'étude est calibrée sur le Cameroun, la Côte d'Ivoire, le Gabon et le Togo. Les résultats laissent croire qu'il n'existe pas de relation de long terme entre les prix, les exportations et les importations. La condition Marshall Lerner s'est révélée non valable à court terme. La révision des hypothèses sous-jacentes à cette condition a mis en exergue les élasticités des importations dans les possibilités de réussite de cette dévaluation.
Ornamental fish are more expensive in comparison with the other fish. It especially highlights in non-breeding fish (in imported one for importation costs). But of course, with entering the new and unhealthy fishes to aquarium or ponds, they may transmit a pathogen to others (interfere with Iran ornamental fish parasitic fauna). In this study (Dec. 2008- Sep. 2009), 400 fish gill arch from 4 species of ornamental fish (within focus on imported fish); namely, i.e. Goldfish (Carassius auratus), platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus), Dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia) and Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus) were inspected for gill ectoparasites and then pathologic effects (but in high- affected gill). In this study, seven protozoan and ten metazoan species, indeed seventeen parasite species were identified. Protozan parasites consist of: Trichodina spp. and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis were found in four fish species; Ichthyobodo necatrix (Costia necator/C. necatrix) and Cryptobia branchialis, were respectively found in Dwarf gourami and goldfish. The highest prevalence belongs to Ichthyophthirius (47%) in platyfish. Metazoan parasites consist of: Ancyrocephalus sp. (Dwarf gourami), Ancylodiscoides spp. (catfish and platyfish), Dactylogyrus vastator, D. baueri, D. formosus (only in goldfish) and Gyrodactylus spp. (in four fish species). The highest prevalence was related to Dactylogyrus vastator(82%) in goldfish. Histological effects in case with high prevalence of parasite were also observed, e.g., hypertrophy, Lamellar hyperplasia and fusion. In high-parasitized gill, there is dysfunction of gill.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2016.
Cotton is the most abundant natural fiber in the world. Many countries are involved in the growing, importation, exportation and production of this commodity. Paper documentation claiming geographic origin is the current method employed at U.S. ports for identifying cotton sources and enforcing tariffs. Because customs documentation can be easily falsified, it is necessary to develop a robust method for authenticating or refuting the source of the cotton commodities. This work presents, for the first time, a comprehensive approach to the chemical characterization of unprocessed cotton in order to provide an independent tool to establish geographic origin. Elemental and stable isotope ratio analysis of unprocessed cotton provides a means to increase the ability to distinguish cotton in addition to any physical and morphological examinations that could be, and are currently performed. Elemental analysis has been conducted using LA-ICP-MS, LA-ICP-OES and LIBS in order to offer a direct comparison of the analytical performance of each technique and determine the utility of each technique for this purpose. Multivariate predictive modeling approaches are used to determine the potential of elemental and stable isotopic information to aide in the geographic provenancing of unprocessed cotton of both domestic and foreign origin. These approaches assess the stability of the profiles to temporal and spatial variation to determine the feasibility of this application. This dissertation also evaluates plasma conditions and ablation processes so as to improve the quality of analytical measurements made using atomic emission spectroscopy techniques. These interactions, in LIBS particularly, are assessed to determine any potential simplification of the instrumental design and method development phases. This is accomplished through the analysis of several matrices representing different physical substrates to determine the potential of adopting universal LIBS parameters for 532 nm and 1064 nm LIBS for some important operating parameters. A novel approach to evaluate both ablation processes and plasma conditions using a single measurement was developed and utilized to determine the “useful ablation efficiency” for different materials. The work presented here demonstrates the potential for an a priori prediction of some probable laser parameters important in analytical LIBS measurement.
Introduction: No cases of equine infectious anaemia (EIA) have been reported in Spain since 1983. Factors that could increase the risk of reintroducing equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV) into Spain include the recent occurrence of the disease in Europe and the absence of compulsory serological testing before importation into Spain. Aims and objectives: Given the importance of the Spanish Purebred (SP) horse breeding industry in Spain, the aim of this cross-sectional study was to provide evidence of freedom from EIAV in SP stud farms in Central Spain. Materials and methods: Serum samples from 555 SP horses, collected between September 2011 and November 2013, were tested using a commercially available EIAV ELISA with a published sensitivity of 100 per cent. Results: All 555 samples were negative for antibody to EIAV, providing evidence of a true EIAV seroprevalence between 0 per cent and 0.53 per cent (95% CIs of the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA technique used Q10 were 100 per cent and 99.3 per cent, respectively) among the SP breeding population in Central Spain. Conclusions: These findings should serve to increase confidence when exporting SP horses to other countries.
Live animal trade is considered a major mode of introduction of viruses from enzootic foci into disease-free areas. Due to societal and behavioural changes, some wild animal species may nowadays be considered as pet species. The species diversity of animals involved in international trade is thus increasing. This could benefit pathogens that have a broad host range such as arboviruses. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk posed by live animal imports for the introduction, in the European Union (EU), of four arboviruses that affect human and horses: Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis. Importation data for a five-years period (2005-2009, extracted from the EU TRACES database), environmental data (used as a proxy for the presence of vectors) and horses and human population density data (impacting the occurrence of clinical cases) were combined to derive spatially explicit risk indicators for virus introduction and for the potential consequences of such introductions. Results showed the existence of hotspots where the introduction risk was the highest in Belgium, in the Netherlands and in the north of Italy. This risk was higher for Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE) than for the three other diseases. It was mainly attributed to exotic pet species such as rodents, reptiles or cage birds, imported in small-sized containments from a wide variety of geographic origins. The increasing species and origin diversity of these animals may have in the future a strong impact on the risk of introduction of arboviruses in the EU.
The background material of the study consists of articles about French literature gathered between 2010 and 2014 in the Swedish press. The aim of the article is to isolate the most widely discussed French literature from France in the Swedish press during the period, in order to explore why the transfer of this literature persists over time, how it is perceived, and which type of mediators bring about this transmission. The study raises questions about the image of French literature in Swedish media, Sweden’s impact on the transnational circulation of literature, and the use of French literature to place Sweden on the literary map. The results of the reception study show that French literature is presented as both aesthetically disruptive with innovative features and as a normative and traditional model. It incarnates an image of tradition as well as of modernity. French literature from France is principally mediated by orthodox journalists with a consistent symbolic capital, and the posture of these journalists is analyzed through Sapiro’s model, inspired by Bourdieu. The orthodox journalists manage to redirect the symbolic capital inherent to consecrated French literature at three levels: national, personal, and transnational. Firstly, the importation of French literature increases Swedish literature’s symbolic capital. Secondly, this transfer allows for an auto-consecration of the orthodox journalists themselves. Thirdly, this use of highly valued imported literature engenders a supplementary consecration (surconsecration) of a national literature and its dominating language. In conclusion, these observed bilateral literary exchanges show the often overlooked importance of peripheral countries in transnational literary transmission. The results modify Casanova’s (2002) model, since they display the impact on the market from the margins. The transfer of central national literatures in dominating languages towards peripheral countries allows for dominated languages and minor national literatures to take an active part in the construction and reconstruction of the relations on the global literary map.
El hambre es un tema fundamental dentro de la agenda política internacional en la actualidad. Diariamente, según la FAO, mueren alrededor de 24.000 personas a causa de no ingerir alimentos. Las estrategias planteadas por parte de las empresas y los gobiernos están enfocadas a generar una mayor producción de alimentos para disminuir el hambre y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. Este artículo explica cómo el significado del alimento se transformó para ser entendido como mercancía, a partir del establecimiento del régimen alimentario corporativo. Las normas aquí creadas influyen en la construcción de las políticas públicas nacionales. Este estudio de caso evidencia la relación entre ambas en Colombia a partir del 2008 y el nivel de dependencia alimentaria y de insumos químicos del país hacia actores internacionales, analizado a partir de la importación y producción de alimentos. Finalmente, este trabajo investigativo permitirá determinar el estado de la soberanía alimentaria en Colombia.
La firma de Tratados de Libre Comercio se ha convertido en una influencia para el desarrollo de investigaciones que permitan determinar y evidenciar oportunidades que lleven al incremento de la balanza comercial lo cual entraña a su vez una serie de retos en cuanto a la competencia de las empresas locales en mercados foráneos para la exportación de productos y servicios más allá de las materias primas y la importación de ciertos bienes para la especialización y optimización en procesos operativos. El estudio de los antecedentes del TLC entre Colombia y Estados Unidos es fundamental para comenzar el diagnóstico del proyecto, de modo tal que se identifique el impacto que ha tenido a través del tiempo este acuerdo y la influencia que produce en los sectores económicos en Colombia el comportamiento de esta relación en la actualidad. Es necesario identificar las oportunidades de las PYME en Colombia, especialmente en las exportaciones hacia los estados de Maryland y Massachusetts; y determinar la demanda que se puede llegar a suplir en estos estados por parte de las PYMES de nuestro país, basados en las importaciones actuales que se están generando por parte de los mismos desde el mundo entero tomando como referencia Wiser y Trademap, bases de datos de comercio exterior.