776 resultados para High-Strength concrete
Tensile strengths, impact energies, and fracture toughness data are presented for pure Fe-0.5 C, Astaloy A with 0.2 and 0.6%C, and for Distaloy AB-0.6%C at relative densities of about 0.9, achieved by conventional pressing and sintering, and at close to 1.0, achieved by powder forging. At low relative density, properties are controlled by sizes of sinter necks; it is postulated that toughness scales as (x/a)4, x/a being the ratio of neck diameter to particle diameter. At high relative density, microvoid coalescence and good toughness is observed for low strength microstructures whereas cleavage and poor toughness is a concomitant of high strength.
It has never been easy for manufacturing companies to understand their confidence level in terms of how accurate and to what degree of flexibility parts can be made. This brings uncertainty in finding the most suitable manufacturing method as well as in controlling their product and process verification systems. The aim of this research is to develop a system for capturing the company’s knowledge and expertise and then reflect it into an MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning) system. A key activity here is measuring manufacturing and machining capabilities to a reasonable confidence level. For this purpose an in-line control measurement system is introduced to the company. Using SPC (Statistical Process Control) not only helps to predict the trend in manufacturing of parts but also minimises the human error in measurement. Gauge R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) study identifies problems in measurement systems. Measurement is like any other process in terms of variability. Reducing this variation via an automated machine probing system helps to avoid defects in future products.Developments in aerospace, nuclear, oil and gas industries demand materials with high performance and high temperature resistance under corrosive and oxidising environments. Superalloys were developed in the latter half of the 20th century as high strength materials for such purposes. For the same characteristics superalloys are considered as difficult-to-cut alloys when it comes to formation and machining. Furthermore due to the sensitivity of superalloy applications, in many cases they should be manufactured with tight tolerances. In addition superalloys, specifically Nickel based, have unique features such as low thermal conductivity due to having a high amount of Nickel in their material composition. This causes a high surface temperature on the work-piece at the machining stage which leads to deformation in the final product.Like every process, the material variations have a significant impact on machining quality. The main cause of variations can originate from chemical composition and mechanical hardness. The non-uniform distribution of metal elements is a major source of variation in metallurgical structures. Different heat treatment standards are designed for processing the material to the desired hardness levels based on application. In order to take corrective actions, a study on the material aspects of superalloys has been conducted. In this study samples from different batches of material have been analysed. This involved material preparation for microscopy analysis, and the effect of chemical compositions on hardness (before and after heat treatment). Some of the results are discussed and presented in this paper.
This paper proposes a novel rotor structure for high-speed interior permanent magnet motors to overcome huge centrifugal forces under high-speed operation. Instead of the conventional axial stacking of silicon-steel laminations, the retaining shield rotor is inter-stacked by high-strength stainless-steel plates to enhance the rotor strength against the huge centrifugal force. Both mechanical characteristics and electromagnetic behaviors of the retaining shield rotor are analyzed using finite-element method in this paper. Prototypes and experimental results are demonstrated to evaluate the performance. The analysis and test results show that the proposed retaining shield rotor could effectively enhance the rotor strength without a significant impact on the electromagnetic performance, while some design constraints should be compromised.
Most of the moveable bridges use open grid steel decks, because these are factory assembled, light-weight, and easy to install. Open grid steel decks, however, are not as skid resistant as solid decks. Costly maintenance, high noise levels, poor riding comfort and susceptibility to vibrations are among the other disadvantages of these decks. The major objective of this research was to develop alternative deck systems which weigh no more than 25 lb/ft2, have solid riding surface, are no more than 4–5 in. thick and are able to withstand prescribed loading. Three deck systems were considered in this study: ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) deck, aluminum deck and UHPC-fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tube deck. UHPC deck was the first alternative system developed as a part of this project. Due to its ultra high strength, this type of concrete results in thinner sections, which helps satisfy the strict self-weight limit. A comprehensive experimental and analytical evaluation of the system was carried out to establish its suitability. Both single and multi-unit specimens with one or two spans were tested for static and dynamic loading. Finite element models were developed to predict the deck behavior. The study led to the conclusion that the UHPC bridge deck is a feasible alternative to open grid steel deck. Aluminum deck was the second alternative system studied in this project. A detailed experimental and analytical evaluation of the system was carried out. The experimental work included static and dynamic loading on the deck panels and connections. Analytical work included detailed finite element modeling. Based on the in-depth experimental and analytical evaluations, it was concluded that aluminum deck was a suitable alternative to open grid steel decks and is ready for implementation. UHPC-FRP tube deck was the third system developed in this research. Prestressed hollow core decks are commonly used, but the proposed type of steel-free deck is quite novel. Preliminary experimental evaluations of two simple-span specimens, one with uniform section and the other with tapered section were carried out. The system was shown to have good promise to replace the conventional open grid decks. Additional work, however, is needed before the system is recommended for field application.
The acceleration of technological change and the process of globalization has intensified competition and the need for new products (goods and services), resulting in growing concern for organizations in the development of technological, economic and social advances. This work presents an overview of the development of wind energy-related technologies and design trends. To conduct this research, it is (i) a literature review on technological innovation, technological forecasting methods and fundamentals of wind power; (ii) the analysis of patents, with the current technology landscape studied by means of finding information in patent databases; and (iii) the preparation of the map of technological development and construction of wind turbines of the future trend information from the literature and news from the sector studied. Step (ii) allowed the study of 25 644 patents between the years 2003-2012, in which the US and China lead the ranking of depositors and the American company General Electric and the Japanese Mitsubishi stand as the largest holder of wind technology. Step (iii) analyzed and identified that most of the innovations presented in the technological evolution of wind power are incremental product innovations to market. The proposed future trends shows that the future wind turbines tend to have a horizontal synchronous shaft, which with the highest diameter of 194m and 164m rotor nacelle top, the top having 7,5MW generation. The materials used for the blades are new materials with characteristics of low density and high strength. The towers are trend with hybrid materials, uniting the steel to the concrete. This work tries to cover the existing gap in the gym on the use of technological forecasting techniques for the wind energy industry, through the recognition that utilize the patent analysis, analysis of scientific articles and stories of the area, provide knowledge about the industry and influencing the quality of investment decisions in R & D and hence improves the efficiency and effectiveness of wind power generation
Natural pozzolans can be activated and condensed with sodium silicate in an alkaline environment to synthesize high performance cementitious construction materials with low environmental impact. The nature of the starting materials including mineral composition, chemical composition and crystal structure groups affects the formation of the geopolymer gel phase. In this paper, the pozzolanic activities of five natural pozzolans are studied. From XRD and XRF results, most of the raw materials contain zeolite clay minerals and have a high loss on ignition. Therefore, before use, samples were calcined at 700, 800 and 900 °C, respectively. The improvement in pozzolanic properties was studied following heat treatment including calcinations and/or elevated curing temperature by using alkali solubility and compressive strength tests. The results show that pozzolan containing sodium zeolite clinoptilolite can be used to prepare a moderate to high strength binder by heat treatment and calcinations can impart disorder hornblende as a constituent of pozzolan with no amorphous phase to prepare a moderate strength binder.
Die Weiterentwicklungen in der Betontechnologie führten in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu Hochleistungsbetonen mit immer höheren Festigkeiten. Der Ermüdungsnachweis wurde jedoch kaum weiterentwickelt und beinhaltet immer noch sehr grobe Herangehensweisen bei der Berücksichtigung des Materialwiderstands von Beton. Für eine grundlegende Weiterentwicklung dieses Nachweises fehlt noch das notwendige Wissen zu den Mechanismen der Betonermüdung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, grundlegende Erkenntnisse zum Ermüdungsverhalten hochfester Betone bei unterschiedlichen zyklischen Beanspruchungen zu ermitteln und hierdurch zu einem besseren Verständnis der Mechanismen der Betonermüdung beizutragen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Ermüdungsverhalten eines hochfesten Betons bei Druckschwellbeanspruchung anhand der Dehnungs- und Steifigkeitsentwicklungen untersucht. Betrachtet wurden dabei die Einflüsse der bezogenen Oberspannung, der Belastungsfrequenz und der Wellenform. Zusätzlich wurden, ausgehend von in der Literatur dokumentierten Ansätzen, Versuche bei monoton steigender Beanspruchung und Dauerstandbeanspruchung vergleichend durchgeführt. Die Dehnungs- und Steifigkeitsentwicklungen werden durch die untersuchten Belastungsparameter der Ermüdungsbeanspruchung eindeutig beeinflusst. Charakteristische Zusammenhänge zwischen der Beeinflussung einzelner Kenngrößen der Dehnungs- und Steifigkeitsentwicklung und der Beeinflussung der Bruchlastwechselzahlen wurden aufgezeigt. Anhand der Dehnungen und Steifigkeiten an den Phasenübergängen konnten Hinweise auf beanspru-chungsartabhängige Gefügezustände abgeleitet werden. Die vergleichende Auswertung des Dehnungsverhaltens bei monoton steigender Beanspruchung, Ermüdungsbeanspruchung und Dauerstandbeanspruchung zeigte, dass das Ermüdungsverhalten von Beton nicht adäquat in Anlehnung an andere Beanspruchungsarten beschrieben werden kann. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse wurden in eine Modellvorstellung übertragen, die zur Beurteilung der baustofflichen Phänomene bei zyklischen Beanspruchungen geeignet ist. Dabei wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich unterschiedlich ausgeprägte Kleinst-Gefügeveränderungen beanspruchungsabhängig einstellen, die die Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Mikrorissen beeinflussen. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der Dehnungs- und Steifigkeitsentwicklungen führte zu neuen und tiefergehenden Erkenntnissen und sollte ergänzt durch die Betrachtungen von Gefügezuständen zukünftig weiterverfolgt werden.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
L'industrie du ciment est l'une des principales sources d'émission de dioxyde de carbone. L'industrie mondiale du ciment contribue à environ 7% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l'atmosphère. Afin d'aborder les effets environnementaux associés à la fabrication de ciment exploitant en permanence les ressources naturelles, il est nécessaire de développer des liants alternatifs pour fabriquer du béton durable. Ainsi, de nombreux sous-produits industriels ont été utilisés pour remplacer partiellement le ciment dans le béton afin de générer plus d'économie et de durabilité. La performance d'un additif de ciment est dans la cinétique d'hydratation et de la synergie entre les additions et de ciment Portland. Dans ce projet, deux sous-produits industriels sont étudiés comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs: le résidu de silice amorphe (RSA) et les cendres des boues de désencrage. Le RSA est un sous-produit de la production de magnésium provenant de l'Alliance Magnésium des villes d'Asbestos et Thedford Mines, et les cendres des boues de désencrage est un sous-produit de la combustion des boues de désencrage, l'écorce et les résidus de bois dans le système à lit fluidisé de l'usine de Brompton située près de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Récemment, les cendres des boues de désencrage ont été utilisées comme des matériaux cimentaires alternatifs. L'utilisation de ces cendres comme matériau cimentaire dans la fabrication du béton conduit à réduire la qualité des bétons. Ces problèmes sont causés par des produits d'hydratation perturbateurs des cendres volantes de la biomasse quand ces cendres sont partiellement mélangées avec du ciment dans la fabrication du béton. Le processus de pré-mouillage de la cendre de boue de désencrage avant la fabrication du béton réduit les produits d'hydratation perturbateurs et par conséquent les propriétés mécaniques du béton sont améliorées. Les approches pour étudier la cendre de boue de désencrage dans ce projet sont : 1) caractérisation de cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée, 2) l'étude de la performance du mortier et du béton incorporant cette cendre volante régulière et pré-humidifiée. Le RSA est un nouveau sous-produit industriel. La haute teneur en silice amorphe en RSA est un excellent potentiel en tant que matériau cimentaire dans le béton. Dans ce projet, l'évaluation des RSA comme matériaux cimentaires alternatifs compose trois étapes. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation par la détermination des propriétés minéralogiques, physiques et chimiques des RSA, ensuite, l'optimisation du taux de remplacement du ciment par le RSA dans le mortier, et enfin l'évaluation du RSA en remplacement partiel du ciment dans différents types de béton dans le système binaire et ternaire. Cette étude a révélé que le béton de haute performance (BHP) incorporant le RSA a montré des propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité, similaire du contrôle. Le RSA a amélioré les propriétés des mécaniques et la durabilité du béton ordinaire (BO). Le béton autoplaçant (BAP) incorporant le RSA est stable, homogène et a montré de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et la durabilité. Le RSA avait une bonne synergie en combinaison de liant ternaire avec d'autres matériaux cimentaires supplémentaires. Cette étude a montré que le RSA peut être utilisé comme nouveaux matériaux cimentaires dans le béton.
Set atop a magnificent site on the Bellarine Peninsula, Contour House anchors itself into the landscape with a 5.5 meter-high folding concrete wall. This gesture is both protective and revealing, simultaneously creating an internal courtyard, while extending the spectacular 270- degree views into the living areas. This residence extends our interest in 'the journey' and ideas of place-making, particularly the manner in which it might challenge preconceived ways of living.
Until recently, the hot-rolled steel members have been recognized as the most popular and widely used steel group, but in recent times, the use of cold-formed high strength steel members has rapidly increased. However, the structural behavior of light gauge high strength cold-formed steel members characterized by various buckling modes is not yet fully understood. The current cold-formed steel sections such as C- and Z-sections are commonly used because of their simple forming procedures and easy connections, but they suffer from certain buckling modes. It is therefore important that these buckling modes are either delayed or eliminated to increase the ultimate capacity of these members. This research is therefore aimed at developing a new cold-formed steel beam with two torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges and a slender web formed using intermittent screw fastening to enhance the flexural capacity while maintaining a minimum fabrication cost. This thesis describes a detailed investigation into the structural behavior of this new Rectangular Hollow Flange Beam (RHFB), subjected to flexural action The first phase of this research included experimental investigations using thirty full scale lateral buckling tests and twenty two section moment capacity tests using specially designed test rigs to simulate the required loading and support conditions. A detailed description of the experimental methods, RHFB failure modes including local, lateral distortional and lateral torsional buckling modes, and moment capacity results is presented. A comparison of experimental results with the predictions from the current design rules and other design methods is also given. The second phase of this research involved a methodical and comprehensive investigation aimed at widening the scope of finite element analysis to investigate the buckling and ultimate failure behaviours of RHFBs subjected to flexural actions. Accurate finite element models simulating the physical conditions of both lateral buckling and section moment capacity tests were developed. Comparison of experimental and finite element analysis results showed that the buckling and ultimate failure behaviour of RHFBs can be simulated well using appropriate finite element models. Finite element models simulating ideal simply supported boundary conditions and a uniform moment loading were also developed in order to use in a detailed parametric study. The parametric study results were used to review the current design rules and to develop new design formulae for RHFBs subjected to local, lateral distortional and lateral torsional buckling effects. Finite element analysis results indicate that the discontinuity due to screw fastening has a noticeable influence only for members in the intermediate slenderness region. Investigations into different combinations of thicknesses in the flange and web indicate that increasing the flange thickness is more effective than web thickness in enhancing the flexural capacity of RHFBs. The current steel design standards, AS 4100 (1998) and AS/NZS 4600 (1996) are found sufficient to predict the section moment capacity of RHFBs. However, the results indicate that the AS/NZS 4600 is more accurate for slender sections whereas AS 4100 is more accurate for compact sections. The finite element analysis results further indicate that the current design rules given in AS/NZS 4600 is adequate in predicting the member moment capacity of RHFBs subject to lateral torsional buckling effects. However, they were inadequate in predicting the capacities of RHFBs subject to lateral distortional buckling effects. This thesis has therefore developed a new design formula to predict the lateral distortional buckling strength of RHFBs. Overall, this thesis has demonstrated that the innovative RHFB sections can perform well as economically and structurally efficient flexural members. Structural engineers and designers should make use of the new design rules and the validated existing design rules to design the most optimum RHFB sections depending on the type of applications. Intermittent screw fastening method has also been shown to be structurally adequate that also minimises the fabrication cost. Product manufacturers and builders should be able to make use of this in their applications.
Crest-fixed steel claddings made of thin, high strength steel often suffer from local pull-through failures at their screw connections during high wind events such as storms and hurricanes. Adequate design provisions are not available for these cladding systems except for the expensive testing provisions. Since the local pull-through failures in the less ductile steel claddings are initiated by transverse splitting at the fastener holes, numerical studies have not been able to determine the pull-through failure loads. Numerical studies could be used if a reliable splitting criterion is available. Therefore a series of two-span cladding and small scale tests was conducted on a range of crest-fixed steel cladding systems under simulated wind uplift loads. The strains in the sheeting around the critical central support screw fastener holes were measured until the pull-through failure occurred. This paper presents the details of the experimental investigation and the results including a strain criterion for the local pull-through failures in crest-fixed steel claddings.
In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively as primary load bearing structural members in many applications in the building industry. Fire safety design of structures using such sections has therefore become more important. Deterioration of mechanical properties of yield stress and elasticity modulus is considered the most important factor affecting the performance of steel structures in fires. Hence there is a need to fully understand the mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures. A research project based on experimental studies was therefore undertaken to investigate the deterioration of mechanical properties of light gauge cold-formed steels. Tensile coupon tests were undertaken to determine the mechanical properties of these steels made of both low and high strength steels and thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80 and 0.95 mm at temperatures ranging from 20 to 800ºC. Test results showed that the currently available reduction factors are unsafe to use in the fire safety design of cold-formed steel structures. Therefore new predictive equations were developed for the mechanical properties of yield strength and elasticity modulus at elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of the experimental study, and the results including the developed equations. It also includes details of a stress-strain model for light gauge cold-formed steels at elevated temperatures.
In recent times, light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been used extensively since they have a very high strength to weight ratio compared with thicker hot-rolled steel sections. However, they are susceptible to various buckling modes including a distortional mode and hence show complex behaviour under fire conditions. Therefore a research project based on detailed experimental studies was undertaken to investigate the distortional buckling behaviour of light gauge cold-formed steel compression members under simulated fire conditions. More than 150 axial compression tests were undertaken at uniform ambient and elevated temperatures. Two types of cross sections were selected with nominal thicknesses of 0.60, 0.80, and 0.95 mm. Both low (G250) and high (G550) strength steels were used. Distortional buckling tests were conducted at six different temperatures in the range of 20 to 800°C. The ultimate loads of compression members subject to distortional buckling were then used to review the adequacy of the current design rules at ambient and elevated temperatures. This paper presents the details of this experimental study and the results.
Shell structures find use in many fields of engineering, notably structural, mechanical, aerospace and nuclear-reactor disciplines. Axisymmetric shell structures are used as dome type of roofs, hyperbolic cooling towers, silos for storage of grain, oil and industrial chemicals and water tanks. Despite their thin walls, strength is derived due to the curvature. The generally high strength-to-weight ratio of the shell form, combined with its inherent stiffness, has formed the basis of this vast application. With the advent in computation technology, the finite element method and optimisation techniques, structural engineers have extremely versatile tools for the optimum design of such structures. Optimisation of shell structures can result not only in improved designs, but also in a large saving of material. The finite element method being a general numerical procedure that could be used to treat any shell problem to any desired degree of accuracy, requires several runs in order to obtain a complete picture of the effect of one parameter on the shell structure. This redesign I re-analysis cycle has been achieved via structural optimisation in the present research, and MSC/NASTRAN (a commercially available finite element code) has been used in this context for volume optimisation of axisymmetric shell structures under axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric loading conditions. The parametric study of different axisymmetric shell structures has revealed that the hyperbolic shape is the most economical solution of shells of revolution. To establish this, axisymmetric loading; self-weight and hydrostatic pressure, and non-axisymmetric loading; wind pressure and earthquake dynamic forces have been modelled on graphical pre and post processor (PATRAN) and analysis has been performed on two finite element codes (ABAQUS and NASTRAN), numerical model verification studies are performed, and optimum material volume required in the walls of cylindrical, conical, parabolic and hyperbolic forms of axisymmetric shell structures are evaluated and reviewed. Free vibration and transient earthquake analysis of hyperbolic shells have been performed once it was established that hyperbolic shape is the most economical under all possible loading conditions. Effect of important parameters of hyperbolic shell structures; shell wall thickness, height and curvature, have been evaluated and empirical relationships have been developed to estimate an approximate value of the lowest (first) natural frequency of vibration. The outcome of this thesis has been the generation of new research information on performance characteristics of axisymmetric shell structures that will facilitate improved designs of shells with better choice of shapes and enhanced levels of economy and performance. Key words; Axisymmetric shell structures, Finite element analysis, Volume Optimisation_ Free vibration_ Transient response.