807 resultados para Galicia (Poland and Ukraine) - Biography


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In its totality, the “Long Second World War”—extending from the beginning of the Spanish Civil War to the end of hostilities in 1945—has exerted enormous influence over European culture. Bringing together leading historians, sociologists, and literary and film scholars, this broadly interdisciplinary volume investigates Europeans’ individual and collective memories and the ways in which they have shaped the continent’s cultural heritage. Focusing on the major combatant nations—Spain, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and Russia—it offers thoroughly contextualized explorations of novels, memoirs, films, and a host of other cultural forms to illuminate European public memory.


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The West has failed to properly integrate Russia into its worldview since 1991, and there is an obvious vacuum of ideas for how to deal with it. The default reaction is to fall back on the Cold War paradigm - sanctions, containment, and hopes of Russian regime change.

This is folly. There’s no knowing how long it will take for Russia to change tack, if it ever does; nothing guarantees that a new regime in Russia would be any more pro-Western. There’s also apparently no idea how to handle Russia in the meantime, especially while it remains a crucial part of crises like those in Iran and Syria.

Ukraine has shown that the placeholder post-Cold War order Europe and Russia inherited urgently needs replacing. With a ceasefire in place at last, the search for an alternative is on. The Geneva talks in April this year could be its basis; but nothing truly transformative will be achieved until the US, EU, Russia and Ukraine all recognise the need for compromise.


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A series of experiments is described, evaluating user recall of visualisations of historical chronology. Such visualisations are widely created but have not hitherto been evaluated. Users were tested on their ability to learn a sequence of historical events presented in a virtual environment (VE) fly-through visualisation, compared with the learning of equivalent material in other formats that are sequential but lack the 3D spatial aspect. Memorability is a particularly important function of visualisation in education. The measures used during evaluation are enumerated and discussed. The majority of the experiments reported compared three conditions, one using a virtual environment visualisation with a significant spatial element, one using a serial on-screen presentation in PowerPoint, and one using serial presentation on paper. Some aspects were trialled with groups having contrasting prior experience of computers, in the UK and Ukraine. Evidence suggests that a more complex environment including animations and sounds or music, intended to engage users and reinforce memorability, were in fact distracting. Findings are reported in relation to the age of the participants, suggesting that children at 11–14 years benefit less from, or are even disadvantaged by, VE visualisations when compared with 7–9 year olds or undergraduates. Finally, results suggest that VE visualisations offering a ‘landscape’ of information are more memorable than those based on a linear model. Keywords: timeline, chronographics


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O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo caracterizar os trabalhos desenvolvidos e estudados ao longo do estágio realizado na Martifer Renewables S.A., empresa de Engenharia na vertente das energias renováveis. O estágio incidiu na construção do parque eólico Rymanów, tendo-se desenvolvido no local da obra onde se acompanhou o processo de construção, bem como nos escritórios da empresa em Cracóvia onde se obteve informação relevante sobre o projeto. Este trabalho começa por abordar a energia eólica no seu contexto histórico, onde são referidas as suas vantagens e desvantagens e é analisado o seu processo evolutivo. Faz uma referência às razões que levam uma empresa a construir um parque eólico na Polónia, e demonstra os tipos de investidores existentes neste mercado. Posteriormente é descrito o estudo de viabilidade do projeto, isto é, os parâmetros essenciais desenvolvidos na fase inicial do projeto, assim como a fase de lançamento de concursos para a sua construção. De seguida, é abordado o processo de construção do parque eólico, onde o acompanhamento da obra foi imprescindível. É apresentado o procedimento de operações e manutenção do parque eólico e é feita uma análise sobre o tipo de financiamento da obra de construção. Por fim, é realizada uma abordagem acerca da internacionalização das empresas portuguesas, como é o caso da empresa atrás referida. É apresentada uma curiosidade relativamente às construções na Polónia, tal como algumas novas experiências culturais que a estagiária teve a oportunidade de viver. No final do trabalho, são tiradas conclusões e sugeridos desenvolvimentos.


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OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of ragweed allergy is increasing worldwide. Ragweed distribution and abundance is spreading in Europe in a wide area ranging from the Rhone valley in France to Hungary and Ukraine, where the rate of the prevalence can peak at as high as 12%. Low-grade ragweed colonisation was seen in Geneva and Ticino, less than two decades ago. There were fears that allergies to ragweed would increase Switzerland. The intent of this study was to assess the rate of prevalence of sensitisation and allergy to ragweed in the population living in the first rural Swiss setting where ragweed had been identified in 1996, and to evaluate indirectly the efficacy of elimination and containment strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2009, 35 adults in a rural village in the Canton of Geneva were recruited. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and skin-prick tests were done on each participant. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee. RESULTS: Based on questionnaires, 48.6% had rhinitis (95% confidence interval [CI] 32.9-64.4; n = 17/35) and 17.1% asthma (95% CI 8.1-32.6; n = 6/35). Atopy was diagnosed in 26.4% (95% CI 12.9-44.4) of the sample (n = 9/34). Ragweed sensitisation was found in 2.9% (95% CI 0.7-19.7; n = 1/34), mugwort sensitisation in 2.9% (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35), alder sensitisation in 17.1% (95% CI 6.6-33.6; n = 6/35), ash sensitisation in 12.5% (95% CI 3.5-29.0; n = 4/32) and grass sensitisation in 22.9% (95% CI 10.4-40.1; n = 8/35). Ragweed (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/34) and mugwort allergies (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35) were both found in 2.9% of the population. CONCLUSION: This study showed a surprisingly low incidence of ragweed sensitisation and allergy, of 2.9% and 2.9%, respectively, 20 years after the first ragweed detection in Geneva. The feared rise in ragweed allergy seems not to have happened in Switzerland, compared with other ragweed colonised countries. These results strongly support early field strategies against ragweed.


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La présente étude en anthropologie médicale propose d’examiner la dimension socioculturelle des désordres fonctionnels gastro-intestinaux (DFGI) en considérant l’expérience de six familles québécoises francophones où un pré-adolescent souffre de symptômes associés à un DFGI. Le regard anthropologique qui nous a permis d’appréhender ces expériences de douleur s’appuie principalement sur les travaux issus de la psychiatrie transculturelle, de même que sur les influences de l’anthropologie du corps et de la phénoménologie. À travers ce regard, la somatisation est considérée comme une forme de communication de la douleur, modulée de manière importante par le contexte socioculturel et représentative d’une certaine souffrance sociale. Ce langage ponctué d’idiomes de détresse et de métaphores permet aux individus d’exprimer leur souffrance et de mobiliser un soutien social efficace pour la prendre en charge. Dès lors, le corps doit être perçu comme un corps vécu; comme un lieu de marquage du social, mais également comme un instrument de positionnement social et une frontière où des mouvements d’appartenance et de divergence sont exprimés. Par l’exploration, dans chacune de ces familles, des différentes manières de décrire les symptômes, de les interpréter et d’y réagir, nous avons procédé à la reconstruction d’histoires particulières pour voir comment ces symptômes venaient s’inscrire dans la biographie individuelle et familiale. À travers l’analyse de la construction du sens de la douleur et des pratiques adoptées pour la contrôler, la douleur abdominale nous est apparue comme intimement liée à l’expérience sociale et la médicalisation comme une base pour une meilleure appréhension de cette douleur. Par ses maux de ventre, l’enfant exprime ses limites corporelles et sociales. À l’intérieur de la famille, l’expression de cette limite peut être parfois dérangeante, confrontante, et même entraîner des rapports conflictuels. C’est ainsi qu’est « négociée » une approche appropriée à la douleur qui redéfinit les rôles de chacun par rapport à cette dernière. Le ventre devient le médiateur qui permet le compromis nécessaire au « vivre ensemble » ou au « vivre dans le monde ». À l’issue de ii cette négociation qui implique la participation du médecin traitant, les rapports sont parfois reconstruits et la relation au monde et aux autres peut devenir différente.


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Les questions identitaires sont depuis des années au cœur des débats et des réflexions chez les Germano-Canadiens; les évènements du XXe siècle les ont poussés à constamment (re)définir leur identité face à la majorité (anglo-)canadienne. C’est notamment par le biais de médias ethniques qu’ils ont été en mesure de réfléchir à ces questions, sujettes aux débats les plus houleux. Le Kanada Kurier, un hebdomadaire germanophone du Canada, publié à l’échelle nationale pendant plus de cent ans, leur permettait notamment de s’exprimer sur cette question. Le mémoire s’interroge sur le discours identitaire produit par ce groupe et vise à mieux le décrire. Par une analyse de contenu des lettres de lecteurs de 1981, nous mettons en lumière les thèmes qui animent la communauté. Le corpus permet d’abord de voir la place importante qu’occupe la politique allemande, de constater la présence d’un discours identitaire duel, puisant ses références dans les contextes tant allemand que canadien, renforcé par des idéologies (politiques) communes chez certains germanophones du Canada et d’Europe. L’utilisation du concept de transnationalisme permet de soulever la question de la Heimat, sujet devenu éminemment politique après 1945, et illustre la complexité de la notion de patrie dans le cas allemand, surtout face aux revendications des « revanchistes » qui souhaitaient récupérer les territoires annexés par la Pologne et l’URSS après 1945. Au cœur de la majorité des lettres, nous apercevons le rapport complexe qu’entretiennent les Germano-Canadiens avec la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, véritable lieu de mémoire de la communauté. Finalement, le corpus montre surtout un journal dont le rôle aura été multiple et qu’on peut en définitive qualifier de journal diasporique.


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Rusia sufrió grandes cambios tras la desintegración de la URSS en 1991. No obstante, con la llegada de Vladimir Putin al poder, los intereses geoestratégicos de Rusia sobre el espacio postsoviético revivieron con nuevo ímpetu debido a una mayor cantidad de recursos a disposición del Estado. La República de Moldavia es un claro ejemplo del resurgir de la política exterior rusa hacia el espacio postsoviético, siendo incluso, una región clave en la lucha de la Federación Rusa por recuperar su zona de influencia.


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Estudio de caso que busca evaluar el uso del gas natural dentro de la política exterior rusa como recurso estratégico en las relaciones con Ucrania. Se describe y analiza cómo la importancia geoestratégica de Ucrania genera una percepción de seguridad y relevancia económica en Rusia, por esta razón la Federación utiliza el gas natural como mecanismo de presión frente al Estado ucraniano para satisfacer sus intereses nacionales en función de los elementos mencionados anteriormente.Todo lo anterior a través de la Teoría del Heartland desarrollada por Halford Mackinder y El Concepto de Área Pivote de Zbigniew Brzezinski para determinar cómo se genera la importancia del Estado ucraniano frente a Rusia


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Se quiere contribuir a que se entiendan mejor las dinámicas de seguridad de los hemisferios se planteen problemas relacionados con la integración de los Estados alrededor de los temas de seguridad y se resalte la posición geoestratégica como componente importante dentro de la seguridad.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar el rol de la Interdependencia Asimétrica de Rusia y Ucrania en la Calidad de la Democracia ucraniana 2004-2010; las democracias actuales se ven afectadas por actores externos dado el afianzamiento de relaciones económicas asimétricas. El estudio de caso será abordado desde el concepto de Calidad de la Democracia de Leonardo Morlino y el de Internacionalización de Robert Keohane y Helen Milner. La Revolución Naranja, las crisis del gas de 2006 - 2009 y las elecciones de 2010 serán los fenómenos explicados. Desde un enfoque neo-institucional, las relaciones de Interdependencia Asimétrica de Ucrania con Rusia, afectan la calidad de la democracia ucraniana configurándose en un actor más de la política doméstica.


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In this examination of monolingual and multilingual pedagogies I draw on literature that explores the position of English globally and in the curriculum for English. I amplify the discussion with data from a project exploring how teachers responded to the arrival of Polish children in their English classrooms following Poland’s entry to the European Union in 2004. While both Poland and England are a long way from Australia, the sudden arrival of non-native speaking children from families who have the right to work and settle in the UK is interesting of itself as a development in the migration agenda affecting many nations of teachers in the 21st century. Indeed, this view of migration adds to the overview of migration in an Australian context and recent Australian immigration settlement policies often mirror this with new arrivals moving to rural areas resulting in an EAL presence in schools which may be new. Until recently it was most commonly the case that teachers in schools in inner city and other urban parts of the UK might expect to teach in multilingual classrooms, but teachers in smaller towns and in areas identified as rural were unlikely to confront either linguistic or ethnic differences in their pupils. I use the theories of Bourdieu to analyse the status of the curriculum for English expressed in research literature, and the teachers’ interview data. This supports a level of interpretation that allows us to see how teachers’ practice and the teaching of English are formed by schools’ and teachers’ histories and beliefs as much as they are by the wishes of politicians in creating educational policy. It adds to the view presented in the first article in this issue that provision for EAL/D learners sits within a monolingual assessment structure which may militate against the attainment of non-native English speakers. I present a wide-ranging discussion intentionally, in order that the many complexities of policy impact and teacher habitus on teachers’ practice are made apparent.


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Schools in England have recently undergone a shift in their pupil demographic which in part reflects changing patterns of trans-European migration since the accession of new member states to the EU in 2004 and 2007. There is evidence that this shift is one experienced not just in inner-city schools most commonly associated with minority ethnic populations, but in a wide range of schools in rural and smaller town settings in a number of counties across the country (Vertovec, 2007). This article explores the responses of English primary school teachers to Polish children arriving since 2006 in a county in the South of England. Using Bourdieu’s logic of practice, interview data are analysed in order to examine attitudes towards Polish children and their families. Discussion centres on how teachers’ professional habitus may unconsciously govern their reception of children from Poland, and of how the teacher-friendly behaviour of Polish children and families may support a generalised construction of the Polish model learner.


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The unauthorized migrants in the Swedish construction sector – a study in the policy of deportation 1990–2004 The unauthorized migration of construction workers to Sweden increased during the 1990s, especially at the end of the decade. The migrants often came from Poland and the Baltic states. The aim of this article is to examine this change of the migration pattern to Sweden and how the Swedish Building Workers Union responded to this new situation. I examine how the Building Workers Union cooperated with the Police authorities to find, capture and deport unauthorized migrants. A conclusion is that the Building Workers Union has not adopted a more inclusionary strategy towards unauthorized migrants, as have trade unions in Spain and US. The main strategy has instead been to try to restrict this migration. One explanation of this is that the Building Workers Union is a strong and well organized trade union. It didn’t perceive of unauthorized migrants as potential new members, but as a threat to wages and work conditions. Another explanation is that it has been able to restrict migration in the past. This may contribute to making demands for restrictions an attractive strategy in the present even when the possibilities of succeeding with this have diminished.


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Este trabalho está dividido em dois ensaios. O primeiro ensaio examina aspectos da liquidez do mercado secundário de títulos públicos no Brasil no período 2003 a 2006 e os determinantes do spread de compra e venda no mercado secundário de LTN - Letra do Tesouro Nacional no período 2005 a 2006. Os spreads foram calculados com base em dados diários de alta freqüência, para períodos de 30 minutos e de um dia. Em linhas gerais, a liquidez é um determinante importante no cálculo do spread. Especificamente os spreads diminuem quando os volumes ofertados aumentam. No caso dos prazos de vencimento, os spreads aumentam quando os prazos se ampliam. LTNs com prazos de vencimentos até 30 dias apresentaram spreads de 1 centavo de reais (1.89 bp) enquanto que LTNs com prazos acima de dois anos apresentaram spreads médios em torno de 54 centavos de reais (3.84 bp) para intervalos de 30 minutos e 81 centavos de reais (5.72 bp) para intervalos de um dia. Os testes econométricos foram realizados com base em um modelo apresentado por Chakravarty e Sarkar (1999) e aplicado ao mercado americano de bonds no período de 1995 e 1997. Os testes foram feitos utilizando-se a técnica do Método dos Momentos Generalizados (GMM). Os resultados confirmam o spread de compra e venda como medida importante no acompanhamento da liquidez. O segundo ensaio compara aspectos da liquidez e da microestrutura do mercado de títulos públicos em alguns paises como Brasil, Chile, México, Coréia, Singapura, Polônia e Estados Unidos. A análise utiliza algumas dimensões da microestrutura como a liquidez do mercado secundário (spread de compra e venda, giro do estoque de títulos e vencimentos mais negociados), os custos de eficiência, a estrutura e transparência do mercado primário e secundário e, por último, a segurança do mercado. O objetivo é comparar as características e o funcionamento dos mercados secundários desses paises e, confrontar com a realidade do mercado brasileiro face ao desenvolvimento da microestrutura. Apesar da falta de alongamento dos prazos dos títulos públicos, o mercado secundário no Brasil apresenta aspectos da microestrutura semelhantes aos paises em consideração o que sugere a existência de outros fatores fora a microestrutura que limitam o aumento dos prazos. Os resultados do primeiro ensaio ajudam nas comparações dos demais paises. Como resultado, encontramos que embora a liquidez do mercado secundário de títulos públicos no Brasil concentra-se em papéis de prazo menor, este fato provavelmente não se deve a questões de microestrutura do mercado.