917 resultados para Gauge theories (Physics)


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Constrained systems in quantum field theories call for a careful study of diverse classes of constraints and consistency checks over their temporal evolution. Here we study the functional structure of the free electromagnetic and pure Yang-Mills fields on the front-form coordinates with the null-plane gauge condition. It is seen that in this framework, we can deal with strictu sensu physical fields.


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The use of light front coordinates in quantum field theories (QFT) always brought some problems and controversies. In this work we explore some aspects of its formalism with respect to the employment of dimensional regularization in the computation of the photon's self-energy at the one-loop level and how the fermion propagator has an important role in the outcoming results.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, we analyze systems described by Lagrangians with higher order derivatives in the context of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for first order actions. Two different approaches are studied here: the first one is analogous to the description of theories with higher derivatives in the hamiltonian formalism according to [D.M. Gitman, S.L. Lyakhovich, I.V. Tyutin, Soviet Phys. J. 26 (1983) 730; D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Quantization of Fields with Constraints, Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, 1990] the second treats the case where degenerate coordinate are present, in an analogy to reference [D.M. Gitman, I.V. Tyutin, Nucl. Phys. B 630 (2002) 509]. Several examples are analyzed where a comparison between both approaches is made. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the (D) over barN interaction at low energies with a quark model inspired in the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The model Hamiltonian incorporates a confining Coulomb potential extracted from a self-consistent quasiparticle method for the gluon degrees of freedom, and transverse-gluon hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. Initially a constituent-quark mass function is obtained by solving a gap equation and baryon and meson bound-states are obtained in Fock space using a variational calculation. Next, having obtained the constituent-quark masses and the hadron waves functions, an effective meson-nucleon interaction is derived from a quark-interchange mechanism. This leads to a short range meson-baryon interaction and to describe long-distance physics vector- and scalar-meson exchanges described by effective Lagrangians are incorporated. The derived effective (D) over barN potential is used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain phase shifts. The results are compared with a recent similar calculation using the nonrelativistic quark model.


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In this communication we present results of a study of chiral symmetry in quark matter using an effective Coulomb gauge QCD Hamiltonian. QCD in Coulomb gauge is convenient for a variational approach based on a quasiparticle picture for the transverse gluons, in which a confining Coulomb potential arises naturally. We show that such an effective Hamiltonian predicts chiral restoration at too low quark densities. Possible reasons for such deficiency are discussed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We describe the derivation of an effective Hamiltonian which involves explicit hadron degrees of freedom and consistently combines chiral symmetry and color confinement. We use a method known as Fock-Tani (FT) representation and a quark model formulated in the context of Coulomb gauge QCD. Using this Hamiltonian, we evaluate the dissociation cross section of J/psi in collision with rho.


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We present a prescription for light-cone gauge singularities which embeds in it causality and show that it results in simpler and less demanding integrals to be performed.


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Making sure that causality be preserved by means of ''covariantizing'' the gauge-dependent singularity in the propagator of the vector potential A(mu)(x), we show that the evaluation of some basic one-loop light-cone integrals reproduce those results obtained through the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription. Moreover, such a covariantization has the advantage of leading to simpler integrals to be performed in the cone variables (the bonus), although, of course, it introduces an additional alpha-parameter integral to be performed (the price to pay).


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We consider arbitrary U (1) charged matter non-minimally coupled to the self-dual field in d = 2 + 1. The coupling includes a linear and a rather general quadratic term in the self-dual field. By using both Lagragian gauge embedding and master action approaches we derive the dual Maxwell Chern-Simons-type model and show the classical equivalence between the two theories. At the quantum level the master action approach in general requires the addition of an awkward extra term to the Maxwell Chern-Simons-type theory. Only in the case of a linear coupling in the self-dual field can the extra term be dropped and we are able to establish the quantum equivalence of gauge invariant correlation functions in both theories.


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We examine a recently proposed connection constraining U(1)(em) electromagnetic gauge invariance and the nature of neutrino mass terms in the framework of G(0) = SU(3)(C) x G(W) x U(1)(N) gauge extensions of the standard model where G(W) denotes the weak isospin special unitary extended groups. We show that in a large class of G(0) models there is a unique fermion representation content and scalar fields which select the neutrino mass terms. Noteworthy. even though there are mathematically equivalent representation contents then can be different aspects concerning the physical consequences which are not a mere truism.