902 resultados para Homem - Origem


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The aim of this research is, starting from a Baroque reading, unfold the understanding of the poems by João Cabral de Melo Neto in the axis Pernambuco-Spain. From this perspective, the reading of poet s Obra Completa allows the appearance of two persons, one from Seville and other from the Brazilian countryside, whom curiously pulsate and reveal themselves from their homelands, Brazilian northeastern dry lands and Seville, to a labyrinthy meeting establishing a close and exciting relationship of cities apart but which mark a contiguous dialogue between both cultures. The theorical effort of this investigation permeates, approaches and contrasts the directions of, among others, Severo Sarduy (1999), Gilles Deleuze (2012) and Eugenio D Ors (unknown). Not traveling an anthropological bias, this study observes the Spanish space and the Brazilian northeastern dry lands space, joining the regional to the universal and analyzes the baroque game in the (re) construction of the both men s cultures. These elements fuse, approach and move away, causing a game of allusions to Pernambuco and Spain that show itself through a similar cultural bias and different at the same time. From this apprehension it is possible to understand the synthesis of the Brazilian arid northeast-Seville men as a update of seventeenth century Baroque coming from indexes that are shown over the particular written by João Cabral de Melo Neto, in the Iberian Baroque scenario and in the American one s


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The philosophical discussion has been present throughout the whole history of reason, for philosophy and reason have been always closely linked. In the following work, Reason, origin, crises and contemporary answers I go into the history of the rational and demonstrative thought, focusing on how rationality can be thought about in contemporary philosophy. To answer this question I discuss the principle of philosophy, the mythical period and the thoughts of Heraclito , Parmenides , Plato and Aristotle in relation to reason and rationality. Also discussed is the medieval period and the philosophical use of logic and the criticism of Aristotle s thoughts, especially focusing on the criticism of Hegel and Luckasiewicz of the non contradiction principle. Lastly I discuss the development of reason in present day philosophy, mainly how modern logics could be putting at stake Aristotle s model of reason


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Made from the bases of metaphysics, this dissertation is related do Kant‟s moral philosophy. But the itinerary to reach the main speculation used to develop this current understanding of Kant‟s thoughts, it is nothing but an attempt to make the formal rigor more flexible, which has always been associated to Kantian ethics‟ perspectives. From the awareness of what this formalism could be, while a moral arrangement, it is how we will be able to come upon a teleological Kant. That is the fundamental element to comprehend some of the significant aspects in that ethical system, which necessarily comes through the effort to demonstrate the proximity between reason and sensibility, as well as nature and liberty. In this environment, the journey to achieve the autonomy, as the bedrock of liberty and morality, evokes the support of education in Kantian patterns, which enables a course of improvement of the human being, as an individual e, more significantly, as specie. This evolution progress, which tents to reveal the destiny of the humanity, is evolved in the relationship between necessity and finality, as a condition to make the structure of a project to humanity possible. We should mention that it is a rational, an educational and a moral project to be developed in the course of history. As a consequence, the amount of all these elements permits the development of the man‟s natural disposition as a creature that looks for self knowledge , becoming, afterward, dignified to be qualified as a human being. Finally, this study intent to figure out the necessity of the human being inclusion to nature, which happens throughout the acquirement of the individuals‟ conscience


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This work starts from the principle that the word humanism has been currently used to advocate certain behaviors or ways of acting which had been constituted for more than 2500 years, mainly in what refers to the most basic human values, which are clearly validated without any questioning. Humanism has been seen continually as a stone of civility touch. Thus, in 1999, the philosopher Peter Sloterdijk presented a conference in Baviera entitled Rules for the Human Zoo, whose subtitle was clear that it dealt with an answer to Martin Heidegger s text Letter on Humanism, basically showing that civility is necessarily bound to human domestication. So, the present work is split in three chapters. The first one aims to set the cultural and metaphysical bases of humanism. The second one will adopt an approach about what we will call epistolary humanism and its corollaries. Besides, in the third chapter, we will compose theoretical statements to the Heideggerian criticism against humanism and the post humanist contemporary proposition, as well as about the anthropotechnics. We can state that these two elements are considered as anthropological fundamentals of humanism and post humanism, and by understanding their mentioned historical relationship from their biological and ontological assumptions. Therefore, this work, which has been presented here, when it tries to map humanism under the theoretical influence of Sloterdijk, it distinguishes itself precisely by realizing the coherence with which he aims at diagnosing the directions of the contemporary humanism


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Cette dissertation propose l analyse des Mémoires de Olivier de La Marche, homme de la cour qui a vécu comme serviteur des maisons de Bourgogne et d Autriche de l année 1439 jusqu à 1502. Nous avons compris sa littérature comme particulière pour l époque, car elle est née motivé par les questions personnelles de l auteur. C est pourquoi qu elle s est éloignée des genres littéraires liés à la fonction de servir aux propos du prince, particulièrement les chroniques. Nous avons cru que ces intentions particulières ont eu l origine dans la tradition de la mémoire médiévale, qui a répandu de l oral pour l écrit pendant la fin de la Moyen Âge. Cette écriture de la mémoire, réglementée à l expérience de qui écrivait, a promu la naissance de l individu quand il a cherché assumer les lieux du personnage et du témoin des événements dans l espace du texte . Telle affirmation nous avons conduit jusqu à la fonction des discours qui ont créé des espaces dans l oeuvre. Motivé par la vision spécialisée comme maître d hôtel, tels discours ont produit un espace de la cour idéal, capable de justifier la personnalité de l auteur et de lui consacrer comme le maître de la pratique de la courtoisie


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A lógica como semiótica implica, do ponto de vista de Peirce, uma estrutura triádica onde a bipolaridade constituída pelo par sujeito-objeto é superada. Tanto o nominalismo quanto o individualismo são ultrapassados. O signo é mais amplo do que o símbolo e supõe a potencialidade e a atualidade. Duas classes de objetos e duas séries de interpretantes, cada uma destas últimas admitindo três espécies, dão lugar a uma lógica da conduta científica que faz apelo a uma comunidade futura cuja crença corresponde à Verdade, e a uma dimensão cosmológica do pensamento que fundamenta a derradeira objetividade do conhecimento e da volição.


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Il s'agit d'examiner l'origine des représentations fondamentales (formes de la réceptivité et formes intelectuelles )face à la critique faite par Kant des idées innées et abstraites.


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The water quality of many reservoirs in the world has been reduced due to percolation of contaminants to water, which can have natural or anthropogenic origin, increasing the level of genotoxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems. This fact has contributed to the reduction of environmental quality, and commitment the health of living beings that inhabit these ecosystems, including the human population. In this backdrop of reduced water quality, is the Lucrecia dam, which is a major surface water reservoirs by volume of semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, and that has shown contamination by heavy metals, cyanobacteria toxic and the natural presence of Radon. The population that use this source has been showing high rates of cancer, popularly associated with the consumption of this water, with a prevalence about three times higher compared to the whole state of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on this, the present study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic potencial of surface water from the Lucrecia dam, using the Micronucleus Test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MN) and in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (CBMN) assay, as well as identify the concentrations of some heavy metals in this water. Water samples were collected on a dry season and a rainy season, in two distinct points. Moreover, in order to bring a completely view about the relationship of man-health-environment in this local, through the knowledge of knowing / acting environmental from residents of Lucrecia, and the use and perceptions they have about the dam of your city, a study of Environmental Perception was carried out with local residents. The results obtained for the both micronucleus test, showed significant results for the three points analyzed. The strongest mutagenic effect was observed in the dry season for both assays. Chemical analyses detected an increase of heavy metal levels in different points and season above the maximum allowed by legislation. Regarding the study of Environmental Perception with local residents, it was observed the knowledge of the environment that the residents have, as well as the strong ties and perceptions with the dam of the city. Thus, the combination of these two aspects (the genetic toxicity tests conducted in the dam together with analysis of environmental perception with the residents of Lucrecia) allowed to draw a more complete diagnosis on the local situation


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A origem anômala da artéria coronária esquerda a partir do tronco pulmonar, conhecida como síndrome de Bland-White-Garland (BWG), é uma doença rara, que, habitualmente, leva à morte antes do primeiro ano de vida. Os autores relatam o caso de uma criança branca, com 2 anos e 6 meses de idade, portadora da síndrome de BWG, e revisam a apresentação clínica, a fisiopatologia, o diagnóstico e o tratamento desses pacientes.


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OBJETIVO: traduzir e adaptar protocolo desenvolvido por pesquisadores alemães, adequando-o às características fonéticas e linguísticas do português falado no Brasil. Caracterizar os componentes de fala mais alterados na população com doença de Parkinson, comparando-os com grupo de sujeitos normais na mesma faixa etária. MÉTODOS: realizou-se a tradução e adaptação do protocolo. Posteriormente foram avaliados 21 pacientes com diagnóstico neurológico de Doença de Parkinson nos estágios Hoehn &Yarh, entre 2 e 3, e 10 sujeitos normais. O protocolo incluía avaliação da respiração, fonação, ressonância, articulação, prosódia e a análise acústica dos parâmetros vocais. RESULTADOS: o protocolo mostrou-se de fácil aplicação clínica. Nos sujeitos com doença de Parkinson foram observadas alterações predominantes na fonação (85,9%) e articulação (42,9%). CONCLUSÃO: o estudo demonstrou ser o protocolo uma ferramenta eficiente para a avaliação da disartria em pacientes com doença de Parkinson.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram revisados dados de etiologia, epidemiologia, patogenia, sinais clínicos, procedimentos diagnósticos, conduta terapêutica e ações de controle e profilaxia da prototecose em cães e gatos, além de aspectos da doença no homem e em bovinos.


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O interesse por medicamentos alternativos, principalmente daqueles provenientes de extratos naturais, tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. A Melaleuca alternifolia é um arbusto pertencente ao gênero Melaleuca, popularmente conhecida como árvore de chá, cujo principal produto é o óleo essencial (TTO - tea tree oil), de grande importância medicinal por possuir comprovada ação bactericida e antifúngica contra diversos patógenos humanos. em virtude da atividade terapêutica em diversas especialidades médicas, o TTO passou a ser empregado na área odontológica. Esta revisão de literatura foi realizada com o objetivo de discutir os ensaios já realizados com o TTO contra microrganismos relacionados à doença cárie, doença periodontal e problemas pulpares. O óleo de Melaleuca tem demonstrado boa ação antibacteriana in vitro contra microrganismos bucais, porém, pesquisas envolvendo o estudo do mecanismo de ação sobre as células microbianas ou estudos in vivo ainda são escassos e precisam ser realizados, já que esse produto pode ser útil na odontologia, seja na manutenção química da higiene ou prevenção de doenças bucais.


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Foi realizado um trabalho para determinar o aproveitamento alimentar da farinha de carne e ossos (FCO), farinha de vísceras de aves (FVA) e farinha de peixe (FP) em tartaruga-da-amazônia, por meio dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE) e energia bruta (EB). Os animais experimentais foram 136 filhotes provenientes do Projeto Quelônios da Amazônia, no estado do Mato Grosso, mantidos em caixas com renovação de água e temperatura média de 29ºC. Os CDA foram determinados com dietas contendo 0,1% do marcador óxido de crômio III (Cr2O3). Os CDA da MS, PB, EE e EB foram, respectivamente, de 79,10; 87,61; 93,83 e 79,61% para FCO; 92,45; 94,89; 96,55 e 92,71% para FV e 93,53; 95,13; 94,05 e 93,18% para FP. Os melhores coeficientes foram obtidos com a farinha de peixe e a farinha de vísceras de aves.


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O propósito deste trabalho é investigar o percurso histórico da oração completiva iniciada pela conjunção se do português, que também introduz, nessa e em outras línguas românicas, uma oração adverbial condicional. Com base em registros de filólogos e romanistas, demonstra-se que a similaridade existente entre essas orações é resultado de gramaticalização da oração condicional que, no latim, passou a funcionar como oração completiva, em razão da extinção das partículas interrogativas que passaram a ser substituídas pela conjunção condicional latina si. Como oração completiva, a oração com se submete-se à gramaticalização, integrando-se à oração matriz de um modo que, conforme proposta de Hopper e Traugott (1993) e de Lehmann (1988), é próprio a construções completivas. A forma que tem essa oração de se gramaticalizar, incorporando-se à oração matriz, é, entretanto, diferente do que é previsto ocorrer a uma completiva introduzida por que, uma diferença que se deve, sobretudo, ao significado hipotético que a completiva com se preserva de sua fonte histórica. Demonstra-se, por fim, que, do português arcaico ao português contemporâneo, a gramaticalização do complemento oracional introduzido por se não se configura em mudança diacrônica, já que essa gramaticalização é atestada desde períodos mais remotos, em textos do século XIV.