990 resultados para Hannah (Biblical figure)
Con la Modernidad, la política sufrió una crisis que vació de contenido los conceptos políticos más importantes. Hannah Arendt, a través de su obra, hace patente esta situación y problematiza la manera en que entienden la política las principales corrientes ideológicas hoy en día.
If you have added the Chapter number to your Table or Figure captions they will show as 1.1, 1.2 and so on. This is linked to the numbering used in the Heading 1 style. However, once you get to the Appendices the last Chapter number will continue throughout the Appendices as the Appendix heading isn't Heading 1. So what you need to do is get Word to understand that the style from which it should be picking up the first part of the Caption has changed and that it will need to restart the numbering again in each subsequent Appendix. This isn't too complex but you must follow the instructions to the letter or else it won't work.
If you have added the Chapter number to your Table or Figure captions they will show as 1.1, 1.2 and so on. This is linked to the numbering used in the Heading 1 style. However, once you get to the Appendices the last Chapter number will continue throughout the Appendices as the Appendix heading isn't Heading 1.
Este artículo trata de mostrar de qué manera la obra de Hannah Arendt se ha convertido en un espacio teórico obligado e ineludible en el ámbito de la teoría y la filosofía política. Intenta revisar y volver a poner en consideración conceptos arendtianos, como los de libertad, política, philía, y presentarlos como una alternativa frente al derrotero apocalíptico de la historia, que se nos presenta como inevitable. Arendt fue crítica incansable del lamentable estado de la ciencia política contemporánea, por no haber sido capaz de distinguir entre conceptos como poder, autoridad o fuerza, conceptos que se han entendido como sinónimos que hacen referencia, de manera equivocada, a las relaciones de mando-obediencia. Arendt les otorga su sello propio y con ello intenta evitar la confusión que se ha generado en torno a ellos. De esta manera, define su propio matiz sobre lo político, oponiéndose radicalmente a la concepción canónica de la política como “espacio de aparición” que emana allí donde un grupo plural de seres libres e iguales comparten palabras y acciones.-----This article intends to show how Hannah Arendt’s work has become a compulsory and unavoidable theoretical forum in the realm of the political theory and philosophy. It intends to review and restate Arendtian concepts such as freedom, politics and philia, and present them as an alternative to the apocalyptic course of history that faces us as unavoidable. Arendt was a tireless judge of the pitiful state of contemporary political science because it could not differentiate concepts such as power, authority or strength, which have been understood as synonyms that wrongfully refer to a command-obedience relationship. Arendt marks them with her own seal trying to avoid the confusion that has been created around them. In this way, she defines politics in her very own way, radically opposing the canonical notion of politics as a “world of appearances” that arises where a plural group of free equal human beings shares words and actions.
Tal i com anuncia el títol, l’article pretén introduir al lector que no coneix a Hannah Arendt en el seu pensament, a través dels seus temes essencials, introduint l’acció i la política com la dimensió més important de l’acivitat humana, en la mesura que és capaç de crear el món en el que el sentit comú permetrà l’aparició de la llibertat i la responsabilitat; es planteja també, ja dins l’àmbit de la vida contemplativa, on es planteja el judici moral i l’anàlidi de concepte –clau en la nostra autora- de la banalitat del mal, el que obliga a nalitzar el seguiment arendtià del judici a Eichmann i l’anàlisi més general del totalitarisme, fenomen que introduiex les seves arrels i troba la seva explicació en la modernitat. Com a conclusió, s’introduiex la proposta política de la nostra autora, el republicanisme, forma política defençada per la nostra autora en la mesura en que l’acció humana permet arribar al consens.
O propósito desta investigação é identificar e analisar, a partir de um estudo de caso, o paradoxo com que se confrontam os media de referência ocidentais na cobertura dos conflitos Israel-Palestina: um trabalho jornalístico dividido entre a retórica da objectividade e a necessidade de conviver, de se apoiar e, via de regra, reproduzir o paradigma da biopolítica - à luz do qual se justifica a necessidade de controlo e subjugação dos corpos, por questões de segurança e de prevenção do terrorismo. A partir do entendimento clássico de que a objectividade - mesmo sendo uma utopia - é factor desejável e figura como componente basilar no ritual estratégico da produção jornalística, busca-se aqui remontar as origens dessa conceituação, mostrando que ela emerge numa altura da história imediatamente posterior àquela em que Michel Foucault localiza o nascimento do sistema biopolítico. Uma análise foucaultiana de discurso permitiu identificar pontos de cristalização desse paradigma em um grupo de notícias extraídas de dois jornais de referência portugueses. As teorias de Hannah Arendt e de Giogio Agamben sobre a condição humana na Modernidade surgem, então, como chaves alinhadas ao pensamento de Foucault e subsidiam as reflexões conclusivas acerca dos quadros discursivos identificados neste trabalho.
The efficiency of a Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system is greatly dependent on both the geometry and operating frequency of the transmitting and receiving structures. By using Coupled Mode Theory (CMT), the figure of merit is calculated for resonantly-coupled loop and dipole systems. An in-depth analysis of the figure of merit is performed with respect to the key geometric parameters of the loops and dipoles, along with the resonant frequency, in order to identify the key relationships leading to high-efficiency WPT. For systems consisting of two identical single-turn loops, it is shown that the choice of both the loop radius and resonant frequency are essential in achieving high-efficiency WPT. For the dipole geometries studied, it is shown that the choice of length is largely irrelevant and that as a result of their capacitive nature, low-MHz frequency dipoles are able to produce significantly higher figures of merit than those of the loops considered. The results of the figure of merit analysis are used to propose and subsequently compare two mid-range loop and dipole WPT systems of equal size and operating frequency, where it is shown that the dipole system is able to achieve higher efficiencies than the loop system of the distance range examined.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv
My project as a Senior Scholar has been the study of the human figure through drawing and sculpture. I have worked directly from the model in order to understand the form and structure of the human body. The result of this concentrated study has been a sharpened sense of vision and an increased confidence in the use of materials for both two and three-dimensional representation.