Phase diagrams of the pseudoternary systems ethyloleate, polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan mono-oleate/sorbitan monolaurate and propylene glycol with and without butanol as a co-surfactant were prepared. Areas containing optically isotropic, one-phase systems were identified and samples therein designated as droplet, bicontinuous or solution type microemulsions using conductivity, viscosity and self-diffusion NMR. Nanoparticles were prepared by polymerization of selected microemulsions with ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate and the morphology of the particles was investigated. Addition of monomer to all types of microemulsions led to the formation of nanoparticles, which had an average size of 244 +/- 25 nm, an average polydispersity index of 0.15 +/- 0.04 and a zeta-potential of -17 +/- 3 mV. The formation of particles from water-free microemulsions of different types is surprising, particularly considering that polymerization is expected to occur at a water-oil interface by base-catalysed polymerization. It would appear that propylene glycol is sufficiently nucleophilic to initiate the polymerization. The use of water-free microemulsions as templates for the preparation of poly (alkylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles opens up interesting opportunities for the encapsulation of bioactives which do not have suitable properties for encapsulation on the basis of water-containing microemulsions.
We report the successful RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization of styrene using a non-ionic surfactant (Brij98), the highly reactive 1-phenylethyl phenyldithioacetate (PEPDTA) RAFT agent, and water-soluble initiator ammonium persulfate (APS). The molar ratio of RAFT agent to APS was identical in all experiments. Most of the monomer was contained within the micelles, analogous to microemulsion or miniemulsion systems but without the need of shear, sonication, cosurfactant, or a hydrophobe. The number-average molecular weight increased with conversion and the polydispersity index was below 1.2. This ideal 'living' behavior was only found when molecular weights of 9000 and below were targeted. It was postulated that the rapid transportation of RAFT agent from the monomer swollen micelles to the growing particles was fast on the polymerization timescale, and most if not all the RAFT agent is consumed within the first 10% conversion. In addition, it was postulated that the high nucleation rate from the high rate of exit ( of the R radical from the RAFT agent) and high entry rate from water-phase radicals ( high APS concentration) reduced the effects of 'superswelling' and therefore a similar molar ratio of RAFT agent to monomer was maintained in all growing particles. The high polydispersity indexes found when targeting molecular weights greater than 9000 were postulated to be due to the lower nucleation rate from the lower weight fractions of both APS and RAFT agent. In these cases, 'superswelling' played a dominant role leading to a heterogeneous distribution of RAFT to monomer ratios among the particles nucleated at different times.
Investigations into the kinetics and mechanism of dithiobenzoate-mediated Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations, which exhibit nonideal kinetic behavior, such as induction periods and rate retardation, are comprehensively reviewed. The appreciable uncertainty in the rate coefficients associated with the RAFT equilibrium is discussed and methods for obtaining RAFT-specific rate coefficients are detailed. In addition, mechanistic studies are presented, which target the elucidation of the fundamental cause of rate retarding effects. The experimental and theoretical data existing in the literature are critically evaluated and apparent discrepancies between the results of different studies into the kinetics of RAFT polymerizations are discussed. Finally, recommendations for further work are given. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The kinetics of the polymerization of styrene iniated by 1-chloro-1-phenyltehane/tin (IV) chloride in the presence of tetrabutylammonium chloride have been studied. Dilatometry studies at 25 °C were conducted and the orders of reaction were established. Molecular weight studies were conducted for these experiments using size exclusion chromatography. These studies indicated that transfer/termination reactions were present. The observed kinetics may be explained by a polymerization mechanism involving a single propagating species which is present in low concentrations. Reactions at 0 °C and -15 °C have shown that a "living" polymerization could be obtained at low temperatures. A method was derived to study the kinetics of a "living" polymerization by following the increase in degree of polymerization with time. Polymerizations of styrene were conducted using 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene as a difunctional co-catalyst. These reactions produced polymers with broad or bimodal molecular weight distributions. These observations may be explained by the rate of initiation being slower than the rate of propagation or the presence of transfer/termination reactions. Reactions were conducted using a co-catalyst using a co-catalyst produced by the addition of 1,1-diphenylethane to 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene. Size exclusion chromatography studies showed that the polymers produced had a narrower molecular weight distribution than those produced by polymerizations initiated by 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene alone. However the polydispersity was still observed to increase with reaction time. This may also be explained by slow initiation compared to the rate of propagation. Polymerizations initiated by both bifunctional initiators were examined using the method of studying reaction kinetics by following the change in number average degree of polymerization. The results indicated that a straight line relationship could also be obtained with a non-living polymerization.
A study has been made of the anionic polymerization of methyl methacrylate using butyllithium and polystyryl lithium as initiators and using aluminium triisobutyl as a cocatalyst. The aspects of the polymerization that were examined were the effect of changing the order of addition of reagents, the temperature at which polymerization takes place and the polarity of the solvent. Trends were assessed in terms of molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and tacticity. In addition, a second monomer addition test was carried out to verify that the polymerization was truly a living one, and a kinetic study was attempted. Studies to investigate the effect of changing the order of addition of reagents showed that polymer with similar polydispersities and tacticities are produced whether the pre-mixing (mixing initiator and cocatalyst before addition of monomer) or the post-mixing (mixing monomer and cocatalyst before addition of initiator) method were used. However, polymerizations using the post-mixing mixing method demonstrated lower initiator efficiencies, possibly indicating a different initiating species. Investigations into the effect of changing the polymerization temperature show the molecular weight distribution to narrow as the temperature decreases, although a small amount of low molecular weight tailing was also observed at low temperature. A clear relationship between tacticity and temperature was observed with syndiotacticity increasing with decreasing temperature. Changes in solvent polarity were achieved by using mixtures of the standard solvent, toluene, with varying amounts of cyclohexane, tetrahydrofuran or dichloromethane. Experiments at low solvent polarity (using toluene/cyclohexane mixtures) showed problems with initiator solubility but produced polymer with lower polydispersity and higher syndiotacticity than in toluene alone. Experiments using toluene/THF mixtures yielded no polymer, thought to be owing to a side reaction between THF and aluminium triisobutyl. Increased solvent polarity, achieved using toluene/dichloromethane mixtures produced polymer with higher polydispersity and at lower yields than the conventional system, but also with higher syndiotacticity. Second monomer addition reactions demonstrated that the polymerization was 'living' since an increase in molecular weight was observed with no increase in polydispersity. Kinetic studies demonstrated the high speed of the polymerization but yielded no useful data.
The polymerization of isobutene initiated by 1-chloro-1-phenylethane has been investigated, and molecular weight studies conducted using size exclusion chromatography. Polymerizations carried out in a 40/60 (v/v) mixture of dichloromethaneIcyclohexane, using titanium (IV) chloride as a catalyst in the presence of pyridine at -30 °C were found to be controlled and living. The number average molecular weights of the polymers increased linearly with monomer conversion, and the molecular weight distributions were between 1.15 and 1.20. Efficiencies of initiation were between 80 and 100%, and evidence was found to suggest that backbiting to the initiator had occurred, resulting in the formation of cyclic oligomers during the early stages of polymerization. The kinetics of polymerization can be explained in terms of active species in. equilibrium with dormant species. The effects of temperature. and dielectric constant on this equilibrium were studied and a model based upon the Fuoss equation was developed. Pyridine was found to behave as proton trap in the system, and when it was used in excess the rate of polymerization was retarded. By assuming that the catalyst and pyridine formed a one to one complex, it was possible to show that the reaction was second order with respect to the catalyst. The synthesis of low molecular weight polyisobutenes was studied. When the concentration of initiator was increased relative to that of the isobutene, such that the theoretical degree of polymerization was 20 or less, the rate of initiation was slow compared to propagation. The efficiency of initiation in these polymerizations was typically between 30 and 40 %. Optimal conditions of temperature. and.catalyst concentration were established, leading to a 60 % efficiency of initiation. A one-pot synthesis of phenol end-capped polyisobutene was attempted by adding phenol at the end of a living polymerization. Evidence to substantiate the existence of capped polymer chains in the resultant product was inconclusive. Block copolymerizations of oxetane and isobutene were conducted using 1-chloro-1phenylethane/TiCl4, but no copolymer or oxetane homopolymer could be isolated.