425 resultados para Homomorphic encryption


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The primary motivation for signcryption was the gain in efficiency when both encryption and signing need to be performed. These two cryptographic operations may be done sequentially either by first encrypt and then sign (EtS) or alternatively, by first sign and then encrypt (StE). Further gains in efficiency can be achieved if encryption and signature are carried out in parallel (E&S). More importantly, however, is that these efficiency gains are complemented by gains in security, i.e., we may use relative weak encryption and signature schemes in order to obtain a “stronger” signcryption scheme. The reader is referred to Chaps. 2 and 3 for a discussion of the different “strengths” of security model (e.g., outsider vs. insider adversaries, two-user vs. multi-user setting).


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In this article, we study the security of the IDEA block cipher when it is used in various simple-length or double-length hashing modes. Even though this cipher is still considered as secure, we show that one should avoid its use as internal primitive for block cipher based hashing. In particular, we are able to generate instantaneously free-start collisions for most modes, and even semi-free-start collisions, pseudo-preimages or hash collisions in practical complexity. This work shows a practical example of the gap that exists between secret-key and known or chosen-key security for block ciphers. Moreover, we also settle the 20-year-old standing open question concerning the security of the Abreast-DM and Tandem-DM double-length compression functions, originally invented to be instantiated with IDEA. Our attacks have been verified experimentally and work even for strengthened versions of IDEA with any number of rounds.


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This paper presents ongoing work toward constructing efficient completely non-malleable public-key encryption scheme based on lattices in the standard (common reference string) model. An encryption scheme is completely non-malleable if it requires attackers to have negligible advantage, even if they are allowed to transform the public key under which the related message is encrypted. Ventre and Visconti proposed two inefficient constructions of completely non-malleable schemes, one in the common reference string model using non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, and another using interactive encryption schemes. Recently, two efficient public-key encryption schemes have been proposed, both of them are based on pairing identity-based encryption.


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Recently, botnet, a network of compromised computers, has been recognized as the biggest threat to the Internet. The bots in a botnet communicate with the botnet owner via a communication channel called Command and Control (C & C) channel. There are three main C & C channels: Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and web-based protocols. By exploiting the flexibility of the Web 2.0 technology, the web-based botnet has reached a new level of sophistication. In August 2009, such botnet was found on Twitter, one of the most popular Web 2.0 services. In this paper, we will describe a new type of botnet that uses Web 2.0 service as a C & C channel and a temporary storage for their stolen information. We will then propose a novel approach to thwart this type of attack. Our method applies a unique identifier of the computer, an encryption algorithm with session keys and a CAPTCHA verification.


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We analyse the security of the cryptographic hash function LAKE-256 proposed at FSE 2008 by Aumasson, Meier and Phan. By exploiting non-injectivity of some of the building primitives of LAKE, we show three different collision and near-collision attacks on the compression function. The first attack uses differences in the chaining values and the block counter and finds collisions with complexity 233. The second attack utilizes differences in the chaining values and salt and yields collisions with complexity 242. The final attack uses differences only in the chaining values to yield near-collisions with complexity 299. All our attacks are independent of the number of rounds in the compression function. We illustrate the first two attacks by showing examples of collisions and near-collisions.


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We consider the following problem: members in a dynamic group retrieve their encrypted data from an untrusted server based on keywords and without any loss of data confidentiality and member’s privacy. In this paper, we investigate common secure indices for conjunctive keyword-based retrieval over encrypted data, and construct an efficient scheme from Wang et al. dynamic accumulator, Nyberg combinatorial accumulator and Kiayias et al. public-key encryption system. The proposed scheme is trapdoorless and keyword-field free. The security is proved under the random oracle, decisional composite residuosity and extended strong RSA assumptions.


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There has been tremendous interest in watermarking multimedia content during the past two decades, mainly for proving ownership and detecting tamper. Digital fingerprinting, that deals with identifying malicious user(s), has also received significant attention. While extensive work has been carried out in watermarking of images, other multimedia objects still have enormous research potential. Watermarking database relations is one of the several areas which demand research focus owing to the commercial implications of database theft. Recently, there has been little progress in database watermarking, with most of the watermarking schemes modeled after the irreversible database watermarking scheme proposed by Agrawal and Kiernan. Reversibility is the ability to re-generate the original (unmarked) relation from the watermarked relation using a secret key. As explained in our paper, reversible watermarking schemes provide greater security against secondary watermarking attacks, where an attacker watermarks an already marked relation in an attempt to erase the original watermark. This paper proposes an improvement over the reversible and blind watermarking scheme presented in [5], identifying and eliminating a critical problem with the previous model. Experiments showing that the average watermark detection rate is around 91% even with attacker distorting half of the attributes. The current scheme provides security against secondary watermarking attacks.


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Suppose two parties, holding vectors A = (a 1,a 2,...,a n ) and B = (b 1,b 2,...,b n ) respectively, wish to know whether a i  > b i for all i, without disclosing any private input. This problem is called the vector dominance problem, and is closely related to the well-studied problem for securely comparing two numbers (Yao’s millionaires problem). In this paper, we propose several protocols for this problem, which improve upon existing protocols on round complexity or communication/computation complexity.


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The first generation e-passport standard is proven to be insecure and prone to various attacks. To strengthen, the European Union (EU) has proposed an Extended Access Control (EAC) mechanism for e-passports that intends to provide better security in protecting biometric information of the e-passport bearer. But, our analysis shows, the EU proposal fails to address many security and privacy issues that are paramount in implementing a strong security mechanism. In this paper we propose an on-line authentication mechanism for electronic passports that addresses the weakness in existing implementations, of both The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and EU. Our proposal utilises ICAO PKI implementation, thus requiring very little modifications to the existing infrastructure which is already well established.


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Digital signatures are often used by trusted authorities to make unique bindings between a subject and a digital object; for example, certificate authorities certify a public key belongs to a domain name, and time-stamping authorities certify that a certain piece of information existed at a certain time. Traditional digital signature schemes however impose no uniqueness conditions, so a trusted authority could make multiple certifications for the same subject but different objects, be it intentionally, by accident, or following a (legal or illegal) coercion. We propose the notion of a double-authentication-preventing signature, in which a value to be signed is split into two parts: a subject and a message. If a signer ever signs two different messages for the same subject, enough information is revealed to allow anyone to compute valid signatures on behalf of the signer. This double-signature forgeability property discourages signers from misbehaving---a form of self-enforcement---and would give binding authorities like CAs some cryptographic arguments to resist legal coercion. We give a generic construction using a new type of trapdoor functions with extractability properties, which we show can be instantiated using the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo a Blum integer.


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This paper presents algebraic attacks on SOBER-t32 and SOBER-t16 without stuttering. For unstuttered SOBER-t32, two different attacks are implemented. In the first attack, we obtain multivariate equations of degree 10. Then, an algebraic attack is developed using a collection of output bits whose relation to the initial state of the LFSR can be described by low-degree equations. The resulting system of equations contains 2^69 equations and monomials, which can be solved using the Gaussian elimination with the complexity of 2^196.5. For the second attack, we build a multivariate equation of degree 14. We focus on the property of the equation that the monomials which are combined with output bit are linear. By applying the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, we can obtain a system of linear equations and the initial states of the LFSR can be recovered. The complexity of attack is around O(2^100) with 2^92 keystream observations. The second algebraic attack is applicable to SOBER-t16 without stuttering. The attack takes around O(2^85) CPU clocks with 2^78 keystream observations.


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In this paper we present a cryptanalysis of a new 256-bit hash function, FORK-256, proposed by Hong et al. at FSE 2006. This cryptanalysis is based on some unexpected differentials existing for the step transformation. We show their possible uses in different attack scenarios by giving a 1-bit (resp. 2-bit) near collision attack against the full compression function of FORK-256 running with complexity of 2^125 (resp. 2^120) and with negligible memory, and by exhibiting a 22-bit near pseudo-collision. We also show that we can find collisions for the full compression function with a small amount of memory with complexity not exceeding 2^126.6 hash evaluations. We further show how to reduce this complexity to 2^109.6 hash computations by using 273 memory words. Finally, we show that this attack can be extended with no additional cost to find collisions for the full hash function, i.e. with the predefined IV.


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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2012, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in December 2012. The 22 revised full papers, presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 99 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on cryptanalysis; network security; cryptographic protocols; encryption; and s-box theory.


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Cumulative arrays have played an important role in the early development of the secret sharing theory. They have not been subject to extensive study so far, as the secret sharing schemes built on them generally result in much larger sizes of shares, when compared with other conventional approaches. Recent works in threshold cryptography show that cumulative arrays may be the appropriate building blocks in non-homomorphic threshold cryptosystems where the conventional secret sharing methods are generally of no use. In this paper we study several extensions of cumulative arrays and show that some of these extensions significantly improve the performance of conventional cumulative arrays. In particular, we derive bounds on generalised cumulative arrays and show that the constructions based on perfect hash families are asymptotically optimal. We also introduce the concept of ramp perfect hash families as a generalisation of perfect hash families for the study of ramp secret sharing schemes and ramp cumulative arrays.


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Motivated by privacy issues associated with dissemination of signed digital certificates, we define a new type of signature scheme called a ‘Universal Designated-Verifier Signature’ (UDVS). A UDVS scheme can function as a standard publicly-verifiable digital signature but has additional functionality which allows any holder of a signature (not necessarily the signer) to designate the signature to any desired designated-verifier (using the verifier’s public key). Given the designated-signature, the designated-verifier can verify that the message was signed by the signer, but is unable to convince anyone else of this fact. We propose an efficient deterministic UDVS scheme constructed using any bilinear group-pair. Our UDVS scheme functions as a standard Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signature when no verifier-designation is performed, and is therefore compatible with the key-generation, signing and verifying algorithms of the BLS scheme. We prove that our UDVS scheme is secure in the sense of our unforgeability and privacy notions for UDVS schemes, under the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption for the underlying group-pair, in the random-oracle model. We also demonstrate a general constructive equivalence between a class of unforgeable and unconditionally-private UDVS schemes having unique signatures (which includes the deterministic UDVS schemes) and a class of ID-Based Encryption (IBE) schemes which contains the Boneh-Franklin IBE scheme but not the Cocks IBE scheme.