694 resultados para Immigrant Entrepreneurship
A tese analisa o empreendedorismo do imigrante português na cidade do Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, durante a primeira metade do século XX. O foco da tese pode ser assim formulado: teria o imigrante português sido empreendedor nesse cenário de mudança econômica e cultural dos primeiros cinquenta anos do século XX, seja como grupo étnico, seja como pessoa de comportamento empreendedor? O corpus teórico principal é, portanto, derivado do campo do empreendedorismo. É uma pesquisa interdisciplinar, que se ampara nas áreas de história, estudos migratórios, econômicos e organizacionais. De acordo com a literatura consultada, esse tipo de abordagem não é incomum no vasto campo do empreendedorismo (Fillion, 1999 e Martinelli, 2007). À luz dessa visão interdisciplinar, a investigação debruça-se sobre o período referido, resgata a trajetória desse imigrante no país e no Recife e discute sua inserção na economia e sociedade locais. Identifica características do dinamismo econômico comercial existente no período e reconstrói a atmosfera de modernidade que a cidade atravessava no mesmo interregno histórico. Para seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa se apóia em conteúdos de estudos migratórios, históricos e econômicos porque nesse interregno de tempo, a cidade do Recife estava atravessando a chamada era da modernidade nas esferas econômica, cultural e comportamental. No que diz respeito às questões migratórias, a pertinência é óbvia porque o tema do trabalho tem como alvo o imigrante luso. Já quanto à esfera econômica e ao contexto histórico da modernidade, seus conteúdos são trabalhados como o cenário ou o teatro de operações no qual o ator social, imigrante luso, movimentou-se. O trabalho adota, portanto, o olhar de ourives a procurar e a espiar nos textos, livros, discursos visitados e entrevistas realizadas, eventos ou sinais que conduzam à compreensão e interpretação do comportamento do ator econômico, o imigrante português, na história empresarial da cidade do Recife, na condição de empreendedor. Trata-se, por assim dizer, de uma pesquisa de postura quase arqueológica voltada a procurar achados, materiais e imateriais, que denunciem e permitam a discussão e análise do foco acima citado. Diferentemente de pesquisas recentes a serem referidas no capítulo III que exploram o comportamento empreendedor e o empreendedorismo étnico no cenário dos dias de hoje, o estudo olha pelo retrovisor para quase um século atrás e tenta reconstituir e identificar, na história do imigrante português na cidade, conteúdos empreendedorísticos. Está estruturada em 09 (nove) capítulos. No primeiro, são indicados os objetivos perseguidos, a relevância do estudo sob o ponto de vista teórico e os percalços que a pesquisa atravessou para atingir seu termo final. Faz-se, ainda, uma apresentação detalhada dos demais capítulos do trabalho. No corpo do texto, estão ainda, estampadas imagens que testemunham a presença lusa na cidade e documentam a atmosfera da vida do Recife, no período pesquisado. Os resultados encontrados sinalizam para evidências consistentes de empreendedorismo de natureza étnico lusitana nas cadeias produtivas – conceito a ser definido no 9º capítulo– das indústrias da panificação; de terreno, ferragens e construção; e alimentos em geral. Indica, ainda, comportamento empreendedor do imigrante português em diversas atividades econômicas, desde exportação e importação, cafés, restaurantes até o setor de entretenimento em geral. Acredita-se, destarte, que os resultados alcançados podem aditar contribuições relevantes nos campos referidos acima, bem como indicar novos temas de investigação que desdobrem sugestões formuladas nas considerações finais da investigação.
The October 2015 Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship Roundtable brought together over 30 food and beverage industry leaders, entrepreneurs, faculty, and students at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. Discussion topics covered entrepreneurship in the food and beverage industry, including development, intrapreneurship, operational efficiency, beverage product development, and technology. The roundtable began with the presentation of a five-point framework on food and beverage venue development. The first three phases focused on the launch of a venue, including how to define the guest experience; the creation of operational functionality by strategically planning out the design, flow, and efficiency of a defined space; and development capacity. The remaining two points of the framework focused on post-opening considerations, including operating systems and culture development. Participants discussed the importance of culture in the growth of a business. They suggested that intrapreneurship needs to be fostered in the culture of an organization and in an educational curriculum for those who are preparing to enter the industry. Participants also discussed the fine balance between setting expectations for an experience and subsequently being able to maintain this experience in a fast changing environment. In particular they considered what it means to say no to customers. A discussion on the beverage industry focused on how to distribute products in a crowded marketplace. One method to ensure that the product gets into the hands of the consumers is face-to-face sales. Finally, in the technology session, the group discussed technology adoption, specifically focusing on the point at which technology detracts from the guest experience, how to minimize operational risk from technology, and how to maximize consumers’ adoption rates.
As support for both university-level entrepreneurial education and the use of experiential learning methods to foster student entrepreneurs increases, so too have the number of university-established or affiliated entrepreneurship centers. The activity at the center of this study aimed to combine experiential learning methods with assets associated with entrepreneurship centers, including venture creation, networking, and mentoring. Students were invited to participate in a competition wherein they were guided through the business creation process and pitched their ideas to investor judges who chose the winner and provided capital start-up funding and consulting. This research puts forth that university faculty at institutions without entrepreneurship centers can organize experiences to provide the benefits of entrepreneurship centers. The study used interviews to find that many of the benefits of entrepreneurship centers were able to be replicated using this method. The project is outlined, outcomes are analyzed, and the results and lessons learned are discussed.
This paper considers whether entrepreneurship education has a value outside of the education institutions in which it takes place. The paper takes an indirect form of enquiry and argues that entrepreneurship education is driven by three factors; the growing emphasis on supply side policy interventions in the economy; the emphasis placed on the agency of management in the growing literature on globalisation and international reforms to public sector organisations. The paper concludes that there is a tension between the activity as descriptive and the activity as promotion and until this tension is resolved it is unlikely that there will be clarity about the value of this form of education.
This paper is a case study of Eastern European immigrant women’s social inclusion in Portugal through civic participation. An analysis of interviews conducted with women leaders and members of two ethnic associations provides a unique insight into their migrant pathways as highly educated women and the ways in which these women are constructing their citizenship in new contexts in Northern Portugal. These women’s accounts of their immigrant experience embrace both the public realm, in using their own education and their children’s as a means of integration but also spill over into ‘non-public’ familial relationships at home in contradictory ways. These include the sometimes traditional, gender-defined division of labour within the associations and at home and the new ways that they negotiate their relative autonomies to escape forms of violence and subordination that they face as women and immigrants.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Arts
The objective of the present study is to examine the extent to which social ventures are able to increase the smartness of the cities. To achieve this goal, we adopt a qualitative approach, based on the case study method to obtain valuable insights about different characteristics and strategies of Cais (a non-profit association dedicated to help disadvantaged people in urban areas). By focusing on the analysis of the Cais activities, we assess whether its social intervention match the dimensions proposed by Giffinger et al. (2007) to rank smart cities’ performance, namely if it has smart: (i) economy; (ii) people; (iii) governance; (iv) mobility; (v) environment; and (vi) living. The research shows that the action pursued comprises elements from all the above mentioned dimensions. Further, the analysis reveals that Cais reinforces the smartness of the city where it acts (attributes such as living, economy, people, and environment).
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Double Degree. A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s Degree in Management from NOVA – School of Business and Economics and a Masters Degree in Economics from Louvain School of Management
We study how countries of origin affect foreign individuals’ choice between salaried work and entrepreneurship upon arrival to the host country. Using a change in the Portuguese immigration law we evaluate the impact of reducing regulations on entrepreneurship upon the probability of foreign individuals choose entrepreneurship upon arrival. We find that foreigners from countries more dissimilar to the host country and those from wealthier countries are more likely engage in entrepreneurship upon arrival than those from similar countries. Foreigners from countries outside the European Economic Area, who have to fulfil requirements that are not required to those from countries within this area, are less likely to enter the labor market as entrepreneurs than those from countries within this area. According to our findings reducing legal requirements to foreign entrepreneurship may encourage foreigners to engage in entrepreneurship upon arrival, although such impact is not considerable.
What role do social networks play in determining migrant labor market outcomes? We examine this question using data from a random sample of 1500 immigrants living in Ireland. We propose a theoretical model formally predicting that immigrants with more contacts have additional access to job offers, and are therefore better able to become employed and choose higher paid jobs. Our empirical analysis confirms these findings, while focusing more generally on the relationship between migrants’ social networks and a variety of labor market outcomes (namely wages, employment, occupational choice and job security), contrary to the literature. We find evidence that having one more contact in the network is associated with an increase of 11pp in the probability of being employed and with an increase of about 100 euros in the average salary. However, our data is not suggestive of a network size effect on occupational choice and job security. Our findings are robust to sample selection and other endogeneity concerns.