972 resultados para Idiopathic Scoliosis


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Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias include complex diseases that have a strong interaction between genetic makeup and environmental factors. However, in many cases, no infectious agent can be demonstrated, and these clinical diseases rapidly progress to death. Theoretically, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias could be caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, hepatitis C virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and herpesvirus, which may be present in such small amounts or such configuration that routine histopathological analysis or viral culture techniques cannot detect them. To test the hypothesis that immunohistochemistry provides more accurate results than the mere histological demonstration of viral inclusions, this method was applied to 37 open lung biopsies obtained from patients with idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. As a result, immunohistochemistry detected measles virus and cytomegalovirus in diffuse alveolar damage-related histological patterns of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia in 38 and 10% of the cases, respectively. Alveolar epithelium infection by cytomegalovirus was observed in 25% of organizing pneumonia patterns. These findings were coincident with nuclear cytopathic effects but without demonstration of cytomegalovirus inclusions. These data indicate that diffuse alveolar damage-related cytomegalovirus or measles virus infections enhance lung injury, and a direct involvement of these viruses in diffuse alveolar damage-related histological patterns is likely. Immunohistochemistry was more sensitive than the histological demonstration of cytomegalovirus or measles virus inclusions. We concluded that all patients with diffuse alveolar damage-related histological patterns should be investigated for cytomegalovirus and measles virus using sensitive immunohistochemistry in conjunction with routine procedures.


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Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) has been hypothesized as a multifactorial disorder initiated by an environment trigger in individuals with predisposing human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles. Published data on the association between HLA-DR3 antigen and IDC risk are inconclusive. To derive a more precise estimation of the relationship, a meta-analysis was performed. Studies were identified by searching the PUBMED and Embase database (starting from June 2015). A total of 19 case-control studies including 1378 cases and 10383 controls provided data on the association between HLA-DR3 antigen and genetic susceptibility to IDC. Overall, significantly decreased frequency of HLA-DR3 allele (OR=0.72; 95%CI=0.58-0.90; P=0.004) was found in patients with IDC compared with controls. When stratified by myocardial biopsy or non-biopsy cases, statistically decreased risk was found for IDC in myocardial biopsy cases (OR=0.69; 95%CI=0.57-0.84; P=0.0003). In the subgroup analysis by ethnicity, borderline statistically significantly decreased risk was found among Europeans from 12 case-control studies (OR=0.76; 95%CI=0.58-1.00; P=0.05). In conclusion, our results suggest that individuals with HLA-DR3 antigen may have a protective effect against IDC.


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INTRODUTION: Steroid resistant idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (SRINS) in children is one of the leading causes of progression to chronic kidney disease stage V (CKD V)/end stage renal disease (ESRD). OBJECTIVE: The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the efficacy of immunosuppressive drugs (IS) and to identify risk factors for progression to ESRD in this population. METHODS: Clinical and biochemical variables at presentation, early or late steroid resistance, histological pattern and response to cyclosporine A (CsA) and cyclophosfamide (CP) were reviewed in 136 children with SRINS. The analyzed outcome was the progression to ESRD. Univariate as well as multivariate Cox-regression analysis were performed. RESULTS: Median age at onset was 5.54 years (0.67-17.22) and median follow up time was 6.1 years (0.25-30.83). Early steroid-resistance was observed in 114 patients and late resistance in 22. Resistance to CP and CsA was 62.9% and 35% respectively. At last follow-up 57 patients reached ESRD. The renal survival rate was 71.5%, 58.4%, 55.3%, 35.6% and 28.5% at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years respectively. Univariate analysis demonstrated that older age at onset, early steroid-resistance, hematuria, hypertension, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), and resistance to IS were risk factors for ESRD. The Cox proportional-hazards regression identified CsAresistance and FSGS as the only predictors for ESRD. CONCLUSION: Our findings showed that CsA-resistance and FSGS were risk factors for ESRD.


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Le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal (TCSP) idiopathique est caractérisé par une activité motrice indésirable et souvent violente au cours du sommeil paradoxal. Le TCSP idiopathique est considéré comme un facteur de risque de certaines maladies neurodégénératives, particulièrement la maladie de Parkinson (MP) et la démence à corps de Lewy (DCL). La dépression et les troubles anxieux sont fréquents dans la MP et la DCL. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux dans le TCSP idiopathique. Cinquante-cinq patients avec un TCSP idiopathique sans démence ni maladie neurologique et 63 sujets contrôles ont complété la seconde édition du Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) et le Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Nous avons aussi utilisé le BDI for Primary Care (BDI-PC) afin de minimiser la contribution des facteurs confondant dans les symptômes dépressifs. Les patients avec un TCSP idiopathique ont obtenu des scores plus élevés que les sujets contrôles au BDI-II (9.63 ± 6.61 vs. 4.32 ± 4.58; P < 0.001), au BDI-PC (2.20 ± 2.29 vs. 0.98 ± 1.53; P = 0.001) et au BAI (8.37 ± 7.30 vs. 3.92 ± 5.26; P < 0.001). Nous avons également trouvé une proportion plus élevée des sujets ayant des symptômes dépressifs (4/63 ou 6% vs. 12/55 ou 22%; P = 0.03) ou anxieux (9/50 or 18% vs. 21/43 ou 49%; P = 0.003) cliniquement significatifs. La proportion des sujets ayant des symptômes dépressifs cliniquement significatifs ne change pas en utilisant le BDI-PC (11/55 or 20%) Les symptômes dépressifs et anxieux sont fréquents dans le TCSP idiopathique. L’examen de routine des patients avec un TCSP idiopathique devrait inclure un dépistage systématique des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux afin de les prévenir ou les traiter.


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Contexte Un objectif important de la prise en charge de l'arthrite juvénile oligoarticulaire serait d'altérer le cours de la maladie à l'aide d'une thérapie hâtive. Nous avons étudié l'effet des injections intra-articulaires de corticostéroïdes hâtives sur les chances d'atteindre un décompte d'articulation active de zéro et une maladie inactive. Méthode Les données démographiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques des patients avec oligoarthrite juvénile enrôlés dans une étude prospective longitudinale pancanadienne ont été collectées pendant 2 ans. Une injection hâtive était définie comme étant reçue dans les 3 premiers mois suivant le diagnostic. Les équations d'estimation généralisées ont été utilisées pour l'analyse statistique. Résultats Trois cent dix patients ont été inclus. Cent onze (35.8%) ont reçu une injection hâtive. Ces derniers avaient une maladie plus active lors de l'entrée dans l'étude. Les patients exposés à une injection hâtive avaient une chance similaire d'obtenir un décompte d'articulation active de zéro, OR 1.52 (IC95% 0.68-3.37), p=0.306 mais étaient significativement moins à risque d'avoir une maladie inactive, OR 0.35 (IC95% 0.14-0.88), p=0.026. Interprétation Dans cette cohorte de 310 patients avec oligoarthrite juvénile, les injections hâtives de corticostéroïdes n'ont pas mené à une probabilité plus élevée d'atteindre un décompte d'articulation active de zéro ou une maladie inactive. Des problématiques méthodologiques intrinsèques à l'utilisation de données observationnelles pour fins d'estimation d'effets thérapeutiques auraient pu biaiser les résultats. Nous ne pouvons affirmer avec certitude que les injections hâtives n'améliorent pas le décours de la maladie. Des études prospectives adressant les limitations soulevées seront requises pour clarifier la question.


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Background: Literature on scoliosis screening is vast, however because of the observational nature of available data and methodological flaws, data interpretation is often complex, leading to incomplete and sometimes, somewhat misleading conclusions. The need to propose a set of methods for critical appraisal of the literature about scoliosis screening, a comprehensive summary and rating of the available evidence appeared essential. METHODS: To address these gaps, the study aims were: i) To propose a framework for the assessment of published studies on scoliosis screening effectiveness; ii) To suggest specific questions to be answered on screening effectiveness instead of trying to reach a global position for or against the programs; iii) To contextualize the knowledge through expert panel consultation and meaningful recommendations. The general methodological approach proceeds through the following steps: Elaboration of the conceptual framework; Formulation of the review questions; Identification of the criteria for the review; Selection of the studies; Critical assessment of the studies; Results synthesis; Formulation and grading of recommendations in response to the questions. This plan follows at best GRADE Group (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) requirements for systematic reviews, assessing quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: In this article, the methods developed in support of this work are presented since they may be of some interest for similar reviews in scoliosis and orthopaedic fields.


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Contexte: L’arthrite juvénile idiopathique (AJI) est l’une des maladies chroniques auto-immune les plus répandues chez les enfants et est caractérisée par des enflures articulaires (maladie active), de la douleur, de la fatigue et des raideurs matinales pouvant restreindre leur niveau de participation aux activités quotidiennes (par exemple: les loisirs, l’activité physique, la mobilité et les soins personnels) à la maison comme à l’école. Participer aux activités de loisirs et à l’activité physique a des bienfaits au niveau de la santé et du développement de tous les enfants et démontrent aussi des effets positifs qui réduisent les symptômes des maladies chroniques telle l’AJI. Malgré ces bienfaits la participation aux loisirs chez les jeunes avec l’AJI demeure largement sous-étudiée. Objectifs: Cette étude vise à évaluer le niveau de participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique chez les enfants et les adolescents atteints d’AJI, ainsi qu’à identifier les facteurs liés à la maladie, la personne et l’environnement. Méthodes : L’évaluation du niveau de participation et l’exploration des facteurs associés aux loisirs et à l’activité physique ont été complétés par l’entremise d’une revue systématique de la littérature, l’analyse de données d’un échantillon national représentatif d’enfants canadiens atteints d’arthrite âgés entre 5 et 14 ans (npondéré = 4350), ainsi que l’analyse standardisée du niveau de participation aux loisirs à l’aide du Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (n=107) et la mesure objective de l’activité physique par accéléromètre (n=76) auprès d’un échantillon d’enfants (âgés entre 8 et 11 ans ) et d’adolescents (âgés entre 12 et 17 ans) suivis en clinique de rhumatologie à l’hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill. Les résultats cliniques ont été comparés à des données normatives, ainsi qu’à un groupe contrôle sans AJI. Nous avons exploré les facteurs associés avec le niveau de participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique en utilisant les modèles de régression linéaire multiple et l’analyse hiérarchique. Résultats : Les enfants et les adolescents atteints d’AJI participent à une multitude d’activités de loisirs; cependant ils sont moins souvent impliqués dans des activités physiques et de raffinement en comparaison aux autres types d’activités de loisirs. Ceux avec l’AJI étaient en général moins actifs que leurs pairs sans arthrite et la plupart n’atteignaient pas les recommandations nationales d’activité physique. Les garçons avec l’AJI participent plus souvent à des activités physiques et moins aux activités sociales, de raffinement et de développement de soi en comparaison avec les filles ayant l’AJI. En général, être un garçon, être plus âgé, avoir une meilleure motivation pour participer aux activités de motricité globale, avoir un statut socio-économique plus élevé et être d’origine culturelle canadienne sont associés à un niveau de participation plus élevé aux activités physiques. La préférence pour les activités de raffinement, un niveau d’éducation maternelle plus élevé et être une fille étaient associés à un niveau de participation plus élevé aux activités de raffinement. Conclusion: La participation aux loisirs et à l’activité physique en AJI est un concept complexe et semble surtout être expliqué par des facteurs personnels et environnementaux. L’identification des facteurs associés aux loisirs et à l’activité physique est très importante en AJI puisqu’elle peut permettre aux professionnels de la santé de développer des interventions significatives basées sur les activités préférées des enfants, améliorer l’observance au traitement et promouvoir des habitudes de vie saine.


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Objective To determine scoliosis curve types using non invasive surface acquisition, without prior knowledge from X-ray data. Methods Classification of scoliosis deformities according to curve type is used in the clinical management of scoliotic patients. In this work, we propose a robust system that can determine the scoliosis curve type from non invasive acquisition of the 3D back surface of the patients. The 3D image of the surface of the trunk is divided into patches and local geometric descriptors characterizing the back surface are computed from each patch and constitute the features. We reduce the dimensionality by using principal component analysis and retain 53 components using an overlap criterion combined with the total variance in the observed variables. In this work, a multi-class classifier is built with least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM). The original LS-SVM formulation was modified by weighting the positive and negative samples differently and a new kernel was designed in order to achieve a robust classifier. The proposed system is validated using data from 165 patients with different scoliosis curve types. The results of our non invasive classification were compared with those obtained by an expert using X-ray images. Results The average rate of successful classification was computed using a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure. The overall accuracy of the system was 95%. As for the correct classification rates per class, we obtained 96%, 84% and 97% for the thoracic, double major and lumbar/thoracolumbar curve types, respectively. Conclusion This study shows that it is possible to find a relationship between the internal deformity and the back surface deformity in scoliosis with machine learning methods. The proposed system uses non invasive surface acquisition, which is safe for the patient as it involves no radiation. Also, the design of a specific kernel improved classification performance.


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Persistence of external trunk asymmetry after scoliosis surgical treatment is frequent and difficult to predict by clinicians. This is a significant problem considering that correction of the apparent deformity is a major factor of satisfaction for the patients. A simulation of the correction on the external appearance would allow the clinician to illustrate to the patient the potential result of the surgery and would help in deciding on a surgical strategy that could most improve his/her appearance. We describe a method to predict the scoliotic trunk shape after a spine surgical intervention. The capability of our method was evaluated using real data of scoliotic patients. Results of the qualitative evaluation were very promising and a quantitative evaluation based on the comparison of the simulated and the actual postoperative trunk surface showed an adequate accuracy for clinical assessment. The required short simulation time also makes our approach an eligible candidate for a clinical environment demanding interactive simulations.


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In this paper, a new methodology for the prediction of scoliosis curve types from non invasive acquisitions of the back surface of the trunk is proposed. One hundred and fifty-nine scoliosis patients had their back surface acquired in 3D using an optical digitizer. Each surface is then characterized by 45 local measurements of the back surface rotation. Using a semi-supervised algorithm, the classifier is trained with only 32 labeled and 58 unlabeled data. Tested on 69 new samples, the classifier succeeded in classifying correctly 87.0% of the data. After reducing the number of labeled training samples to 12, the behavior of the resulting classifier tends to be similar to the reference case where the classifier is trained only with the maximum number of available labeled data. Moreover, the addition of unlabeled data guided the classifier towards more generalizable boundaries between the classes. Those results provide a proof of feasibility for using a semi-supervised learning algorithm to train a classifier for the prediction of a scoliosis curve type, when only a few training data are labeled. This constitutes a promising clinical finding since it will allow the diagnosis and the follow-up of scoliotic deformities without exposing the patient to X-ray radiations.


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Besides the spinal deformity, scoliosis modifies notably the general appearance of the trunk resulting in trunk rotation, imbalance, and asymmetries that constitutes patients' major concern. Existing classifications of scoliosis, based on the type of spinal curve as depicted on radiographs, are currently used to guide treatment strategies. Unfortunately, even though a perfect correction of the spinal curve is achieved, some trunk deformities remain, making patients dissatisfied with the treatment received. The purpose of this study is to identify possible shape patterns of trunk surface deformity associated with scoliosis. First, trunk surface is represented by a multivariate functional trunk shape descriptor based on 3-D clinical measurements computed on cross sections of the trunk. Then, the classical formulation of hierarchical clustering is adapted to the case of multivariate functional data and applied to a set of 236 trunk surface 3-D reconstructions. The highest internal validity is obtained when considering 11 clusters that explain up to 65% of the variance in our dataset. Our clustering result shows a concordance with the radiographic classification of spinal curves in 68% of the cases. As opposed to radiographic evaluation, the trunk descriptor is 3-D and its functional nature offers a compact and elegant description of not only the type, but also the severity and extent of the trunk surface deformity along the trunk length. In future work, new management strategies based on the resulting trunk shape patterns could be thought of in order to improve the esthetic outcome after treatment, and thus patients satisfaction.


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Scoliosis treatment strategy is generally chosen according to the severity and type of the spinal curve. Currently, the curve type is determined from X-rays whose acquisition can be harmful for the patient. We propose in this paper a system that can predict the scoliosis curve type based on the analysis of the surface of the trunk. The latter is acquired and reconstructed in 3D using a non invasive multi-head digitizing system. The deformity is described by the back surface rotation, measured on several cross-sections of the trunk. A classifier composed of three support vector machines was trained and tested using the data of 97 patients with scoliosis. A prediction rate of 72.2% was obtained, showing that the use of the trunk surface for a high-level scoliosis classification is feasible and promising.


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Improving the appearance of the trunk is an important goal of scoliosis surgical treatment, mainly in patients' eyes. Unfortunately, existing methods for assessing postoperative trunk appearance are rather subjective as they rely on a qualitative evaluation of the trunk shape. In this paper, an objective method is proposed to quantify the changes in trunk shape after surgery. Using a non-invasive optical system, the whole trunk surface is acquired and reconstructed in 3D. Trunk shape is described by two functional measurements spanning the trunk length: the lateral deviation and the axial rotation. To measure the pre and postoperative differences, a correction rate is computed for both measurements. On a cohort of 36 scoliosis patients with the same spinal curve type who underwent the same surgical approach, surgery achieved a very good correction of the lateral trunk deviation (median correction of 76%) and a poor to moderate correction of the back axial rotation (median correction of 19%). These results demonstrate that after surgery, patients are still confronted with residual trunk deformity, mainly a persisting hump on the back. That can be explained by the fact that current scoliosis assessment and treatment planning are based solely on radiographic measures of the spinal deformity and do not take trunk deformity into consideration. It is believed that with our novel quantitative trunk shape descriptor, clinicians and surgeons can now objectively assess trunk deformity and postoperative shape and propose new treatment strategies that could better address patients' concern about their appearance. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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The wealth of information available freely on the web and medical image databases poses a major problem for the end users: how to find the information needed? Content –Based Image Retrieval is the obvious solution.A standard called MPEG-7 was evolved to address the interoperability issues of content-based search.The work presented in this thesis mainly concentrates on developing new shape descriptors and a framework for content – based retrieval of scoliosis images.New region-based and contour based shape descriptor is developed based on orthogonal Legendre polymomials.A novel system for indexing and retrieval of digital spine radiographs with scoliosis is presented.


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La escoliosis es una desviación lateral de la columna vertebral desde la línea media, caracterizada por una curvatura lateral y por una rotación vertebral. Generalmente, es de carácter idiopático y se presenta, principalmente, en niñas adolescentes. Existen múltiples técnicas de tratamiento conservador para la escoliosis, entre las cuales se encuentran la terapia manual, que complementa el tratamiento para dicha patología. Esta terapia utiliza menos medios físicos, más manipulación de tejidos blandos y óseos, y logra así una recuperación más eficaz, con una mejor calidad de vida. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es comparar y describir los cambios en las condiciones de una paciente de 18 años, con escoliosis idiopática juvenil en columna toracolumbar izquierda, al aplicar un tratamiento de terapia manual. Se realizaron procedimientos de valoración integral mediante terapia manual, ortopedia, postura computarizada, análisis del puesto de trabajo, tratamiento con medios físicos y movilización de las articulaciones torácicas y lumbares, en los segmentos vertebrales que presentaban disminución del deslizamiento inferior de las carillas inferiores de la vértebra superior, sobre las carillas superiores de la vértebra inferior (segmentos T5-T6, T6-T7, T7-T8, T8-T9);técnicas de energía muscular, ejercicios de reeducación postural global, estabilización cervical y lumbar, ejercicios de fortalecimiento para musculatura débil del hemicuerpo izquierdo y de estiramiento, con el fin de elongar la musculatura retraída del hemicuerpo derecho. Al iniciar el tratamiento, se verificó, mediante una radiografía, que el ángulo de Cobb era de 24º; después de las sesiones de terapia manual se logró reducir a 18º, lo que generó una disminución significativa de 6º. Se verificó la efectividad del tratamiento por la disminución del dolor, el aumento de la fuerza muscular, la realineación postural, la satisfacción del paciente y la recuperación significativa comprobada por los estudios radiológicos.