955 resultados para Harvester head
Despite advances in the medical and surgical treatment of Head and Neck (HN) squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), long term survival has remained unchanged in the last 20 years. The obvious limitations of traditional therapeutic options strongly urge the development of novel therapeutic approaches. The molecular cloning of tumor antigens recognized by T lymphocytes in recent years has provided targets for specific immunotherapy. In this regard, frequent expression of Cancer Testis Antigens (CTA) has been repeatedly observed among HN tumors. We analyzed CTA expression in 46 HNSCC patients and found that MAGE-A3 and/or -A4 CTA were positive in over 70% of samples, regardless of the anatomical site of primary tumors in the upper aerodigestive tract. Still, immune responses against these CTA in HNSCC patients have not yet been investigated in detail. In this study we assessed the responsiveness of HNSCC patient's lymphocytes against overlapping peptides spanning the entire MAGE-A3 and -A4 proteins. After depletion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, and following three rounds of in vitro stimulation with pools of overlapping peptides, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of HNSCC patients were screened by IFN-g and TNF-a intracellular cytokine staining for reactivity against MAGE-A3 or -A4 derived peptides. Cytokine secreting CD4+ T cells, specific for several peptides, were detected in 7/7 patients. In contrast, only 2/5 PBMC from healthy donors showed weak T cell responses against 2 peptides. CD4+ T cells specific for one epitope MAGE-A3(281-295), previously described as an HLA-DR11 restricted epitope naturally processed and presented by dendritic cells and tumor cells, were detected in two patients. MAGE-A3(161-175) specific CD4+ T cells were found in one patient. Six MAGE-A3 and -A4 new epitopes are being characterized. Together, these data suggest that naturally acquired CD4+ T cell responses against CT antigens occur in vivo in HNSCC patients, providing a rational basis for the use of the identified peptides in vaccination protocols.
This paper presents automated segmentation of structuresin the Head and Neck (H\&N) region, using an activecontour-based joint registration and segmentation model.A new atlas selection strategy is also used. Segmentationis performed based on the dense deformation fieldcomputed from the registration of selected structures inthe atlas image that have distinct boundaries, onto thepatient's image. This approach results in robustsegmentation of the structures of interest, even in thepresence of tumors, or anatomical differences between theatlas and the patient image. For each patient, an atlasimage is selected from the available atlas-database,based on the similarity metric value, computed afterperforming an affine registration between each image inthe atlas-database and the patient's image. Unlike manyof the previous approaches in the literature, thesimilarity metric is not computed over the entire imageregion; rather, it is computed only in the regions ofsoft tissue structures to be segmented. Qualitative andquantitative evaluation of the results is presented.
Intermediate targets (IT) can modify the morphology of an entrance wound, the trajectory of the bullet, and contaminate the path with fragments or material from the target. The penetration into the body of big fragments or even of an entire IT is exceptional and only rarely reported in the literature. The interpretation of a gunshot wound after contact of the bullet with IT can sometimes be very tricky as the classical morphology can be missing. The presented case is a rare example of atypical entrance wound and path due to a surprising intermediate target of a gunshot fired against the head.
Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors of the head and neck are numerous and may develop either in adults or in childhood. They can be benign and nonrecurring, benign but locally recurring, of low-grade of malignancy or fully malignant. The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions can be difficult. This review focuses on several (myo)fibroblastic lesions of the head and neck, including nodular fasciitis and related neoplasms, hemangiopericytoma-like tumor (glomangiopericytoma) of sinonasal passages, nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, desmoid fibromatosis, Gardner-associated fibroma, extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, and adult-type fibrosarcoma.
In this paper, we present the segmentation of the headand neck lymph node regions using a new active contourbased atlas registration model. We propose to segment thelymph node regions without directly including them in theatlas registration process; instead, they are segmentedusing the dense deformation field computed from theregistration of the atlas structures with distinctboundaries. This approach results in robust and accuratesegmentation of the lymph node regions even in thepresence of significant anatomical variations between theatlas-image and the patient's image to be segmented. Wealso present a quantitative evaluation of lymph noderegions segmentation using various statistical as well asgeometrical metrics: sensitivity, specificity, dicesimilarity coefficient and Hausdorff distance. Acomparison of the proposed method with two other state ofthe art methods is presented. The robustness of theproposed method to the atlas selection, in segmenting thelymph node regions, is also evaluated.
The aim of this study was to review our experience in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) performed in patients with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract. Descriptive retrospective study of 142 patients (115 males, 27 females), mean age 62.4 years (25-84 years), with head and neck or esophageal cancer, who underwent PEG tube insertion between January 2006 and December 2008. The studied parameters were indications, success rate, rate and type of complications, and their management. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was inserted before chemoradiation therapy in 80% and during or after cancer treatment in 20% of the patients. PEG placement was possible in 137 patients (96%). Major complications were observed in 9 (7%) and minor complications in 22 (17%) of the 137 patients. Seven of the 9 patients with a major complication needed revision surgery. The mortality directly related to the procedure was 0.7%. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion has a high success rate. In patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer, PEG should be the first choice for enteral nutrition when sufficient oral intake is not possible. Although apparently easy, the procedure may occasionally lead to severe complications. Therefore, a strict technique and knowledge of clinical signs of possible complications are mandatory.
AIM: The goal of the present work was to compare outcomes of definitive concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with cetuximab-based bioradiotherapy (BRT) in locally advanced head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 2006 and 2012, 265 patients with locally advanced HNSCC were treated at our institution with CRT (n = 194; 73 %) with three cycles of cisplatin (100 mg/m(2), every 3 weeks) or BRT (n = 71; 27 %) with weekly cetuximab. Patients receiving BRT had more pre-existing conditions (Charlson index ≥ 2) than the CRT group (p = 0.005). RESULTS: Median follow-up was 29 months. In all, 56 % of patients treated with CRT received the planned three cycles (92 % at least two cycles) and 79 % patients treated with BRT received six cycles or more. The 2-year actuarial overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were 72 % and 61 %, respectively. In the multivariate analysis (MVA), T4 stage, N2-3 stage, smoking status (current smoker as compared with never smoker), and non-oropharyngeal locations predicted for OS, whereas BRT association with OS was of borderline significance (p = 0.054). The 2-year actuarial locoregional control (LRC) and distant control (DC) rates were 73 and 79 %, respectively. CRT was independently associated with an improved LRC (2-year LRC: 76 % for CRT vs. 61 % for BRT) and DC (2-year LRC: 81 % for CRT vs. 68 % for BRT) in comparison with BRT (p < 0.001 and p = 0.01 in the MVA). Subgroup analyses showed that T4 patients benefited significantly from CRT (vs. BRT) in LRC, while T1-3 did not. BRT patients had more G3-4 skin complications (p < 0.001) and CRT patients had higher rates of feeding tube placement (p = 0.006) and G3-4 gastrointestinal toxicities (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This retrospective analysis showed a better LRC in locally advanced HNSCC treated by cisplatin-based CRT than cetuximab-based BRT, and a nonsignificant trend towards an improved OS.
Purpose: To assess the value of cerebral perfusion CT (PCT) in children with traumatic brain injury in prediciting their consecutive clinical outcome. Materials and methods: Twelve paediatric patients with acute traumatic brain injury underwent cerebral CT coupled with PCT during their admission at the emergency room (ER). PCT maps were reviewed for mean transit time (MTT), regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) abnormalities. PCT results were compared to short- and mid-term clinical outcome. Results: 3 patients with low Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (98) and bad clinical outcome showed an increased MTT and decreased rCBV and rCBF. 5 patients with low GCS and good clinical outcome showed an increased MTT without abnormalities of rCBV and rCBF. In patients with GCS 08 and good outcome, PCT maps were normal in 2 cases; transient PCT abnormalities were identified in one case with an embedded fracture of the skull and in one case with an epileptic seizure. Conclusion: Cerebral PCT can identify diffuse abnormalities of cerebral perfusion in children with traumatic brain injury showing a low initial GCS and a bad outcome. PCT can be a valuable tool to predict the severity of the prognosis of these patients as soon as they are evaluated by CT-scan during their admission at the ER.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess feasibility and efficacy of weekly concomitant boost accelerated postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) with concomitant chemotherapy (CT) in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Conformal or intensity-modulated 66-Gy RT was performed in 5.5 weeks in 40 patients. Cisplatin was given at days 1, 22, and 43. Median follow-up was 36 months. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Grade 3 mucositis, dysphagia, and erythema was observed in ten (25%), nine (23%), and six (13%) patients, respectively. Grade 3 or more anemia was observed in two (6%) patients, and leukopenia in five (13%) patients. No grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia was observed. Grade 3 nephrotoxicity was observed in one patient (3%). No treatment-related mortality was observed. Grade 2 or more xerostomia and edema were observed in ten (25%) and one (3%) patient, respectively. Locoregional relapse occurred in eight patients, and seven patients developed distant metastases. Median time to locoregional relapse was 6 months. Three-year overall, disease-free survival, and locoregional control rates were 63%, 62%, and 81%, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that the only prognostic factor was nodal status. CONCLUSION: Reducing overall treatment time using accelerated PORT/CT by weekly concomitant boost (six fractions per week) combined with concomitant cisplatin CT is easily feasible with acceptable morbidity.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The article reviews recent significant advances and current applications of the temporoparietal fascia flap (TPFF) in head and neck surgery. RECENT FINDINGS: The recent literature describes a wide span of new applications of the TPFF in many areas. Significant developments and refinements in the reconstruction of orbitomaxillary composite defects and orbital exenteration cavities are reported. The TPFF combined with alloplastic framework is gaining in importance in external ear reconstruction. Innovative prefabricated skin or soft-tissue grafts based on the TPFF are used to restore facial contour or in the reconstruction of complex facial defects. The free TPFF finds a role in laryngotracheal reconstruction as a vascular carrier to support cartilage grafts. SUMMARY: Owing to its reliability and unequalled structural properties, the TPFF still plays a central role in facial reconstruction. Future investigation will likely incorporate the free TPFF as a vascular carrier of bioengineered tissues, such as cartilage and mucosa, for various head and neck indications.
But : comprendre les raisons des divergences observées dans le tracé des volumes cibles entre radio-oncologues. Matériel et méthodes : 18 centres suisses de radio-oncologie ont été invités à tracer les volumes pour un cas de cancer de la prostate et pour un cas de cancer de la sphère ORL. Nous avons également envoyé un questionnaire pour évaluer d'une part les différences dans la définition- des volumes (GTV [ gross tumor volume= volume tumoral macroscopique ], CTV [clinical tumor volume= volume de la tumeur clinique, macroscopique et microscopique], PTV [planning target volume= volume cible pour la planification], et d'autre part des variations dans les marges appliquées et les ganglions considérés à risque. Pour chaque centre, on a calculé la corrélation entre les marges qui ont été dessinées et celles qui ont été annoncées. Nous avons inclus dans le questionnaire une série de questions non spécifiques pour évaluer les méthodes de planification utilisées dans les différents centres. Résultats : Dans les 2 situations cliniques, on a mis en évidence de relativement grandes différences tant au niveau des volumes dessinés par les différents centres que dans leur définition des volumes. La corrélation entre les marges dessinées et définies était assez correcte dans le cas de la prostate mais médiocre dans le cas ORL. Le questionnaire a révélé d'importantes différences dans les méthodes de planification utilisées par les centres. Conclusion : Ces grandes différences peuvent être expliquées par, (1) une connaissance/interprétation variable des définitions ICRU, (2) des appréciations différentes de l'extension tumorale microscopique potentielle, (3) des difficultés dans l'identification du GTV, (4) des différences de concept, et (5) des différences entre la théorie (par ex. la description des marges) et la pratiqué (par ex. les marges dessinées).
We conducted an open, randomized, and prospective study to determine the effect of hypertonic saline on the secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone in children with severe head injury (Glasgow coma scale <8). Thirty-one consecutive patients at a level III pediatric intensive care unit at a children's hospital received either lactated Ringer's solution (Ringer's group, n = 16) or hypertonic saline (Hypertonic Saline group, n = 15) over a 3-day period. Serum ADH levels were significantly larger in the Hypertonic Saline group as compared with the Ringer's group (P = 0.001; analysis of variance) and were correlated to sodium intake (Ringer's group: r = 0.39, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.42, R(2) = 0.18, P = 0.02) and volume of fluids given IV (Ringer's group: r = 0.38, R(2) = 0.15, P = 0.02; Hypertonic Saline group: r = 0.32, R(2) = 0.1, P = not significant). Correlation of ADH to plasma osmolality was significant if plasma osmolality was >280 mOsm/kg (r = 0.5, R(2) = 0.25, P = 0.06), indicating an osmotic threshold for ADH release. Serum aldosterone levels were larger on the first day than during Days 2 and 3 in both groups and inversely correlated to serum sodium levels only in the Ringer's group (r = -0.55, R(2) = 0.3, P < 0.001). This group received a significantly larger fluid volume on Day 1 (P = 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) than did patients in the Hypertonic Saline group, indicating hypovolemia during the first day. Head-injured children have appropriate levels of ADH. They may be hypovolemic during the first day of treatment, especially if they receive lactated Ringer's solution. IMPLICATIONS: In head-injured patients, we recommend fluid restriction to avoid inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. In a prospective, randomized, and controlled study in 31 children, we were able to show that the antidiuretic hormone levels are appropriate in response to hypovolemia, sodium load, or both.