998 resultados para Hortas urbanas comunitárias
O texto tem como objetivo descrever e refletir sobre uma situação vivida no âmbito do ensino superior, mais especificamente na disciplina dança educacional da licenciatura em educação física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), com enfoque nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem da dança vivenciados a partir de uma experiência de composição coreográfica. Partindo de uma atitude fenomenológica, o texto descreve as experiências vividas na situação pedagógica do ensino da dança no âmbito da licenciatura como vivências significativas para refletir sobre as relações entre o conhecimento sobre a dança e o conhecimento pedagógico necessário ao seu ensino
The search for sustainable solutions through an appropriate environmental administration of the available natural resources, that comes from encounter to the aspirations of preservation of the environment and of the human being, in way to diagnose and to solve the environmental and social problems with the smallest possible impact to the nature and the man, it is the great challenge, so much for that generation, as for the future generations. The study of the environmental problems of the water and the participation and the social actors' environmental understanding as a whole, interferes in the field of the thematic environmental international, contemplating the strategic need of an appropriate administration of that very natural one, through a program returned to the diagnosis of the problems and in the search of compatible maintainable solutions, in a social and environmental politics of planning and environmental education, centered above all in the citizen's voice , user of that system. The present thesis she seeks to study the problem of the maintainable administration of the water, focusing the participation and the citizen's environmental understanding in the use of that very natural one for urban residential activities, in what concerns the approach and analyses of variables that treat of the measurement of general knowledge and you adapt, sense of community of the access to the means of information and of the attitudes and environmental behaviors, besides the variables of partner-demographic characterization or personal identification of the interviewed ones of an exploratory research of the type " survey ", accomplished through a stratified aleatory sampling, being the strata each one of the 4 (four) Political-Administrative Areas of the Natal city, having happened the collection of the data in the period of february to april/2002. The methodology used in this work it constitutes in the application of questionnaires with scales of the type Likert to measure the echo-varied of the study, besides a partner-demographic scale for the characterization of the studied sample. For the analysis of the results, it was made an exploratory descriptive study initially, followed by the use of techniques statistical multivariate s, such as, factorial analysis through the application of main components, besides the accomplishment of studies of multiple lineal regression. To complement this study, the accomplishment of Tests of Independence was proceeded through the Qui-square of Pearson, in way to verify the dependence of the associations between the partner-demographic variables and the principal selected variables and presents in the resulting factors of the factorial analysis. The results appear for a low level of environmental knowledge, of access to the information and community's sense, besides the verification that the principal factors resultants send for the need of feeling emphasis in the programs and administration actions addressed for the environmental understanding, the behaviors and attitudes that approach the information and the environmental education, besides the reuse of the water
This present work has as its objective the analysis of transformations relating to the production processes in the Southern littoral urban space of the city of João Pessoa PB. The research estimated that the urban space is the product, means and condition of the society which produces it. The object-area of this inquiry is constituted of five districts: Altiplano Cabo Branco, Portal do Sol, Ponta do Seixas, Penha and Costa do Sol. The urban expansion which occurs in this area is characterized by the appearance of sufficient contradictory space phenomenona. On the other hand, the launching of real estate products such as the horizontal closed condominiums, directed towards the upper class, and the occurrence of areas of irregular occupation, inhabited by lower socioeconomic class and with a great lack of infrastructure and basic urban services, revealing the social contradictions. Due to this, processes such as auto-segregation and segregation imposed beyond the precarious and delinquent inclusion, has become the determining characteristic of this part of the city in analysis. The study also takes into account the appreciation of the new urban environmental zoning of Altiplano do Cabo Branco and from this moment on, start the discussion about the tendencies of urban expansion in this area, due to the interests and strategies of the real estate sector and the prominent role of the government in the current valorization process of urban soil of the area. The presence of residuals of agricultural businesses indicates a typical picture of the peri-urban areas configuring what we observe today at the Southern littoral of João Pessoa
The state of Rio Grande do Norte has been undergoing transformations in their territory, they are promoted by the installation of new infrastructure equipment, which in turn cause changes in the dynamic spatial and social hour set, causing new arrangements and new dynamics between cities. The overall goal of the research is to understand, at present, the urban network of the Rio Grande do Norte, from the centers of territory management. The picture presented in the paper reveals a network of cities that has gained a material basis urban, with the installation of new objects macro state structures (roads, ports, wind farms, banks, pipelines, internet access) that enable a relationship more intense between the urban centers of the state and other cities in the world, that the current structure characteristic of the urban network, its global nature, since the possibility of relations between the centers is greater. Such a relationship is indeed possible because the characteristics of the current historical period, with the high density of the tripod technique, science and information controlled by the market. In Rio Grande do Norte intentionality of the new arrangement that is configured is not other but meet market demands
As atividades que envolvem o uso de explosivos devem ser controladas, não só com relação ao desmonte de estruturas (rocha e outros materiais), mas também quanto a danos estruturais em edificações próximas (casas, edificações históricas, etc.) e outros impactos ambientais como vibração, propagação de ruídos, ultralançamentos e sobrepressão atmosférica. Tais atividades são regidas por normas técnicas que sugerem parâmetros de medição e limites definidos na avaliação de prováveis danos. No caso específico de minerações em áreas urbanas, a velocidade de vibração de partícula (Vp), normalmente expressa em mm/s, é o parâmetro que tem dado melhor correlação na avaliação de possíveis danos às estruturas civis, atribuídos às vibrações do terreno. As diferentes normas existentes apresentam valores de Vp que variam de 2mm/s para edifícios históricos até 150mm/s para construções em concreto armado. A maioria delas considera na avaliação de danos estruturais, além da velocidade, a freqüência da vibração. Algumas normas foram elaboradas com base em dados experimentais, analisando parâmetros como o tipo de construção e o material nela utilizados, outras se basearam apenas em valores empíricos, mas todas apresentam valores conservativos. A norma brasileira não avalia o parâmetro freqüência e não classifica os diferentes tipos de estruturas civis, restringindo-se ao valor resultante da velocidade de vibração como parâmetro medido, sendo, assim, limitada e deficiente em relação às normas internacionais. A coletânea aqui apresentada reuniu as normas nas Américas e em outros continentes, além de uma comparação com as normas européias mais importantes em âmbito mundial.
Cet article étudie la reinvention des nouveaux espaces et des nouveaux signifiés urbains selon l'impression du peuple de Ribeirão Preto pendant la Première République et cherche montrer les contradictions et les ambiguités de la modernisation dans cette ville-là pendant l'apogée de la production du café, aussi que les formes de sociabilité et de participation de la population local.
Starting from Jefferson's 'law of the primate city' and Zipf's 'rank-size rule', examines the question of the heading of national urban systems, seeking to stretch the analysis as far as possible in space and time. Thus, 131 countries were included in the study, most of them also viewed from the evolutive side. It was found that there is a main tendency for urban systems to evolve to the primate leadership, maintained by Jefferson as the normal pattern. Among the various factors that act in this direction, the attraction exercised by political power located in the capital cities is dominant.-English summary
In this paper is presented a region-based methodology for Digital Elevation Model segmentation obtained from laser scanning data. The methodology is based on two sequential techniques, i.e., a recursive splitting technique using the quad tree structure followed by a region merging technique using the Markov Random Field model. The recursive splitting technique starts splitting the Digital Elevation Model into homogeneous regions. However, due to slight height differences in the Digital Elevation Model, region fragmentation can be relatively high. In order to minimize the fragmentation, a region merging technique based on the Markov Random Field model is applied to the previously segmented data. The resulting regions are firstly structured by using the so-called Region Adjacency Graph. Each node of the Region Adjacency Graph represents a region of the Digital Elevation Model segmented and two nodes have connectivity between them if corresponding regions share a common boundary. Next it is assumed that the random variable related to each node, follows the Markov Random Field model. This hypothesis allows the derivation of the posteriori probability distribution function whose solution is obtained by the Maximum a Posteriori estimation. Regions presenting high probability of similarity are merged. Experiments carried out with laser scanning data showed that the methodology allows to separate the objects in the Digital Elevation Model with a low amount of fragmentation.
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El concepto y la práctica en materia de gestión urbana-territorial se han modificado sustancialmente en los últimos años en América Latina y el Caribe, desarrollándose para abarcar asuntos y problemas vinculados al desarrollo urbano, que tradicionalmente no hacían parte del quehacer profesional en esta materia. Las razones: la consolidación de los procesos de descentralización y la modernización del estado en el marco del desafío que la globalización impone a los países de la región. La consolidación de una nueva economía urbana, que se caracteriza por una estrecha interrelación entre sistemas complejos (servicios, comunicaciones, producción, información, infraestructura) como asimismo el surgimiento de una estructura social-territorial marcada por los problemas de equidad y vulnerabilidad hacen parte de una realidad del hábitat en la región que impone nuevos desafíos y tareas. Precisamente estas nuevas formas de conceptualizar las intervenciones y la gestión urbana son presentadas por un conjunto de expertos en el presente documento. En primer lugar Ricardo Jordán y Daniela Simioni presentan el proyecto Instrumentos y estrategias de gestión urbana para el desarrollo sostenible", que considera particularmente el rol del municipio en tres ejes temáticos claves para la gestión urbana: las intervenciones para la pobreza urbana; la gestión de servicios públicos y la rehabilitación de lugares centrales. Todo ello en el marco de las características que asume hoy el proceso de urbanización en la región. A continuación Carmen Bellet Sanfeliu y Josep Maria Llop Torne nos presentan un programa de trabajo en torno al tema de las ciudades intermedias y la urbanización mundial, desarrollado por la Unión Internacional de Arquitectos (UIA). El énfasis esta puesto en el diseño de estrategias de gestión para ciudades intermedias sustentadas en una amplia participación de la comunidad. Rubén Pesci aporta otro novedoso enfoque para desarrollar una gestión que tenga por objetivo la sostenibilidad en ciudades intermedias en América Latina. La presentación involucra los aspectos conceptuales y de definición, un análisis de la situación y la descripción de algunos casos emblemáticos en la región. Vinculado con la presentación anterior, finalmente Liana Vallicelli presenta un caso 'Clásico' en América Latina: Curitiba (Brazil). Fundamental en este sentido es la evaluación que se hace de la experiencia y de las lecciones aprendidas para la gestión sostenible."
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