988 resultados para Host Defense


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This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes infection by the host inhalation of airborne propagules of the mycelia phase of the fungus. These particles reach the lungs, and disseminate to virtually all organs. Here we describe the identification of differentially expressed genes in studies of host-fungus interaction. We analyzed two cDNA populations of P. brasiliensis, one obtained from infected animals and the other an admixture of fungus and human blood thus mimicking the hematologic events of the fungal dissemination. Our analysis identified transcripts differentially expressed. Genes related to iron acquisition, melanin synthesis and cell defense were specially upregulated in the mouse model of infection. The upregulated transcripts of yeast cells during incubation with human blood were those predominantly related to cell wall remodeling/synthesis. The expression pattern of genes was independently confirmed in host conditions, revealing their potential role in the infection process. This work can facilitate functional studies of novel regulated genes that may be important for the survival and growth strategies of P. brasiliensis in humans. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the most common bacterial infection worldwide. Persistent infection of the gastric mucosa leads to inflammatory processes and may remain silent for decades or progress causing more severe diseases, such as gastric adenocarcinoma. The clinical consequences of H. pylori infection are determined by multiple factors, including host genetic predisposition, gene regulation, environmental factors and heterogeneity of H. pylori virulence factors. After decades of studies of this successful relationship between pathogen and human host, various mechanisms have been elucidated. In this review, we have made an introduction on H. pylori infection and its virulence factors, and focused mainly on modulation of host immune response triggered by bacteria, changes in the pattern of gene expression in H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa, with activation of gene transcription involved in defense mechanisms, inflammatory and immunological response, cell proliferation and apoptosis. We also highlighted the role of bacteria eradication on gene expression levels. In addition, we addressed the recent involvement of different microRNAs in precancerous lesions, gastric cancer, and inflammatory processes induced by bacteria. New discoveries in this field may allow a better understanding of the role of major factors involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of H. pylori. (C) 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.


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Central nervous system (CNS) tuberculosis (TB) is the most severe form of TB, characterized morphologically by brain granulomas and tuberculous meningitis (TBM). Experimental strategies for the study of the host-pathogen interaction through the analysis of granulomas and its intrinsic molecular mechanisms could provide new insights into the neuropathology of TB. To verify whether cerebellar mycobacterial infection induces the main features of the disease in human CNS and better understand the physiological mechanisms underlying the disease, we injected bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) into the mouse cerebellum. BCG-induced CNS-TB is characterized by the formation of granulomas and TBM, a build up of bacterial loads in these lesions, and microglial recruitment into the lesion sites. In addition, there is an enhanced expression of signaling molecules such as nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and there is a presence of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the lesions and surrounding areas. This murine model of cerebellar CNS-TB was characterized by cellular and biochemical immune responses typically found in the human disease. This model could expand our knowledge about granulomas in TB infection of the cerebellum, and help characterize the physiological mechanisms involved with the progression of this serious illness that is responsible for killing millions people every year. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Antagonistic interactions between host plants and mistletoes often form complex networks of interacting species. Adequate characterization of network organization requires a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Therefore, we assessed the distribution of interactions between mistletoes and hosts in the Brazilian Pantanal and characterized the network structure in relation to nestedness and modularity. Interactions were highly asymmetric, with mistletoes presenting low host specificity (i.e., weak dependence) and with hosts being highly susceptible to mistletoe-specific infections. We found a non-nested and modular pattern of interactions, wherein each mistletoe species interacted with a particular set of host species. Psittacanthus spp. infected more species and individuals and also caused a high number of infections per individual, whereas the other mistletoes showed a more specialized pattern of infection. For this reason, Psittacanthus spp. were regarded as module hubs while the other mistletoe species showed a peripheral role. We hypothesize that this pattern is primarily the result of different seed dispersal systems. Although all mistletoe species in our study are bird dispersed, the frugivorous assemblage of Psittacanthus spp. is composed of a larger suite of birds, whereas Phoradendron are mainly dispersed by Euphonia species. The larger assemblage of bird species dispersing Psittacanthus seeds may also increase the number of hosts colonized and, consequently, its dominance in the study area. Nevertheless, other restrictions on the interactions among species, such as the differential capacity of mistletoe infections, defense strategies of hosts and habitat types, can also generate or enhance the observed pattern.


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Solanum lycopersicon L.) is one of the most popular vegetable throughout the world, and the importance of its cultivation is threatened by a wide array of pathogens. In the last twenty years this plant has been successfully used as a model plant to investigate the induction of defense pathways after exposure to fungal, bacterial and abiotic molecules, showing triggering of different mechanisms of resistance. Understanding these mechanisms in order to improve crop protection is a main goal for Plant Pathology. The aim of this study was to search for general or race-specific molecules able to determine in Solanum lycopersicon immune responses attributable to the main systems of plant defense: non-host, host-specific and induced resistance. Exopolysaccharides extracted by three fungal species (Aureobasidium pullulans, Cryphonectria parasitica and Epicoccum purpurascens), were able to induce transcription of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins and accumulation of enzymes related to defense in tomato plants cv Money Maker,using the chemical inducer Bion® as a positive control. During the thesis, several Pseudomonas spp. strains were also isolated and tested for their antimicrobial activity and ability to produce antibiotics. Using as a positive control jasmonic acid, one of the selected strain was shown to induce a form of systemic resistance in tomato. Transcription of PRs and reduction of disease severity against the leaf pathogen Pseduomonas syringae pv. tomato was determined in tomato plants cv Money Maker and cv Perfect Peel, ensuring no direct contact between the selected rhizobacteria and the aerial part of the plant. To conclude this work, race-specific resistance of tomato against the leaf mold Cladosporium fulvum is also deepened, describing the project followed at the Phytopathology Laboratory of Wageningen (NL) in 2007, dealing with localization of a specific R-Avr interaction in transfected tomato protoplast cultures through fluorescence microscopy.


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Parasitic wasps attack a number of insect species on which they feed, either externally or internally. This requires very effective strategies for suppressing the immune response and a finely tuned interference with the host physiology that is co-opted for the developing parasitoid progeny. The wealth of physiological host alterations is mediated by virulence factors encoded by the wasp or, in some cases, by polydnaviruses (PDVs), unique viral symbionts injected into the host at oviposition along with the egg, venom and ovarian secretions. PDVs are among the most powerful immunosuppressors in nature, targeting insect defense barriers at different levels. During my PhD research program I have used Drosophila melanogaster as a model to expand the functional analysis of virulence factors encoded by PDV focusing on the molecular processes underlying the disruption of the host endocrine system. I focused my research on a member of the ankyrin (ank) gene family, an immunosuppressant found in bracovirus, which associates with the parasitic wasp Toxoneuron nigriceps. I found that ankyrin disrupts ecdysone biosynthesis by impairing the vesicular traffic of ecdysteroid precursors in the cells of the prothoracic gland and results in developmental arrest.


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Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.


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Although eosinophils are considered useful in defense mechanisms against parasites, their exact function in innate immunity remains unclear. The aim of this study is to better understand the role of eosinophils within the gastrointestinal immune system. We show here that lipopolysaccharide from Gram-negative bacteria activates interleukin-5 (IL-5)- or interferon-gamma-primed eosinophils to release mitochondrial DNA in a reactive oxygen species-dependent manner, but independent of eosinophil death. Notably, the process of DNA release occurs rapidly in a catapult-like manner--in less than one second. In the extracellular space, the mitochondrial DNA and the granule proteins form extracellular structures able to bind and kill bacteria both in vitro and under inflammatory conditions in vivo. Moreover, after cecal ligation and puncture, Il5-transgenic but not wild-type mice show intestinal eosinophil infiltration and extracellular DNA deposition in association with protection against microbial sepsis. These data suggest a previously undescribed mechanism of eosinophil-mediated innate immune responses that might be crucial for maintaining the intestinal barrier function after inflammation-associated epithelial cell damage, preventing the host from uncontrolled invasion of bacteria.


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Background: Volatiles emitted by herbivore-infested plants are highly attractive to parasitoids and therefore have been proposed to be part of an indirect plant defense strategy. However, this proposed function of the plant-provided signals remains controversial, and it is unclear how specific and reliable the signals are under natural conditions with simultaneous feeding by multiple herbivores. Phloem feeders in particular are assumed to interfere with plant defense responses. Therefore, we investigated how attack by the piercing-sucking cicadellid Euscelidius variegatus influences signaling by maize plants in response to the chewing herbivore Spodoptera littoralis.Results: The parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris strongly preferred volatiles of plants infested with its host S. littoralis. Overall, the volatile emissions induced by S. littoralis and E. variegatus were similar, but higher levels of certain wound-released compounds may have allowed the wasps to specifically recognize plants infested by hosts. Expression levels of defense marker genes and further behavioral bioassays with the parasitoid showed that neither the physiological defense responses nor the attractiveness of S. littoralis infested plants were altered by simultaneous E. variegatus attack.Conclusions: Our findings imply that plant defense responses to herbivory can be more robust than generally assumed and that ensuing volatiles convey specific information about the type of herbivore that is attacking a plant, even in complex situations with multiple herbivores. Hence, the results of this study support the notion that herbivore-induced plant volatiles may be part of a plant's indirect defense stratagem. © 2010 Erb et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Slugs and snails are important herbivores in many ecosystems. They differ from other herbivores by their characteristic mucus trail. As the mucus is secreted at the interface between the plants and the herbivores, its chemical composition may play an essential role in plant responses to slug and snail attack. Based on our current knowledge about host-manipulation strategies employed by pathogens and insects, we hypothesized that mollusks may excrete phytohormone-like substances into their mucus. We therefore screened locomotion mucus from thirteen molluscan herbivores for the presence of the plant defense hormones jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA). We found that the locomotion mucus of one slug, Deroceras reticulatum, contained significant amounts of SA, a plant hormone that is known to induce resistance to pathogens and to suppress plant immunity against herbivores. None of the other slugs and snails contained SA or any other hormone in their locomotion mucus. When the mucus of D. reticulatum was applied to wounded leaves of A. thaliana, the promotor of the SA-responsive gene pathogenesis related 1 (PR1) was activated, demonstrating the potential of the mucus to regulate plant defenses. We discuss the potential ecological, agricultural and medical implications of this finding.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are both signal molecules and direct participants in plant defense against pathogens. Many fungi synthesize mannitol, a potent quencher of ROS, and there is growing evidence that at least some phytopathogenic fungi use mannitol to suppress ROS-mediated plant defenses. Here we show induction of mannitol production and secretion in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata in the presence of host-plant extracts. Conversely, we show that the catabolic enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase is induced in a non-mannitol-producing plant in response to both fungal infection and specific inducers of plant defense responses. This provides a mechanism whereby the plant can counteract fungal suppression of ROS-mediated defenses by catabolizing mannitol of fungal origin.


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The plant defense response to microbial pathogens had been studied primarily by using biochemical and physiological techniques. Recently, several laboratories have developed a variety of pathosystems utilizing Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host so that genetic analysis could also be used to study plant defense responses. Utilizing a pathosystem that involves the infection of Arabidopsis with pathogenic pseudomonads, we have cloned the Arabidopsis disease-resistance gene RPS2, which corresponds to the avirulence gene avrRpt2 in a gene-for-gene relationship. RPS2 encodes a 105-kDa protein containing a leucine zipper, a nucleotide binding site, and 14 imperfect leucine-rich repeats. The RPS2 protein is remarkably similar to the product of the tobacco N gene, which confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. We have also isolated a series of Arabidopsis mutants that synthesize decreased levels of an Arabidopsis phytoalexin called camalexin. Analysis of these mutants indicated that camalexin does not play a significant role in limiting growth of avirulent Pseudomonas syringae strains during the hypersensitive defense response but that it may play a role in limiting the growth of virulent strains. More generally, we have shown that we can utilize Arabidopsis to systematically dissect the defense response by isolation and characterization of appropriate defense-related mutants.


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Genetic resistance in plants to root diseases is rare, and agriculture depends instead on practices such as crop rotation and soil fumigation to control these diseases. "Induced suppression" is a natural phenomenon whereby a soil due to microbiological changes converts from conducive to suppressive to a soilborne pathogen during prolonged monoculture of the susceptible host. Our studies have focused on the wheat root disease "take-all," caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, and the role of bacteria in the wheat rhizosphere (rhizobacteria) in a well-documented induced suppression (take-all decline) that occurs in response to the disease and continued monoculture of wheat. The results summarized herein show that antibiotic production plays a significant role in both plant defense by and ecological competence of rhizobacteria. Production of phenazine and phloroglucinol antibiotics, as examples, account for most of the natural defense provided by fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from among the diversity of rhizobacteria associated with take-all decline. There appear to be at least three levels of regulation of genes for antibiotic biosynthesis: environmental sensing, global regulation that ties antibiotic production to cellular metabolism, and regulatory loci linked to genes for pathway enzymes. Plant defense by rhizobacteria producing antibiotics on roots and as cohabitants with pathogens in infected tissues is analogous to defense by the plant's production of phytoalexins, even to the extent that an enzyme of the same chalcone/stilbene synthase family used to produce phytoalexins is used to produce 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. The defense strategy favored by selection pressure imposed on plants by soilborne pathogens may well be the ability of plants to support and respond to rhizosphere microorganisms antagonistic to these pathogens.


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Issued Mar. 1977.