934 resultados para Health history


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ethnicity and skin cancer risk perception while controlling for other risk factors: education, gender, age, access to healthcare, family history of skin cancer, fear, and worry. ^ Methods. This study utilized the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) dataset, a nationally representative sample of 5,586 individuals 18 years of age or older. One third of the respondents were chosen at random and asked questions involving skin cancer. Analysis was based on questions that identified skin cancer risk perception, fear of finding skin cancer, and frequency of worry about skin cancer and a variety of sociodemographic factors. ^ Results. Ethnicity had a significant impact on risk perception scores while controlling for other risk factors. Other risk factors that also had a significant impact on risk perception scores included family history of skin cancer, age, and worry. ^


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Background. The association between a prior history of atopy or other autoimmune diseases and risk of alopecia areata is not well established. ^ Objective. Purpose of this study was to use the National Alopecia Areata Registry database to further investigate the association between history of atopy or other autoimmune diseases and risk of alopecia areata. ^ Methods. A total of 2,613 self-registered sporadic cases (n = 2,055) and controls (n = 558) were included in the present analysis. ^ Results. Possessing a history of any atopy (OR = 2.00; 95% CI 1.50-2.54) or autoimmune disease (OR = 1.73; 95% CI 1.10-2.72) was associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata. There was no trend for possessing a history of more than one atopy or autoimmune disease and increasing risk of alopecia areata. ^ Limitations. Recall, reporting, and recruiting bias are potential sources of limitations in this analysis. ^ Conclusion. This analysis revealed that a prior history of atopy and autoimmune disease was associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata and that the results were consistent for both the severe subtype of alopecia areata (i.e., alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis) and the localized subtype (i.e., alopecia areata persistent).^


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Alcohol consumption has a long-standing tradition in the United States Air Force (USAF). From squadron bars to officers and enlisted clubs, alcohol has been used in social settings to increase morale and also as a way to help decrease the stress of military operations. Surveys have demonstrated that the USAF has more than double the percentage of heavy drinkers than the US population. More than one-third of the Air Force reports binge drinking in the last month while only six percent of the nation reports the same consumption pattern.^ However, alcohol has a significant harmful health effect if consumed in excess. As part of an overall prevention and treatment program aimed at curbing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, the USAF uses the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) to screen for high-risk alcohol consumption patterns before alcohol disorder and disability occur. All Air Force active-duty members are required to complete a yearly Preventive Health Assessment questionnaire. Various health topics are included in this questionnaire including nutrition, exercise, tobacco use, family history, mental health and alcohol use. While this questionnaire has been available in a web-based format for several years, mandatory use was not implemented until 2009.^ Although the AUDIT was selected due to its effectiveness in assessing high-risk alcohol consumption in other populations, its effectiveness in the Air Force population had not been studied previously. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of this screening tool, the Air Force Web-based Preventive Health Assessment alcohol screening results were compared to whether any alcohol-related diagnosis was made from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010.^ While the AUDIT has previously been shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity, the Air Force screening values were 27.9% and 93.0% respectively. Positive predictive value was only 4.9%. With the screening statistics found, less than one-third of those having an alcohol disorder will be found with this screening tool and only 1 out of 20 Airmen who require further evaluation actually have an alcohol-related diagnosis.^


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Accurate ascertainment of risk factors and disease status is vital in public health research for proper classification of research subjects. The two most common ways of obtaining this data is by self-report and review of medical records (MRs). South Texas Women’s Health Project was a case-control study looking at interrelationships between hormones, diet, and body size and breast cancer among Hispanic women 30-79 years of age. History of breast cancer, diabetes mellitus (DM) and use of DM medications was ascertained from a personal interview. At the time of interview, the subject identified her major health care providers and signed the medical records release form, which was sent to the designated providers. The MRs were reviewed to confirm information obtained from the interview.^ Aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity between MRs and personal interview in diagnosis of breast cancer, DM and DM treatment. We also wanted to assess how successful our low-cost approach was in obtaining pertinent MRs and what factors influenced the quality of MR or interview data. Study sample was 721 women with both self-report and MR data available by June 2007. Overall response rate for MR requests was 74.5%. MRs were 80.9% sensitive and 100% specific in confirming breast cancer status. Prevalence of DM was 22.7% from the interviews and 16% from MRs. MRs did not provide definite information about DM status of 53.6% subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of MRs for DM status was 88.9% and 90.4% respectively. Disagreement on DM status from the two sources was seen in 15.9% subjects. This discordance was more common among older subjects, those who were married and were predominantly Spanish speaking. Income and level of education did not have a statistically significantly association with this disagreement.^ Both self-report and MRs underestimate the prevalence of DM. Relying solely on MRs leads to greater misclassification than relying on self-report data. MRs have good to excellent specificity and thus serve as a good tool to confirm information obtained from self-report. Self-report and MRs should be used in a complementary manner for accurate assessment of DM and breast cancer status.^


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The type 2 diabetes (diabetes) pandemic is recognized as a threat to tuberculosis (TB) control worldwide. This secondary data analysis project estimated the contribution of diabetes to TB in a binational community on the Texas-Mexico border where both diseases occur. Newly-diagnosed TB patients > 20 years of age were prospectively enrolled at Texas-Mexico border clinics between January 2006 and November 2008. Upon enrollment, information regarding social, demographic, and medical risks for TB was collected at interview, including self-reported diabetes. In addition, self-reported diabetes was supported by blood-confirmation according to guidelines published by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). For this project, data was compared to existing statistics for TB incidence and diabetes prevalence from the corresponding general populations of each study site to estimate the relative and attributable risks of diabetes to TB. In concordance with historical sociodemographic data provided for TB patients with self-reported diabetes, our TB patients with diabetes also lacked the risk factors traditionally associated with TB (alcohol abuse, drug abuse, history of incarceration, and HIV infection); instead, the majority of our TB patients with diabetes were characterized by overweight/obesity, chronic hyperglycemia, and older median age. In addition, diabetes prevalence among our TB patients was significantly higher than in the corresponding general populations. Findings of this study will help accurately characterize TB patients with diabetes, thus aiding in the timely recognition and diagnosis of TB in a population not traditionally viewed as at-risk. We provide epidemiological and biological evidence that diabetes continues to be an increasingly important risk factor for TB.^


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The U.S. Air Force assesses Active Duty Air Force (ADAF) health annually using the Air Force Web-based Preventative Health Assessment (AF WebPHA). The assessment is based on a self-administered survey used to determine the overall Air Force health and readiness, as well as, the individual health of each airman. Individual survey responses as well as groups of responses generate further computer generated assessment and result in a classification of 'Critical', 'Priority', or 'Routine', depending on the need and urgency for further evaluation by a health care provider. The importance of the 'Priority' and 'Critical' classifications is to provide timely intervention to prevent or limit unfavorable outcomes that may threaten an airman. Though the USAF has been transitioning from a paper form to the online WebPHA survey for the last three years it was not made mandatory for all airmen until 2009. The survey covers many health aspects including family history, tobacco use, exercise, alcohol use, and mental health. ^ Military stressors such as deployment, change of station, and the trauma of war can aggravate and intensify the common baseline worries experienced by the general population and place airmen at additional risks for mental health concerns and illness. This study assesses the effectiveness of the AF WebPHA mental health screening questions in predicting a mental health disorder diagnosis according to International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes generated by physicians or their surrogates. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of the AF WebPHA as a screening tool for mental health, survey results were compared to ascertain if they generated any mental health disorder related diagnosis for the period from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. ^ Statistical analysis of the AF WebPHA mental health responses when compared with matching ICD-9-CM codes found that the sensitivity for 'Critical' or 'Priority' responses was only 3.4% and that it would correctly predict those who had the selected mental health diagnosis 9% of the time.^


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Background. Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine the prevalence of different cancer beliefs and the disparity in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories; and to identify whether, when adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs.^ Methods. Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and data from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (N=7172), we constructed multivariable logistic regressions to evaluate the effect of different stimuli, including cancer experience, on cancer perceptions (e.g., risk, worry, causation, outcome).^ Results. Findings indicate significant associations between cancer history and cancer perceptions. Individuals with family and personal cancer histories were more likely than individuals without any cancer history to worry about getting cancer (OR=3.55, P<0.01), agree they will develop cancer in the future (OR=8.81, P<0.01), and disagree that cancer is most often caused by a person’s behavior or lifestyle (OR=1.24, P=0.03). Additionally, results support education’s role in forming cancer perceptions. Individuals with high levels of education were more likely to endorse cancer prevention (OR=1.68, P<0.01) and higher 5-year survival rates (OR=1.41, P<0.01). ^ Conclusions. Results indicate cancer history affects cancer perceptions throughout the cancer continuum. Additionally, cancer history may influence coping behaviors and outcomes related to cancer.^ Impact. Cancer education and survivorship programs should assess important variables (e.g., cancer history) to more effectively tailor services and monitor evolving needs throughout cancer care.^


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"Slow Learners" is a term used to describe children with an IQ range of 70-89 on a standardized individual intelligence test (i.e. with a standard deviation of either 15 or 16). They have above retarded, but below average intelligence and potential to learn. If the factors associated with the etiology of slow learning in children can be identified, it may be possible to hypothesize causal relationships which can be tested by intervention studies specifically designed to prevent slow learning. If effective, these may ultimately reduce the incidence of school dropouts and their cost to society. To date, there is little information about variables which may be etiologically significant. In an attempt to identify such etiologic factors this study examines the sociodemographic characteristics, prenatal history (hypertension, smoking, infections, medication, vaginal bleeding, etc.), natal history (length of delivery, Apgar score, birth trauma, resuscitation, etc.), neonatal history (infections, seizures, head trauma, etc.), developmental history (health problems, developmental milestones and growth during infancy and early childhood), and family history (educational level of the parents, occupation, history of similar condition in the family, etc.) of a series of children defined as slow learners. The study is limited to children from middle to high socioeconomic families in order to exclude the possible confounding variable of low socioeconomic status, and because a descriptive study of this group has not been previously reported. ^


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This research study offers a critical assessment of NIH's Consensus Development Program (CDP), focusing upon its historical and valuative bases and its institutionalization in response to social and political forces. The analysis encompasses systems-level, as well as interpersonal factors in the adoption of consensus as the mechanism for resolving scientific controversies in clinical practice application. Further, the evolution of the CDP is also considered from an ecological perspective as a reasoned adaptation by NIH to pressures from its supporters and clients for translating biomedical research into medical practice. The assessment examines federal science policy and institutional designs for the inclusion of the public interest and democratic deliberation.^ The study relies on three distinct approaches to social research. Conventional historical methods were utilized in the interpretation of social and political influences across eras on the evolution of the National Institutes of Health and its response to demands for accountability and relevance through its Consensus Development Program. An embedded single-case study was utilized for an empirical examination of the CDP mechanism through five exemplar conferences. Lastly, a sociohistorical approach was taken to the CDP in order to consider its responsiveness to the values of the eras which created and shaped it. An exploration of organizational behavior with considerations for institutional reform as a response to continuing political and social pressure, it is a study of organizational birth, growth, and response to demands from its environment. The study has explanatory import in its attempt to account for the creation, timing, and form of the CDP, relative to political, institutional, and cultural pressures, and predictive import thorough its historical view which provides a basis for informed speculation on the playing out of tensions between extramural and intermural scientists and the current demands for health care reform. ^


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The natural history of placebo treated travelers' diarrhea and the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea were evaluated using 9 groups of placebo treated subjects from 9 clinical trial studies conducted since 1975, for use as a historical control in the future clinical trial of antidiarrheal agents. All of these studies were done by the same group of investigators in one site (Guadalajara, Mexico). The studies are similar in terms of population, measured parameters, microbiologic identification of enteropathogens and definitions of parameters. The studies had two different durations of followup. In some studies, subjects were followed for two days, and in some they were followed for five days.^ Using definitions established by the Infectious Diseases society of America and the Food and Drug Administration, the following efficacy parameters were evaluated: Time to last unformed stool (TLUS), number of unformed stools post-initiation of placebo treatment for five consecutive days of followup, microbiologic cure, and improvement of diarrhea. Among the groups that were followed for five days, the mean TLUS ranged from 59.1 to 83.5 hours. Fifty percent to 78% had diarrhea lasting more than 48 hours and 25% had diarrhea more than five days. The mean number of unformed stools passed on the first day post-initiation of therapy ranged from 3.6 to 5.8 and, for the fifth day ranged from 0.5 to 1.5. By the end of followup, diarrhea improved in 82.6% to 90% of the subjects. Subjects with enterotoxigenic E. coli had 21.6% to 90.0% microbiologic cure; and subjects with shigella species experienced 14.3% to 60.0% microbiologic cure.^ In evaluating the prognostic factors of recovery from diarrhea (primary efficacy parameter in evaluating the efficacy of antidiarrheal agents against travelers' diarrhea). The subjects from five studies were pooled and the Cox proportional hazard model was used to evaluate the predictors of prolonged diarrhea. After adjusting for design characteristics of each trial, fever with a rate ratio (RR) of 0.40, presence of invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.41, presence of severe abdominal pain and cramps with a RR of 0.50, number of watery stools more than five with a RR of 0.60, and presence of non-invasive pathogens with a RR of 0.84 predicted a longer duration of diarrhea. Severe vomiting with a RR of 2.53 predicted a shorter duration of diarrhea. The number of soft stools, presence of fecal leukocytes, presence of nausea, and duration of diarrhea before enrollment were not associated with duration of diarrhea. ^


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The purpose of this study was to examine, in the context of an economic model of health production, the relationship between inputs (health influencing activities) and fitness.^ Primary data were collected from 204 employees of a large insurance company at the time of their enrollment in an industrially-based health promotion program. The inputs of production included medical care use, exercise, smoking, drinking, eating, coronary disease history, and obesity. The variables of age, gender and education known to affect the production process were also examined. Two estimates of fitness were used; self-report and a physiologic estimate based on exercise treadmill performance. Ordinary least squares and two-stage least squares regression analyses were used to estimate the fitness production functions.^ In the production of self-reported fitness status the coefficients for the exercise, smoking, eating, and drinking production inputs, and the control variable of gender were statistically significant and possessed theoretically correct signs. In the production of physiologic fitness exercise, smoking and gender were statistically significant. Exercise and gender were theoretically consistent while smoking was not. Results are compared with previous analyses of health production. ^


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Retrospective data from the Cameron Country Hispanic Cohort (1) were analyzed to assess the burden of cancer in the Mexican American population living in Brownsville TX. Data provided by the study participants for themselves and their parents and other extended relatives on cancer and related risk factors were used to determine both the prevalence of cancer and these risk factors as well as any associations between them. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the study participants was of 2.8%. Lifetime incidence of cancer among the parents of the study population was calculated for cancer in general and for specific cancer sites to determine the ranking of occurrence of each type of cancer. Some cancer types in this population were ranked higher than what would be expected when compared with national data from Hispanics in the U.S, these were: Liver cancer (3rd vs. 7th nationally in males and 6th vs. 13th nationally in females), stomach cancer (4th vs. 8th nationally in males and 5th vs. 11th nationally in females) and ovarian cancer (3rd vs. 8th nationally in females). A significant association with cancer was found for being born in the United States compared to being born elsewhere (O.R. 1.62, 95% C.I. 1.01–2.60) among study participants and the same association was also found between birth of parents in the United States regardless of gender for cancers in general (O.R. 1.38 95% C.I. 1.12–1.70), stomach cancer (O.R. 1.92 95% C.I. 1.01–3.67) and colorectal cancer (O.R. 2.93 95% C.I. 1.28–6.72). Having been born in the United States and having a family history of cancer was also found to be significantly associated with other risk factors for cancer such as obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, both among the parents and the participant population, suggesting these interactions are complex. These high rates of cancer and particular prominence of less usual cancer such as liver and ovary in health disparities warrant evaluation of early detection strategies.^


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Since interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) were introduced in the 2000's, tuberculin skin testing (TST) and IGRAs have been used in various latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) screening settings. IGRAs are laboratory-based tests and are considered not to be affected by previous Bacille de Calmette et Guérin (BCG) vaccination; however, they are more costly when compared directly with TST, which does not require specimen processing in a laboratory. This study aimed to examine TST and two types of IGRAs, QuantiFERON-TB Gold in Tube (QFT-GIT) and T-SPOT. TB (TSPOT), from an economic viewpoint. Firstly, a systematic literature review was conducted to identify cost related analyses of LTBI screening. Secondly, specific cost information detailing each test's items and labor was collected from an LTBI screening program of health care workers in Houston, and the cost of each test was computed. Thirdly, using the computed cost estimate of each test, cost-effectiveness analyses were conducted to compare TST and IGRAs.^ A literature search showed that a limited number of studies have been conducted, but the IGRA's economic advantages were common among studies. Cost analyses showed that IGRAs were much more costly than TST. The results were consistent with previous studies. In cost-effectiveness analyses, where test cost and consequential TB-related cost were considered, IGRAs showed variable advantages over TST depending on the targeted population. When only non BCG-vaccinated people were considered, TST was the least costly option among the three tests. On the other hand, when only BCG-vaccinated people were considered, IGRAs were less costly options. These results were mostly consistent even with varying assumption parameters.^ IGRAs can be more costly than TST, but their economic disadvantages are alleviated when the target population was BCG-vaccinated. Based on current knowledge, IGRAs may be recommended in a population where the BCG history is mixed. Additional studies are needed to better understand IGRA's reliability among low-incidence and low-risk populations in which background TB prevalence is low.^


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This thesis presents an analysis of data from Molecular Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Mexican Americans. The study included 294 families. Among the participating families were 500 Mexican American females aged 19 to 86 who provided information on characteristics such as height, weight, and a variety of biochemical indicators. The research questions for this thesis are: (1) How strong is the association between indicators of the metabolic syndrome in study participants and their family histories of type II diabetes; and (2) How is an individual's family history of type II diabetes, age and socioeconomic status associated with the metabolic syndrome? In this thesis education status of the participants is used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. Answers to these questions are provided through the analysis of women's responses to written questionnaires and biochemical data. ^


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The History of Pathology in Texas is the study of the changes of disease in Texas from the frontier days to the 1990s. Marilyn Miller Baker wrote the book for the Texas Society of Pathologists. The book was published in 1996 with a forward by Vernie A. Stembridge, MD, the Ashbel Smith Professor and Chairman Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. The book covers the story of pathology from the "performance of crude autopsies" on the frontier through the emergence of bacteriology and immunology and beyond.