821 resultados para History orf Education


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Considerando que es posible pensar la historia de la educación como un camino para lograr reconstruir la producción y circulación de ideas de una determinada época, el presente trabajo tiene como objeto no solo iniciar el estudio de un pedagogo como lo es Víctor Mercante (1870-1934) involucrado en la educación argentina de finales del Siglo XIX y principios del XX-sino comenzar a recorrer una trayectoria profesional permeada de las discusiones y debates de la época. Mercante aporta una mirada que presenta aspectos innovadores en clave de un período histórico determinado rico por el abanico de perspectivas culturales que en él se concentran. Con este objeto hemos trabajado en el análisis del contenido de la reforma educativa Saavedra-Lamas de la cual es mentor y en su sustento teórico, a partir del propio pensamiento de Mercante y de las condiciones en las que la misma fue implementada y en las que fue derogada. La intención final es alcanzar una explicación que de cuenta de las condiciones de la relación entre corrientes y tradiciones intelectuales, fuerzas políticas y actores sociales en el marco de un proceso de reforma educativa


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El objetivo general de esta ponencia es dar a conocer cómo se enseñaba a leer y escribir en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante la última dictadura y qué elementos condicionaban la enseñanza. Se analizan diseños curriculares del período y anteriores, programas, libros de texto, políticas legislativas y circulares. La estrategia cualitativa se sirve también de una técnica conversacional: la entrevista en profundidad y no estructurada a antiguas docentes del primer ciclo. Concluimos, a partir del caso de la enseñanza de la lecto-escritura, en que no es posible establecer una simple imbricación en todas las esferas -práctica y teoría pedagógica, curriculum, rol del docente, formación intelectual del alumno, etc.- entre la estrategia política y la política educativa dictatorial. El texto pretende generar una reflexión sobre los peligros de utilizar una cronología política abocada a las rupturas al hacer historia de la educación.


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Gaines studied History and Education at Lincoln and was frequently seen in Memorial Hall chatting with his mentors in the History Department, Drs. W. Sherman Savage and Lorenzo Greene about his future after graduation.


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Conscientes de las posibilidades pedagógicas, participativas y de colaboración científica de la Web 2.0, los autores del presente artículo se plantean la detección de las necesidades y expectativas hacia la creación de una plataforma virtual delimitada por un espacio interactivo o red social para la Historia de la Educación y el Patrimonio Histórico-educativo. Gracias a la evaluación mediante un cuestionario en el que han participado un grupo de expertos docentes e investigadores de Historia de la Educación, se han obtenido una serie de conclusiones a tener en cuenta respecto a determinados aspectos (conocimiento y uso, expectativas, componentes, etc.) que orientarán la construcción ad hoc de dicha plataforma. Es relevante el poco conocimiento y uso de las redes sociales tanto genéricas como específicas, así como otro tipo de aplicaciones web. Destaca, por otro lado, que la edad de los participantes no ha condicionado la importancia percibida sobre las capacidades de las TIC para el desarrollo en la docencia y la investigación.


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This leatherbound volume lists books donated to the Harvard College Library by Jasper Mauduit, who served as an agent in London on behalf of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. Entries are arranged alphabetically and by format; i.e. the first page lists all folios whose author, title, or keyword begin with "A," the next page lists all quartos beginning with "A," and the following page lists all "octavo &ca" volumes beginning with "A." The volume continues in a similar manner for each letter of the alphabet. Following a devastating fire in 1764 which destroyed most of the books in the Harvard College Library, Mauduit donated books, as well as money for the purchase of books, to the College. He also acted as an agent of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in New England and Parts Adjacent, using the £300 they donated for the rebuilding of the College library to select and purchase a large number of books. It is not known if the books listed in this catalog are those donated by Mauduit himself, or if they are the donations he purchased on behalf of the Society. The creator of this volume is unknown; although all entries are made in the same hand, the identity of the writer has not been determined. The label attached to the front cover, which refers to the Lime Street address of Mauduit's business in London, suggests that the list might have been prepared by Mauduit himself.


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Volume containing notes taken in 1776 by Benjamin Waterhouse (1754-1846) on medical lectures given in Scotland by University of Edinburgh Professor Andrew Duncan (1744-1828). The lectures focused on pathology, with attention given to secretion, absorption, nutrition, excretion, circulation, and respiration. There are also notes on common medicines and their indications and contraindications, such as emetics, cathartics, diaphoretics, and diuretics.


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This study explores the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges, specifically The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, the Kingston Women’s Medical College, and Queen’s Medical College, from 1881 to 1910, using the textbooks prescribed by these institutions as primary sources. The central question encompasses what factors primarily motivated the curriculum at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges to change. Within the historiographical scholarship on Queen’s College, this question has not yet been addressed and, to my knowledge, this is the first medical education history to specifically address textbooks as part of a medical school curriculum. During this period, these institutions experienced reorganizational shifts, such as the reunification of Queen’s Medical College with The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, as well as the introduction and subsequent exclusion of female students. Within this context, this study examines how the forces of scientific innovation and co-education impacted the curriculum during the period under study, as measured by textbook change, specifically in the courses of obstetrics and gynaecology, the theory and practice of medicine, and surgery. To what degree was curriculum in these courses responsive to scientific inventions and discoveries, changing therapeutic practices, and possible gender biases? From 1881 to 1910, innovations such as x-ray and anaesthesia became commonplace within medical practice. Some technologies gained acceptance in the curriculum, while others fell out of favour. This study tracks these scientific discoveries through the textbooks used at Queen’s-affiliated medical colleges in order to demonstrate how the evolving nature of medicine was represented in the curriculum. To address how gender influenced the curriculum, textbooks from the Kingston Women’s Medical College and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, were compared. For two out of the three examined courses, it was found that sections of textbooks discussing various topics at the Kingston Women’s Medical College contained significantly more detail than their corresponding sections within The Royal College’s textbooks. It was speculated that the instructors preferred to teach their female students through textbooks, rather than lectures.


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[I] The British Isles and Mediterranean possessions (Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus)--[II] Asia including the Indian Empire and dependencies, Ceylon, British Malaya & Far Eastern possessions.--[III] Africa including South Africa, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, British East Africa, Uganda, Somaliland, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan & Egypt, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Walfish Bay, with Mauritius and other islands in the Indian and Atlantic oceans.--[IV] America including Canada, Newfoundland, the British West Indies, and the Falkland Islands & dependencies.--[V] Australasia including Australia, New Zealand, the Western Pacific & the British sector in Antarctica.--[VI] General survey including administration, legal problems, history, defence, education, acclimatization, mapping, commerce, communication, migration.


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"Writings of the faculty of the University, 1825-1887. By William P. Trent": p. 218-225.


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Vol. for 1890/92 includes History of education in West Virginia, by B. S. Morgan and J. F. Cork.


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Esta investigação empírica discute e analisa o trabalho docente do profissional do Ensino Médio, sua formação e desestruturação na sociedade contemporânea, procurando relacioná-la à própria crise da formação cultural em vigor. O objetivo principal é analisar as formas de adaptação e de resistência do professor perante as grandes mudanças e novas exigências para o educador do novo século iniciado no ano de 2000, com a chegada do novo milênio. A partir desse objetivo analisado, foi estudado como o professor compreende sua formação e carreira, focalizando as ações instauradas atualmente pela Secretaria do Estado da Educação de São Paulo, no período de 2000 a 2014, nas escolas de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri, confrontando com as regras propostas pela última LDB (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases) e legislação correlata também em âmbito estadual. A hipótese que rege esta investigação é a de que há inconsistências e incoerências na normatização na esfera executiva do sistema estadual de ensino. As Escolas Estaduais de Ensino Médio do município de Barueri (SP) serão o campo empírico desta pesquisa que se realizará em 2013 e 2014. A partir de informações obtidas por meio de análise documental e de respostas fornecidas por professores com questionários padronizados, objetivando caracterizar o perfil profissional do professor, confronta-lo com as exigências do sistema, identificar ações que regulam a sua seleção e explicitar sua manifestação sobre o impacto da má qualidade de sua formação no exercício da docência, fator que favorece o agravamento de forças conservadoras, cristalizadas em forma de práticas voltadas para a resolução de problemas do cotidiano escolar do Ensino Médio. Os estudos sobre cultura escolar, história da educação será apoiado Florestan Fernandes (1966), Otaíza de Oliveira Romanelli (1990), Helena Souza Patto (1999), Raquel Volpato Serbino (1998), Edgar Morin (2006), Guiomar Namo de Mello (2004), Dermeval Saviani (2003), Antônio Nóvoa (1995), José Mário P. Azanha (1968), Selma Pimenta Garrido (1992), Bernadete Gatti (1996), Francisco Imbernón (2002), Martha Abrahão Saad Lucchesi (2002), Lizete Shizue Bomura Maciel (2004), entre outros autores que estaremos pesquisando ao longo do nosso trabalho.


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O presente estudo analisou a implantação e a prática educativa do trabalho da missionária metodista norte-americana Martha Hite Watts na virada do século XIX e início do século XX, na cidade de Piracicaba, situada no estado de São Paulo. Os eixos de análise para interpretar as interfaces históricas do período baseiam-se em três aspectos: gênero, educação e missão. Martha Watts, é considerada a primeira educadora metodista no Brasil. Sua atuação se deu a partir de 1881, na cidade de Piracicaba, onde fundou o Colégio Piracicabano, que permanece em funcionamento até o presente momento. Sua experiência educacional foi relevante para o desempenho das escolas metodistas ao adotar uma pedagogia inovadora, nos moldes dos países europeus e de sua terra natal. No Brasil do final do século XIX, Martha Watts mostrou determinação ao enfrentar as diferenças de uma nova cultura e novo ambiente com hábitos, gestos e palavras estranhas para ela. O estudo procurou, a partir do diálogo com as cartas deixadas pela missionária, contribuir para a linha de pesquisa em História da Educação Brasileira. A obra da missionária Martha Watts se configura como um valioso legado para o estudo da História da Educação, História das Mulheres e Gênero.(AU)


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The paper presents an ongoing effort aimed at building an electronic archive of documents issued by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education in the 40ies and 50ies of the 20th century. These funds are stored in the Archive of the Ministry of the People’s Education within the State Archival Fund of the General Department of Archives at the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria. Our basic concern is not the digitization process per se, but the subsequent organization of the archive in a clear and easily-searchable way which would allow various types of users to get access to the documents of interest to them. Here we present the variety of the documents which are stored in the archival collection, and suggestions on their electronic organization. We suggest using ontologies- based presentation of the archive. The basic benefit of this approach is the possibility to search the collection according to the stored content categories.


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The urgent need for teachers led the Florida legislature in 1887 to establish the Florida State Normal College at DeFuniak Springs. The college closed in 1905 with passage of the Buckman Act, which mandated a complete reorganization of state-supported higher education and ended coeducation for white students. This small college, open for eighteen years, was uniquely situated in time and place to examine larger questions in American educational history as well as contribute to the history of higher education in Florida, which developed differently than in other states.^ This historical case study used archival sources to examine this institution, and contribute to the history of the origins of Florida's system of higher education. Key questions guiding the research were the nature of the students, fundamental aspects of school life, the impact of the school on the students, and the role of the school in the development of higher education in Florida. Original sources included the Catalogs, Register and Minutes of the school. The census of 1900 was used to develop information on the backgrounds of the students. Findings were: DeFuniak Springs was chosen for the school because of the Florida Chautauqua; the school was coeducational and had few rules but the internalized social codes of the students resulted in almost no difficulties with discipline; the students, a majority of whom were women, were from middle-class southern families; the college compared favorably in faculty, facilities and curriculum to institutions elsewhere; although few students graduated, alumni played a key role in shaping Florida's common schools; and, the Buckman Act entirely changed the nature of higher education in Florida.^ Implications were: The coeducational nature of the college a hundred years ago significantly changes the picture of Florida's higher education; the school was small, but its influence far outlasted the institution; and, the school struggled with issues which continue to trouble modern educators such as finances, the legislature, student retention, underpreparedness, and the proper structuring of a curriculum, which indicates the persistence of these issues. ^


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The modern rhetoric of reform in education has been in the forefront since the 1980s, but it has now taken on a new meaning, a greater importance to both students and teachers, a new urgency for change, and a sense of hope that this time reform will truly make a difference. The major purpose of this study was to compare historical reform initiatives to the current Florida state initiative, Blueprint 2000: A System of School Improvement and Accountability.^ Five questions were considered: (1) how similar were historical and current reform initiatives; (2) what aspects of reform were actually accomplished; (3) what are the elements of a profession; (4) what implications might this research have for university programs and inservice training programs regarding their role in the preparation of teachers; and, (5) what implications might research have on the promotion of professional practice. ^