955 resultados para GROWTH TRAITS


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How much should an individual invest in immunity as it grows older? Immunity is costly and its value is likely to change across an organism's lifespan. A limited number of studies have focused on how personal immune investment changes with age in insects, but we do not know how social immunity, immune responses that protect kin, changes across lifespan, or how resources are divided between these two arms of the immune response. In this study, both personal and social immune functions are considered in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides. We show that personal immune function declines (phenoloxidase levels) or is maintained (defensin expression) across lifespan in nonbreeding beetles but is maintained (phenoloxidase levels) or even upregulated (defensin expression) in breeding individuals. In contrast, social immunity increases in breeding burying beetles up to middle age, before decreasing in old age. Social immunity is not affected by a wounding challenge across lifespan, whereas personal immunity, through PO, is upregulated following wounding to a similar extent across lifespan. Personal immune function may be prioritized in younger individuals in order to ensure survival until reproductive maturity. If not breeding, this may then drop off in later life as state declines. As burying beetles are ephemeral breeders, breeding opportunities in later life may be rare. When allowed to breed, beetles may therefore invest heavily in "staying alive" in order to complete what could potentially be their final reproductive opportunity. As parental care is important for the survival and growth of offspring in this genus, staying alive to provide care behaviors will clearly have fitness payoffs. This study shows that all immune traits do not senesce at the same rate. In fact, the patterns observed depend upon the immune traits measured and the breeding status of the individual.


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Tese dout., Ciências e Tecnologias das Pescas, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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The present preliminary study attempts to establish associations between milk production traits and genetic polymorphisms at the GH gene in the Algarvia goat. The DNA of 108 goats of the indigenous Portuguese Algarvia breed was evaluated.


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The carbonate chemistry of seawater fromthe Ria Formosa lagoon was experimentallymanipulated, by diffusing pure CO2, to attain two reduced pH levels, by−0.3 and−0.6 pH units, relative to unmanipulated seawater. After 84 days of exposure, no differences were detected in terms of growth (somatic or shell) or mortality of juvenile mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. The naturally elevated total alkalinity of the seawater (≈3550 μmol kg−1) prevented under-saturation of CaCO3, evenunder pCO2 values exceeding 4000 μatm, attenuating the detrimental effects on the carbonate supply-side. Even so, variations in shell weight showed that net calcification was reduced under elevated CO2 and reduced pH, although the magnitude and significance of this effect varied among size-classes. Most of the loss of shell material probably occurred as post-deposition dissolution in the internal aragonitic nacre layer. Our results show that, even when reared under extreme levels of CO2- induced acidification, juvenileM. galloprovincialis can continue to calcify and grow in this coastal lagoon environment. The complex responses of bivalves to ocean acidification suggest a large degree of interspecific and intraspecific variability in their sensitivity to this type of perturbation. Further research is needed to assess the generality of these patterns and to disentangle the relative contributions of acclimation to local variations in seawater chemistry and genetic adaptation.


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The loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) is an endangered marine reptile for whom assessing population health requires knowledge of demographic parameters such as individual growth rate. In Cape Verde, as within several populations, adult female loggerhead sea turtles show a size-related behavioral and trophic dichotomy. While smaller females are associated with oceanic habitats, larger females tend to feed in neritic habitats, which is reflected in their physiological condition and in their offspring. The ratio of RNA/DNA provides a measure of cellular protein synthesis capacity, which varies depending on changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and food availability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined use of morphometric data and biochemical indices as predictors of the physiological condition of the females of distinct sizes and hatchlings during their nesting season and how temperature may influence the physiological condition on the offspring. Here we employed biochemical indices based on nucleic acid derived indices (standardized RNA/DNA ratio-sRD, RNA concentration and DNA concentration) in skin tissue as a potential predictor of recent growth rate in nesting females and hatchling loggerhead turtles. Our major findings were that the physiological condition of all nesting females (sRD) decreased during the nesting season, but that females associated with neritic habitats had a higher physiological condition than females associated with oceanic habitats. In addition, the amount of time required for a hatchling to right itself was negatively correlated with its physiological condition (sRD) and shaded nests produced hatchlings with lower sRD. Overall, our results showed that nucleic acid concentrations and ratios of RNA to DNA are an important tool as potential biomarkers of recent growth in marine turtles. Hence, as biochemical indices of instantaneous growth are likely temperature-, size- and age-dependent, the utility and validation of these indices on marine turtles stocks deserves further study.


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Abstract: Selection among broilers for performance traits is resulting in locomotion problems and bone disorders, once skeletal structure is not strong enough to support body weight in broilers with high growth rates. In this study, genetic parameters were estimated for body weight at 42 days of age (BW42), and tibia traits (length, width, and weight) in a population of broiler chickens. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified for tibia traits to expand our knowledge of the genetic architecture of the broiler population. Genetic correlations ranged from 0.56 +/- 0.18 (between tibia length and BW42) to 0.89 +/- 0.06 (between tibia width and weight), suggesting that these traits are either controlled by pleiotropic genes or by genes that are in linkage disequilibrium. For QTL mapping, the genome was scanned with 127 microsatellites, representing a coverage of 2630 cM. Eight QTL were mapped on Gallus gallus chromosomes (GGA): GGA1, GGA4, GGA6, GGA13, and GGA24. The QTL regions for tibia length and weight were mapped on GGA1, between LEI0079 and MCW145 markers. The gene DACH1 is located in this region; this gene acts to form the apical ectodermal ridge, responsible for limb development. Body weight at 42 days of age was included in the model as a covariate for selection effect of bone traits. Two QTL were found for tibia weight on GGA2 and GGA4, and one for tibia width on GGA3. Information originating from these QTL will assist in the search for candidate genes for these bone traits in future studies.


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Size-selective fishing is expected to affect traits such as individual growth rate, but the relationship between the fishery-linked selection differentials and the corresponding phenotypic changes is not well understood. We analysed a 25-year monitoring survey of sympatric populations of the two Alpine whitefish Coregonus albellus and C. fatioi. We determined the fishing-induced selection differentials on growth rates, the actual change of growth rates over time, and potential indicators of reproductive strategies that may change over time. We found marked declines in adult growth rate and significant selection differentials that may partly explain the observed declines. However, when comparing the two sympatric species, the selection differentials on adult growth were stronger in C. albellus while the decline in adult growth rate seemed more pronounced in C. fatioi. Moreover, the selection differential on juvenile growth was significant in C. albellus but not in C. fatioi, while a significant reduction in juvenile growth over the last 25 years was only found in C. fatioi. Our results suggest that size-selective fishing affects the genetics for individual growth in these whitefish, and that the link between selection differentials and phenotypic changes is influenced by species-specific factors.


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Différents modes de réhabilitation forestière des sites agricoles abandonnés peuvent affecter la diversité végétale des sites. L’analyse des traits fonctionnels des plantes pourrait permettre de révéler l’effet des différentes pratiques sylvicoles suggérées. L’étude porte sur deux communautés de friches arbustives ayant reçu la plantation de trois espèces d’arbres feuillus. La préparation des sites par un débroussaillement total ou par bande, combinés ou non d’herbicide offre l’occasion de mesurer l’effet de ces traitements sur la distribution des traits fonctionnels des communautés végétales après onze ans. Les résultats d’une analyse du 4e coin montrent un effet des traitements sur les traits fonctionnels des communautés et ce, davantage sur le site où la transmission de la lumière est supérieure. Un débroussaillement par bande permet un recul successionnel moins grand que total, avec la présence de plusieurs traits fonctionnels liés aux espèces de fin de succession tels que les phanérophytes et les espèces à semences de plus grande taille Un débroussaillement total résulte plutôt en une présence accrue des espèces exogènes et des intolérantes à la lumière. L’application d’herbicide influence peu la distribution des traits mais augmente la croissance du noyer noir lors de débroussaillement total et dans une moindre mesure lors de débroussaillement en bande. Le peu de différenciation significative de survie et de croissance en hauteur des arbres entre les traitements permet de proposer un débroussaillement par bande plutôt que total, afin de diminuer le recul successionnel, tout en nécessitant un moins grand recours à l’herbicide.


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Comprendre l'évolution de la bipédie est un élément essentiel à la recherche en paléoanthropologie, car ce comportement est le trait le plus important utilisé pour identifier les fossiles comme appartenant à la lignée des hominines. La topographie de la surface infradiaphysaire du fémur et du tibia pourrait donner un aperçu du comportement locomoteur des espèces fossiles, mais n'a pas été étudiée de façon approfondie. Ce trait reflète directement les différences dans la locomotion, puisque la surface change de topographie pour mieux résister aux charges encourues par les mouvements réguliers. Le plan infradiaphysaire du fémur chez les humain est relativement plat, tandis que la surface est plus irrégulière chez les grands singes. Dans ce projet, les métaphyses du genou ont été étudiées d’une manière quantifiée afin de percevoir les différences entre espèces et mieux comprendre le développement ontogénique de ces traits. Les angles formés par les protrusions et les creux de ces surfaces ont été mesurés à partir de points de repère enregistrés en trois-dimensions sur les métaphyses du genou chez les humains, chimpanzés, gorilles, et orangs-outans, et chez trois fossiles Australopithecus afarensis, afin d’observer de l’effet de facteurs tel le stade de croissance et l’appartenance à une espèce sur la topographie des plaques de croissance du genou. Les angles d’obliquité du fémur et du tibia ont aussi été mesurés et analysés. Les résultats ont révélé que le stade développemental et l’appartenance à une espèce et, par association, le mode de locomotion, ont un effet significatif sur les métaphyses du genou. Il a également été constaté que les mesures d'Australopithecus afarensis chevauchent les valeurs trouvées chez les humains et chez les grands singes, ce qui suggère que cette espèce avait possiblement conservé une composante arboricole dans son comportement locomoteur habituel.


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Les tumeurs des cellules de la granulosa (GCTs) sont des tumeurs avec un potentiel malin ayant tendance à récidiver, provoquant ainsi la mort dans 80% des cas de stade avancé consécutif à une rechute. Bien que les GCTs représentent 5% des tumeurs ovariennes, peu d’études ont évalué les protocoles de traitement adjuvant pour la maladie avancée ou récurrente. Notre but était d’évaluer l’efficacité de la voie de signalisation du facteur de croissance de l’endothélium vasculaire A (VEGFA) comme cible pour le traitement de la GCT utilisant le modèle murin transgénique Ptentm1Hwu/tm1Hwu; Ctnnb1tm1Mmt/+; Amhr2tm3(cre)Bhr/+ (PCA) qui reproduit le stade avancé de la maladie humaine. Un anticorps anti-VEGFA a été administré une fois par semaine par voie intrapéritonéale (IP) à partir de 3 semaines d’âge. La thérapie anti-VEGFA a permis une réduction de la taille des tumeurs à 6 semaines d’âge (p<0.05) et une prolongation de la survie des animaux traités, lorsque comparé aux animaux contrôles. L’analyse des GCTs a montré une réduction significative de la prolifération cellulaire (p<0.05) et de la densité microvasculaire (p<0.01) mais aucune différence significative n’a été détectée dans l’apoptose cellulaire. p44/p42 MAPK, un effecteur de la signalisation pour le récepteur 2 de VEGFA (VEGFR2) associé à la prolifération cellulaire, était moins activé dans les tumeurs traitées (p<0.05). Par contre, l’activation d’AKT, un effecteur impliqué dans la survie cellulaire, était similaire d’un groupe à l’autre. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’anticorps anti-VEGFA réduit la prolifération cellulaire et la densité microvasculaire chez les souris PCA par inhibition de la voie de signalisation VEGFR2-MAPK, inhibant ainsi la croissance tumorale. En conclusion, l’efficacité de la thérapie anti- VEGFA mérite d’être évaluée en essais contrôlés randomisés pour le traitement des GCTs chez l’homme.


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This thesis entitled Fish habitats and species assemblage in the selected rivers of kerala and investigation on life history traits of puntius carnaticus (JERDON,1849). Ecology is a new and exceedingly complex field of study, even though its concept was recognized by the Apostles in their use of the phrase ‘all flesh is grass.central role to play both in order to understand better the biodiversity phenomenon and to be able to draw up clear guidelines for careful resource management. In a review by WWF, IUCN and UNEP on the ways of conserving genetic diversity of freshwater fish it was recommended that the best way to conserve species diversity is to conserve habitat.The habitat studies in freshwater ecosystems are very essential for the proper understanding and management of human impact on fish diversity, to study the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure, quantification of ecosystem degradation, habitat quality and biotic integrity of the ecosystems, development of habitat suitability index (I-ISI) models and classification of river reaches based on their physico-chemical properties. Therefore in the present study an attempt was made to assess the biodiversity potential and the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure in six major river systems of Kerala which would be very useful in impressing upon the seriousness of habitat degradIn the present study, in Kabbini river system 15 locations encompassing between 721 946m above MSL were surveyed.ation and biotic devastation undergone in the major river systems of Kerala.During the present study the Habitat Quality Score (HQ) developed by the Ohio EPA was applied for the first time in India.The result of the present study revealed that, among various variables analysed, altitude has a very significant influence in deciding the fish diversity in six major river systems of Kerala. The fish diversity studied on the basis of Shanon-Weiner and Simpson diversity indices revealed that even though some minor variations occur with the suitability and complexity of habitats, the altitude showed inverse relationship with fish diversity.The present study revealed that the National Policy on the interlinking of rivers would permanently alter the HSI indices of the above mentioned fish species, which are now solely protected by the individuality of the rivers where their limited occurrence was notice.


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Andrographis paniculata, commonly known as Kalmegh, is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines because of its immunological, antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties. This study was carried out to investigate the influence of four harvesting times (120,135,150 days after planting and at seed maturity) and four planting distances (30×15, 30×10, 20×15 and 20×10 cm) on growth, dry herbage biomass, seed yield and quality traits of Andrographis paniculata at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India in the two years 2005 and 2006. The treatments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. The maximum values for dry herbage biomass yield (5.14 t ha^(-1)), net returns (760.00 EUR ha^(-1)), B:C ratio (2.59), andrographolide content (2.63%) and total yield (135.00 kg ha^(-1)) were detected 135 days after planting with an optimum planting distance of 30×15 cm. However, the maximum iron content was estimated 120 days after planting. The highest dry herbage (4.58 t ha^(-1)) and maximum seed yield (19.7 kg ha^(-1)) were registered at plants that were lined out with a distance of 20×10 cm.


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Two clones of Daphnia magna (Standard and Ruth) were exposed for 7 days to sub-lethal concentrations of acephate (5.0 and 10.0 mg/L). Survivorship, individual growth, reproduction and the population growth rate (lambda) were evaluated over three weeks. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured on days 2, 7 and 21. Acephate exposure inhibited AChE activity but had no direct effect on life history (LH) traits. There was also no effect of clone on AChE activity, LH and lambda. However, a significant interaction between clone and acephate concentration was found on both fecundity and AChE inhibition at 48 h was associated with a decrease in lambda the Standard clone and an increase in lambda in clone Ruth. Therefore, our findings show that genotypic variation will influence the link between AChE activity and toxic effects at higher levels of biological organisation in D. magna. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen (IB) is a widely used pharmaceutical that can be found in several freshwater ecosystems. Acute toxicity studies with Daphnia magna suggest that the 48 h EC50 (immobilisation) is 10-100 mg IB l(-1). However, there are currently no chronic IB toxicity dataon arthropod populations, and the aquatic life impacts of such analgesic drugs are still undefined. We performed a 14-day exposure of D. magna to IB as a model compound (concentration range: 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg IB l(-1)) measuring chronic effects on life history traits and population performance. Population growth rate was significantly reduced at all IB concentrations, although survival was only affected at 80 mg IB l(-1). Reproduction, however, was affected at lower concentrations of IB (14-day EC50 of 13.4 mg IB l(-1)), and was completely inhibited at the highest test concentration. The results from this study indicate that the long-term crustacean population consequences of a chronic IB exposure at environmentally realistic concentrations (ng l(-1) to mu g l(-1)) would most likely be of minor importance. We discuss our results in relation to recent genomic studies, which suggest that the potential mechanism of toxicity in Daphnia is similar to the mode of action in mammals, where IB inhibits eicosanoid biosynthesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Competition is one of the most important biotic factors determining the structure of ecological communities. In this study, we show that there is variation in competitive ability between two clones of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, both of which out-compete a clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae, in the laboratory. We tested whether this variation in competitive ability would alter the outcome of interspecific competition in the field. White one pea aphid clone followed the pattern set in the laboratory, out-competing the Megoura viciae clone, another showed the reverse effect with Megoura viciae dominating. These differences appear to be the result of variation in early population growth rate between the pea aphid clones, rather than predation, although predation did lead to the eventual extinction of colonies. We also questioned whether intra- and interspecific differences in predator escape behaviour could affect the outcome of competition in the field. All three clones responded similarly to the presence of foraging hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus), but the Megoura viciae clone dropped from the plant significantly less often in response to the presence of a foraging two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). This work provides evidence that intraspecific variation in competitive ability can alter the outcome of interspecific competitive interactions in nature and suggests that species-specific behavioural. traits may have the potential to modify the outcome of these interactions. (c) 2005 Gesellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.