965 resultados para Ifn-alpha-beta
用远紫外CD谱研究了湖南产尖吻蝮蛇毒的两个出血毒素(DaHT-1、DaHT-2)的溶液构象, 计算得DaHT-1的#alpha#螺旋、#beta#折叠、无规卷曲的含量分别为36.9%, 35.5%, 27.6%; DaHT-2的#alpha#螺旋、#beta#折叠、无规卷曲分别为23.4%, 31.3%, 45.3%。随pH的增大或减小。温度和pH对CD谱的影响相似。0.02mol/L EDTA便导致两个出血毒素呈极度的无序状态。胰蛋白酶不影响它们的出血活性。图4表4参10
对消化道免疫获得的33个抗精子IgA单抗, 12个IgG和35个IgM单抗靶抗原的生化性质及末端单糖做了鉴定。免疫印迹的结果显示, IgA、IgG和IgM类单抗靶抗原的分子量范围分别为10-89、11-75和12-94KDa。有12个单抗的靶抗原为非蛋白类的糖复合物, 一个IgA单抗(A22)的靶抗原为不含糖的蛋白。凝集素封闭和糖苷酶消化试验的结果显示, 98.7%单抗的靶抗原分子末端含一种或几种糖。五种凝集素对IgA类单抗靶抗原的抗原的封闭效应均较强, 表明IgA类单抗靶抗原的抗原决定簇含有岩藻糖、乙酰氨基葡萄糖、乙酰氨基半乳糖、半乳糖和甘露糖等末端单糖者较多。IgG类单抗靶抗原的抗原决定簇则含有带岩藻糖、乙酰氨基半乳糖和#alpha#-甘露糖等末端单糖者较多。内切-#beta#-半乳糖苷酶消化试验的结果表明, 54.4%IgA类单抗的靶抗原为依赖半乳糖苷连接的糖肽化合物。这些结果表明, 经消化道免疫能产生IgA及其它类别抗体的绝大多数人精子抗原为含多种类型末端单糖的膜表面分子。
通过Sephadex G-75,DEAE-Sephadex A-50,Sephadex G-200和两次PBE聚焦层析,从尖吻蝮蛇(Dienagkistrodon acutus)蛇毒中纯化到一个分子量为56 000的出血毒素(DaHT-3),经氨基酸组成测定计算,由487个氨基酸残基组成。此成分在SDS-PAGE上显示出一条均一的蛋白染色带,用等电聚焦电泳测定,其pI为5.50。该出血成分的最小出血剂量是2.6#mu#g,具有蛋白水解酶活力,其活力为3.68,但没有精氨酸酯酶和磷脂酶A_(2)活力。用红外光谱仪研究DaHT-3在溶液中酰胺Ⅰ带的吸收谱,该毒素含有31.8%的#alpha#螺旋、56.1%的#beta#折叠和12.1%的转角;当加入EDTA螯合剂去除金属离子后,它们的#alpha#螺旋、#beta#折叠、转角和无规卷曲分别变为11%、26.4%、46.2%和16.5%,而出血活力和蛋白水解酶活力均丧失,表明该出血毒素是金属蛋白酶。
对一组E. coli基因中编码蛋白质各类二级结构(#alpha#-螺旋、#beta#-折叠片、无规卷曲和回折)的密码子前后碱基的使用情况进行统计分析和比较,发现一些密码子前后碱基的使用有偏向,而且这些偏向与蛋白质的二级结构有关联。这同时亦表明,E. coli基因中同义密码子的选用与蛋白质的二级结构有一些关联。模型对于蛋白质结构预测算法的改进以及基因工程的研究有辅助作用。
用紫外线灭活的草鱼呼肠孤病毒 (GCRV)诱导鲫鱼囊胚细胞 (CAB)能产生一种高滴度的抗病毒物质。这种物质在 5 6℃及 pH 2~ 11稳定 ;对胰蛋白酶敏感 ;抗病毒活性受被保护细胞的密度、培养温度及保护时间的影响 ;不能被GCRV的特异性抗体中和 ;无直接杀病毒作用 ;抗病毒机制依赖于细胞内RNA和蛋白质的合成 ;在多种鱼类培养细胞中具有抑制病毒作用。这些特性与哺乳类α/ β干扰素一致 ,是一种鲫鱼干扰素
Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are additive brominated flame retardants mainly used in plastics and textiles. At the present time, these compounds are found in almost all environmental and human samples. In order to evaluate the environmental safety and health risk of HBCDs, the enantiomerically pure alpha-, beta-, and gamma-HBCD were prepared using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a PM-P-CD column and the cytotoxicities of their enantiomers were evaluated in Hep G2 cells. Results from the 3-(4,5-dimethylthioazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), resazurin reduction and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays showed a good agreement that the order of cytotoxicity was gamma-HBCD >= beta-HBCD > alpha-HBCD, and that significantly lower cell viability and higher LDH release were observed in all (+)-enantiomers ((+) alpha-, (+) beta- and (+) gamma-HBCD) than the corresponding (-)-forms ((-) alpha-, (-) beta- and (-) gamma-HBCD). Additionally, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by these HBCD enantiomers were detected. The positive correlation between the LDH release and ROS formation demonstrated that the toxic mechanism might be mediated by oxidative damage. These results suggest that environmental and human health risks of HBCDs must be evaluated at the level of individual enantiomers. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1、KMBZ-009 改善高台应激所致认知障碍和应激相关的抑郁样行为及其相关机理 研究。 虽然适当的应激会提高动物的学习记忆功能,但过量的应激特别是无法逃避 的应激,往往导致依赖海马或前额叶的学习记忆功能受损,这与应激改变脑内应 激激素(皮质酮,皮质醇等)和神经递质的释放,影响突触传递和可塑性(包括 长时程增强和长时程抑制,LTP 和LTD)有关。一些疾病的发生、发展和恶化, 比如抑郁症(Depression)、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),往往也和应激相关联,其 神经化学基础被证实与内分泌系统和单胺类(如五羟色,去甲肾上腺素,多巴胺) 神经递质系统的功能密切相关。遗憾的是,到目前为止还没有发现能治疗应激的 药物。本实验室过去的研究证实:KMBZ-009(申报新药时的名称为芬克罗酮,英 文名Phenchlobenpyrrone)——一种新的取代吡咯烷酮类化合物,通过调节细胞 内钙,改变脑内神经递质的释放,从而影响脑高级功能。KMBZ-009 对神经递质 释放影响是否能减轻应激导致的认知障碍及应激相关疾病的发生还没有进行研 究。本研究采用Morris 水迷宫、行为操作箱、绝望游泳、膜片钳和活体电生理 技术研究了KMBZ-009 对高台应激所致认知障碍和应激相关的抑郁样行为的影响 及其相关机理。 研究结果发现,高台应激或皮质酮注射造成大鼠空间记忆提取障碍,这与其 导致的海马CA1 区突触可塑性改变有关,而KMBZ-009 能成剂量依赖性地逆转应 激对空间记忆提取的损伤作用,这与它阻断应激或皮质酮异化的LTD 和恢复应激 或皮质酮损伤的LTP 密切相关。KMBZ-009 能部分地降低因应激而升高的血清皮 质酮含量,此外,KMBZ-009 对大鼠海马CA1 区锥体神经元的兴奋和抑制电流的 影响可能也参与了其对应激的调节作用。KMBZ-009 能显著增加海马CA1 区锥体 神经元上AMPA 受体介导的兴奋性突触后电流(EPSC)的幅度,但不影响其动力 学特性。NMDA 受体介导的EPSC 不受KMBZ-009 的影响;GABA 受体介导的抑制突 触后电流(IPSC)的幅度几乎不受KMBZ-009 的影响,而其受体动力学特性明显 被KMBZ-009 改变,表现为IPSC 恢复的时间显著延长。KMBZ-009 对CA1 区兴奋 抑制电流的调节作用,使大鼠海马细胞具有更强的维持细胞稳态的能力,从而避免应激导致神经元功能的损害。KMBZ-009 对抗应激对认知得损伤作用提示其可 能会减少动物的抑郁样行为,本实验结果发现,KMBZ-009 确实能明显减少小鼠 在强迫游泳(FST)中的不动时间,增加大鼠在72 秒低频差式强化(DRL-72s) 模型中的强化率,并降低其反应率。其机制是KMBZ-009 增加正常动物中枢神经 系统胞外NE 水平,激活alpha 和beta 肾上腺素受体,从而使得实验动物的抑郁 样行为明显减少。 2、KMBZ-009 减轻氧化应激对细胞活力、线粒体电位及海马LTP 的损伤作用。 前人的研究表明,氧自由基过多是导致老年痴呆患者和老年人神经细胞凋亡 与认知障碍的因素之一。KMBZ-009 和阿尼西坦是吡咯烷酮类化合物,研究显示 均具有促智作用。有报道指出阿尼西坦能减少神经胶质细胞在缺血缺氧时氧自由 基的生成,从而避免细胞受到氧应激损伤。本研究采用神经元原代培养和离体电 生理学方法,观察了KMBZ-009 和阿尼西坦对氧应激神经元的保护作用。结果发 现,KMBZ-009 和阿尼西坦均能保护氧应激神经元的线粒体的功能,对抗氧自由 基对神经元细胞活力的损伤,从而有效逆转了氧化应激对海马脑片CA1 区LTP 的 损伤作用。KMBZ-009 的作用效果比阿尼西坦的效果强10 倍。 3、银杏叶提取物及复方制剂改善老年大鼠空间学习记忆的突触可塑性机理。 有研究表明,银杏叶和三七叶提取物能调节神经系统的功能。本研究采用 Morris 水迷宫和活体电生理技术研究了银杏三七复方制剂及银杏叶提取物(以 标准银杏叶提取物——金纳多作为阳性对照药)改善老年大鼠空间学习记忆障碍 的突触可塑性机理研究。结果发现:老年大鼠空间学习记忆能力较差,高频诱导 不能在其海马CA1 区引发LTP,当长期服用金纳多或复方制剂一个月后,老年动 物的空间学习记忆功能得到明显改善,这可能与药物增强海马LTP 有密切关系。 复方制剂的作用效果与金纳多的效果相当。 4、悬尾应激损伤避暗作业学习行为的多巴胺D1 受体机制。 近年来的研究表明,DA 系统对应激非常敏感,应激改变PFC 内DA 的含量, 从而导致依赖于PFC 的工作记忆受损。但目前尚不知道应激对DA 系统的影响是 否涉及依赖杏仁核和海马的情绪学习记忆功能。因此,我们采用被动回避作业和 行为药理学的方法,初步探讨了此问题。结果发现:和对照组动物相比,随着悬 尾应激持续时间的增加(5min、10min、20min),动物在避暗作业作业重测试中的步入潜伏期明显缩短,当动物被悬尾应激后回到鼠笼中休息20min,其步入潜 伏期无明显变化;腹腔注射DA D1 受体拮抗剂SCH23390 呈剂量依赖性地缩短动 物的步入潜伏期,但SCH23390 腹腔注射和悬尾应激共同处理实验动物时,此种 D1 受体拮抗剂能有效逆转应激对步入潜伏期的影响;进一步的研究发现,应激 或D1 受体拮抗剂对痛觉感受的影响不是其改变动物步入潜伏期的主要因素。本 研究结果表明悬尾应激导致脑内多巴胺释放过度增加,杏仁核(可能还有海马及 相关神经回路)内的D1 受体被过度激活,从而导致小鼠在操作被动回避任务时 的记忆获得障碍。
Cd in GaAs is an acceptor atom and has the largest atomic diameter among the four commonly-used group-II shallow acceptor impurities (Be, Mg, Zn and Cd). The activation energy of Cd (34.7 meV) is also the largest one in the above four impurities, When Cd is doped by ion implantation, the effects of lattice distortion are expected to be apparently different from those samples ion-implanted by acceptor impurities with smaller atomic diameter. In order to compensate the lattice expansion and simultaneously to adjust the crystal stoichiometry, dual incorporation of Cd and nitrogen (N) was carried out into GaAs, Ion implantation of Cd was made at room temperature, using three energies (400 keV, 210 keV, 110 keV) to establish a flat distribution, The spatial profile of N atoms was adjusted so as to match that of Cd ones, The concentration of Cd and N atoms, [Cd] and [N] varied between 1 x 10(16) cm(-3) and 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). Two type of samples, i.e., solely Cd+ ion-implanted and dually (Cd+ + N+) ion-implanted with [Cd] = [N] were prepared, For characterization, Hall effects and photoluminescence (PL) measurements were performed at room temperature and 2 K, respectively. Hall effects measurements revealed that for dually ion-implanted samples, the highest activation efficiency was similar to 40% for [Cd] (= [N])= 1 x 10(18) cm(-3). PL measurements indicated that [g-g] and [g-g](i) (i = 2, 3, alpha, beta,...), the emissions due to the multiple energy levels of acceptor-acceptor pairs are significantly suppressed by the incorporation of N atoms, For [Cd] = [N] greater than or equal to 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), a moderately deep emission denoted by (Cd, N) is formed at around 1.45-1.41 eV. PL measurements using a Ge detector indicated that (Cd, N) is increasingly red-shifted in energy and its intensity is enhanced with increasing [Cd] = [N], (Cd, N) becomes a dominant emission for [Cd] = [N] = 1 x 10(20) cm(-3). The steep reduction of net hole carrier concentration observed for [Cd]/[N] less than or equal to 1 was ascribed to the formation of (Cd, N) which is presumed to be a novel radiative complex center between acceptor and isoelectronic atoms in GaAs.
The emittance of an extracted ion beam can be estimated to first order by a series of three linear independent profile measurements. This estimation is restricted to the evaluation of an upper limit of the emittance value for a homogeneous, nonfilamented beam. The beam is assumed to be round, respectively elliptical, without any structure of the intensity distribution, no space charge has been assumed for the drifting beam, and the optics is assumed to be linear. Instead of using three different drift sections, a linear focusing element with three different focusing strengths can be used. Plotting the beam radius as function of focusing strength, three independent solutions can be used to calculate the Twiss parameters alpha, beta, and gamma and furthermore the emittance epsilon. Here we describe the measurements which have been performed with the SECRAL ion source at Institute of Modern Physics Lanzhou.
Trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA) is a cheap, safe and readily available alternative to the commonly used hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite for the phase-transfer catalytic epoxidation of alpha,beta-enones under non-aqueous conditions. A variety of chalcone derivatives give the corresponding epoxides with quantitative conversion and satisfactory yields in just a few hours under mild conditions. An asymmetric variant of the epoxidation can be carried out in the presence of chiral N-anthracenylmethylcinchonidine bromide catalyst giving 73-93% ees and 76-94% yields.
Separation of drug enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis in the presence of neutral cyclodextrins
This is a selected review, highlighting our results obtained in an extended screening program ("The German-Chinese Drug Screening Program"), with a focus on a set of original data obtained with heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin(TM-beta-CD) as the chiral solvating agent (CSA). The enantioseparation of 86 drugs by capillary zone electrophoresis in the presence of this CSA was successful for 47 drugs. The migration separation factors (alpha(m)) and the migration retardation factors (R-m) were compared with those found for native beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The patterns thus obtained were also compared with those observed for hexakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-alpha-CD (TM-alpha-CD) and octakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-gamma-CD (TM-gamma-CD), respectively. From the statistical data, it can be concluded that there is a remarkable influence of the analyte structure on the electrophoretic data. A substructure 4H was found in the analyte structure that has a significant influence on the analytes' behaviour. Thus, analytes bearing the substructure 4H do not only have a strong affinity to the CDs but also a high rate of success of chiral separation in all systems reviewed. In light of this, the different ring sizes of native cyclodextrins (alpha-, beta- and gamma-CD) readily explain their behaviour towards a limited test set of chiral drugs. Sterical considerations point to the significance of side-on-binding versus inclusion in the cavity of the host. In addition to the findings from the screening program, numerous references to the Literature are given. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.