970 resultados para Heide, Wilma Scott , 1921-1985


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Sur mandat du Conseil d'Etat valaisan, l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive a réalisé une étude sur les patients hospitalisés dans les établissements de soins valaisans en automne 1985. L'objectif de cette étude, organisée sous forme d'un recensement, était principalement d'étudier l'adéquation du lieu d'hospitalisation par rapport à l'état du patient; cette question a été directement posée au médecin traitant. Plusieurs autres renseignements démographiques et médicaux ont été relevés lors de cette enquête. Celle-ci a porté sur 26 établissements fournissant des prestations de soins aigus, chroniques et d'hébergement (lits d'infirmerie des homes); il s'agissait des soins somatiques aussi bien que psychiatriques. Cela représente un total de 2771 lits... [Auteurs]


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Information brochure on the Iowa Gold Star Museum.


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This book, by Marcus L. Hansen, supplements a previously written book by him called Welfare Campaigns in Iowa. It details accounts of particular groups or organizations in Iowa that were active in welfare campaigns or work during World War I.


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L'objet de cette étude est d'estimer la prévalence des douleurs du racis chez les jeunes hommes convoqués pour la première fois à leur recrutement en Suisse romande en 1985. On s'intéresse donc aux douleurs présentes au moment du recrutement, mais également aux douleurs déjà révolues, puisqu'on sait qu'il s'agit d'une affection qui récidive facilement. Ceci est donc considéré comme un facteur de risque. D'autres facteurs de risque tels que le sport et la profession exercée seront analysés afin d'estimer leur influence sur la prévalence des cervico-dorso-lombalgies. [Auteur, p. 7]


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The influence of social factors on birthweight and fetal and infant mortality was investigated in the Swiss birth cohort from 1979-85 (N = 519,933). The proportion of newborns with low-birthweight (less than 2500 g) was higher in lower social classes. Stillbirth-rate, neonatal and postneonatal mortality were higher in lower social classes, too. When controlling for birthweight, the increase in mortality in the lower social classes became somewhat less striking. Marked social differences in perinatal mortality were found in the newborns with normal weight, whereas almost no difference could be detected in the low-birthweight-group.


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Le dosage du plomb sanguin a été inclus dans l'enquête MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) sur un échantillon représentatif de la population des cantons de Fribourg et de Vaud. Les résultats sont présentés en trois sections: 1) Distribution de la plombémie en fonction de quelques variables spécifiques: variables socio-démographiques, facteurs de risque classiques des maladies cardio-vasculaires, variables sur certaines habitudes alimentaires; 2) Analyse discriminante des personnes dans le quartile supérieur de la distribution de la plombémie; 3) Description plus détaillée des 18 cas de plombémie supérieure à 1.5 micromoles/l.


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Fly ash was used to replace 15% of the cement in C3WR and C6WR concrete paving mixes containing ASTM C494 Type A water reducin9 admixtures. Two Class C ashes and one Class F ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. When Class C ashes were used they were substituted on the basis of 1 pound of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. When Class F was used it was substituted on the basis of 1.25 pounds of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. Compressive strengths of the water reduced mixes, with and without fly ash, were determined at 7, 28, and 56 days of age. In every case except one the mixes containing the fly ash exhibited higher strengths than the same concrete mix without the fly ash. An excellent correlation existed between the C3WR and C6WR mixes both with and without fly ash substitutions. The freeze-thaw durability of the concrete studied was not affected by presence or absence of fly ash. The data gathered suggests that the present Class C water reduced concrete paving mixes can be modified to allow the substitution of 15% of the cement with an approved fly ash.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa and Illinois Departments of Transportation (Iowa DOT and IDOT) have identified the Selected Alternative for improving Interstate 74 (I-74) from its southern terminus at Avenue of the Cities (23rd Avenue) in Moline, Illinois to its northern terminus one mile north of the I-74 interchange with 53rd Street in Davenport, Iowa. The Selected Alternative identified and discussed in this Record of Decision is the preferred alternative identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). The purpose of the proposed improvements is to improve capacity, travel reliability, and safety along I-74 between its termini, and provide consistency with local land use planning goals. The need for the proposed improvements to the I-74 corridor is based on a combination of factors related to providing better transportation service and sustaining economic development.


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Seven patients (five male and two female) with chronic renal failure (CRF) treated by periodical haemodialysis presented with swelling and effusion of more than three months' duration in knees (four bilateral), shoulders (two, one of them bilateral), elbow (one), and ankle (one). Four had a carpal tunnel syndrome both clinically and electromyographically (three bilateral). All patients had hyperparathyroidism secondary to their CRF, which was not due to amyloidosis in any of them. The dialysis duration period varied from five to 14 years, with an average of 8.6 years. Amyloid deposits (Congo red positive areas with green birefringence under polarising microscopy) were shown in six of the seven synovial biopsy specimens of the knee, in five of the sediments of the synovial fluids, and in specimens removed during carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. No amyloid was found in the biopsy specimen of abdominal fat of six of the patients. The finding of amyloid only in the synovial membrane and fluid, and carpal tunnel, its absence in abdominal fat, and the lack of other manifestations of generalised amyloidosis (cardiomyopathy, malabsorption syndrome, macroglossia, etc.) and of Bence Jones myeloma (protein immunoelectrophoresis normal) raises the possibility that this is a form of amyloidosis which is peculiar to CRF treated by periodical haemodialysis.