983 resultados para GAMMA-GLOBIN GENE


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We investigated the effect of fish oil (FO) supplementation on tumor growth, cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), and RelA gene and protein expression in Walker 256 tumor-bearing rats. Male Wistar rats (70 days old) were fed with regular chow (group W) or chow supplemented with 1 g/kg body weight FO daily (group WFO) until they reached 100 days of age. Both groups were then inoculated with a suspension of Walker 256 ascitic tumor cells (3×107 cells/mL). After 14 days the rats were killed, total RNA was isolated from the tumor tissue, and relative mRNA expression was measured using the 2-ΔΔCT method. FO significantly decreased tumor growth (W=13.18±1.58 vsWFO=5.40±0.88 g, P<0.05). FO supplementation also resulted in a significant decrease in COX-2 (W=100.1±1.62 vsWFO=59.39±5.53, P<0.001) and PPARγ (W=100.4±1.04vs WFO=88.22±1.46, P<0.05) protein expression. Relative mRNA expression was W=1.06±0.022 vsWFO=0.31±0.04 (P<0.001) for COX-2, W=1.08±0.02vs WFO=0.52±0.08 (P<0.001) for PPARγ, and W=1.04±0.02 vs WFO=0.82±0.04 (P<0.05) for RelA. FO reduced tumor growth by attenuating inflammatory gene expression associated with carcinogenesis.


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La régulation transcriptionnelle des gènes est cruciale pour permettre le bon fonctionnement des cellules. Afin que les cellules puissent accomplir leurs fonctions, les gènes doivent être exprimés adéquatement dans le bon type cellulaire et au stade de développement et de différenciation approprié. Un dérèglement dans l’expression de un ou plusieurs gènes peut entraîner de graves conséquences sur le destin de la cellule. Divers éléments en cis (ex : promoteurs et enhancers) et en trans (machinerie transcriptionnelle et facteurs de transcription) sont impliqués dans la régulation de la transcription. Les gènes du locus humain beta-globine (hub) sont exprimés dans les cellules érythroïdes et sont finenement régulés lors du développement et de la différenciation. Des mutations dans différentes régions du locus causent entre autres les beta-thalassémies. Nous avons utilisé ce modèle bien caractérisé afin d’étudier différents mécanismes de régulation favorisés par les facteurs de transcription qui sont exprimés dans les cellules érythroïdes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à l’importance de l’élément en cis HS2 du Locus control region. Cet élément possède plusieurs sites de liaison pour des facteurs de transcription impliqués dans la régulation des gènes du locus hub. Nos résultats montrent que HS2 possède un rôle dans l’organisation de la chromatine du locus qui peut être dissocié de son rôle d’enhancer. De plus, HS2 n’est pas essentiel pour l’expression à haut niveau du gène beta alors qu’il est important pour l’expression des gènes gamma. Ceci suggère que le recrutement des différents facteurs au site HS2 lors du développement influence différement les gènes du locus. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons investigué l’importance de HS2 lors de la différenciation des cellules érythroïdes. Il avait été rapporté que l’absence de HS2 influence grandement la potentialisation de la chromatine du gène beta. La potentialisation dans les cellules progénitrices favorise l’activation transcriptionnelle du gène dans les cellules matures. Nous avons caractérisé le recrutement de différents facteurs de transcription au site HS2 et au promoteur beta dans les cellules progénitrices hématopoïétiques (CPH) ainsi que dans les cellules érythroïdes matures. Nos résultats montrent que le facteur EKLF est impliqué dans la potentialisation de la chromatine et favorise le recrutement des facteurs BRG1, p45 et CBP dans les CPH. L’expression de GATA-1 dans les cellules érythroïdes matures permet le recrutement de GATA-1 au locus hub dans ces cellules. Ces données suggèrent que la combinaison de EKLF et GATA-1 est requise pour permettre une activation maximale du gène beta dans les cellules érythroïdes matures. Un autre facteur impliqué dans la régulation du locus hub est Ikaros. Nous avons étudié son recrutement au locus hub et avons observé que Ikaros est impliqué dans la répression des gènes gamma. Nos résultats montrent aussi que GATA-1 est impliqué dans la répression de ces gènes et qu’il interagit avec Ikaros. Ensemble, Ikaros et GATA-1 favorisent la formation d’un complexe de répression aux promoteurs gamma. Cette étude nous a aussi permis d’observer que Ikaros et GATA-1 sont impliqués dans la répression du gène Gata2. De façon intéressante, nous avons caractérisé le mécanisme de répression du gène Hes1 (un gène cible de la voie Notch) lors de la différenciation érythroïde. Similairement à ce qui a été observé pour les gènes gamma, Hes1 est aussi réprimé par Ikaros et GATA-1. Ces résultats suggèrent donc que la combinaison de Ikaros et GATA-1 est associée à la répression de plusieurs de gènes dans les cellules érythroïdes. Globalement cette thèse rapporte de nouveaux mécanismes d’action de différents facteurs de transcription dans les cellules érythroïdes. Particulièrement, nos travaux ont permis de proposer un modèle pour la régulation des gènes du locus hub lors du développement et de la différenciation. De plus, nous rapportons pour la première fois l’importance de la collaboration entre les facteurs Ikaros et GATA-1 dans la régulation transcriptionnelle de gènes dans les cellules érythroïdes. Des mutations associées à certains des facteurs étudiés ont été rapportées dans des cas de beta-thalassémies ainsi que de leucémies. Nos travaux serviront donc à avoir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’action de ces facteurs afin de potentiellement pouvoir les utiliser comme cibles thérapeutiques.


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We have developed a system to hunt and reuse special gene integration sites that allow for high and stable gene expression. A vector, named pRGFP8, was constructed. The plasmid pRGFP8 contains a reporter gene, gfp2 and two extraneous DNA fragments. The gene gfp2 makes it possible to screen the high expression regions on the chromosome. The extraneous DNA fragments can help to create the unique loci on the chromosome and increase the gene targeting frequency by increasing the homology. After transfection into Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) cells, the linearized pRGFP8 can integrate into the chromosome of the host cells and form the unique sites. With FACS, 90 millions transfected cells were sorted and the cells with strongest GFP expression were isolated, and then 8 stable high expression GFP CHO cell lines were selected as candidates for the new host cell. Taking the unique site created by pRGFP8 on the chromosome in the new host cells as a targeting locus, the gfp2 gene was replaced with the gene of interest, human ifngamma, by transfecting the targeting plasmid pRIH-IFN. Then using FACS, the cells with the dimmest GFP fluorescence were selected. These cells showed they had strong abilities to produce the protein of interest, IFN-gamma. During the gene targeting experiment, we found there is positive correlation between the fluorescence density of the GFP CHO host cells and the specific production rate of IFN-gamma. This result shows that the strategy in our expression system is correct: the production of the interesting protein increases with the increase fluorescence of the GFP host cells. This system, the new host cell lines and the targeting vector, can be utilized for highly expressing the gene of interest. More importantly, by using FACS, we can fully screen all the transfected cells, which can reduce the chances of losing the best cells.


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La captación de glucosa y su conversión en lactato juega un papel fundamental en el metabolismo tumoral, independientemente de la concentración de oxígeno presente en el tejido (efecto Warburg). Sin embrago, dicha captación varía de un tipo tumoral a otro, y dentro del mismo tumor, situación que podría depender de las características microambientales tumorales (fluctuaciones de oxígeno, presencia de otros tipos celulares) y de factores estresores asociados a los tratamientos. Se estudió el efecto de la hipoxia-reoxigenación (HR) y las radiaciones ionizantes (RI) sobre la captación de glucosa, en cultivos de líneas tumorales MCF-7 y HT-29, cultivadas de forma aislada o en cocultivo con la línea celular EAhy296. Se encontró que la captación de glucosa en HR es diferente para lo descrito en condiciones de hipoxia permanente y que es modificada en el cocultivo. Se identificaron poblaciones celulares dentro de la misma línea celular, de alta y baja captación de glucosa, lo que implicaría una simbiosis metabólica de la célula como respuesta adaptativa a las condiciones tumorales. Se evaluó la expresión de NRF2 y la translocación nuclear de NRF2 y HIF1a, como vías de respuesta a estrés celular e hipoxia. La translocación nuclear de las proteínas evaluadas explicaría el comportamiento metabólico de las células tumorales de seno, pero no de colon, por lo cual deben existir otras vías metabólicas implicadas. Las diferencias en el comportamiento de las células tumorales en HR en relación con hipoxia permitirá realizar planeaciones dosimétricas más dinámicas, que reevalúen las condiciones de oxigenación tumoral constantemente.


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TGF-beta1 levels increase after vascular injury and promote vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. We define a nonviral gene delivery system that targets alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins that are expressed on proliferating VSMCs and strongly induced by TGF-beta1. A 15-amino acid RGDNP-containing peptide from American Pit Viper venom was linked to a Lys(16) peptide as vector (molossin vector) and complexed with Lipofectamine or fusogenic peptide for delivery of luciferase or beta-galactosidase reporter genes to primary cultures of human, rabbit, and rat VSMCs. Preincubation of VSMCs with TGF-beta1 for 24 h, but not with PDGF-BB, interferon-gamma, TNF-alpha, nor PMA, increased alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 expressions on VSMCs and enhanced gene delivery of molossin vector. Thus beta-galactosidase activity increased from 35 +/- 5% (controls) to 75 +/- 5% after TGF-beta1 treatment, and luciferase activity increased fourfold over control values. Potential use of this system in vessel bypass surgery was examined in an ex vivo rat aortic organ culture model after endothelial damage. Molossin vector system delivered beta-galactosidase to VSMCs in the vessel wall that remained for up to 12 days posttransfection. The molossin vector system, when combined with TGF-beta1, enhances gene delivery to proliferating VSMCs and might have clinical applications for certain vasculoproliferative diseases.


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Five Gram-negative, motile, aerobic to microaerophilic spirilla were isolated from various depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strains are oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolize a variety of sugars and carboxylic acids and have an absolute requirement for sodium ions. The predominant fatty acids of the organisms are C-16: (1)omega7c, C-16:0 and C(18:1)omega7c, with C-10:1 3-OH, C-10:0 3-OH, C-12:0 3-OH, C-14:1 3-OH, C-14:0 3-OH and C-19:1 present in smaller amounts. The main polar lipids are diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylmonomethylamine. The DNA base composition of the strains is 54-55 mol% G + C. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons show that the isolates are related to the genera Oceanospirillum, Pseudospirillum, Marinospirillum, Halomonas and Chromohalobacter in the gamma-Proteobacteria. Morphological, physiological and genotypic differences from these previously described genera support the description of a novel genus and species, Saccharospirillum impatiens gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is EL-105(T) (= DSM 12546(T) = CECT 5721(T)).


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The recent discovery that vitamin E (VE) regulates gene activity at the transcriptional level indicates that VE may exert part of its biological effects by mechanisms which may be independent of its well-recognised antioxidant function. The objective of this study was the identification of hepatic vitamin E-sensitive genes and examination of the effects of VE on their corresponding biological endpoints. Two groups of male rats were randomly assigned to either a VE-sufficient diet or to a control diet deficient in VE for 290 days. High-density oligonucleotide microarrays comprising over 7000 genes were used to assess the transcriptional response of the liver. Differential gene expression was monitored over a period of 9 months, at four different time-points, and rats were individually profiled. This experimental strategy identified several VE-sensitive genes, which were chronically altered by dietary VE. VE supplementation down-regulated scavenger receptor CD36, coagulation factor IX and 5-alpha-steroid reductase type 1 mRNA levels while hepatic gamma glutamyl-cysteinyl synthetase was significantly up-regulated. Measurement of the corresponding biological endpoints such as activated partial thromboplastin time, plasma dihydrotestosterone and hepatic glutathione substantiated the gene chip data which indicated that dietary VE plays an important role in a range of metabolic processes within the liver. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Escherichia coli O86:K61 has long been associated with outbreaks of infantile diarrhea in humans and with diarrheal disease in many animal species. Studies in the late 1990s identified E. coli 086:K61 as the cause of mortality in a variety of wild birds, and in this study, 34 E. coli 086:K61 isolates were examined. All of the isolates were nonmotile, but most elaborated at least two morphologically distinct surface appendages that were confirmed to be type I and curli fimbriae. Thirty-three isolates were positive for the eaeA gene encoding a gamma type of intimin. No phenotypic or genotypic evidence was obtained for elaboration of Shiga-like toxins, but most isolates possessed the gene coding for the cytolethal distending toxin. Five isolates were selected for adherence assays performed with tissue explants and HEp-2 cells, and four of these strains produced attaching and effacing lesions on HEp-2 cells and invaded the cells, as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Two of the five isolates were inoculated orally into 1-day-old specific-pathogen-free chicks, and both of these isolates colonized, invaded, and persisted well in this model. Neither isolate produced attaching and effacing lesions in chicks, although some pathology was evident in the alimentary tract. No deaths were recorded in inoculated chicks. These findings are discussed in light of the possibility that wild birds are potential zoonotic reservoirs of attaching and effacing E. coli.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of PPARG coactivator1 alpha (PPARGC1A), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARG), and uncoupling protein1 (UCP1) gene polymorphisms with the metabolic syndrome (MS) in an Asian Indian population. Nine common polymorphisms were genotyped via polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct sequencing in 950 normal glucose-tolerant subjects and 550 type 2 diabetic subjects, chosen randomly from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiological Study, an ongoing population based study in Southern India. Among the 9 polymorphisms examined, only the Thr394Thr variant of the PPARGC1A gene was significantly associated with diabetes and obesity. The genotype frequency of GA of Thr394Thr variant was 16% (138/887) in the nonMS group and 22% (136/613) in the MS group, and this genotype frequency was significantly higher with MS both in males (p = 0.01) and females (p = 0.05), compared to the without-MS group. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratio for MS for the susceptible genotype GA of Thr394Thr was 1.411 [95% CI: 1.03-1.84, p = 0.012]. In the multiple logistic regression analysis, however, there was no association of this polymorphism as an independent factor with MS. Hence, the study shows that the polymorphisms in the PPARGC1A, PPARG and UCP1 genes are not associated with MS in Asian Indians.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether polymorphisms in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PPARGC1A) gene were related to body fat in Asian Indians. METHODS: Three polymorphisms of PPARGC1A gene, the Thr394Thr, Gly482Ser and +A2962G, were genotyped on 82 type 2 diabetic and 82 normal glucose tolerant (NGT) subjects randomly chosen from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study using PCR-RFLP, and the nature of the variants were confirmed using direct sequencing. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was estimated from the estimates of haplotypic frequencies using an expectation-maximization algorithm. Visceral, subcutaneous and total abdominal fat were measured using computed tomography, whereas dual X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure central abdominal and total body fat. RESULTS: None of the three polymorphisms studied were in LD. The genotype (0.59 vs 0.32, P=0.001) and allele (0.30 vs 0.17, P=0.007) frequencies of Thr394Thr polymorphism were significantly higher in type 2 diabetic subjects compared to those in NGT subjects. The odds ratio for diabetes (adjusted for age, sex and body mass index) for the susceptible genotype, XA (GA+AA) of Thr394Thr polymorphism, was 2.53 (95% confidence intervals: 1.30-5.04, P=0.009). Visceral and subcutaneous fat were significantly higher in NGT subjects with XA genotype of the Thr394Thr polymorphism compared to those with GG genotype (visceral fat: XA 148.2+/-46.9 vs GG 106.5+/-51.9 cm(2), P=0.001; subcutaneous fat: XA 271.8+/-167.1 vs GG 181.5+/-78.5 cm(2), P=0.001). Abdominal (XA 4521.9+/-1749.6 vs GG 3445.2+/-1443.4 g, P=0.004), central abdominal (XA 1689.0+/-524.0 vs GG 1228.5+/-438.7 g, P<0.0001) and non-abdominal fat (XA 18763.8+/-8789.4 vs GG 13160.4+/-4255.3 g, P<0.0001) were also significantly higher in the NGT subjects with XA genotype compared to those with GG genotype. The Gly482Ser and +A2962G polymorphisms were not associated with any of the body fat measures. CONCLUSION: Among Asian Indians, the Thr394Thr (G --> A) polymorphism is associated with increased total, visceral and subcutaneous body fat.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Given the role of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) in the accumulation of fat in the hepatocytes and in the enhancement of protective mechanisms in acute ethanol intake, we hypothesised that UCP2 polymorphisms are likely to cause liver disease through their interactions with obesity and alcohol intake. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the interaction between tagging polymorphisms in the UCP2 gene (rs2306819, rs599277 and rs659366), alcohol intake and obesity traits such as BMI and waist circumference (WC) on alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) in a large meta-analysis of data sets from three populations (n=20 242). DESIGN AND METHODS: The study populations included the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (n=4996), Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (n=1883) and LifeLines Cohort Study (n=13 363). Interactions between the polymorphisms and obesity and alcohol intake on dichotomised ALT and GGT levels were assessed using logistic regression and the likelihood ratio test. RESULTS: In the meta-analysis of the three cohorts, none of the three UCP2 polymorphisms were associated with GGT or ALT levels. There was no evidence for interaction between the polymorphisms and alcohol intake on GGT and ALT levels. In contrast, the association of WC and BMI with GGT levels varied by rs659366 genotype (Pinteraction=0.03 and 0.007, respectively; adjusted for age, gender, high alcohol intake, diabetes, hypertension and serum lipid concentrations). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our findings in 20 242 individuals suggest that UCP2 gene polymorphisms may cause liver dysfunction through the interaction with body fat rather than alcohol intake.


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The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is a good model to study several diseases such as the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, cardiopulmonary impairment, nephropathy, as well as hypertension, which is a multifactor disease that possibly involves alterations in gene expression in hypertensive relative to normotensive subjects. In this study, we used high-density oligoarrays to compare gene expression profiles in cultured neurons and glia from brainstem of newborn normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. We found 376 genes differentially expressed between SHR and WKY brainstem cells that preferentially map to 17 metabolic/signaling pathways. Some of the pathways and regulated genes identified herein are obviously related to cardiovascular regulation; in addition there are several genes differentially expressed in SHR not yet associated to hypertension, which may be attributed to other differences between SHR and WKY strains. This constitute a rich resource for the identification and characterization of novel genes associated to phenotypic differences observed in SHR relative to WKY, including hypertension. In conclusion, this study describes for the first time the gene profiling pattern of brainstem cells from SHR and WKY rats, which opens up new possibilities and strategies of investigation and possible therapeutics to hypertension, as well as for the understanding of the brain contribution to phenotypic differences between SHR and WKY rats.


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The role of PPAR-gamma in ciglitazone and 15-d PGJ(2)-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of Jurkat (before and after PPAR gamma gene silencing), U937 (express high levels of PPAR gamma) and HeLa (that express very low levels of PPAR gamma) cells was investigated. PPAR gamma gene silencing, per se, induced a G2/M cell arrest, loss of membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation of Jurkat cells, indicating that PPAR gamma is important for this cell survival and proliferation. Ciglitazone-induced apoptosis was abolished after knockdown of PPAR gamma suggesting a PPAR gamma-dependent pro-apoptotic effect. However, ciglitazone treatment was toxic for U937 and HeLa cells regardless of the presence of PPAR gamma. This treatment did not change the cell cycle distribution corroborating with a PPAR gamma-independent mechanism. On the other hand, 15-d PGJ(2) induced apoptosis of the three cancer cell lines regardless of the expression of PPAR gamma. These results suggest that PPAR gamma plays an important role for death of malignant T lymphocytes (Jurkat cells) and PPAR gamma agonists exert their effects through PPAR gamma-dependent and -independent mechanisms depending on the drug and the cell type. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an endogenous factor that restrains hepatic insulin resistance in diet-induced steatosis Reducing IL-10 expression increases proinflammatory activity in the steatotic liver and worsens insulin resistance As the transcriptional coactivator proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) plays a central role in dysfunctional hepatocytic activity in diet-induced steatosis, we hypothesized that at least part of the action of PGC-1 alpha could be mediated by reducing the transcription of the IL-10 gene Here, we used immunoblotting, real-time polymerase chain reaction, immunocytochemistry, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay to investigate the role of PGC-1 alpha in the control of IL-10 expression in hepatic cells First, we show that, in the intact steatotic liver, the expressions of IL-10 and PGC-1 alpha are increased Inhibiting PGC-1 alpha expression by antisense oligonucleotide increases IL-10 expression and reduces the steatotic phenotype. In cultured hepatocytes, the treatment with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids increased IL-10 expression. This was accompanied by increased association of PGC-1 alpha with c-Maf and p50-nuclear factor (NF) kappa B, 2 transcription factors known to modulate IL-10 expression In addition, after fatty acid treatment. PGC-1 alpha, c-Maf, and p50-NF kappa B migrate from the cytosol to the nuclei of hepatocytes and bind to the IL-10 promoter region Inhibiting NF kappa B activation with salicylate reduces IL-10 expression and the association of PGC-1 alpha with p50-NF kappa B Thus, PGC-1 alpha emerges as a potential transcriptional regulator of the inflammatory phenomenon taking place in the steatotic liver (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved