886 resultados para Heavy metal tolerance
Zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) represent a promising agent for environmental remediation. Nevertheless, their application presents some limitations regarding their rapid oxidation and aggregation in the media. The aim of this study was to determine the effect that nZVI aging has in heavy metal remediation in water. Contaminants studied were Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu and Cr, which are typical elements found in ground and wastewater. Results show a high contaminant removal capacity by the nZVI in the first 2 h of reaction. Nevertheless, for longer reaction times, some of the metal ions that had already been adsorbed in the nZVI were delivered to the water. Cd and Ni show the maximum delivery percentages (65 and 27% respectively after 21 days of contact time). The starting delivery time was shortened when applying lower nZVI amounts. No re-dissolution of Cr was observed in any circumstance because it was the only element incorporated into the nanoparticles core, as TEM images showed. Contaminant release from nZVI is probably due to nanoparticles oxidation caused by aging, which produced a pH decrease and nZVI surface crystallization.
日益加剧的重金属污染已经危害到了全球的生态环境以及人类健康。在分子水平上阐明植物中的重金属抗性机制并应用于环境修复和绿色农业是植物科学和环境科学以及农业科学的交叉点和新的生长点。为了了解植物重金属抗性的分子机制,我们的研究主要是从重金属抗性植物材料大蒜(Allium sativumL.)和绊根草(Cynodon dactylon)中分离重金属抗性相关基因,并研究它们在重金属抗性机制中的功能。 在高等植物中有迹象表明,一种富含半胱氨酸的低分子量蛋白.类金属硫蛋白 (Metallothioneins Like,MTs Like)和一类具有Y-(Glu-Cys) n-Gly特殊结构的多肽一植物络合素(Phytochelatins,PCs)在重金属抗性机制中占有重要地位。然而人们对于同一种植物中这两种重金属结合肽作用的相互关系还缺乏了解,同时对于MT Like基因以及PCs合酶基因在同一种植物中的表达模式如金属离子专一性、时空表达特点等,还投有文献报道,因此本文将首先以这两个基因为切入点进行研究。 本研究采用RACE的方法,从大蒜中分离得到了类金属硫蛋白(MT-Like)的cDNA序列(GenBank Accession No.AY050510),PCR和SoutheLrn Blot分析表明,大蒜基因组中不仅存在类金属硫蛋白基因,而且可能以基因家族的形式存在。对获得的MT Like cDNA进行的序列分析及同源性分析表明,大蒜MT Like cDNA含有一个完整的开放阅读框架,编码73个氨基酸,其中12个为半胱氨酸,占氨基酸总数的1 6.4%,并与其他植物如水稻、小麦、紫羊茅草中的类金属硫蛋白基因同源性较高,其中最高达89%。对该基因编码的氨基酸序列和结构分析表明在N-端、c-端结构域中分别含有3个典型的金属硫蛋白的结构模式Cys-Xaa-Cys,属于典型的Type-1类金属硫蛋白。这些Cys-Xaa-Cys特征结构表明大蒜MT Like基因编码的蛋白可以结合二价金属离子。重金属胁迫下大蒜根中MT Like基因在转录水平的表达检测表明,MT Like基因的表达受重金属离子Cu2+、Cd2+的诱导,暗示MT Like基因在大蒜对重金属的抗性中有重要作用。此外,用能谱电镜技术研究大蒜中重金属的积累与分布,以及用组织原位杂交技术分析MT Like基因的表达定位与重金属的积累、转运的关系已在进行之中。 植物络合素也是富含巯基的多肽化合物,在重金属抗性中起重要作用。由植物络合素结构中存在的Y一酰胺键或β-Ala可知PCs不是基因表达的直接产物,而是以GSH为前体的酶促反应产物。目前已知y一谷氨酰半胱氨酸二肽转肽酶(简称为PCs合酶,phytochelatin synthase,PCS)是PCs合成途径的关键酶,编码这一关键酶的基因目前已在小麦、拟南芥菜和裂殖酵母中克隆。由于这一基因在不同物种中的保守性较低,其克隆较困难。本研究通过设计植物络合素台酶基因简并引物,从大蒜中扩增得到了345bp的cDNA序列。序列分析和推测的氨基酸序列同源性比较表明,此序列的翻译产物与已知的植物络合素合酶同源性最高,此cDNA序列应为大蒜植物络合素合酶基因的部分cDNA序列(GenBank Accession No.AF384110)。目前大蒜植物络台素合酶基因的全长序列的扩增,以及这两种与重金属抗性有关的基因(MT Like,PCS)的表达模式仍在研究中。 本文还尝试了利用酵母重金属敏感突变株M379/8功能互补的方法从重金属抗性植物绊根革中分离新的重金属抗性相关基因。构建了用于转化的酵母质粒表达文库,探索了酵母转化体系建立的条件。曾尝试多种转化方法,并对其中的条件进行了优化改进。下一步的工作将集中在合适的酵母突变体的筛选或穿梭表达载体的选择标记基因替换上
本研究利用酵母功能互补方法和RACE的方法从具有较强抗逆能力的绊根草中克隆了9个与重金属抗性相关的克隆,并对部分基因的表达调控及功能进行了初步研究。同时还利用细胞工程技术筛选到了具有较强的耐受火箭推进齐-偏二甲肼(UDMH)的芦苇的变异株系,为以后用人工湿地系统处理受偏二甲肼污染的废水奠定了基础。 本研究通过酵母功能互补法克隆到了五个基因,分别为CdSRP、CdTETH、 CdASP、CdMT2和CdTER1。CdSRP可能是一种衰老相关基因;CdTETH编码的产物可能是组成TRAPP复合体的一个亚基;CdASP是一个功能未知的基因;CdMT2是一个编码Type Ⅱ型金属硫蛋白基因;CdTER1可能是编码一个TERl-like家族蛋白成员的基因。用这五个基因分别转化因Acr基因缺失而对As敏感的酵母菌株FD236-6A,所获得的转化子对As的抗性均有提高,其中以CdMT2、CdTER1和CdASP的作用最为明显。这些基因的表达调控方式以及与其它重金属抗性的关系正在研究中。 本研究还利用RACE的方法克隆了一个谷胱甘肽S-转移酶基因,CdGSTFl;两个植物络合素合酶基因,CdPCSI和CdPCSⅡ,和一个TypeⅠ型金属硫蛋白基因CdMT1。CdGSTF1属于phi类GST基因,Northern-blotting分析表明,CdGSTF1在绊根草根部的表达受Cd2+的诱导,暗示其可能具有解除氧自由基或氢过氧化物的毒性的作用。CdPCSI和CdPCSⅡ的同源性较高,表明绊根草含有两个以上的PCs合酶的基因。参照前人的方法对CdPCSI和CdPCSII的氨基酸序列进行分析,发现它们含有六个非常相近的Cd2+结合位点,这两个基因的功能及其调控方式有何差异尚需进一步的研究。cdMT1与用酵母功能互补法克隆到的CdMT2属于不同类型的MT基因,对它们之间很可能存在的功能、组织特异性等方面的差异性进行了讨论。 四氧化二氮/偏二甲肼是常用的航天器双组元液体推进剂。偏二甲肼易挥发,有致癌、致畸、致突变的毒性。在推进剂贮存、运输、转注、火箭发动机试车、火箭发射、管道及设备冲洗中产生的含有偏二甲肼的废水能够对卫星发射基地的地下水源和空气造成污染。因此迫切需要培育能够净化偏二甲肼污水的植物。 本研究利用生长在卫星发射基地的野生芦苇的种子诱导愈伤组织,进而通过逐步提高偏二甲肼筛选压力的方式从中筛选出具有较强抗性的愈伤组织,然后诱导其分化。目前已经得到能够在含有1.63 mmol/L和3.26 mmol/L偏二甲肼的分化培养基中生长良好的芦苇再生苗,并已成功转移至温室中。抗性分化苗对污水的处理效果和耐受偏二甲肼的机理正在研究中。
植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学基础是植物细胞内存在一些能够络合和区隔化金属离子的机制。细胞中络合重金属离子最重要的小肽分子是谷胱甘肽(GSH)和植物络合素(PCs),而YCFⅠ基因编码的ABC-type 液泡膜转运蛋白负责将重金属离子及其与上述小肽形成的复合物转运进入细胞液泡中,即将重金属离子区隔化。植物细胞中合成GSH 和PCs 的关键酶分别是γ-谷氨酰氨半胱氨酸合成酶(GSHⅠ)和植物络合素合酶(PCS),他们的编码基因分别为GSHⅠ 和PCS 。此外定位于细胞质中的小囊泡上且对二价阳离子的吸收和转运有重要作用的SMF2 蛋白可能也参与重金属离子的区隔化过程。 为了改良植物使之能够应用于清除土壤中的重金属污染,本研究基于植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学机制,分别将酿酒酵母来源的GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ和SMF2 基因,以及GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ基因分别与镉抗性植物大蒜来源的AsPCSⅠ 基因构建为不同的基因组合表达载体,转化模式植物拟南芥。对不同组合转基因拟南芥的功能分析表明: 1、酵母来源的基因GHSⅠ、YCFⅠ分别在拟南芥中异源超表达可以在一定程度上提高转基因拟南芥耐受、积累重金属的能力;其中GSHⅠ基因在拟南芥超表达可以提高转基因拟南芥合成GSH 的能力,转基因拟南芥细胞中GSH 浓度比野生型增加。 2、将GSHⅠ基因和来自大蒜的AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转GSHⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系;将YCFⅠ基因和AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达也能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转YCFⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系。两种双价转基因株系GSHⅠ+AsPCSⅠ和YCFⅠ+AsPCSⅠ在积累和耐受不同重金属胁迫方面没有明显差别。 3、将SMF2 基因在拟南芥中异源表达,研究了植物中囊泡转运是否参与了重金属离子的吸收和区隔化过程。研究结果表明:超表达SMF2 基因的拟南芥尽管耐受重金属胁迫的能力与野生型没有明显差异,但其积累重金属的能力显著提高。这为证明植物中小囊泡转运参与重金属转运提供了间接证据。 综上所述,同时将多个参与植物对重金属络合、转运和区隔化作用的关键基因在转基因植物中表达可以提高植物耐受和积累重金属的能力,是培育可用于植物修复的新型工程植物的值得探索的途径。本论文所设计和构建的双价基因组合及其对目标植物的转化,在环境重金属污染的清除中有潜在的应用价值。
Monotopic membrane proteins are membrane proteins that interact with only one leaflet of the lipid bilayer and do not possess transmembrane spanning segments. They are endowed with important physiological functions but until now only few of them have been studied. Here we present a detailed biochemical, enzymatic and crystallographic characterization of the monotopic membrane protein sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase. Sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase is a ubiquitous enzyme involved in sulfide detoxification, in sulfide-dependent respiration and photosynthesis, and in heavy metal tolerance. It may also play a crucial role in mammals, including humans, because sulfide acts as a neurotransmitter in these organisms. We isolated and purified sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase from the native membranes of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. We studied the pure and solubilized enzyme by denaturing and non-denaturing polyacrylamide electrophoresis, size-exclusion chromatography, cross-linking, analytical ultracentrifugation, visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electron microscopy. Additionally, we report the characterization of its enzymatic activity before and after crystallization. Finally, we discuss the crystallization of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase in respect to its membrane topology and we propose a classification of monotopic membrane protein crystal lattices. Our data support and complement an earlier description of the three-dimensional structure of A. aeolicus sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (M. Marcia, U. Ermler, G. Peng, H. Michel, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106 (2009) 9625-9630) and may serve as a reference for further studies on monotopic membrane proteins. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The group cyanobacteria includes a large number of organisms characterised by a low state of cellular organization. Their cells lack a well defined nucleus. Cell division is by division of the protoplast by an ingrowth of the septum. These organisms are characterised generally by a blue green colouration of the cell, the chief pigments being chlorophyll-a, carotenes, xanthophylls, C phycocyanin and C phycoerythrin. The product of photosynthesis is glycogen. These organisms lack flagellate reproductive bodies and there is a total lack of sexual reproduction. They are also unique because of the presence of murein in the place of cellulose (cell wall) and the absence of chloroplast, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Just like bacteria some of them possess Plasmids and can fix atmospheric nitrogen. In the present study growth kinetics, heavy metal tolerance, tolerance mechanisms, heavy metal intake, and antibacterial activity of §ynechocystics salina Wislouch - a nanoplanktonic, euryhaline, Cyanobacterium present in Cochin back waters has been carried out for the potential biotechnological application of this organism. _§; salina occur as small spherical cells of 3n diameter (sometimes in pairs) with bluish green colour. The species is characterised by jerky movement of the cells and is structrually similar to other cyanobacteria
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O uso de plantas com potencial de associação com microrganismos é uma prática frequente em solos contaminados por metais pesados, considerada de baixo custo e ambientalmente correta. O trabalho objetivou avaliar o crescimento do Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson e o efeito da inoculação com Pisolithus microcarpus UFSC-Pt116 em solo contaminado com Zn. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial (2 x 6), sendo com e sem inóculo e seis doses de Zn (0, 300, 600, 900, 1200 e 1500 mg kg-1 de solo), com seis repetições. As mudas foram inoculadas e cultivadas durante 90 dias em viveiro. Após 67 dias do transplante definitivo foi avaliado o percentual de colonização ectomicorrízica, a altura de planta, diâmetro do colo, número de folhas, índice de clorofila total, volume radicular, massa seca das folhas, da haste caulinar, radicular e total, relação massa seca aérea/massa seca radicular e a relação altura/diâmetro do colo. O percentual de colonização ectomicorrízica em Corymbia citriodora é estimulado pelo acréscimo de até 1412,21 mg kg-1 de Zn no solo. O Corymbia citriodora é tolerante a adição de até 1500 mg kg-1 de zinco em solo com 81% de argila, mesmo sem a inoculação com Pisolithus microcarpus. A análise de correlação canônica evidencia que a inoculação com P. microcarpus favorece a massa seca total, radicular e da parte aérea de Corymbia citriodora cultivado em solo com 81% de argila contaminada com 600 mg kg-1 de Zn.
Effects of various concentrations of two heavy metals, namely Cd and Cu, on gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch were determined by recording morphological changes of gametophytes, determining pH values and the heavy metal content of the culture solution, calculating the germination rate of sporophytes, and observing heavy metal (Cd) distribution using a fluorescence microscope. The results showed that heavy metals damaged the gametophytes, and were even lethal, and that the higher the concentration of heavy metal ions, the greater the injury to gametophytes. Gametophytes could not survive in culture solutions containing more than 100 mg/L Cd and 50 mg/L Cu and were only able to survive in culture solution containing a mixture of Cd and Cu tip to a concentration of 10 mg/L, which indicates that gametophytes have a higher tolerance to Cd than Cu and that multiple heavy metal ions in solution markedly aggravate the damage to gametophytes compared with individual heavy metal ions. With increases in the concentration of the heavy metal, the burgeoning rate of sporophytes decreased acutely, and solutions containing multiple heavy metal ions caused even more marked harm to sporophytes than solutions containing a single heavy metal ion, because most sporophytes died in mixed solutions. The pH value of the culture medium dropped immediately at the beginning (the first day) of treatment, increased over the following days, and then decreased again. The pH of culture media containing multiple heavy metal ions showed greater variation than media containing a single heavy metal ion, with the extent of the decrease in pH of culture media containing multiple ions being greatest during the last period of the experiment. With increases in the concentration of heavy metals, the capacity of gametophytes to accumulate these ions increased. The blue fluorescent light emitted by the Cd- and Cd-binding protein complex existing in gametophytes in media containing different concentrations of Cd showed clearly the distribution of the ion in gametophytes and the results obtained were consistent with distribution determined using other methods. All results of the present study showed that gametophytes of L. japonica play a remarkable role as heavy metal decontaminators, especially with regard to Cd.
Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister, inhabiting soil at the 19th century Devon Great Consols mine at Tavistock, Devon, UK, show high tolerance to Cu- and As-toxicity and frequently have a striking yellow coloration. Specimens from this site (mature and immature) and from an uncontaminated site on Lancaster University campus (mature) were photographed, and the slide images digitized and analyzed. All L. rubellus showed reddish-purple pigmentation of the body wall that declined in intensity posteriorly. The metal- and metalloid-resistant earthworms, whether mature or immature, showed yellowing in the posterior half of the body. The source of the coloration was intense yellow pigmentation of the chloragogenous tissue surrounding the alimentary canal. The yellow pigmentation is masked by reddish-purple body wall pigmentation anteriorly. Total As concentrations in tissues were determined for the anterior, middle and posterior sections of resistant and non-resistant L. rubellus. Highest concentrations were in the middle sections of the mature and immature resistant L. rubellus (36.17 ± 19.77 and 27.77 ± 9.02 mg As kg-1, respectively). Resistant immature L. rubellus lost condition over 28 d in soil treated with 750 mg As kg-1, possibly due to a higher metabolism, whilst there was no loss in condition for resistant mature L. rubellus in the treated soil. As far as the authors are aware, this is the first report of yellow pigmentation of this kind in earthworms. The pigmentation may provide a useful indicator of exposure/resistance to soil contamination. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present work is focused on the organelle and biochemical responses to heavy metal exposure in the fish Oreochromis mossambicus giving particular importance to the metal detoxifying machinery of the organism. The thesis is an outcome of the effort aimed at developing practicable monitoring techniques to deliver guidelines for biological effect monitoring and the need for specific biochemical methods to detect biological effects of heavy metals that can be interpreted in terms of the health status of the individual organism and eventually alterations in vital processes as growth and reproduction. The efficiency of the metal detoxifying metallothioneins which is an attractive tool for biological monitoring, their role as scavengers of trace metal ions and thus in relieving the biological machinery from their toxicity effects are important themes of this study. Efforts have also been made to test the reliability of the spill over hypothesis of the action of metallothioneins (Winge et a1.,1973) and their use as a biological barometer of heavy metal stress.
The production of heavy metals has increased quickly since the industrial revolution. Heavy metals frequently form compounds that can be toxic, carcinogenic, or mutagenic, even in very small concentrations. The usual techniques of removing metals from wastewaters are in general expensive and have many restrictions. Alternative methods of metal removal and recovery based on biological materials have been measured. Among various agents, the use of microbes for the removal of metals from industrial and municipal wastewater has been proposed as a promising alternative to conventional heavy metal management strategies in past decades. Thus, the present study aims to isolate and characterize bacteria from soil, sediment, and waters of metal-contaminated industrial area to study the zinc resistance patterns and the zinc bioaccumulation potential of the selected microorganism. Zinc analysis of the samples revealed that concentrations varying from 39.832 m g/L to 310.24 m g/L in water, 12.81 m g/g to 407.53 m g/g in soil, and 81.06 m g/g to 829.54 m g/g in sediment are present. Bacterial zinc resistance study showed that tolerance to Zn was relatively low (<500 m g/ml). Ten bacterial genera were represented in soil and 11 from water, while only 5 bacterial genera were recorded from sediment samples. Bacillus, Pseudomonas , and Enterobacter were found in soil, sediment, and water samples. Highly zincresistant Bacillus sp. was selected for zinc removal experiment. Zinc removal studies revealed that at pH 5 about 40% reduction occurs; at pH 7, 25% occurs; and at pH 9, 50% occurs. Relatively an increased removal of Zinc was observed in the fi rst day of the experiment by Bacillus sp. The metal bioaccumulative potential of the selected isolates may have possible applications in the removal and recovery of zinc from industrial ef fluents.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Transition metal oxides are functional materials that have advanced applications in many areas, because of their diverse properties (optical, electrical, magnetic, etc.), hardness, thermal stability and chemical resistance. Novel applications of the nanostructures of these oxides are attracting significant interest as new synthesis methods are developed and new structures are reported. Hydrothermal synthesis is an effective process to prepare various delicate structures of metal oxides on the scales from a few to tens of nanometres, specifically, the highly dispersed intermediate structures which are hardly obtained through pyro-synthesis. In this thesis, a range of new metal oxide (stable and metastable titanate, niobate) nanostructures, namely nanotubes and nanofibres, were synthesised via a hydrothermal process. Further structure modifications were conducted and potential applications in catalysis, photocatalysis, adsorption and construction of ceramic membrane were studied. The morphology evolution during the hydrothermal reaction between Nb2O5 particles and concentrated NaOH was monitored. The study demonstrates that by optimising the reaction parameters (temperature, amount of reactants), one can obtain a variety of nanostructured solids, from intermediate phases niobate bars and fibres to the stable phase cubes. Trititanate (Na2Ti3O7) nanofibres and nanotubes were obtained by the hydrothermal reaction between TiO2 powders or a titanium compound (e.g. TiOSO4·xH2O) and concentrated NaOH solution by controlling the reaction temperature and NaOH concentration. The trititanate possesses a layered structure, and the Na ions that exist between the negative charged titanate layers are exchangeable with other metal ions or H+ ions. The ion-exchange has crucial influence on the phase transition of the exchanged products. The exchange of the sodium ions in the titanate with H+ ions yields protonated titanate (H-titanate) and subsequent phase transformation of the H-titanate enable various TiO2 structures with retained morphology. H-titanate, either nanofibres or tubes, can be converted to pure TiO2(B), pure anatase, mixed TiO2(B) and anatase phases by controlled calcination and by a two-step process of acid-treatment and subsequent calcination. While the controlled calcination of the sodium titanate yield new titanate structures (metastable titanate with formula Na1.5H0.5Ti3O7, with retained fibril morphology) that can be used for removal of radioactive ions and heavy metal ions from water. The structures and morphologies of the metal oxides were characterised by advanced techniques. Titania nanofibres of mixed anatase and TiO2(B) phases, pure anatase and pure TiO2(B) were obtained by calcining H-titanate nanofibres at different temperatures between 300 and 700 °C. The fibril morphology was retained after calcination, which is suitable for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. It has been found by TEM analysis that in mixed-phase structure the interfaces between anatase and TiO2(B) phases are not random contacts between the engaged crystals of the two phases, but form from the well matched lattice planes of the two phases. For instance, (101) planes in anatase and (101) planes of TiO2(B) are similar in d spaces (~0.18 nm), and they join together to form a stable interface. The interfaces between the two phases act as an one-way valve that permit the transfer of photogenerated charge from anatase to TiO2(B). This reduces the recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes in anatase, enhancing the activity for photocatalytic oxidation. Therefore, the mixed-phase nanofibres exhibited higher photocatalytic activity for degradation of sulforhodamine B (SRB) dye under ultraviolet (UV) light than the nanofibres of either pure phase alone, or the mechanical mixtures (which have no interfaces) of the two pure phase nanofibres with a similar phase composition. This verifies the theory that the difference between the conduction band edges of the two phases may result in charge transfer from one phase to the other, which results in effectively the photogenerated charge separation and thus facilitates the redox reaction involving these charges. Such an interface structure facilitates charge transfer crossing the interfaces. The knowledge acquired in this study is important not only for design of efficient TiO2 photocatalysts but also for understanding the photocatalysis process. Moreover, the fibril titania photocatalysts are of great advantage when they are separated from a liquid for reuse by filtration, sedimentation, or centrifugation, compared to nanoparticles of the same scale. The surface structure of TiO2 also plays a significant role in catalysis and photocatalysis. Four types of large surface area TiO2 nanotubes with different phase compositions (labelled as NTA, NTBA, NTMA and NTM) were synthesised from calcination and acid treatment of the H-titanate nanotubes. Using the in situ FTIR emission spectrescopy (IES), desorption and re-adsorption process of surface OH-groups on oxide surface can be trailed. In this work, the surface OH-group regeneration ability of the TiO2 nanotubes was investigated. The ability of the four samples distinctively different, having the order: NTA > NTBA > NTMA > NTM. The same order was observed for the catalytic when the samples served as photocatalysts for the decomposition of synthetic dye SRB under UV light, as the supports of gold (Au) catalysts (where gold particles were loaded by a colloid-based method) for photodecomposition of formaldehyde under visible light and for catalytic oxidation of CO at low temperatures. Therefore, the ability of TiO2 nanotubes to generate surface OH-groups is an indicator of the catalytic activity. The reason behind the correlation is that the oxygen vacancies at bridging O2- sites of TiO2 surface can generate surface OH-groups and these groups facilitate adsorption and activation of O2 molecules, which is the key step of the oxidation reactions. The structure of the oxygen vacancies at bridging O2- sites is proposed. Also a new mechanism for the photocatalytic formaldehyde decomposition with the Au-TiO2 catalysts is proposed: The visible light absorbed by the gold nanoparticles, due to surface plasmon resonance effect, induces transition of the 6sp electrons of gold to high energy levels. These energetic electrons can migrate to the conduction band of TiO2 and are seized by oxygen molecules. Meanwhile, the gold nanoparticles capture electrons from the formaldehyde molecules adsorbed on them because of gold’s high electronegativity. O2 adsorbed on the TiO2 supports surface are the major electron acceptor. The more O2 adsorbed, the higher the oxidation activity of the photocatalyst will exhibit. The last part of this thesis demonstrates two innovative applications of the titanate nanostructures. Firstly, trititanate and metastable titanate (Na1.5H0.5Ti3O7) nanofibres are used as intelligent absorbents for removal of radioactive cations and heavy metal ions, utilizing the properties of the ion exchange ability, deformable layered structure, and fibril morphology. Environmental contamination with radioactive ions and heavy metal ions can cause a serious threat to the health of a large part of the population. Treatment of the wastes is needed to produce a waste product suitable for long-term storage and disposal. The ion-exchange ability of layered titanate structure permitted adsorption of bivalence toxic cations (Sr2+, Ra2+, Pb2+) from aqueous solution. More importantly, the adsorption is irreversible, due to the deformation of the structure induced by the strong interaction between the adsorbed bivalent cations and negatively charged TiO6 octahedra, and results in permanent entrapment of the toxic bivalent cations in the fibres so that the toxic ions can be safely deposited. Compared to conventional clay and zeolite sorbents, the fibril absorbents are of great advantage as they can be readily dispersed into and separated from a liquid. Secondly, new generation membranes were constructed by using large titanate and small ã-alumina nanofibres as intermediate and top layers, respectively, on a porous alumina substrate via a spin-coating process. Compared to conventional ceramic membranes constructed by spherical particles, the ceramic membrane constructed by the fibres permits high flux because of the large porosity of their separation layers. The voids in the separation layer determine the selectivity and flux of a separation membrane. When the sizes of the voids are similar (which means a similar selectivity of the separation layer), the flux passing through the membrane increases with the volume of the voids which are filtration passages. For the ideal and simplest texture, a mesh constructed with the nanofibres 10 nm thick and having a uniform pore size of 60 nm, the porosity is greater than 73.5 %. In contrast, the porosity of the separation layer that possesses the same pore size but is constructed with metal oxide spherical particles, as in conventional ceramic membranes, is 36% or less. The membrane constructed by titanate nanofibres and a layer of randomly oriented alumina nanofibres was able to filter out 96.8% of latex spheres of 60 nm size, while maintaining a high flux rate between 600 and 900 Lm–2 h–1, more than 15 times higher than the conventional membrane reported in the most recent study.