921 resultados para Heat Stress
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives of this study were to evaluate factors that could affect pregnancy rate after embryo transfer (ET) in lactating dairy cow recipients. The trial was conducted at a dairy farm located in Descalvado, SP, Brazil from October 2003 to September 2004. From 1037 cows with CL that were treated with an injection of PGF(2 alpha), 43.3% were detected in heat; 263 were previously assigned at day of PGF(2 alpha) injection for AI and 186 for ET. Ovulation rate was 85.7% (385/449). Pregnancy rate for cows with CL for AI and embryo transfer recipients were 36.5% (84/230) and 58.7% (91/155) at day 25 and 33.0% (76/230) and 45.8% (71/155) at day 46, respectively. Embryonic loss were 9.5% (8/84) for the AI group and 21.9% (20/91) for the ET group. Average milk production was 31.4 L/day/cow. Average daily milk production from 7 days before PGFZ injection to 7 days after ET tended (P < 0.10) to influence pregnancy rate on days 25 and 46. Average daily milk production from the day of embryo transfer to 7 days after influenced embryonic loss (P < 0.05). Cows with higher milk production had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. Cows with higher days in milk had higher probability of pregnancy. Cows with higher rectal body temperature had lower probability of pregnancy and higher probability of embryonic loss. The influence of high milk yield and body temperature on fertility in lactating dairy cow recipients suggests that these effects can occur also after embryo reaches the blastocyst stage. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heat stress has negative effects on bovine reproduction, particularly for European breeds (Bos taurus taurus) that are less thermotolerant than zebu cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Here, the evidence that spermatozoa and oocyte both contribute to early embryonic resistance to heat shock is demonstrated. In addition, the use of reproductive biotechnologies to improve bovine thermotolerance, are outlined by comparing data from taurus, indicus and crossbred genotypes. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.
O experimento foi realizado com objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estresse calórico e da suplementação de cloreto de potássio (KCl) sobre o desempenho e algumas caracterÃsticas fisiológicas de frangos de corte. Quarenta aves, no perÃodo de 42 a 49 dias, foram submetidas ao estresse calórico (16 horas a 25 ± 1ºC; duas horas com temperatura crescente; quatro horas a 35 ± 1ºC; e duas horas com temperatura decrescente até a termoneutralidade e com umidade relativa de 63,5 ± 5%), recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: 0,50 e 1,00% KCl na ração; 0,25 e 0,50% KCl na água de bebida. A ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, com 20% de proteÃna bruta e 3200 kcal EM/kg, foi fornecida ad libitum. A suplementação de KCl na ração ou na água de beber não influiu no ganho de peso, nos consumos de ração e água, na conversão alimentar, na mortalidade, na relação água/ração, no teor de matéria seca das excretas e nas caracterÃsticas hematológicas. O estresse calórico aumentou a temperatura retal, o hematócrito, a hemoglobina, o heterófilo e a relação heterófilo/linfócito e reduziu as hemácias, o linfócito, o sódio e o potássio sérico. A suplementação de KCl na água regulou o número de eritrócitos e a hemoglobina em frangos estressados pelo calor. A relação heterófilo:linfócito e a temperatura retal podem ser usadas como Ãndices de estresse.
Seis cabras da raça Alpina, com produção média de leite de 2,5 kg/dia, foram distribuÃdas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de três e submetidas à termoneutralidade ou estresse térmico por 56 dias em câmara climática. Usou-se um delineamento estatÃstico crossover. A temperatura média do ar diurna, incluindo radiação solar simulada, foi de 33,84ºC. Os animais estressados aumentaram a freqüência respiratória, o volume-minuto respiratório, a termólise-evaporativa respiratória, temperatura retal e a taxa de sudorese, enquanto o volume corrente respiratório e o volume globular diminuÃram. Houve também perda de peso, redução da ingestão de alimentos e duplicação do consumo de água. A produção de leite e a porcentagem de gordura, proteÃna, lactose e sólidos totais diminuÃram. Os teores de cloretos, cálcio e fósforo não sofreram alteração. Concluiu-se que, para manter a homeotermia, as cabras mobilizaram o sistema respiratório e sudorÃparo para perder calor. A alta temperatura ambiente efetiva reduziu a produção e os teores de alguns componentes do leite.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the associations among milk production, rectal temperature, and pregnancy maintenance in lactating recipient dairy cows. Data were collected during an 11-mo period from 463 Holstein cows (203 primiparous and 260 multiparous) assigned to a fixed-time embryo transfer (ET) protocol. Only cows detected with a visible corpus luteum immediately prior to ET were used. Rectal temperatures were collected from all cows on the same day of ET. Milk production at ET was calculated by averaging individual daily milk production during the 7 d preceding ET. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by transrectal ultrasonography 21 d after ET. Cows were ranked and assigned to groups according to median milk production (median = 35 kg/d; HPROD = above median; LPROD = below median) and rectal temperature (<= 39.0 degrees C = LTEMP; >39.0 degrees C = HTEMP). A milk production x temperature group interaction was detected (P = 0.04) for pregnancy analysis because HTEMP cows ranked as LPROD were 3.1 time more likely to maintain pregnancy compared with HTEMP cows ranked as HPROD (P = 0.03). Milk production did not affect (P = 0.55) odds of pregnancy maintenance within LTEMP cows, however, and no differences in odds of pregnancy maintenance were detected between HTEMP and LTEMP within milk production groups (P > 0.11). Within HTEMP cows, increased milk production decreased the probability of pregnancy maintenance linearly, whereas within LTEMP cows, increased milk production increased the probability of pregnancy maintenance linearly. Within HPROD, increased rectal temperature decreased the probability of pregnancy maintenance linearly, whereas within LPROD cows, no associations between rectal temperatures and probability of cows to maintain pregnancy were detected. In summary, high-producing dairy cows with rectal temperatures below 39.0 degrees C did not experience reduced pregnancy maintenance to ET compared to cohorts with reduced milk production. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Para verificar o efeito do estresse calórico (EC) nas concentrações plasmáticas de testosterona, triiodotironina (T3) e tiroxina (T4), oito bodes, das raças Saanen (n=4) e Alpina (n=4), foram mantidos em câmara bioclimática, sob condições de termoneutralidade (13,0ºC a 26,7ºC) durante 30 dias e, após um perÃodo (60 dias) de descanso, submetidos ao EC (23,7ºC a 34,0ºC) por 30 dias. Para minimizar as variações sazonais nos perfis hormonais devido ao fotoperÃodo, durante toda fase experimental, incluindo a de adaptação em condições de termoneutralidade (30 dias), o fotoperÃodo foi controlado utilizando-se alternância de dias longos (16h de luz e 8h de escuro) e de dias curtos (8h de luz e 16h de escuro) a cada 30 dias. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas duas vezes por semana durante cinco semanas. No conjunto das raças, o EC não influenciou (P>0,05) as concentrações de testosterona (1,8±0,2 vs 1,3±0,2ng/ml) e nem a de T4 (52,7±2,8 vs 50,0±2,8ng/ml). Houve declÃnio (P<0,01) das concentrações de T3 nos animais submetidos ao experimento (1,3±0,1 vs 1,0±0,1ng/ml), mas a redução foi observada somente nos bodes Saanen. em ambas as raças, as concentrações de T3 e T4 variaram (P<0,01) conforme o dia da coleta das amostras de sangue. O EC foi suficiente para produzir uma resposta fisiológica com redução das concentrações plasmáticas de T3 em bodes das raças Saanen, mas não da raça Alpina, assim como não foi capaz de alterar os nÃveis plasmáticos de testosterona e nem de T4.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliaram-se as concentrações hormonais e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular de vacas leiteiras expostas ao calor sazonal e agudo. Dividiram-se os animais em quatro grupos: verão (n=5), outono (n=5), inverno com hipertermia aguda (grupo câmara climática, (CC), n=5) e inverno (n=9). Os animais foram abatidos no sétimo dia após a ovulação, e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular avaliados. O lÃquido folicular do maior folÃculo foi aspirado e armazenado para posterior análise de hormônios esteróides e inibina. O número de células da granulosa vivas no verão e no outono foi 40 e 45% respectivamente, menor que no inverno (P<0,05). A concentração de estradiol (E2) no inverno foi 62% maior que no outono (P<0,05) e 34% superior ao grupo verão (P<0,06). Houve um aumento na quantidade de androstenediona no verão em relação aos grupos inverno (P<0,08) e outono (P<0,05). A concentração de inibina foi maior no inverno do que no verão e CC (P<0,05). A exposição ao calor sazonal e agudo modificou os parâmetros de desenvolvimento do folÃculo e as concentrações hormonais no lÃquido folicular, podendo explicar em parte a queda nas taxas de concepção no verão.
Seis cabras lactantes foram distribuÃdas aleatoriamente em um delineamento experimental em crossover, em dois grupos: sob condições termoneutras e estresse térmico. Um perÃodo de adaptação de 28 dias foi seguido por quatro perÃodos de 14 dias cada, quando os animais sob estresse térmico foram expostos à temperatura média de 33,84ºC; THI de 86,20; BGT de 36,18 e BT de 32,11ºC das 8 à s 17 horas, incluindo radiação solar simulada das 10 à s 15 horas. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona, mas as fêmeas submetidas ao estresse térmico apresentaram diminuição nas concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol, quando comparados ao grupo termoneutro. A temperatura retal dos animais sob estresse térmico foi mais elevada quando foi comparada à do grupo de animais em condições de termoneutralidade. As cabras mantiveram as concentrações plasmáticas da progesterona, com diminuição na secreção de estradiol, quando expostas a um estresse repetido e intermitente, a despeito de ocorrer hipertermia durante o estresse pelo calor.
This paper deals with the effects of hair coat characteristics on the sweating rate of Brazilian Braford cows and estimation of heritabilities and genetic correlations of these traits. Data (n=1607) on hair length, coat thickness, hair diameter, number of hairs per unit area, coat reflectance and sweating rate were recorded from heifers and cows of a commercial herd managed on range under extensive system. The data were analyzed considering the following effects on the model for hair coat traits: classes of sires and contemporary groups; linear effects of month and genotype; linear and quadratic effects of age. The effect of sire was important (P<0.05) for all hair coat traits, except for number of hairs; contemporary groups affected (P<0.05) all hair coat traits; the effect of sampling month was important (P<0.05) for hair length and reflectance; genotype affected (P<0.05) hair length, diameter and coat reflectance; the quadratic effect of age was important (P<0.05) only for coat reflectance. Two models were used to analyze the sweating rate. The first model considered the following fixed effects: classes of contemporary groups and sires; linear effect of genotype, coat thickness, hair length, hair diameter, number of hairs, coat reflectance; linear and quadratic effects of time of day, age, air temperature, partial vapour pressure and radiant heat load. The second model used for the sweating rate considered the same fixed effects for the first model, except that the hair coat characteristics were adjusted for important effects used in the models to analyze hair coat traits. All meteorological factors and contemporary groups were important (P<0.05) on variation of sweating rate in both models. The Restricted Maximum. Likelihood (REML) method was used to estimate variance and covariance components under the sire model. Results included heritability estimates in narrow (h(2)) and broad (H) sense for single-trait analyzes: hair thickness (h(2)=0.16; H-2=0.26); hair length (h(2)=0.18; H-2=0.39); number of hairs (h(2)=0.08 +/- 0.07; H-2=0.08 +/- 0.07); hair diameter (h(2)=0.12 +/- 0.07; H-2=0.12 +/- 0.07); coat reflectance (h(2)=0.30; H-2=0.42); and sweating rate (h(2)=0.10 +/- 0.07; H-2=0.10 +/- 0.07). In general, the genetic correlations between the adaptive traits were favorable as for the direction to select for adaptation in tropical environment; however, they presented high standard errors. The results of this study imply that hair coat characteristics and sweating ability are important for the adaptability to heat stress and they must be better studied and further considered for selection for genetic progress of adaptation in tropical environment. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The objective of this work was to determine the plasma concentrations of cortisol, thyroid hormone, lipids metabolites and corporal temperature or lactating Alpine goats submitted to heat stress. Six lactating Alpine goats were allotted randomly in a crossover experimental design for two groups: thermoneutral conditions or thermal stress. An adaptation period of 28 days was followed by Four-periods of 14 days each, when the animals submitted to thermal stress were exposed to the average temperature of 33.84 degrees C; THI of 86.20; BGT of 36.18 and BT of 32.11 degrees C from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, including simulated solar radiation from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. There were no differences between the groups in the plasma concentrations of cortisol, thyroid hormones (T-3-triiodothyronine and T-(4) tiroxine), and lipid metabolites (cholesterol and HDL). Rectal temperature was higher during thermal stress when compared to the group of animals in thermoneutral conditions. The goats maintained the thyroid plasma hormone concentrations, when exposed to repealed and intermittent stress, in spite of the occurrence of hypertermia during heat stress.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of fasting period in the last growing phase on carcass yield and composition of male broilers. Two thousand one-day old male chicks were distributed in five randomized blocks according to a 4x2 factorial (four feeding programs (P): ad libitum or one of three fasting schedules: 8-12, 12-16 and 8-16; and two strains (S): Ross or Hubbard-Peterson, Fifty birds were used per replicate. Birds were raised under identical feed and management conditions until day 42. The fasting schedules were applied from day 43 to day 56. At day 56, five birds per replicate were randomly sampled, weighed, slaughtered, eviscerated, dry-cooled, cut and deboned. No effects of P or SxP interaction were observed for carcass characteristics. birds, which showed higher weights and yields of head plus neck, feet, leg bones and wings. The ad libitum birds showed higher crude protein in thigh meat than those submitted to the 8-12 h fast. A SxP interaction was observed for meat ash content. The R broilers showed higher ash content in breast and thigh meat than the H birds in the 8-12 h fast treatment. on the other hand, the R broilers submitted to the 8-12 h fast showed higher ash contents in breast and thigh meat than birds from the same strain in the other feeding programs. Fasting in the last phase of rearing did not alter the yield of whole carcass, carcass cuts and abdominal fat, but morning fast influenced carcass chemical composition.
Previously, we reported that thermal conditioning at 39degreesC on days 13-17 of incubation of broiler eggs enabled thermotolerance during post-hatch growth (J. Therm. Biol. 28 (2003) 133). Tolerance to a temperature of 30degreesC was accompanied by changes in thyroid hormones and metabolic parameters. In the current study, we determined the mechanism of epigenetic heat adaptation during embryonic age by measuring blood physiological parameters that may be associated with the ultimate effects of thermal conditioning. Hatching eggs from Ross breeders were subjected to heat treatment of 39degreesC at days 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 of incubation for 2 h per day. Control eggs were incubated at 37.6degreesC. Samples of eggs were withdrawn on each day of thermal conditioning and at internal pipping (IP) to obtain blood samples from embryos. The remaining eggs were weighed at day 18 and transferred to hatchers. The timing of IP, external pipping (EP) and hatching were monitored every 2 h. At hatch, chicks were weighed and hatchability was determined. Blood samples were obtained from samples of day-old chicks. T3, T4, corticosterone, pCO(2), pO(2) levels were determined in the blood. Blood pH was measured and T3/T4 ratios were calculated. Heat conditioning significantly increased corticosterone and pO(2) levels and blood pH but depressed pCO(2) at day 14. These were followed by a significant depression of T4 level on day 15. Remarkably, at day 16, all these parameters were back to normal as in the control embryos. Hatching was delayed by thermal conditioning probably as a result of the depressed corticosterone levels at IP. Hatchability was also lower in the heat-treated group but 1-day old chick weights were comparable to those of the controls. The result suggests that epigenetic thermal conditioning involves changes in these physiological parameters and probably serve as a method for epigenetic temperature adaptation since the same mechanisms are employed for coping with heat during post-embryonic growth. It also suggests that days 14-15 may be the optimal and most sensitive timing for evoking this mechanism during embryonic development. The adverse effects of heat treatment observed in this study may have been due to the continued exposure to heat until day 17. Fine-tuning thermal conditioning to days 14-15 only may improve these production parameters. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.