997 resultados para IL course
用刀豆蛋白A(ConA)刺激诱导草鱼和中华鳖脾细胞 ,收集细胞培养上清液 ,用小鼠胸腺细胞增殖试验和对小鼠L92 9细胞系杀伤试验检测上清液中白细胞介素 2 (简称IL 2 )活性。结果表明 :草鱼、中华鳖脾细胞培养上清液中有IL 2样活性物质 ,这种物质使小鼠的胸腺细胞3H TdR掺入量明显增加 ,在相同效靶比的条件下对小鼠L92 9细胞系杀伤率也显著增强 ,这种IL 2活性均能被抗人rIL 2血清所抑制。中华鳖脾细胞培养上清液 (含IL 2 )对中华鳖胸腺细胞也有较明显的促增殖作用并能消除兔抗中华鳖胸
结果显示 :当年草鱼种和中华鳖脾细胞培养上清液中能检测出IL 2活性 ,而且 1龄以上草鱼、中华鳖的IL 2活性高于当年孵化的草鱼和中华鳖。草鱼、中华鳖脾细胞在 2 5℃培养温度条件下 ,其上清液中IL 2活性最高 ,35℃次之 ,1 5℃最低。因此 ,草鱼、中华鳖IL 2活性在一定范围内是随着年龄增加而增强和依赖温度的。通过小鼠胸腺细胞增殖和对小鼠L92 9细胞杀伤率的实验表明 37℃比 2 5℃检测温度下所测的IL 2活性高 ,而中华鳖胸腺细胞增殖实验却显示 2 5℃检测温度下IL 2活性高于 37℃
In this study, an IL-8 homologue has been cloned and identified from a reptile, Chinese soft-shelled turtle for the first time. The full-length cDNA of turtle IL-8 was 1188 bp and contained a 312 bp open reading frame (ORF) coding for a protein of 104 amino acids. The chemokine CXC domain, which contained Glu-Leu-Arg (ELR) motif and four cysteine residues, was well conserved in turtle IL-8. The 4924 bp genomic DNA of turtle IL-8 contained four exons and three introns. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of turtle IL-8 clustered together with birds. RT-PCR analysis showed that turtle IL-8 mRNA was constitutively expressed liver, spleen, kidney, heart, blood and intestine tissues of control turtles. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis further indicated that the turtle IL-8 mRNA expression was apparent in various tissues at 8 h and up-regulated significantly during 8 h-7 d after Aeromonas hydrophila infection. The present studies will help us to understand the evolution of IL-8 molecule and the inflammatory response mechanism in reptiles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using a nuclear transplantation approach, the integration and expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene in the embryogenesis of transgenic leach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Cantor) have been studied. The GFP gene expression is first observed at the gastrula stage, which is consistent with the initiation of cell differentiation of fish embryos. The time course of the foreign gene expression is correlated with the regulatory sequences. The expression efficiency also depends on the gene configuration: the expression of pre-integrating circular plasmid at early embryos is higher than that of the linear plasmid. The integration of the GFP gene is first detected at the blastula stage and lasts for quite a long period. When two types of different plasmids are co-injected into fertilized eggs, the behavior of their integration and expression is not identical.
树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DC)作为机体天然免疫和获得性免疫反应的桥梁和枢纽,发挥着重要的启动和调控作用。随着体外诱导方法的建立和生物学技术的进步,有关DC 的基础生物学研究得到了快速的发展,在诱导方法、个体发生及基因表达和调控等方面,涌现出很多新的、未解的关键问题。同时,随着对粘膜免疫机理研究的深入,DC 在粘膜生态环境中的功能和影响,渐已成为免疫学研究前沿领域中的热点和要点。在本研究中,为了确定DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程,同时为了研究DC 分化成熟相关的基因表达调控,我们建立了快速的DC 体外诱导方法,分析了体外快速诱导 DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱。此外,在原始分离的女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的基础上,以THP-1作为DC 前体细胞的细胞系模型,开展了女性生殖道共生乳酸杆菌刺激活化 THP-1 的研究,希望能够为乳酸杆菌作为生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的应用提供理论基础。首先,采用外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PBMC)来源的CD14+细胞为DC 前体,经过GM-CSF 和IL-4 的刺激,1-6 天后得到未成熟DC (immature dendritic cells, iDC),并经成熟因子(TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 与PGE2)诱导 1-2 天后,获得成熟DC(mature dendritic cells, mDC)。经过比较和分析,明确了完全分化和成熟各2 天,即“2+2”,为DC 诱导分化的最佳和最短时程,从而证实和建立了DC 体外快速诱导的体系和方法。该方法获得的iDC 与mDC,具有与传统的“6+2” 方法获得的DC 相同的形态与表型,而且,利用该方法获得的DC 总数高于“1+1”, “1+2”与“6+2”的方法,为DC 的生物学研究提供了基础数据。我们进而采用芯片技术,对体外快速分化成熟的DC 进行了mi/mRNA 表达谱分析,确定了DC 不同分化发育阶段特征性的mi/mRNA 表达差异。结果发现,与CD14+ 单核细胞即DC 前体相比,iDC 与mDC 之间具有更加相近的mi/mRNA 表达方式。 miRNA 表达谱分析则表明,不同的miRNA 表达与DC 的不同分化和发育阶段相关。而且,位于同一基因簇内的miRNA,呈现协同表达的情况。特别值得注意的是,本研究发现了在DC 的某些发育阶段特异表达的miRNA,它们在DC 发育过程中的功能,还未得到诠释,它们在DC 某些分化阶段的特异表达,提示了DC 各分化阶段的相关性与特异性。结合mRNA 表达谱分析,我们发现miRNA 的表达与其目的基因的表达在mRNA 水平呈现负相关的特性。同时,免疫相关mRNA 与miRNA 在DC 体外不同发育阶段的表达亦呈现差异,其中,miRNA(如hsa-miR-181a, hsa-miR-223, hsa-miR-155, hsa-miR-146, hsa-miR-106a 与hsa-miR-20a 等)与mRNA(如ALM1 等)参与了特定的与免疫相关的GO(Gene Ontology)与通路(Pathway),提示这些miRNA 与mRNA 可能通过不同的方式调节控制着DC 的体外诱导过程。在有关粘膜生态环境中DC 的分化、成熟及其功能影响的研究中,我们首先通过各种乳酸杆菌鉴定方法的综合应用,确定了6 种原始分离的女性生殖道主要共生乳酸杆菌:发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)、约氏乳酸杆菌(L.Johnsonni)、卷曲乳酸杆菌(L.Crispatus)、革氏乳酸杆菌(L.Gasseri)、詹氏乳酸杆菌(L.Jensenii)与德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii )。其中,德氏乳酸杆菌(L.Delbrueckii)和发酵乳酸杆菌(L.Fermentum)具有较高的产H2O2 的能力。在此基础上,我们在与THP-1 的共同培养体系中,将乳酸杆菌对DC 前体的作用和影响进行了比较和研究。结果发现,L.Crispatus 在分离的各原始菌株中,具有最强的刺激THP-1 活化的能力,而且,在相同刺激比例下,L.Crispatus 活菌具有比死菌更强的免疫刺激能力,表现为明显上调THP-1 细胞表面标志CD40、CD80、CD86、 CD1a、CCR6 与CD324 的表达水平,同时可诱导活化THP-1 上调表达Th1 型细胞因子。通过FITC-Dextran 吞噬实验,我们发现,经过L.Crispatus 刺激的THP-1 细胞,其吞噬外来抗原的能力明显下降,但尚未检测到经过活化的THP-1 细胞刺激T 细胞增殖的能力。通过流式细胞术分析的方法,我们检测了TLR1、TLR2、TLR4 与TLR6 在不同的刺激分化阶段的表达水平,结果表明,THP-1 主要通过TLR2 与TLR6 识别女性生殖道L.Crispatus。综上所述,本研究首先通过对DC 体外分化成熟的最短时程的分析,确立了快速诱导DC 的最佳方法,进而利用芯片技术,研究了快速诱导DC 的mi/mRNA 表达谱,揭示了DC 体外分化发育过程中可能的调控途径,为进一步研究DC 的基础生物学提供了恰当的模型和具有指向性的线索。同时,通过与DC 前体THP-1 的共同培养体系,证实了生殖道共生乳酸杆菌的免疫调节作用,为以乳酸杆菌为载体的生殖道粘膜免疫疫苗的研究和应用提供了实验依据
目的 :IL - 2与金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素A和B融合基因的克隆及表达。方法 :分别在金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素A2 2 7Ala、B基因的两端克隆上两个酶切位点HindⅢ ,KpnⅠ。将IL - 2基因突变 ,设计一段linker使之分别与SEA2 2 7Ala和SEB相连并克隆到PET表达载体中 ,在大肠杆菌DH5α(DE3) -Pass中表达。结果 :表达的蛋白占总蛋白 15 %。结论 :IL - 2与金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素A和B融合蛋白能在大肠杆菌中有效表达
We have analyzed the propagation rate of the chemical waves observed during the course of CO oxidation on a Ag/Pt(I 10) composite surface that were reported in our previous papers [Surf Interface Anal. 2001, 32, 179; J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 5645]. In all cases, the propagation rate v can be adequately fitted as v = v(0) + D-0/d, in which v(0) and D-0 are constants, and d is the distance between the reaction front of the chemical wave and the boundary from which the chemical wave originates. We propose that the surface species responsible for the formation of the chemical wave comes from two paths: the adsorption of molecules in the gas phase on the surface and the migration from the adjacent surface with different catalytic activity. v(0) corresponds to the contribution from the surface species due to the adsorption, and D-0/d to that of the surface species that migrates from the adjacent surface. The rate equation clearly suggests that the observed chemical wave results from the coupling between adjacent surfaces with different catalytic activities during the course of heterogeneous catalysis. These results, together with our previous reports, provide a good fundamental understanding of spillover, an important phenomenon in heterogeneous catalysis.
The interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) cDNA was cloned from the red seabream (Pagrus major) by homology cloning strategy. A cDNA fragment was amplified by PCR using two degenerated primers, which were designed according to the conserved regions of other known IL-1beta sequences, and elongated by 3' ends and 5' ends RACE PCR to get the full length coding sequence of red seabream IL-1beta (RS IL-1beta). The sequence contained 1252 nucleotides that included a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 84 bp, a 3' UTR of 410 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 nucleotides which could be translated into a putative peptide of 253 amino acids with molecular weight of 28.6 kD and putative isoelectric point pI of 5.29. The deduced peptide contained two potential N-glycosylation sites and an identifiable IL1 family signature, but lacked the signal peptide and the clear ICE cut site, which were common in other nonmammalian IL-1beta genes. The RS IL-1beta had the highest homology with piscine IL-1beta according to phylogenetic tree analysis. The transcript expression was detected in blood, brain, gill, heart, head kidney, kidney, liver, muscle and spleen in the pathogen challenged and healthy red seabream by RTPCR. Results showed that the RS IL-1beta mRNA was constitutively expressed in most of the tissues both in stimulated and un-stimulated fish, and the expression could be enhanced by pathogen challenging.
The chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean leaves was observed by a portable fluorometer CF-1000 under field conditions. On clear days, F-0 increased while F, and F-v/F-m decreased gradually in the morning. At midday F-O reached its maximum while F-v and F-v/F-m reached their minimum. The reverse changes occurred in the afternoon. At dusk these parameters could return to levels near those at dawn. Following exposure to a strong sunlight for more than 3 h, the dark-recovery process displayed three phases: (1) slow increases in F-0, F-v and F-v/F-m within the first hour; (2) a faster decrease in F-0 and faster increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within subsequent two hours; (3) a slow decrease in F-0 and slow increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within the fourth hour. In comparison with darkness, weak irradiance had no stimulating effect on the recovery from photoinhibition. Hence the photoinhibition in soybean leaves is mainly the reflection of reversible inactivation of some photosystem 2 reaction centres, but not the result of D1 protein loss.
Rationale, aims and objectives Continuing health education is essential but challenged. in 2006, the Brazilian Cochrane Center, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, launched a mass teaching initiative in evidence-based health care (EBH) for public-sector professionals via teleconferencing. This 152-hour, interactive EBH course has enrolled over 4500 professionals. This study aimed to assess the acquisition EBH knowledge and skills, as well as the attitudes and perceptions of a sample of students enrolled in the 2009 course via teleconferencing.Methods This prospective cohort study analyzed three aspects of this 152-hour EBH course that recruited 1040 volunteer participants, all public health sector employees working in 131 different hospitals or health agencies. Pre- and post-course tests using a modified version of the Berlin questionnaire with 20 multiple-choice questions were used to examine knowledge acquisition in a sample of 297 students. Tests were completed upon registration and at course completion. the research projects submitted by 872 participants were evaluated to assess skill acquisition. Answers to an anonymous survey assessed the attitudes and perceptions of 914 participants.Results There was a significant increase in knowledge from baseline to course completion (mean scores 8.2 +/- 3.3 versus 13.7 +/- 3.0, P < 0.001). Over 90% of the research projects were judged to be of adequate quality (appropriate rationale for the study, well-formulated research question and feasible execution); over 95% of the participants were satisfied with the course.Conclusion the Brazilian EBH course via teleconference improved the knowledge and skills of public-sector health professionals and was approved by the vast majority of students.
Businesses interact constantly with the environment, realizing several and heterogeneous exchanges. Organizations can be considered a system of different interests, frequently conflicting and the satisfaction of different stakeholders is a condition of success and survival. National and international literature attempts to explain the complex connection between companies and environment. In particular, the Stakeholder Theory considers crucial for businesses the identification of different stakeholders and their involvement in decision-making process. In this context, profit can not be considered the only purpose of companies existence and business aims become more numerous and different. The Stakeholder Theory is often utilized as framework for tourism studies, in particular in Sustainable Tourism Development research. In fact, authors consider sustainable the tourism development able to satisfy interests of different stakeholders, traditionally identified as local community and government, businesses, tourists and natural environment. Tourism businesses have to guarantee the optimal use of natural resources, the respect of socio-cultural tradition of local community and the creation of socio-economic benefits for all stakeholders in destinations. An obstacle to sustainable tourism development that characterizes a number of destinations worldwide is tourism demand seasonality. In fact, its negative impact on the environment, economy and communities may be highly significant. Pollution, difficulties in the use of public services, stress for residents, seasonal incomes, are all examples of the negative effects of seasonality. According to the World Tourism Organization (2004) the limitation of seasonality can favour the sustainability of tourism. Literature suggests private and public strategies to minimize the negative effects of tourism seasonality, as diversification of tourism products, identification of new market segments, launching events, application of public instruments like eco-taxes and use of differential pricing policies. Revenue Management is a managerial system based on differential pricing and able to affect price sensitive tourists. This research attempts to verify if Revenue Management, created to maximize profits in tourism companies, can also mitigate the seasonality of tourism demand, producing benefits for different stakeholders of destinations and contributing to Sustainable Tourism Development. In particular, the study attempts to answer the following research questions: 1) Can Revenue Management control the flow of tourist demand? 2) Can Revenue Management limit seasonality, producing benefits for different stakeholders of a destination? 3) Can Revenue Management favor the development of Sustainable Tourism? The literature review on Stakeholder Theory, Sustainable Tourism Development, tourism seasonality and Revenue Management forms the foundation of the research, based on a case study approach looking at a significant destination located in the Southern coast of Sardinia, Italy. A deductive methodology was applied and qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized. This study shows that Revenue Management has the potential to limit tourism seasonality, to mitigate negative impacts occurring from tourism activities, producing benefits for local community and to contribute to Sustainable Tourism Development.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como partes dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática, ramo de Computação Móvel
Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.