805 resultados para Granger causality.


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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável


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O crescimento e a expansão das redes sociais trouxe novas formas de interação entre os seres humanos que se repercutem na vida real. Os textos partilhados nas redes sociais e as interações resultantes de todas as atividades virtuais têm vindo a ganhar um grande impacto no quotidiano da sociedade e no âmbito económico e financeiro, as redes sociais tem sido alvo de diversos estudos, particularmente em termos de previsão e descrição do mercado acionista (Zhang, Fuehres, & Gloor, 2011) (Bollen, Mao & Zheng, 2010). Nesta investigação percebemos se o sentimento do Twitter, rede social de microblogging, se relaciona diretamente com o mercado acionista, querendo assim compreender qual o impacto das redes sociais no mercado financeiro. Tentámos assim relacionar duas dimensões, social e financeira, de forma a conseguirmos compreender de que forma poderemos utilizar os valores de uma para prever a outra. É um tópico especialmente interessante para empresas e investidores na medida em que se tenta compreender se o que se diz de determinada empresa no Twitter pode ter relação com o valor de mercado dessa empresa. Usámos duas técnicas de análise de sentimentos, uma de comparação léxica de palavras e outra de machine learning para compreender qual das duas tinha uma melhor precisão na classificação dos tweets em três atributos, positivo, negativo ou neutro. O modelo de machine learning foi o modelo escolhido e relacionámos esses dados com os dados do mercado acionista através de um teste de causalidade de Granger. Descobrimos que para certas empresas existe uma relação entre as duas variáveis, sentimento do Twitter e alteração da posição da ação entre dois períodos de tempo no mercado acionista, esta última variável estando dependente da dimensão temporal em que agrupamos o nosso sentimento do Twitter. Este estudo pretendeu assim dar seguimento ao trabalho desenvolvido por Bollen, Mao e Zheng (2010) que descobriram que uma dimensão de sentimento (calma) consegue ser usada para prever a direção das ações do mercado acionista, apesar de terem rejeitado que o sentimento geral (positivo, negativo ou neutro) não se relacionava de modo global com o mercado acionista. No seu trabalho compararam o sentimento de todos os tweets de um determinado período sem exclusão com o índice geral de ações no mercado enquanto a metodologia adotada nesta investigação foi realizada por empresa e apenas nos interessaram tweets que se relacionavam com aquela empresa em específico. Com esta diferença obtemos resultados diferentes e certas empresas demonstravam que existia relação entre várias combinações, principalmente para empresas tecnológicas. Testamos o agrupamento do sentimento do Twitter em 3 minutos, 1 hora e 1 dia, sendo que certas empresas só demonstravam relação quando aumentávamos a nossa dimensão temporal. Isto leva-nos a querer que o sentimento geral da empresa, e se a mesma for uma empresa tecnológica, está ligado ao mercado acionista estando condicionada esta relação à dimensão temporal que possamos estar a analisar.


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Unilever Jerónimo Martins is a Portuguese joint-venture leading firm in what concerns the supply chain industry of fast-moving consumer goods in Portugal. The scope of analysis of this Work Project is focusing on Unilever-JM operations and services in the Portuguese market regarding quality, efficiency and effectiveness over B2B customers. It will be analysed the possibility of development and implementation of a performance measurement system, Tableau de Bord, which will be crucial for the identification of potential opportunities of improvement with impact in the supply chain processes. This will be completed through the establishment of KPI’s to monitor and manage periodically logistics, planning and customer service processes’ performance, which are the ones where the bottlenecks are impacting more in the supply chain. In this work project the nexus causality for the problems will also be discussed and some recommendations will be prepared to tackle the inefficiencies found through the monitoring of the previous core processes, in order to improve efficacy and quality service of the supply chain.


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A epilepsia é uma das mais comuns patologias que afectam o cérebro humano e caracteriza-se por uma actividade cerebral oscilatória desordenada e excessiva que prejudica gravemente a qualidade de vida do doente. Com o objectivo de detectar o percurso da actividade cerebral anormal a ressonância magnética, em conjunto com a técnica de electroencefalografia (EEG) têm evoluído no sentido de tornar a identificação do foco epiléptico e respectivas vias de propagação mais clara e fácil para o neurocirurgião. Esta detecção pode recorrer ao efeito BOLD (do inglês “Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent”) para, de forma indirecta, obter um mapa de activação neuronal da zona em estudo contribuindo para uma possível intervenção cirúrgica à área epiléptica. No entanto, para chegar a uma conclusão definitiva sobre este mapa neuronal é necessário ter em conta que diferentes regiões podem apresentar HRFs (do inglês “Hemodynamic Response Functions”) diferentes, influenciando o resultado de qualquer análise se este facto não for tido em conta. Na presente dissertação foi aplicado um método de cálculo de influência causal entre regiões do cérebro humano a dados de epilepsia obtidos através da técnica EEG+fMRI. Foram utilizadas técnicas de conectividade efectiva (causalidade de Granger) usando um pacote de software (PyHRF) para estimar com precisão a HRF da região em estudo e permitir a desconvolução do sinal antes do cálculo de conectividade. Foi demonstrada a utilidade desta contribuição metodológica para a caracterização topográfica e dinâmica de uma crise epiléptica.


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Part of the results presented in this thesis were published in the following reference (DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2015.08.055): Wenwen Zeng*, Roksana M. Pirzgalska*, Mafalda M.A. Pereira, Nadiya Kubasova, Andreia Barateiro, Elsa Seixas, Yi-Hsueh Lu, Albina Kozlova, Henning Voss, Gabriel G. Martins, Jeffrey M. Friedman and Ana I. Domingos. Sympathetic Neuro-adipose Connections Mediate Leptin-Driven Lipolysis. Cell 163, 84-94 (2015). The work was also presented through poster presentations at iMED Conference 6.0 (Lisbon, 2014), Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica Meeting (Coimbra, 2014) and Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências Meeting (Póvoa de Varzim, 2015).


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Social ties are potentially an important determinant of migrants’ intention to return to their home country, and yet this topic has not been addressed in the existing economics literature on international migration. This study examines the absolute and relative importance of migrant social networks both at destination and at origin. We base our research on experimental data from Batista and Narciso (2013)1. By defining networks according to different characteristics of their members and migrant return intentions with respect to three different time horizons, we are able to dissect the network effect into its components. After controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and reverse causality biases we find that network at home seems to be the most important determinant of the migrant’s intention to return home within five and ten years.


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The recent financial crisis has drawn the attention of researchers and regulators to the importance of liquidity for stock market stability and efficiency. The ability of market-makers and investors to provide liquidity is constrained by the willingness of financial institutions to supply funding capital. This paper sheds light on the liquidity linkages between the Central Bank, Monetary Financial Institutions and market-makers as crucial elements to the well-functioning of markets. Results suggest the existence of causality between credit conditions and stock market liquidity for the Eurozone between 2003 and 2015. Similar evidence is found for the UK during the post-crisis period. Keywords: stock


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The appeal to ideas as causal variables and/or constitutive features of political processes increasingly characterises political analysis. Yet, perhaps because of the pace of this ideational intrusion, too often ideas have simply been grafted onto pre-existing explanatory theories at precisely the point at which they seem to get into difficulties, with little or no consideration either of the status of such ideational variables or of the character or consistency of the resulting theoretical hybrid. This is particularly problematic for ideas are far from innocent variables – and can rarely, if ever, be incorporated seamlessly within existing explanatory and/or constitutive theories without ontological and epistemological consequence. We contend that this tendency along with the limitations of the prevailing Humean conception of causality, and associated epistemological polemic between causal and constitutive logics, continue to plague almost all of the literature that strives to accord an explanatory role to ideas. In trying to move beyond the current vogue for epistemological polemic, we argue that the incommensurability thesis between causal and constitutive logics is only credible in the context of a narrow, Humean, conception of causation. If we reject this in favour of a more inclusive (and ontologically realist) understanding then it is perfectly possible to chart the causal significance of constitutive processes and reconstrue the explanatory role of ideas as causally constitutive.


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BACKGROUND: Up to 60% of syncopal episodes remain unexplained. We report the results of a standardized, stepwise evaluation of patients referred to an ambulatory clinic for unexplained syncope. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 939 consecutive patients referred for unexplained syncope, who underwent a standardized evaluation, including history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, head-up tilt testing (HUTT), carotid sinus massage (CSM) and hyperventilation testing (HYV). Echocardiogram and stress test were performed when underlying heart disease was initially suspected. Electrophysiological study (EPS) and implantable loop recorder (ILR) were used only in patients with underlying structural heart disease or major unexplained syncope. We identified a cause of syncope in 66% of patients, including 27% vasovagal, 14% psychogenic, 6% arrhythmias, and 6% hypotension. Noninvasive testing identified 92% and invasive testing an additional 8% of the causes. HUTT yielded 38%, CSM 28%, HYV 49%, EPS 22%, and ILR 56% of diagnoses. On average, patients with arrhythmic causes were older, had a lower functional capacity, longer P-wave duration, and presented with fewer prodromes than patients with vasovagal or psychogenic syncope. CONCLUSIONS: A standardized stepwise evaluation emphasizing noninvasive tests yielded 2/3 of causes in patients referred to an ambulatory clinic for unexplained syncope. Neurally mediated and psychogenic mechanisms were behind >50% of episodes, while cardiac arrhythmias were uncommon. Sudden syncope, particularly in older patients with functional limitations or a prolonged P-wave, suggests an arrhythmic cause.


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While flexible exchange rates facilitate stabilisation, exchange rate fluctuations can cause real volatility. This gives policy importance to the causal relationship between exchange rate depreciation and its volatility. An exchange rate may be expected to become more volatile when the underlying currency loses value. We conjecture that a reverse causation, which further weakens the currency, may be mitigated by price stability. Data from Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania support this: depreciation makes exchange rate more volatile for all but volatility does not causes depreciation in Tanzania which has enjoyed a more stable inflation despite all countries adopting similar macro-policies since early 1990s.


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Entretien conduit par Bernard Garnger avec François Roustang et Nicolas Duruz, deux auteurs qui ont beaucoup écrit sur la psychothérapie et son évolution.


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Social scientists often estimate models from correlational data, where the independent variable has not been exogenously manipulated; they also make implicit or explicit causal claims based on these models. When can these claims be made? We answer this question by first discussing design and estimation conditions under which model estimates can be interpreted, using the randomized experiment as the gold standard. We show how endogeneity--which includes omitted variables, omitted selection, simultaneity, common methods bias, and measurement error--renders estimates causally uninterpretable. Second, we present methods that allow researchers to test causal claims in situations where randomization is not possible or when causal interpretation is confounded, including fixed-effects panel, sample selection, instrumental variable, regression discontinuity, and difference-in-differences models. Third, we take stock of the methodological rigor with which causal claims are being made in a social sciences discipline by reviewing a representative sample of 110 articles on leadership published in the previous 10 years in top-tier journals. Our key finding is that researchers fail to address at least 66 % and up to 90 % of design and estimation conditions that make causal claims invalid. We conclude by offering 10 suggestions on how to improve non-experimental research.


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Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.