887 resultados para Greenhouse position
This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biofuels markets and international biofuels trade in Finland and identified the challenges ofthe emerging international biofuels markets for Finland. The fact that industryconsumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production (CHP) and a high share of biofuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. One third of the electricity is generated in CHP plants. As much as 27% of the total energy consumption ismet by using wood and peat, which makes Finland the leading country in the use of biofuels. Finland has made a commitment to maintain greenhouse gas emissions at the 1990 level at the highest during the period 2008-2012. The Finnish energypolicy aims to achieve the target, and a variety of measures are taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources and especially wood fuels. In this study, the wooden raw material streams of the forest industry were included the international biofuels trade in addition to biomass streams that are traded for energy production. In 2004, as much as 45% of the raw wood importedinto Finland ended up in energy production. The total international trading of biofuels was evaluated at 72 PJ, of which the majority, 58 PJ, was raw wood. About 22% of wood based energy in Finland originated from imported raw wood. Tall oil and wood pellets composed the largest export streams of biofuels. The annual turnover of international biofuels trade was estimated at about ¤ 90 million fordirect trade and at about ¤ 190 million for indirect trade. The forest industryas the biggest user of wood, and the producer and user of wood fuels has a central position in biomass and biofuels markets in Finland. Lately, the international aspects of Finnish biofuels markets have been emphasised as the import of rawwood and the export of wood pellets have increased. Expanding the use of biofuels in the road transportation sector would increase the international streams ofbiofuels in Finland. In coming years, the international trading of biomass for energy purposes can be expected to continue growing.
Tutkimus suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista hiilidoksidipäästöjen vähentämisen parissa Luoteis-Venäjällä.
Position sensitive particle detectors are needed in high energy physics research. This thesis describes the development of fabrication processes and characterization techniques of silicon microstrip detectors used in the work for searching elementary particles in the European center for nuclear research, CERN. The detectors give an electrical signal along the particles trajectory after a collision in the particle accelerator. The trajectories give information about the nature of the particle in the struggle to reveal the structure of the matter and the universe. Detectors made of semiconductors have a better position resolution than conventional wire chamber detectors. Silicon semiconductor is overwhelmingly used as a detector material because of its cheapness and standard usage in integrated circuit industry. After a short spread sheet analysis of the basic building block of radiation detectors, the pn junction, the operation of a silicon radiation detector is discussed in general. The microstrip detector is then introduced and the detailed structure of a double-sided ac-coupled strip detector revealed. The fabrication aspects of strip detectors are discussedstarting from the process development and general principles ending up to the description of the double-sided ac-coupled strip detector process. Recombination and generation lifetime measurements in radiation detectors are discussed shortly. The results of electrical tests, ie. measuring the leakage currents and bias resistors, are displayed. The beam test setups and the results, the signal to noise ratio and the position accuracy, are then described. It was found out in earlier research that a heavy irradiation changes the properties of radiation detectors dramatically. A scanning electron microscope method was developed to measure the electric potential and field inside irradiated detectorsto see how a high radiation fluence changes them. The method and the most important results are discussed shortly.
In the past two decades, international recommendations have made inclusive education a priority issue. Many countries have adopted school policies inciting players to question their representations about the duties and purposes of schooling and their role therein. In Switzerland, a new national and cantonal framework defines the integration of students with disabilities or special educational needs in the regular classroom as a priority. However, progress in this area is modest and many researchers are left wondering how teachers could be better prepared to meet the special needs of some students. Initial training is thus seen as essential in bringing pre-service teachers to develop open attitudes toward students with disabilities or special educational needs. While many studies have examined the role of training in building professional attitudes, very few deal with teacher representations of inclusive education, let alone those of future teachers. Our research focuses on two samples of pre-service teachers in the beginning, middle or end of their initial training. 261 pre-service teachers for primary education and 212 pre-service teachers for secondaiy education are involved in the study. The research aims to highlight the role of their representative thinking in building their attitudes towards inclusive education. Our results show that objectification remains essentialist and focuses on the prototypes of the most publicized disabilities. They also showed the weakness of the training system as perceived by future teachers. Even though they have maintained or strengthened positive attitudes towards integration, most leave their training with a reinforced sense of apprehension when faced with the disabilities or special educational needs that they expect to encounter in their future work. Although pre-service teachers consider their training insufficient, it nevertheless positively influences their attitudes toward integration. In particular, greater internship practice, however modest it may be, has a significant effect on attitudes of future teachers by increasing their perception of competence and confidence. -- Ces deux dernières décennies, les recommandations internationales ont fait de l'inclusion scolaire une thématique prioritaire. De nombreux pays ont adopté des politiques scolaires obligeant les acteurs scolaires à interroger leurs représentations des missions de l'école et leur rôle au sein de celle-ci. En Suisse, un nouveau cadre national et cantonal a défini comme prioritaire l'intégration dans l'école ordinaire des élèves en situation de handicap ou ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers. Or, les avancées en la matière restent modestes et de nombreux chercheurs se questionnent sur la manière dont les enseignant-e-s pourraient être mieux préparés à répondre aux besoins éducatifs particuliers de certains élèves. La formation initiale est ainsi perçue comme essentielle pour amener les futurs enseignant-e-s pour développer des attitudes ouvertes envers les élèves en situation de handicap ou ayant des besoins éducatifs particuliers. Si beaucoup d'études portent sur le rôle de la formation dans la construction d'attitudes professionnelles, très peu traitent des représentations des enseignant-e-s à l'égard de l'intégration scolaire et encore moins de celles des futurs enseignant-e-s. Notre recherche porte sur deux populations de futurs enseignant-e-s en début, au milieu ou en fin de formation. Elles sont composées respectivement de 261 étudiant-e-s se destinant à l'enseignement primaire et de 212 étudiant-e-s se destinant à l'enseignement secondaire. La recherche vise à mettre en évidence l'intervention de leur pensée représentative dans leurs prises de position envers l'intégration scolaire. Nos résultats montrent que l'objectivation reste essentialiste et se focalise sur les prototypes de situations de handicap les plus médiatisés. Nos résultats font également fait apparaître la faiblesse du dispositif de formation tel que perçu les futurs enseignant-e-s. Quand bien même ont-ils conservé ou renforcé des attitudes favorables à l'intégration, ils quittent pour la plupart leur formation avec une appréhension renforcée à l'égard des situations de handicap ou de besoins éducatifs particuliers qu'ils s'attendent à rencontrer dans leur future pratique. Bien que la formation soit jugée insuffisante par les étudiant-e-s, elle oriente néanmoins favorablement leurs prises de position envers l'intégration des élèves concernés. En particulier, une plus grande pratique de stage, si modeste soit-elle, a un effet important sur ces prises de position par l'augmentation du sentiment de compétence et la perception d'assurance des futurs enseignant-e-s.
[cat] Les normes socials han estat incloses en la teoria de l’acció col.lectiva per a superar les dificultats per explicar perquè la gestió del béns comuns podria ser més efectiva quan s’autoregula per les mateixes comunitats. El paper rellevant de la confiança en els altres s’ha identificat en diversos contextos d’acció social a nivell local, però només recentment s’ha considerat la idea que també podria ser rellevant en el cas de béns comuns de caire global, seguint l’evidència bàsicament descriptiva recollida per Elinor Ostrom. Però fins ara no hi havia proves quantitatives disponibles d’aquesta idea. Utilitzant un conjunt de dades de 29 països europeus durant el període 1990-2007, donem evidència empírica a favor del paper del nivell de confiança en els altres en el context dels béns públics globals. Concloem que el nivell de confiança en els altres té un impacte reductor de les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle; per exemple, l’extrapolació dels resultats implicaria una reducció d’emissions d’Espanya del 12,5% si el nivell mitjà de confiança en els altres dels espanyols fos tan elevat com els dels suecs.
[cat] Les normes socials han estat incloses en la teoria de l’acció col.lectiva per a superar les dificultats per explicar perquè la gestió del béns comuns podria ser més efectiva quan s’autoregula per les mateixes comunitats. El paper rellevant de la confiança en els altres s’ha identificat en diversos contextos d’acció social a nivell local, però només recentment s’ha considerat la idea que també podria ser rellevant en el cas de béns comuns de caire global, seguint l’evidència bàsicament descriptiva recollida per Elinor Ostrom. Però fins ara no hi havia proves quantitatives disponibles d’aquesta idea. Utilitzant un conjunt de dades de 29 països europeus durant el període 1990-2007, donem evidència empírica a favor del paper del nivell de confiança en els altres en el context dels béns públics globals. Concloem que el nivell de confiança en els altres té un impacte reductor de les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle; per exemple, l’extrapolació dels resultats implicaria una reducció d’emissions d’Espanya del 12,5% si el nivell mitjà de confiança en els altres dels espanyols fos tan elevat com els dels suecs.
Työn päätavoite on tutkia vihreän sähkön ja sertifikaattien kaupan ja EY:n uusien ilmastonmuutosta koskevien direktiivien ja direktiiviehdotusten välisiä yhteyksiä. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään direktiiviä sähköntuotannosta uusiutuvilla energialähteillä ja direktiiviehdotuksia Euroopan Unionin alueen päästökaupasta sekä yhdistetyn sähkön ja lämmön tuotannon lisäämisestä. Työ keskittyy erään suomalaisen metsäteollisuusyrityksen toimiin ilmastonmuutoksen hidastamiseksi. Tutkimus keskittyy pääosin EU:n suunnitelmaan aloittaa Unionin jäsenvaltioiden välinen päästökauppa, koska tämä järjestelmä tulee toteutuessaan olemaan teollisuuden kannalta merkittävä. Tilannetta on analysoitu neljän sellu- ja paperitehtaan hiilidioksidipäästölaskelmien avulla. Työssä kehitettyjä laskumalleja voidaan käyttää avuksi yhtiön muilla tehtailla. Tämän lisäksi työssä on luotu malli energiainvestointien arvioimiseksi tulevaisuudessa ottamalla päästöoikeuden hinnan vaikutus huomioon. Päästökaupan vaikutukset pohjoismaisilla vapautuneilla sähkömarkkinoilla on analysoity, koska teollinen sähkönhankinta on suuresti riippuvainen tästä markkinasta. Suomen metsäteollisuuden oma yhdistetty sähkön ja lämmön tuotanto erityisesti uusiutuvista energialähteistä tulee olemaan entistäkin tärkeämpää tiukentuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Tällä hetkellä on käynnissä kokeilu lisäarvon saamiseksi omalle sähköntuotannolle. Tällä haetaan kokemuksia ja valmiutta tulevaa päästökauppaa varten.
The Prostate Cancer Programme of the European School of Oncology developed the concept of specialised interdisciplinary and multiprofessional prostate cancer care to be formalized in Prostate Cancer Units (PCU). After the publication in 2011 of the collaborative article "The Requirements of a Specialist Prostate Cancer Unit: A Discussion Paper from the European School of Oncology", in 2012 the PCU Initiative in Europe was launched. A multiprofessional Task Force of internationally recognized opinion leaders, among whom representatives of scientific societies, and patient advocates gathered to set standards for quality comprehensive prostate cancer care and designate care pathways in PCUs. The result was a consensus on 40 mandatory and recommended standards and items, covering several macro-areas, from general requirements to personnel to organization and case management. This position paper describes the relevant, feasible and applicable core criteria for defining PCUs in most European countries delivered by PCU Initiative in Europe Task Force.
BACKGROUND: Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is defined as a primary ovarian defect characterized by absent menarche (primary amenorrhea), a decrease in the initial primordial follicle number, high follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and hypoestrogenism. Although the etiology of a majority of POI cases is not yet identified, several data suggest that POI has a strong genetic component. Conventional cytogenetic and molecular analyses have identified regions of the X chromosome that are associated with ovarian function, as well as POI candidate genes, such as FMR1 and DIAPH2. Here we describe a 10.5-year-old girl presenting with high FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, pathologic GH stimulation arginine and clonidine tests, short stature, pterygium, ovarian dysgenesis, hirsutism and POI. RESULTS: Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated a balanced reciprocal translocation between the q arms of chromosomes X and 1, with breakpoints falling in Xq21 and 1q41 bands. Molecular studies did not unravel any chromosome microdeletion/microduplication, and no XIST-mediated inactivation was found on the derivative chromosome 1. Interestingly, through immunofluorescence assays, we found that part of the Xq21q22 trait, translocated to chromosome 1q41, was late replicating and therefore possibly inactivated in 30 % metaphases both in lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts, in addition to a skewed 100 % inactivation of the normal X chromosome. These findings suggest that a dysregulation of gene expression might occur in this region. Two genes mapping to the Xq translocated region, namely DIAPH2 and FMR1, were found overexpressed if compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: We report a case in which gonadal dysgenesis and POI are associated with over-expression of DIAPH2 gene and of FMR1 gene in wild type form. We hypothesize that this over-expression is possibly due to a phenomenon known as "chromosomal position effect", which accounts for gene expression variations depending on their localization within the nucleus. For the same effect a double mosaic inactivation of genes mapping to the Xq21-q22 region, demonstrated by immunofluorescence assays, may be the cause of a functional Xq partial monosomy leading to most Turner traits of the proband's phenotype.
This R package provides to sociologists (and related scientists) a toolbox to facilitate the construction of social position indicators from survey data. Social position indicators refer to what is commonly known as social class and social status. There exists in the sociological literature many theoretical conceptualisation and empirical operationalization of social class and social status. This first version of the package offers tools to construct the International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status (ISEI) and the Oesch social class schema. It also provides tools to convert several occupational classifications (PCS82, PCS03, and ISCO08) into a common one (ISCO88) to facilitate data harmonisation work, and tools to collapse (i.e. group) modalities of social position indicators.
PURPOSE: The impacts of humeral offset and stem design after reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) have not been well-studied, particularly with regard to newer stems which have a lower humeral inclination. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of different humeral stem designs on range of motion and humeral position following RSA. METHODS: Using a three-dimensional computer model of RSA, a traditional inlay Grammont stem was compared to a short curved onlay stem with different inclinations (155°, 145°, 135°) and offset (lateralised vs medialised). Humeral offset, the acromiohumeral distance (AHD), and range of motion were evaluated for each configuration. RESULTS: Altering stem design led to a nearly 7-mm change in humeral offset and 4 mm in the AHD. Different inclinations of the onlay stems had little influence on humeral offset and larger influence on decreasing the AHD. There was a 10° decrease in abduction and a 5° increase in adduction between an inlay Grammont design and an onlay design with the same inclination. Compared to the 155° model, the 135° model improved adduction by 28°, extension by 24° and external rotation of the elbow at the side by 15°, but led to a decrease in abduction of 9°. When the tray was placed medially, on the 145° model, a 9° loss of abduction was observed. CONCLUSIONS: With varus inclination prostheses (135° and 145°), elevation remains unchanged, abduction slightly decreases, but a dramatic improvement in adduction, extension and external rotation with the elbow at the side are observed.
This paper is concerned with the contribution of forensic science to the legal process by helping reduce uncertainty. Although it is now widely accepted that uncertainty should be handled by probability because it is a safeguard against incoherent proceedings, there remain diverging and conflicting views on how probability ought to be interpreted. This is exemplified by the proposals in scientific literature that call for procedures of probability computation that are referred to as "objective," suggesting that scientists ought to use them in their reporting to recipients of expert information. I find such proposals objectionable. They need to be viewed cautiously, essentially because ensuing probabilistic statements can be perceived as making forensic science prescriptive. A motivating example from the context of forensic DNA analysis will be chosen to illustrate this. As a main point, it shall be argued that such constraining suggestions can be avoided by interpreting probability as a measure of personal belief, that is, subjective probability. Invoking references to foundational literature from mathematical statistics and philosophy of science, the discussion will explore the consequences of this interdisciplinary viewpoint for the practice of forensic expert reporting. It will be emphasized that-as an operational interpretation of probability-the subjectivist perspective enables forensic science to add value to the legal process, in particular by avoiding inferential impasses to which other interpretations of probability may lead. Moreover, understanding probability from a subjective perspective can encourage participants in the legal process to take on more responsibility in matters regarding the coherent handling of uncertainty. This would assure more balanced interactions at the interface between science and the law. This, in turn, provides support for ongoing developments that can be called the "probabilization" of forensic science.