321 resultados para Immunogenicity


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Da nicht-synonyme tumorspezifische Punktmutationen nur in malignen Geweben vorkommen und das veränderte Proteinprodukt vom Immunsystem als „fremd“ erkannt werden kann, stellen diese einen bisher ungenutzten Pool von Zielstrukturen für die Immuntherapie dar. Menschliche Tumore können individuell bis zu tausenden nicht-synonymer Punktmutationen in ihrem Genom tragen, welche nicht der zentralen Immuntoleranz unterliegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass das Immunsystem in der Lage sein sollte, mutierte Epitope auf Tumorzellen zu erkennen und zu klären, ob auf dieser Basis eine wirksame mRNA (RNA) basierte anti-tumorale Vakzinierung etabliert werden kann. Hierzu wurde von Ugur Sahin und Kollegen, das gesamte Genom des murinen B16-F10 Melanoms sequenziert und bioinformatisch analysiert. Im Rahmen der NGS Sequenzierung wurden mehr als 500 nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen identifiziert, von welchen 50 Mutationen selektiert und durch Sanger Sequenzierung validiert wurden. rnNach der Etablierung des immunologischen Testsysteme war eine Hauptfragestellung dieser Arbeit, die selektierten nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen in einem in vivo Ansatz systematisch auf Antigenität zu testen. Für diese Studien wurden mutierte Sequenzen in einer Länge von 27 Aminosäuren genutzt, in denen die mutierte Aminosäure zentral positioniert war. Durch die Länge der Peptide können prinzipiell alle möglichen MHC Klasse-I und -II Epitope abgedeckt werden, welche die Mutation enthalten. Eine Grundidee des Projektes Ansatzes ist es, einen auf in vitro transkribierter RNA basierten oligotopen Impfstoff zu entwickeln. Daher wurden die Impfungen naiver Mäuse sowohl mit langen Peptiden, als auch in einem unabhängigen Ansatz mit peptidkodierender RNA durchgeführt. Die Immunphänotypisierung der Impfstoff induzierten T-Zellen zeigte, dass insgesamt 16 der 50 (32%) mutierten Sequenzen eine T-Zellreaktivität induzierten. rnDie Verwendung der vorhergesagten Epitope in therapeutischen Vakzinierungsstudien bestätigten die Hypothese das mutierte Neo-Epitope potente Zielstrukturen einer anti-tumoralen Impftherapie darstellen können. So wurde in therapeutischen Tumorstudien gezeigt, dass auf Basis von RNA 9 von 12 bestätigten Epitopen einen anti-tumoralen Effekt zeigte.rnÜberaschenderweise wurde bei einem MHC Klasse-II restringierten mutiertem Epitop (Mut-30) sowohl in einem subkutanen, als auch in einem unabhängigen therapeutischen Lungenmetastasen Modell ein starker anti-tumoraler Effekt auf B16-F10 beobachtet, der dieses Epitop als neues immundominantes Epitop für das B16-F10 Melanom etabliert. Um den immunologischen Mechanismus hinter diesem Effekt näher zu untersuchen wurde in verschieden Experimenten die Rolle von CD4+, CD8+ sowie NK-Zellen zu verschieden Zeitpunkten der Tumorentwicklung untersucht. Die Analyse des Tumorgewebes ergab, eine signifikante erhöhte Frequenz von NK-Zellen in den mit Mut-30 RNA vakzinierten Tieren. Das NK Zellen in der frühen Phase der Therapie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wurde anhand von Depletionsstudien bestätigt. Daran anschließend wurde gezeigt, dass im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium die NK Zellen keinen weiteren relevanten Beitrag zum anti-tumoralen Effekt der RNA Vakzinierung leisten, sondern die Vakzine induzierte adaptive Immunantwort. Durch die Isolierung von Lymphozyten aus dem Tumorgewebe und deren Einsatz als Effektorzellen im IFN-γ ELISPOT wurde nachgewiesen, dass Mut-30 spezifische T-Zellen das Tumorgewebe infiltrieren und dort u.a. IFN-γ sekretieren. Dass diese spezifische IFN-γ Ausschüttung für den beobachteten antitumoralen Effekt eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt wurde unter der Verwendung von IFN-γ -/- K.O. Mäusen bestätigt.rnDas Konzept der individuellen RNA basierten mutationsspezifischen Vakzine sieht vor, nicht nur mit einem mutations-spezifischen Epitop, sondern mit mehreren RNA-kodierten Mutationen Patienten zu impfen um der Entstehung von „escape“-Mutanten entgegenzuwirken. Da es nur Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und Verabreichung von Monotop-RNA gab, also RNA die für ein Epitop kodiert, war eine wichtige Fragestellungen, inwieweit Oligotope, welche die mutierten Sequenzen sequentiell durch Linker verbunden als Fusionsprotein kodieren, Immunantworten induzieren können. Hierzu wurden Pentatope mit variierender Position des einzelnen Epitopes hinsichtlich ihrer in vivo induzierten T-Zellreaktivitäten charakterisiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass es möglich ist, unabhängig von der Position im Pentatop eine Immunantwort gegen ein Epitop zu induzieren. Des weiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die induzierten T-Zellfrequenzen nach Pentatop Vakzinierung im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Monotopen signifikant gesteigert werden kann.rnZusammenfassend wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit präklinisch erstmalig nachgewiesen, dass nicht-synonyme Mutationen eine numerisch relevante Quelle von Zielstrukturen für die anti-tumorale Immuntherapie darstellen. Überraschenderweise zeigte sich eine dominante Induktion MHC-II restringierter Immunantworten, welche partiell in der Lage waren massive Tumorabstoßungsreaktionen zu induzieren. Im Sinne einer Translation der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde ein RNA basiertes Oligotop-Format etabliert, welches Eingang in die klinische Testung des Konzeptes fand.rn


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Control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Small Colony (MmmSC), remains an important goal in Africa. Subunit vaccines triggering B and T-cell responses could represent a promising approach. To this aim, the T-cell immunogenicity of four MmmSC lipoproteins (LppA, LppB, LppC and LppQ), present in African strains and able to elicit humoral response, was evaluated. In vitro assays revealed that only LppA was recognized by lymph node lymphocytes taken from three cattle, 3 weeks after MmmSC exposure. Maintenance of the LppA-specific response, relying on CD4 T-cells and IFN gamma production, was then demonstrated 1 year after infection. LppA is thus an important target for the CD4 T-cells generated early after MmmSC infection and persisting in the lymph nodes of recovered cattle. Its role as a protective antigen and ability to in vivo trigger both arms of the host immune response remain to be evaluated.


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BACKGROUND: Bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8) has caused disease in domestic ruminants in several countries of northern Europe since 2006. In 2008 a mass-vaccination program was launched in most affected countries using whole virus inactivated vaccines. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate 2 inactivated vaccines (Bovilis BTV 8; BTVPUR AlSap8) for immunogenicity and safety against BTV-8 in South American camelids (SAC) in a field trial. ANIMALS: Forty-two SAC (25 Alpacas, 17 Llamas) aged between 1 and 16 years. METHODS: The animals were vaccinated twice at intervals of 21 days. They were observed clinically for adverse local, systemic, or both reactions throughout the trial. Blood samples collected on days 0, 14, 21, 43, and 156 after vaccination were tested for the presence of BTV-8 virus by real time-polymerase chain reaction and of specific antibodies by competitive ELISA and a serum neutralization test. RESULTS: All vaccinated animals developed antibodies to BTV-8 after the 2nd administration of the vaccine. No adverse effects were observed except for moderate local swellings at the injection site, which disappeared within 21 days. Slightly increased body temperatures were only observed in the first 2 days after vaccination. The BTV was not detected in any of the samples analyzed. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The administration of the 2 inactivated commercial vaccines was safe and induced seroconversion against BTV-8 in all vaccinated animals. The results of this study suggest that 2 doses injected 3 weeks apart is a suitable vaccination regimen for SAC.


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Live attenuated Salmonella are attractive vaccine candidates for mucosal application because they induce both mucosal immune responses and systematic immune responses. After breaking the epithelium barrier, Salmonella typhimurium is found within dendritic cells (DC) in the Peyer's patches. Although there are abundant data on the interaction of S. typhimurium with murine epithelial cells, macrophages and DC, little is known about its interaction with human DC. Live attenuated S. typhimurium have recently been shown to efficiently infect human DC in vitro and induce production of cytokines. In this study, we have analysed the morphological consequences of infection of human DC by the attenuated S. typhimurium mutant strains designated PhoPc, AroA and SipB and the wild-type strains of the American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, USA), ATCC 14028 and ATCC C53, by electron microscopy at 30 min, 3 h and 24 h after exposure. Our results show that genetic background of the strains profoundly influence DC morphology following infection. The changes included (i) membrane ruffling; (ii) formation of tight or spacious phagosomes; (iii) apoptosis; and (iv) spherical, pedunculated membrane-bound microvesicles that project from the plasma membrane. Despite the fact that membrane ruffling was much more pronounced with the two virulent strains, all mutants were taken up by the DC. The microvesicles were induced by all the attenuated strains, including SipB, which did not induce apoptosis in the host cell. These results suggest that Salmonella is internalized by human DC, inducing morphological changes in the DC that could explain immunogenicity of the attenuated strains.


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Since the introduction of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-infected individuals are travelling more frequently and international travel has become much safer. Specific concerns include the safety of ART during travel, drug adherence and interaction considerations, and effects of immunosuppression. This review describes potentially important infections, vaccine effectiveness, safety and special approaches for their use, and HIV-related issues regarding predeparture counselling. With advanced immunosuppression (CD4+ T-cell count < 200/microl or < 14%), the immunogenicity of several vaccines is reduced, complications could occur after live attenuated vaccines and certain infections acquired during travel may be more frequent or severe. Challenges include the best options for malaria chemoprophylaxis, standby treatment and medical follow-up of the increasing number of HIV-infected long-term travellers.


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BACKGROUND: To our knowledge, no study to date has compared the effects of a subunit influenza vaccine with those of a virosomal influenza vaccine on immunocompromised patients. METHODS: A prospective, double-blind, randomized study was conducted to compare the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of subunit and virosomal influenza vaccines for adult patients who had an immunosuppressive disease or who were immunocompromised as a result of treatment. RESULTS: There were 304 patients enrolled in our study: 131 with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, 47 with a chronic rheumatologic disease, 74 who underwent a renal transplant, 47 who received long-term hemodialysis, and 5 who had some other nephrologic disease. There were 151 patients who received the subunit vaccine and 153 patients who received the virosomal vaccine. A slightly higher percentage of patients from the subunit vaccine group were protected against all 3 influenza vaccine strains after being vaccinated, compared with patients from the virosomal vaccine group (41% vs. 30% of patients; P = .03). Among HIV-infected patients, the level of HIV RNA, but not the CD4 cell count, was an independent predictor of vaccine response. Among renal transplant patients, treatment with mycophenolate significantly reduced the immune response to vaccination. The 2 vaccines were comparable with regard to the frequency and severity of local and systemic reactions within 7 days after vaccination. Disease-specific scores for the activity of rheumatologic diseases did not indicate flare-ups 4-6 weeks after vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: For immunosuppressed patients, the subunit vaccine was slightly more immunogenic than the virosomal vaccine. The 2 vaccines were comparable with regard to reactogenicity. Vaccine response decreased with increasing degree of immune suppression. Among HIV-infected patients, the viral load, rather than the CD4 cell count, predicted the protective immune response to the vaccine. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT00783380 .


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INTRODUCTION: Cystic fibrosis (CF) almost always leads to chronic airway infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Despite advances in antibiotic therapy, after chronic infection rapid deterioration in lung function occurs, increasing morbidity and mortality. Prevention of infection by vaccination is desirable, but earlier trials produced disappointing results. The promising short term immunogenicity and safety of a new P. aeruginosa vaccine prompted us to evaluate its long term efficacy. We conducted a 10-year retrospective analysis of outcomes in a group of vaccinated patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 1989-1990, 30 young children with CF, mean age 7 years, with no prior history of infection with P. aeruginosa, were vaccinated against P. aeruginosa with a polyvalent conjugate vaccine. We report the follow-up of 26 of these patients from 1989 to 2001. The patients were given yearly vaccine boosters. Comparisons were made with a CF patient control group matched for gender, age and, where possible, genetic mutation. Vaccinated patients and controls were attending a single CF clinic and received the same clinical management throughout the study period. Main outcomes were time to infection, proportion of patients infected, development of P. aeruginosa mucoid phenotype, lung function and body weight. RESULTS: The time to infection with P. aeruginosa was longer in the vaccination group than in the control group, and fewer vaccinated patients than controls became chronically infected (32% versus 72%; P < 0.001). The proportion of mucoid infections was higher in the control group (44%) than in the vaccinated group (25%). Patients >/=18 years of age at the end of the study had a lower mean forced expiratory volume at 1 s (FEV1) than did those 13-17 years of age, but this difference was small in the vaccinated group (73.6% versus 83.7%) compared with the controls (48.0% versus 78.7%). In the >/=18 year age category the mean FEV1% at 10 years was 73.6% (vaccinated) and 48.0% (controls) (P < 0.05). In the vaccinated group only 11 (44%) of 25 patients were underweight at the 10-year follow-up compared with 18 (72%) of 25 at the beginning of the study. In the control group 17 (68%) of 25 patients were underweight at 10-year follow-up compared with 16 (64%) of 25 at the beginning of the study. CONCLUSION: Regular vaccination of young CF patients for a period of 10 years with a polyvalent conjugate vaccine reduced the frequency of chronic infection with P. aeruginosa. This was associated with better preservation of lung function. Vaccinated patients gained more weight during the study period, a possible indication of an improved overall health status.


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Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a respiratory inflammatory condition with autoimmune features including IgG autoantibodies. In this study we analyze the complexity of the autoantibody response and reveal the nature of the antigens that are recognized by autoantibodies in COPD patients. Methods An array of 1827 gridded immunogenic peptide clones was established and screened with 17 sera of COPD patients and 60 healthy controls. Protein arrays were evaluated both by visual inspection and a recently developed computer aided image analysis technique. By this computer aided image analysis technique we computed the intensity values for each peptide clone and each serum and calculated the area under the receiver operator characteristics curve (AUC) for each clone and the separation COPD sera versus control sera. Results By visual evaluation we detected 381 peptide clones that reacted with autoantibodies of COPD patients including 17 clones that reacted with more than 60% of the COPD sera and seven clones that reacted with more than 90% of the COPD sera. The comparison of COPD sera and controls by the automated image analysis system identified 212 peptide clones with informative AUC values. By in silico sequence analysis we found an enrichment of sequence motives previously associated with immunogenicity. Conclusion The identification of a rather complex humoral immune response in COPD patients supports the idea of COPD as a disease with strong autoimmune features. The identification of novel immunogenic antigens is a first step towards a better understanding of the autoimmune component of COPD.


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Respiratory disease in beef calves has been associated with the stress of weaning. Management practices commonly delay vaccination of calves to this time, and weaning stress could potentially suppress the immune response. To reduce this stress we have been experimenting with a procedure termed “pasture weaning” in which the dams are removed and the calves remain on pasture. Observation suggests that calves weaned with this approach adapt to the weaned state much better than those held in drylot. Consequently, one would expect less stress-mediated effects including those on the immune system. Calves were weaned and assigned to groups that were pasture or drylot weaned, and calves within the groups were vaccinated with one of two inactivated virus vaccines by either the intramuscular or subcutaneous route. Weaning placement did not affect antibody responses to the viruses included in the vaccines. The route of administration did not influence responses with subcutaneous injection inducing responses equivalent to the intramuscular site. Utilization of this route for vaccination could be advantageous because it precludes the tissue damage and hidden abscessation that sometimes results from intramuscular injections. A distinct difference was noted in the immunogenicity of the vaccines with the Vira Shield product yielding significantly better responses to all viral entities.


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Three commercial inactivated virus vaccines were evaluated for immunogenicity in young calves with residual maternal antibodies. Groups of 30 calves were administered each of the vaccines at the start of the experimentation and were administered a second dose 32 days later. Serum was obtained from these calves and 30 calves in a nonvaccinated control group prior to vaccination and at 32, 61, 99 and 125 days thereafter. Antibody responses to viruses in two of the vaccines were extremely limited. The third vaccine overcame suppression by maternal antibodies and elicited responses clearly differentiated from antibody levels in the control group of calves.


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BACKGROUND Allopurinol is a main cause of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR). How allopurinol induces hypersensitivity remains unknown. Pre-disposing factors are the presence of the HLA-B*58:01 allele, renal failure and possibly the dose taken. OBJECTIVE Using an in vitro model, we sought to decipher the relationship among allopurinol metabolism, HLA-B*58:01 phenotype and drug concentrations in stimulating drug-specific T cells. METHODS Lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) results of patients who had developed allopurinol hypersensitivity were analysed. We generated allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell lines (ALP/OXP-TCLs) from allopurinol naïve HLA-B*58:01(+) and HLA-B*58:01(-) individuals using various drug concentrations. Their reactivity patterns were analysed by flow cytometry and (51) Cr release assay. RESULTS Allopurinol allergic patients are primarily sensitized to oxypurinol in a dose-dependent manner. TCL induction data show that both the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele and high concentration of drug are important for the generation of drug-specific T cells. The predominance of oxypurinol-specific lymphocyte response in allopurinol allergic patients can be explained by the rapid conversion of allopurinol to oxypurinol in vivo rather than to its intrinsic immunogenicity. OXP-TCLs do not recognize allopurinol and vice versa. Finally, functional avidity of ALP/OXP-TCL is dependent on both the induction dose and HLA-B*58:01 status. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE This study establishes the important synergistic role of drug concentration and HLA-B*58:01 allele in the allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell responses. Despite the prevailing dogma that Type B adverse drug reactions are dose independent, allopurinol hypersensitivity is primarily driven by oxypurinol-specific T cell response in a dose-dependent manner, particular in the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele.


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Vaccines which use the strategy of fusing adjuvant murine â-defensin2 (mBD2) to an antigen in order to elicit stronger anti-antigen immune responses are referred to as murine â-defensin2 (mBD2) vaccines. Previous studies have validated the potential of mBD2 vaccines, thus in this study we focus on increasing vaccine efficacy as well as mechanism elucidation. Initially, we demonstrate superior IFN-ã release levels by antigen specific effector T cells when antigen is crosspresented by dendritic cells (DC) which absorbed mBD2 vaccine (mBD2 fused antigen protein) over antigen alone. We move unto an in vivo model and note significant increases in the expansion of antigen specific class I T cells but not class II T cells when receiving mBD2 vaccine over antigen alone. Further, knowing mBD2’s link with CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6) and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) we note that this enhanced class I T cell expansion is CCR6 independent but TLR4 dependent. With anti-tumor responses desired, we demonstrate in tumor protection experiments with mice, compelling tumor protection when combining adoptive T cell therapy and mBD2 vaccine immunization. We further note that mBD2 vaccines are not limited by the antigen and characterize a viable strategy for enhancing tumor antigen immunogenicity.


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Tumor specific immunity is mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize peptide antigen (Ag) in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules and by helper T (Th) lymphocytes that recognize peptide Ag in the context of MHC class II molecules. The purpose of this study is (1) to induce or augment the immunogenicity of nonimmunogenic or weakly immunogenic tumors by genetic modification of tumor cells, and (2) to use these genetically altered cells in cancer immunotherapy. To study this, I transfected a highly tumorigenic murine melanoma cell line (K1735) that did not express constitutively either MHC class I or II molecules with syngeneic cloned MHC class I and/or class II genes, and then determined the tumorigenicity of transfected cells in normal C3H mice. K1735 transfectants expressing either $\rm K\sp{k}$ or $\rm A\sp{k}$ molecules alone produced tumors in normal C3H mice, whereas most transfectants that expressed both molecules were rejected in normal C3H mice but produced tumors in nude mice. The rejection of K1735 transfectants expressing $\rm K\sp{k}$ and $\rm A\sp{k}$ Ag in normal C3H mice required both $\rm CD4\sp+$ and $\rm CD8\sp+$ T cells. Interestingly, the $\rm A\sp{k}$ requirement can be substituted by IL-2 because transfection of $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/A$\sp{\rm k}$-negative K1735 cells with the IL-2 gene also resulted in abrogation of tumorigenicity in normal C3H mice but not in nude mice. In addition, 1735 $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ transfected cells can function as antigen presenting cells (APC) since they could process and present native hen egg lysozyme (HEL) to HEL specific T cell hybridomas. Furthermore, the transplantation immunity induced by K1735 transfectants expressing both $\rm K\sp{k}$ and $\rm A\sp{k}$ molecules completely cross-protected mice against challenge with $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive transfectants but weakly protected them against challenge with parental K1735 cells or $\rm A\sp{k}$-positive transfectants. Finally, I demonstrated that MHC $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ or $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/IL-2-positive cells can function as anti-cancer vaccines since they can abrogate the growth of established tumors and metastasis.^ In summary, my results indicate that expression of either MHC class I or II molecule alone is insufficient to cause the rejection of K1735 melanoma in syngeneic hosts and that both molecules are necessary. In addition, my data suggest that the failure of $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive K1735 cells to induce a primary tumor-rejection response in normal C3H mice may be due to their inability to induce the helper arm of the anti-tumor immune response. Finally, the ability of MHC $(\rm I\sp+II\sp+)$ or $\rm K\sp{k}$-positive/IL-2-positive cells to prevent growth of established tumors or metastasis suggests that these cell lines can serve as potential vaccines for the immunotherapy of cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules induce either accelerated rejection or prolonged survival of allografts, presumably because of the presence of immunogenic or tolerogenic epitopes, respectively. To explore the molecular basis of this phenomenon, three chimeric class I molecules were constructed by substituting the rat class I RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ sequences with the N-terminus of HLA-A2.1 (N$\sp{\rm HLA-A2.1}$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$), the $\alpha\sb1$ helix (h) with $\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$ sequences ( ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$) or the entire $\alpha\sb2$ domain (d) with $\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$ sequences ( ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$). Wild type (WT) and chimeric cDNAs were sequenced prior to transfection into Buffalo (BUF; RT1$\sp{\rm b}$) hepatoma cells. Stable transfectants were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) into different hosts 7 days prior to challenge with a heart allograft. In BUF hosts, chimeric ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ accelerated the rejection of Wistar Furth (WF; RT1$\sp{\rm u}$) heart allografts, but had no effect on the survival of ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) grafts. In contrast, the ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ (containing $\rm\alpha\sb{1d}\sp{a}$ sequences) immunized BUF recipients toward RT1$\sp{\rm a}$ grafts. In WF hosts, WT-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was a potent immunogen and accelerated ACI graft rejection, N$\sp{\rm HLA-A2.1}$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was less effective and ($\rm\alpha\sb{\rm 1h}\sp{u}\rbrack$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was not immunogenic. Thus, dominant and subdominant epitopes inducing in vivo sensitization to cardiac allografts are present in the $\alpha\sb1$ helix and the N-terminus, respectively. The failure of ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ transfectants (containing recipient-type $\alpha\sb{\rm 2d}$ sequences) to sensitize WF hosts toward ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) grafts, despite the presence of donor-type immunogenic $\alpha\sb{\rm 1d}\sp{\rm a}$, suggests that "self-$\alpha\sb2$" sequences displayed on chimeric antigens interfere with immunogenicity. The ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ transfectants injected s.c. prolonged the survival of WF (RT1$\sp{\rm u}$) hearts in ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) recipients. Furthermore, intra-portal injection of extracts from ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$, but not WT-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ or RT1.A$\sp{\rm u}$, in conjunction with a brief cyclosporine course rendered ACI hosts permanently and specifically tolerant to donor-type WF cardiac allografts. Thus, immunodominant allodeterminants are present in the $\alpha\sb1$, but not the $\alpha\sb2$, domain of rat class I MHC molecules. Furthermore, the $\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$ immunogenic epitopes trigger tolerogenic responses when flanked by host-type N-terminal$\sp{\rm a}$ and $\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{a}$ sequences. ^


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Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in the suppression of initial viremia after acute infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Most HIV-infected individuals attain a high titer of anti-HIV antibodies within weeks of infection; however this antibody-mediated immune response appears not to be protective. In addition, anti-HIV antibodies can be detrimental to the immune response to HIV through enhancement of infection and participating in autoimmune reactions as a result of HIV protein mimicry of self antigens. Thus induction and maintenance of a strong HIV-specific CTL immune response in the absence of anti-HIV antibodies has been proposed to be the most effective means of controlling of HIV infection. Immunization with synthetic peptides representing HIV-specific CTL epitopes provides a way to induce specific CTL responses, while avoiding stimulation of anti-HIV antibody. This dissertation examines the capacity of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop region of the gp120 envelope protein from several different strain of HIV-1 to induce HIV-specific, MHC-restricted CD8$\sp+$ CTL response in vivo in a mouse model. Seven synthetic peptides representative of sequences found throughout North America, Europe, and Central Africa have been shown to prime CTLs in vivo. In the case of the MN strain of HIV-1, a 13 amino acid sequence defining the epitope is most efficient for optimal induction of specific CTL, whereas eight to nine amino acid sequences that could define the epitope were not immunogenic. In addition, synthesis of peptides with specific amino acid substitutions that are important for either MHC binding or T cell receptor recognition resulted in peptides that exhibited increased immunogenicity and induced CTLs that displayed altered specificity. V3 loop peptides from HIV-1 MN, SC, and Z321 induced a CTL population that was broadly cross-reactive against strains of HIV-1 found throughout the world. This research confirms the potential efficacy of using synthetic peptides for in vivo immunization to induce HIV-specific CTL-mediated responses and provides a basis for further research into development of synthetic peptide-based vaccines. ^