955 resultados para Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


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Juvenile delinquency proceedings in the South Carolina Family Court are fundamentally different than adult criminal cases. Judges are charged by the South Carolina Code of Laws with acting in the “best interests of the child,” this emphasis on the rehabilitation of the child contrasts with the more punitive model used by the adult criminal justice system. The standards listed in the document aim to provide guidance to appointed counsel in juvenile matters with particular emphasis on the distinctive requirements of the South Carolina juvenile justice system.


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This report attempts to examine a very narrow, yet vital, segment of the criminal justice process, racial disproportionality among juvenile arrest and offense rates. The purpose of this report was to demonstrate the utility of South Carolina's incident based crime data, the South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System, as an analytical tool to address matters of policy relevance.


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This article surveys literature bearing on the issue of parental liability and responsibility for the crimes of young offenders, with a particular focus on comparing different approaches to dealing with the issue in Australia and Canada. This comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian legislative and policy approaches is situated within a broader discussion of arguments about the “punitive turn” in youth justice, responsibilisation, and cross-jurisdictional criminal justice policy transfer and convergence. Our findings suggest that there are significant differences in the manner and extent to which Australia and Canada have invoked parental responsibility laws and policies as part of the solution to dealing with youth crime. We conclude by speculating on some of the reasons for these differences and establishing an agenda for additional needed cross-jurisdictional research. In particular, we argue that it would be fruitful to undertake a cross-jurisdictional study that examines the development and effects of parental responsibility laws across a larger number of different Western countries as well as across individual states and provinces within these national jurisdictions.


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Seventeen year olds who come into contact with the police in Queensland are classified as adults and are not afforded the protections available under the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld) (YJA). As with any other adult, their offences are dealt with under a raft of legislative provisions including the Criminal Code 1889 (Qld) (the Code), the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Qld) (PPRA) and the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Qld) (PSA). This article argues that this situation is unfair and contravenes international human rights agreements which Australia has ratified, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC). Article 1 of that Convention defines a child as a person under the age of 18. The youth offences legislation in Queensland only applies to those who have not yet turned 17. This article examines the effects of this anomaly in Queensland, focusing in particular on the pre-adjudication treatment of ‘17 year old adults’.


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On 22 June 1988 the then Minister for Community Services Victoria, Race Matthews, officially launched the Youth Attendance Order (YAO), a high tariff alternative for young offenders aged between 15 and 18 years who were facing a term of detention. Throughout the order's gestation, much debate occurred about the impact it would have on rates of juvenile incarceration as well as about the potential ‘net widening’ effect it could have on less serious offenders. In May 1994 the National Centre For Socio-Legal Studies at La Trobe University submitted its report evaluating the Victorian Youth Attendance Order. This article presents some of the major findings of that report and examines the future options for this high tariff order in juvenile justice


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The Australian Institute of Criminology’s (AIC’s) national Juveniles in Detention Monitoring Program was established to contribute to the evidence base on juvenile detention in Australia, with a particular focus on Indigenous juveniles. Findings date back to 1981 and have been reported annually. This report provides an overview of the numbers and rates of juveniles in detention in Australia since 1981 and juveniles in detention for the financial year 2007–08. As with the AIC’s previous report on juveniles in detention (Taylor 2009), it also provides contextual information on young people sentenced in the children’s courts. The collation of data for these reports is supported by statutory juvenile justice agencies in each of Australia’s jurisdictions, as well as the NSW Department of Corrective Services. As described in more detail in this report, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) administers the Juvenile Justice National Minimum Data Set and also reports annually on juveniles in detention. Given this development, the AIC is conducting a review of the Juveniles in Detention Monitoring Report in 2010–11, to ensure that AIC’s research and monitoring does not duplicate the AIHW’s work and that it makes a useful contribution to the field and enables more in-depth analysis of key issues.


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Funded and endorsed by the Australasian Juvenile Justice Administrators, this is one of the first national scale research reports into the bail and remand practices for young Australians. A young person can be placed in custody on remand (ie refused bail) after being arrested by police in relation to a suspected criminal offence, before entering a plea, while awaiting trial, during trial or awaiting sentence. Although custodial remand plays an important role in Western criminal justice systems, minimising the unnecessary use of remand is important given the obligations Australia has under several UN instruments to use, as a last resort, youth detention of any kind. This research identifies trends in the use of custodial remand and explores the factors that influence its use for young people nationally and in each of Australia’s jurisdictions.


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O universo que envolve os adolescentes em conflito com a lei tem sido bastante explorado nas mais diversas áreas das ciências humanas: procura-se descobrir as causas do aprisionamento dos adolescentes, da criminalidade, da criminalização ou o perfil da população que povoa as instituições destinadas à execução das medidas socioeducativas. Com esta tese, procurou-se estabelecer um diálogo com estes trabalhos, por meio da sistematização dos mundos (cf. Boltanski e Thévenot, 1991) observados em duas unidades do Departamento Geral de Ações Socioeducativas (Degase) responsáveis pela aplicação das medidas de internação e semiliberdade às meninas acusadas de infringirem leis: o Centro de Recursos Integrados de Atendimento ao Adolescente (CRIAAD) de Ricardo de Albuquerque e o Educandário Santos Dumont, ambos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Intentou-se conhecer como agentes, técnicos e adolescentes organizam e justificam suas experiências, como hierarquizam as coisas e as pessoas e como qualificam os seres humanos e não humanos. A pesquisa empírica realizada para esta tese nos leva a perceber que há uma pluralidade de situações, de formas de ajustamento e investimento pelas quais passam as adolescentes, constatando que algumas delas são contraditórias e questionam constantemente as personalidades, potencialidades e tendências a elas atribuídas. Verifica-se que as adolescentes estão sob contínua provação atendendo aos mais diversos critérios de legitimidade, mantidos seja pelos técnicos seja pelos agentes seja pelas próprias adolescentes durante o tempo que duram suas medidas socioeducativas.


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Garda Youth Diversion Projects (GYDPs) have since their beginnings in the early 1990s gained an increasingly important role and now constitute a central feature of Irish youth justice provision. Managed by the Irish Youth Justice Service and implemented by the Gardai and a variety of youth work organisations as well as independent community organisations, GYDPs are located at the crossroads of welfarist and corporatist approaches to youth justice, combining diversionary and preventative aspects in their work. To date, these projects have been subjected to very little systematic analysis and they have thus largely escaped critical scrutiny. To address this gap, this thesis locates the analysis of GYDP policy and practice within a post-structuralist theoretical framework and deploys discourse analysis primarily based on the work of Michel Foucault. It makes visible the official youth crime prevention and GYDP policy discourses and identifies how official discourses relating to youth crime prevention, young people and their offending behaviour, are drawn upon, negotiated, rejected or re-contextualised by project workers and JLOs. It also lays bare how project workers and JLOs draw upon a variety of other discourses, resulting in multi-layered, complex and sometimes contradictory constructions of young people, their offending behaviour and corresponding interventions. At a time when the projects are undergoing significant changes in terms of their repositioning to operate as the support infrastructure underpinning the statutory Garda Youth Diversion Programme, the thesis traces the discursive shifts and the implications for practice that are occurring as the projects move away from a youth work orientation towards a youth justice orientation. A key contribution of this thesis is the insight it provides into how young people and their families are being constituted in individualising and sometimes pathologising ways in GYDP discourses and practices. It reveals the part played by the GYDP intervention in favouring individual and narrow familial causes of offending behaviour while broader societal contexts are sidelined. By explicating the very assumptions upon which contemporary youth crime prevention policy, as well as GYDP policy and practice are based, this thesis offers a counterpoint to the prevailing evidence-based agenda of much research in the field of Irish youth justice theory and youth studies more generally. Rather, it encourages the reader to take a step back and examine some of the most fundamental and unquestioned assumptions about the construction of young people, their offending behaviour and ways of addressing this, in contemporary Irish youth crime prevention policy and practice.


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El rol desempeñado por la opinión pública en el desarrollo de la política criminal actual justifica el incremento de investigaciones destinadas a evaluar las actitudes de los ciudadanos hacia el castigo. No obstante, los avances en este ámbito han sido limitados debido a la utilización de rudimentarios instrumentos de medida. Por ello, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito explorar el efecto que generan en la opinión ciudadana ciertas variables referidas al hecho delictivo y al infractor, precisando su contribución relativa y la interacción existente entre ellas. Para satisfacer este objetivo se recurrió a un diseño factorial de la encuesta, creando una población de 256 casos-escenario fruto de la combinación de cuatro factores: la edad del joven, su historial delictivo, el grado de implicación en el hecho y el tipo de delito cometido. Los mismos fueron distribuidos en grupos de ocho casos ordenados aleatoriamente y fueron suministrados a 32 sujetos. Posteriormente se aplicaron análisis de regresión logística binaria. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que la naturaleza violenta de los hechos, la implicación activa de los jóvenes y el historial delictivo son predictores importantes de las condenas punitivas. Sin embargo la edad, una variable fundamental en la configuración de la justicia juvenil, no resulta significativa. De este modo, el trabajo muestra el potencial explicativo de este conjunto de factores y debate sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas para la investigación futura en este terreno.


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In recent years there has been a remarkable surge of interest in the concept of punitiveness in theoretical criminology. Accounts serve to emphasise rupture over continuity, drawing attention to the increased focus on managerialism, risk and expressive penal policies in countries such as England and the US. Criticisms of these accounts have drawn attention to the weak empirical base for such assertions and the continued relevance of local cultural, historical and political conditions in mediating the effect of more punitive trends. In light of the relative neglect of smaller jurisdictions in this literature it was decided to locate these debates in three small common law jurisdictions, namely, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand over the period 1976-2006 with a view to assessing the empirical evidence for penal change. This was done using a broader definition of punitiveness than normally employed incorporating indices relating to the ‘front end’ (eg police powers) as well as the ‘back end’ (eg prison and probation) of the criminal justice system. Data were collected on the three case studies using a multi-method approach involving examination of extensive quantitative data, interviews with key criminal justice stakeholders and documentary analysis. The data provide some support for the ‘new punitiveness’ thesis in these countries through a pattern of increased legislative activity aimed at controlling violent and sexual offenders and significant increases in the lengths of sentences imposed. However, analysis of qualitative data and a larger number of variables reveals distinctly different patterns of punitiveness over the thirty year period in the three countries. It is argued that the study holds important lessons for comparative criminology into the ‘new punitiveness’. There is a need for qualitative as well as quantitative data; for multiple rather than singular indices across a wide range of areas (juvenile justice, prison conditions, etc); and for ‘front end’ as well as ‘back end’ indices.


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This paper contributes to a debate on what constitutes rehabilitation. Current criminal justice practice tends to focus on lowering recidivism by utilising strategies geared towards cognitive behavioural modification and educational/vocational skill development. The paper focuses on the perspectives of custodial educators in a Juvenile Justice Centre in Northern Ireland. Their definition of rehabilitation is less concerned about lowering recidivism and instead focuses more on meeting the needs of the young people entering custody, more so than preparing them for their return to the community. Education staff present a model of rehabilitation that is fundamentally about improving the lives of young people. Despite expecting young people to return to custody Education staff contend that young people’s lives improved because they were exposed to a welcoming, caring and pro‐social environment which has helped the young people transform inttody.


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Nos últimos anos o estudo da violência sexual juvenil tem vindo a atrair a atenção dos serviços de saúde mental, de justiça juvenil e de políticas públicas, bem como de vários investigadores. Teoricamente existem duas perspetivas explicativas da ocorrência das agressões sexuais cometidas por adolescentes. A perspetiva generalista sugere que os crimes sexuais cometidos por jovens são mais uma manifestação de tendências delinquenciais genéricas, em que as agressões sexuais constituem apenas uma parte do comportamento antissocial do adolescente. A segunda abordagem, denominada de perspetiva especialista, entende que os jovens agressores sexuais se distinguem dos outros adolescentes agressores, argumentando que existem diferentes fatores explicativos das agressões sexuais de outras agressões delinquentes. A presente investigação, composta por cinco estudos, teve como objetivo obter resultados que pudessem contribuir para a discussão internacional sobre qual das perspetivas parece explicar de modo mais apropriado o comportamento sexualmente agressivo de jovens menores de idade. Para o efeito recorreu-se a uma amostra total de 118 adolescentes agressores sexuais (61 violadores e 57 abusadores sexuais de crianças), tendo sido efetuadas análises comparativas com 112 jovens agressores não sexuais e 98 não agressores num conjunto de dimensões (características demográficas, tipológicas, criminais, problemas de comportamento, tendências antissociais, características familiares, sociais e comunitárias e interesses sexuais). Os resultados permitiram observar algumas características diferenciadoras de jovens agressores sexuais por violação de jovens agressores sexuais de crianças. Possibilitaram, igualmente, a observação de características semelhantes entre jovens agressores sexuais e jovens agressores não sexuais, sugerindo que em algumas dimensões são, genericamente, análogas. A exceção parece centrar-se em torno das variáveis relacionadas com a sexualidade (conhecimentos e interesses sexuais atípicos). As implicações destes resultados são discutidas em torno da avaliação psicológica e da avaliação do risco de reincidência, bem como na intervenção e prevenção de comportamentos de agressão sexual juvenil.


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In order for young people to meaningfully participate in the criminal justice system they must possess an understanding of their rights and legal procedures. To examine their understanding, 50 young people between the ages of 13-17 who received an extrajudicial sanction or were sentenced to probation, were recruited from the Finch Courthouse in Toronto, Ontario. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants regarding their understanding of their due process rights and their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Youth who indicated involvement in plea bargaining were also asked about their experiences during this procedure. In addition, the present study examined youths' perceptions of power differences in their interactions with criminal justice officials working within an institution that has tremendous control over offenders' lives. The results indicate that while youth seem to have some understanding oftheir rights and legal procedures, they nevertheless feel ill-equipped to invoke their rights in an adult-led criminal justice system. Furthermore, while past literature has often conceptualized youth understanding based on age (e.g., Crawford & Bull, 2006) the findings of the present study demonstrate that while age plays some role, the lack of power experienced by youth vis-a-vis adults, and specifically criminal justice professionals, has the most bearing on the inability of youth to exercise their rights.