895 resultados para Government agencies.


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En el transcurso del desarrollos de este trabajo se puede observar el análisis del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística en Colombia (DANE), La Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales DIAN, el Departamento Nacional de Planeación DNP, La Superintendencia de Sociedades y Cámara de comercio) para entender si estas en un entorno actual a la realidad empresarial están ayudando o no a las PYMES en Colombia. Entiendo si presentan un buen servicio informativo para el apoyo estratégico y productivo desde la creación de estas mismas. Así mismo se analiza las puntos positivos y negativos que cada entidad representa hacia las PYMES y como es la percepción que las empresas tiene de las entidades gubernamentales, para lograr establecer las mejoras posibles, con el fin de manejar un mejor camino a mejorar el vínculo Logístico y administrativo en el entorno empresarial del sector privado y gubernamental.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar algunos indicadores de capital social en el sector de la acuicultura en la región noroeste de México. Con base en un modelo teórico sustentado en el enfoque de capital social y el análisis de redes, el artículo analiza la forma cómo se está construyendo capital social en la acuicultura del noroeste de México. Mediante una metodología que combina diversas fuentes documentales e información obtenida de 48 entrevistas a profundidad y 72 cuestionarios aplicados a MIPYME´s acuícolas, instituciones académicas y dependencias gubernamentales, se presenta evidencia empírica que sugiere la existencia de un capital social en formación en dicha región. Se concluye que una mayor interacción entre productores acuícolas, instituciones académicas y el gobierno, podría fortalecer el capital social existente y, por esta vía, contribuir significativamente al desarrollo de esta región. The aim of this work is to identify some indicators of social capital in the sector of the aquaculture industry in the Northwest region of Mexico. Based on a theoretical model grounded in the social capital approach and network analysis, the article explores how social capital is being constructed in the aquaculture in Northwestern Mexico. Using a methodology that combines various documentary sources and information obtained from 48 interviews and 72 questionnaires applied to aquicultural SME, academic institutions and government agencies, this paper presents empirical evidence that suggests the existence of a social capital in construction in the mentioned region. It concludes that greater interaction between aquaculture producers, academia and government, could strengthen the existing social capital stock and, through this channel, contribute significantly to the development of this region.


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En los últimos 15 años las tendencias de inestabilidad social y política en la metrópoli de México en materia de seguridad pública, se localizan, principalmente, en la aparente falta de viabilidad política de la coordinación intergubernamental. Igualmente, se caracterizan por un desfase institucional frente al crecimiento de la violencia urbana, además de la “sofisticación” de las acciones del crimen organizado. Esta perspectiva contradice un conjunto de acciones “localistas”, que han sido implementadas por los sucesivos gobiernos de la ciudad.A partir del análisis de tendencias recientes de la inseguridad en la metrópoli, desde una perspectiva crítica de la historia de las acciones institucionales en la materia y, a partir de dos estudios de caso, buscamos definir la gobernabilidad metropolitana en la Ciudad de México a través del prisma de la seguridad pública. Concluimos que este campo, el cual tiene un indudable peso en la opinión pública, constituye un excelente laboratorio de legitimación política y, por ende, en las perspectivas de futuro de la metrópoli de México.-----The trend towards social and political instability in Mexico City over the past 15 years, particularly in terms of public insecurity, can be attributed to what we identify as a lack of political feasibility in the coordination between government agencies at local and state levels. At the same time, these tendencies are characterized by institutions failing to keep up with an increment in urban violence, as well as with the increasingly sophisticated techniques used by organized crime. It would seem that localized policies promoted by the governments of metropolitan Mexico City are misguided in their efforts to combat crime.An analysis of recent trends of insecurity in Mexico City is conducted with a critical appraisal of the history of institutional policies implemented to counter those trends. Two case studies within the metropolitan area of Mexico City are examined, in an attempt to evaluate the role of government agencies and explore the significance of metropolitan governance. Conclusions highlight that public security policy is a fertile ground to improve on the quality of life of metropolitan dwellers, considering the relevance of the “insecurity problem” in public opinion. Furthermore, we argue, it is a means for local governments to achieve the elusive political legitimacy they need.-----La tendance à l’ingouvernabilité dans la métropole de Mexico au cours des quinze dernières années, en particulier dans le domaine de la sécurité publique, est due en grande partie au manque de viabilité politique de la coordination entre les différents acteurs publics concernés. Cette tendance se caractérise par un décalage entre l’action institutionnelle: d’une part l’augmentation de la violence urbaine, d’autre part la “sophistication” des modes opératoires du crime organisé. Cette perspective contredit un ensemble d’actions à caractère résolument local des propres décideurs publics de Mexico.À partir d’une analyse des tendances récentes de l’insécurité dans la métropole, dans une perspective critique de l’histoire des actions institutionnelles dans ce secteur et de deux études de cas, on cherche dans cet article à définir un “modèle en cours” de la gouvernabilité métropolitaine à partir de la sécurité à Mexico. On conclut que dans le champ de l’action publique, le thème de la sécurité urbaine constitue un excellent terrain d’expérimentation et de légitimation politique des acteurs politiques, et ouvre donc de nouvelles perspectives pour l’agglomération de Mexico.


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Se realiza una revisión documental sobre la problemática del conflicto armado y el fenómeno de desplazamiento, específicamente en la Localidad de Bosa, ya que es una de las que más recibe población desplazada de otras regiones del País. Se realiza la revisión documental en bases de datos como Ebsco, Proquest y Scopus, incluyendo combinaciones tales como: "Occupational Therapy" and "youth" and "Forced displacement" or "refugees" and "employment inclusion". Se espera determinar los programas de vinculación y formación laboral de jóvenes en situación de desplazamiento. Se encuentra que esta población aún carece de apoyo por parte de instancias gubernamentales y de perfiles ocupacionales que encaminen los intereses y habilidades de esta población hacia el desempeño de roles productivos y educativos propios de su condición de jóvenes.


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Under present historical conditions of extreme social inequity, sustained by structural impoverishment, the destruction of living conditions and deterioration of environmental integrity, under the logic of big business, and precisely when the people’s organizations are working intensely in defending creatively human rights and health, academic public health evidences an exasperating passiveness; university departments, local and federal government agencies and even non-governmental organizations, keep implementing ineffective and innocuous health programs -some of them sustained by an expensive propaganda apparatus- that reproduce the same conventional plans, most of which end up reinforcing the rules of the neoliberal game. The present paper seeks to explain this historical surrender of public health; the institutional incapacity to foresee the structural roots of that flourishing pathology of inequity; and its divorce from the struggle of the most progressive social organizations. To accomplish this critique of hegemonic public health, the author analyzes the historical and epistemological roots of that “blindness” and the ideological fundaments of that political passiveness.


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La política de desarrollo tecnológico y derivada de esta, el papel que se pretende asignar a la universidad, se sustenta en un conjunto de ideas e interpretaciones erradas sobre la articulación entre ciencia, investigación y aplicaciones tecnológicas; ideas que han ido adquiriendo, aun en el medio académico, el estatus de sabiduría convencional de tal manera que, aceptadas como verdades, tienden a legitimar la acción de las instituciones y agencias gubernamentales. Este artículo analiza la propensión de ver a la universidad como la fuente de conocimiento e información directamente aplicable para la producción de bienes y servicios comerciales y cuestiona la perspectiva de considerar a la universidad simplemente como un agente de la esfera económica. El trabajo sostiene que el papel de la investigación universitaria consiste básicamente en un insumo para la enseñanza y que el bien público que provee la universidad es la creación de un sentido nacional de cultura, una forma de identidad y cohesión social.


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The article investigates how purchasing intentions among a sample of Italian consumers are influenced by different levels of risk perception and their trust in food-safety information provided by different sources such as the food industry, government agencies, or consumers' associations. The assessment of the determinants of intention to purchase was carried out by estimating a causal model for the chicken case in which attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived risk play a major role in determining buyer's behavior. In particular, the role of trust in influencing risk perception is highlighted either as a general construct or as specific constructs targeting food chain, policy actors, and the media. [EconLit citations: Q130, Q190, D120]. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper discusses the activating role of e-Governments in the Arab countries, by seeking new rules and innovative ways to provide services to the public sector. It starts from the analysis of different stages and dimensions of e-government through better understanding of the phenomenon and investment of opportunities in Information Technology in order to develop the role of governments and departments of public affairs particularly in Arab countries. In the developing countries most of the Arab governments may be doing their best to deliver the best services they can offer but with low level of efficiency and high cost. This raised many questions about productivity and performance of government agencies; the problem of low productivity and poor performance in the government sector that affected individuals and administrative units. This paper aims to analyze the different stages, concepts and dimensions of e-government and to understand the opportunities that information technology offers, especially in Arab countries in order to develop the government role as well as public affairs administration system.


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Trees outside forests (TOF) in Nepal’s Terai have significantly increased over the past decade. The Chitwan District was one of the focus districts in the Terai Community Forestry Development Project that promoted a tree seedling distribution program. This paper examines the current position of tree integration on farmland and its contribution to livelihoods of rural households in this district. Interviews with local key informants, government and non-government agencies and woodbased industries, as well as an in-depth study of 32 households were used to describe the constraints faced by the households in management of trees on farmland. Most households cited disease, poor growth, lack of preferred tree species, lack of technical support, an uncertain tree market, and lack of financial support as constraints. Despite the important role of trees in subsistence and marketbased rural livelihood diversification, and the consequent reduction in pressure on national forests from on-farm trees, current government policies and practices fail to recognise the value of these trees. It is argued that there is substantial potential for improving on-farm trees to enhance rural livelihoods. A responsive service mechanism centred on tree growing households would help the management of tree resources on the farmland.


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As many as fourteen US states have now mandated minimum service requirements for real estate brokerage relationships in residential transactions. This study attempts to determine whether these minimum service laws have any impact on brokerage competition. Federal government agencies allege such laws discourage competition because they limit the offering of nontraditional brokerage services. However, alternatively, a legislative “bright line” definition of the lowest level of acceptable service may reduce any perceived risk in offering non-traditional brokerage services and therefore encourage competition. Using several empirical strategies and state-level data over nine years (2000-08), we do not find any consistent and significant impact (positive/negative) of minimum services laws on number of licensees per 100 households, our proxy for competition. Interestingly, we also find that association strength, as measured by Realtor association membership penetration, has a strong deterring effect on competition.


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Today governments and other parties involved in food control are under constant pressure to find more efficient and effective mechanisms to carry out their mandates for food control. This has led to international recognition of the importance of the HACCP system as a food control tool and guidance on the role of government agencies in the application of such a system has been developed. Based on this international guidance, four main elements identified as key activities have been used in this study to evaluate the progress of HACCP implementation in the UAE. The internal Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as the external Opportunities and Threats that the government is facing towards the implementation of a HACCP-based food control system have been identified. The analysis shows that the government’s dedicated role has been an essential driving force to encourage the implementation of a HACCP-based food control system. Some areas of difficulty, including the dependence on high levels of food imports, are highlighted.


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There is currently an increased interest of Government and Industry in the UK, as well as at the European Community level and International Agencies (i.e. Department of Energy, American International Energy Agency), to improve the performance and uptake of Ground Coupled Heat Pumps (GCHP), in order to meet the 2020 renewable energy target. A sound knowledge base is required to help inform the Government Agencies and advisory bodies; detailed site studies providing reliable data for model verification have an important role to play in this. In this study we summarise the effect of heat extraction by a horizontal ground heat exchanger (installed at 1 m depth) on the soil physical environment (between 0 and 1 m depth) for a site in the south of the UK. Our results show that the slinky influences the surrounding soil by significantly decreasing soil temperatures. Furthermore, soil moisture contents were lower for the GCHP soil profile, most likely due to temperature-gradient related soil moisture migration effects and a decreased hydraulic conductivity, the latter as a result of increased viscosity (caused by the lower temperatures for the GCHP soil profile). The effects also caused considerable differences in soil thermal properties. This is the first detailed mechanistic study conducted in the UK with the aim to understand the interactions between the soil, horizontal heat exchangers and the aboveground environment. An increased understanding of these interactions will help to achieve an optimum and sustainable use of the soil heat resources in the future. The results of this study will help to calibrate and verify a simulation model that will provide UK-wide recommendations to improve future GCHP uptake and performance, while safeguarding the soil physical resources.


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REDD (reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation) aims to slow carbon releases caused by forest disturbance by making payments conditional on forest quality over time. Like earlier policies to slow deforestation, REDD must change the behaviour of forest degrading actors. Broadly, it can be implemented with payments to forest users in exchange for improved forest management, thus creating incentives; through payments for enforcement, thus creating disincentives; or through addressing external drivers such as urban charcoal demand. In Tanzania, community-based forest management (CBFM), a form of participatory forest management, was chosen by the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, a local NGO, as a model for implementing REDD pilot programmes. Payments are made to villages that have the rights to forest carbon. In exchange, the villages must demonstrably reduce deforestation at the village level. In this paper, using this pilot programme as a case study, combined with a review of the literature, we provide insights for REDD implementation in sub-Saharan Africa. We pay particular attention to leakage, monitoring and enforcement. We suggest that implementing REDD through CBFM-type structures can create appropriate incentives and behaviour change when the recipients of the REDD funds are also the key drivers of forest change. When external forces drive forest change, however, REDD through CBFM-type structures becomes an enforcement programme with local communities rather than government agencies being responsible for the enforcement. That structure imposes costs on local communities, whose local authority limits the ability to address leakage outside the particular REDD village.


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The globalization of trade in fish has created many challenges for the developing world specifically with regard to food safety and quality. International organisations have established a good basis for standards in international trade. Whilst these requirements are frequently embraced by the major importers (such as Japan, the EU and the USA), they often impose additional safety requirements and regularly identify batches which fail to meet their strict standards. Creating an effective national seafood control system which meets both the internal national needs as well the requirements for the export market can be challenging. Many countries adopt a dual system where seafood products for the major export markets are subject to tight control whilst the majority of the products (whether for the local market or for more regional trade) are less tightly controlled. With regional liberalization also occurring, deciding on appropriate controls is complex. In the Sultanate of Oman, fisheries production is one of the countries' chief sources of economic revenue after oil production and is a major source of the national food supply. In this paper the structure of the fish supply chain has been analysed and highlighted the different routes operating for the different markets. Although much of the fish are consumed within Oman, there is a major export trade to the local regional markets. Much smaller quantities meet the more stringent standards imposed by the major importing countries and exports to these are limited. The paper has considered the development of the Omani fish control system including the key legislative documents and the administrative structures that have been developed. Establishing modern controls which satisfy the demands of the major importers is possible but places additional costs on businesses. Enhanced controls such as HACCP and other management standards are required but can be difficult to justify when alternative markets do not specify these. These enhanced controls do however provide additional consumer protection and can bring benefits to local consumers. The Omani government is attempting to upgrade the system of controls and has made tremendous progress toward the implementation of HACCP and introducing enhanced management systems into its industrial sector. The existence of strengthened legislative and government support, including subsidies, has encouraged some businesses to implement HACCP. The current control systems have been reviewed and a SWOT analysis approach used to identify key factors for their future development. The study shows that seafood products in the supply chain are often exposed to lengthy handling and distribution process before reaching the consumers, a typical issue faced by many developing countries. As seafood products are often perishable, they safety is compromised if not adequately controlled. The enforcement of current food safety laws in the Sultanate of Oman is shared across various government agencies. Consequently, there is a need to harmonize all regulatory requirements, enhancing the domestic food protection and to continue to work towards a fully risk-based approach in order to compete successfully in the global market.


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From a construction innovation systems perspective, firms acquire knowledge from suppliers, clients, universities and institutional environment. Building information modelling (BIM) involves these firms using new process standards. To understand the implications on interactive learning using BIM process standards, a case study is conducted with the UK operations of a multinational construction firm. Data is drawn from: a) two workshops involving the firm and a wider industry group, b) observations of practice in the BIM core team and in three ongoing projects, c) 12 semi-structured interviews; and d) secondary publications. The firm uses a set of BIM process standards (IFC, PAS 1192, Uniclass, COBie) in its construction activities. It is also involved in a pilot to implement the COBie standard, supported by technical and management standards for BIM, such as Uniclass and PAS1192. Analyses suggest that such BIM process standards unconsciously shapes the firm's internal and external interactive learning processes. Internally standards allow engineers to learn from each through visualising 3D information and talking around designs with operatives to address problems during construction. Externally, the firm participates in trial and pilot projects involving other construction firms, government agencies, universities and suppliers to learn about the standard and access knowledge to solve its specific design problems. Through its BIM manager, the firm provides feedback to standards developers and information technology suppliers. The research contributes by articulating how BIM process standards unconsciously change interactive learning processes in construction practice. Further research could investigate these findings in the wider UK construction innovation system.