865 resultados para Fragmented elite


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Contemporary citizenship studies have been more concerned with the theory and philosophy of citizenship than with empirical studies. The general objective of this contribution is to broaden the understanding of how notions of citizenship are constructed and re-valued in the social world. The study draws on a qualitative analysis of political elite discourse on Romani issues in the Finnish Parliament from 1989-2003. How issues concerning the Roma are debated elucidates the dilemmas of universal rights and duties within the Nordic welfare model, and the possibilities for cultural diversity within this framework. While the Finnish parliamentary debate accentuated tolerance and the acceptance of difference as strengthening factors for Finnish social citizenship, it was not before the new millennium that the political discourse changed to increasingly stress notions of discrimination and structural inequalities in relation to the incapability to provide for a full an inclusive citizenship as regards the Romani minority.


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BACKGROUND Vigorous sporting activity during the growth years is associated with an increased risk of having a cam-type deformity develop. The underlying cause of this osseous deformity is unclear. One may speculate whether this is caused by reactive bone apposition in the region of the anterosuperior head-neck junction or whether sports activity alters the shape of and growth in the growth plate. If the latter is true, then one would expect athletes to show an abnormal shape of the capital growth plate (specifically, the epiphyseal extension) before and/or after physeal closure. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We therefore raised three questions: (1) Do adolescent basketball players show abnormal epiphyseal extension? (2) Does the epiphyseal extension differ before and after physeal closure? (3) Is abnormal epiphyseal extension associated with high alpha angles? METHODS We performed a case-control comparative analysis of young (age range, 9-22 years) male elite basketball athletes with age-matched nonathletes, substratified by whether they had open or closed physes. We measured epiphyseal extension on radial-sequence MRI cuts throughout the cranial hemisphere from 9 o'clock (posterior) to 3 o'clock (anterior). Epiphyseal extension was correlated to alpha angle measurements at the same points. RESULTS Epiphyseal extension was increased in all positions in the athletes compared with the control group. On average, athletes showed epiphyseal extension of 0.67 to 0.83 versus 0.53 to 0.71 in control subjects. In the control group epiphyseal extension was increased at all measurement points in hips after physeal closure compared with before physeal closure. In contrast, the subgroup of athletes with a closed growth plate only had increased epiphyseal extension at the 3 o'clock position compared with the athletes with an open [corrected] growth plate (0.64-0.70). We observed a correlation between an alpha angle greater than 55° and greater epiphyseal extension in the anterosuperior femoral head quadrant: the corresponding Spearman r values were 0.387 (all hips) and 0.285 (alpha angle>55°) for the aggregate anterosuperior quadrant. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that a cam-type abnormality in athletes is a consequence of an alteration of the growth plate rather than reactive bone formation. High-level sports activity during growth may be a new and distinct risk factor for a cam-type deformity.


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This paper focuses on the majority population in the People’s Republic of China—the Han—and their various collective identities. The Han play a pivotal role in consolidating the Chinese territory and the multiethnic Chinese nation. Therefore, the governments in the twentieth century have invested substantial efforts in promoting a unitary Han identity. In spite of that, powerful local identities related to native place, occupation, and family histories persist. This essay traces these identities and analyzes their intertwinement. Further, it discusses the question of ethnicity of both the Han and local identity categories, and concludes that while Han enact ethnicity in their relations to other minzu, local identity categories are more social than ethnic. It further posits that moments of confrontation, “degree” of ethnicity, scales of categorization, and relationality of identities are notions that should be given particular attention in the studies of ethnicity in China and elsewhere.


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Lands inhabited by indigenous peoples often have low population density but abundant natural resources. For those reasons, many actors have historically attempted to occupy those lands or use the resources in them. Increasing pressures over lands occupied by indigenous peoples have resulted in the awakening of indigenous peoples over their rights to land and resources generating many debates over indigenous peoples' rights to land and self-governance. In this article, we provide a historical and geographical overview of territorial and governance issues among the Tsimane', an indigenous group native to the Bolivian Amazon. We examine how the Bolivian state economic policies implemented during the 20th century affected the Tsimane' ancestral lands, and how – over the late-20th century – the Bolivian state accommodated Tsimane' claims to lands in between multiple interests. We show how national policies led to the reconfiguration of Tsimane' territoriality and to a fragmented institutional representation. Current indigenous territories and indigenous political representation are an expression of conflictive policies that have involved multiple actors and their specific interests on indigenous lands and its resources.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt das Ziel, zu untersuchen, wie sich ehemalige Schweizer Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten unter dem Aspekt des sportlichen Erfolgs entwickelt haben und wie sich ihre heutige Lebenssituation präsentiert. Zudem will die Arbeit ergründen, inwiefern der sportliche Erfolg durch ausgewählte institutionelle, sportwissenschaftliche und individuelle Parameter vorhergesagt werden kann. Zu diesem Zweck wurden alle deutschsprachigen Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten untersucht (N = 221), welche im Jahre 1999 Inhaber einer Swiss Olympic Talent-Card waren. Die Prädiktoren stammen teilweise aus einer ersten schriftlichen Befragung, welche 1999 durchgeführt wurde (Rücklauf: 79%). Die Daten für die Beschreibung der Laufbahn sowie der heutigen Situation wurden im Sommer 2011 durch eine weitere schriftliche Befragung erhoben (Rücklauf: 48%). Die Daten wurden mit deskriptiven, inferenzstatistischen, cluster- sowie regressionsanalytischen Verfahren ausgewertet. Die Resultate zeichnen insgesamt ein positives Bild. Trotz verschiedener Hürden im Nachwuchsalter schafften die meisten befragten Athleten den Sprung in die Elite-Stufe. Knapp ein Drittel von ihnen konnte dabei grosse Erfolge (Medaillengewinn) an bedeutenden internationalen Wettkämpfen erringen. Die bereits zurückgetretenen Athleten scheinen das Laufbahnende grösstenteils gut bewältigt zu haben, was wohl damit zusammenhängt, dass die Mehrheit von ihnen freiwillig zurückgetretenen ist und konkrete Pläne für die nachsportliche Laufbahn hatte. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass sich ein Engagement im Leistungssport nicht negativ auf die Entwicklung in anderen Lebensbereichen auszuwirken scheint. So zeigte sich, dass sich die heutige Situation der ehemaligen Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten in gesundheitlicher, psychologischer, sozialer, beruflicher und finanzieller Hinsicht durchwegs positiv präsentiert – in gesundheitlicher, beruflicher und finanzieller Hinsicht sogar besser als jene von gleichaltrigen Vergleichspersonen der Schweizer Bevölkerung. Bei der Vorhersage des sportlichen Erfolgs zeigte sich, dass Athleten aus weniger geförderten und weniger bedeutenden Sportarten später insgesamt erfolgreicher sind an bedeutenden internationalen Wettkämpfen. Darüber hinaus erwies sich die mentale Stärke als langfristiger Erfolgsfaktor. Die Ergebnisse erweitern das bestehende Wissen über Laufbahnen von Leistungssportlern sowie über Determinanten von sportlichem Erfolg generell, besonders aber hinsichtlich des Schweizer Sportsystems. Athleten und ihr Umfeld erhalten dadurch einen vertieften Einblick in die Chancen und Risiken eines Engagements im Leistungssport. Swiss Olympic und die Verbände gewinnen ein besseres Verständnis darüber, wie sich Nachwuchs-Elite-Athleten in ihrer sportlichen Entwicklung noch besser unterstützen lassen. Bund, Kantone und Gemeinden können anhand der Ergebnisse besser abschätzen, inwiefern sich die Förderung des Spitzensports durch öffentliche Gelder rechtfertigen lässt.


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BACKGROUND To summarize the available evidence on the effectiveness of psychological interventions for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). METHOD We searched bibliographic databases and reference lists of relevant systematic reviews and meta-analyses for randomized controlled trials that compared specific psychological interventions for adults with PTSD symptoms either head-to-head or against control interventions using non-specific intervention components, or against wait-list control. Two investigators independently extracted the data and assessed trial characteristics. RESULTS The analyses included 4190 patients in 66 trials. An initial network meta-analysis showed large effect sizes (ESs) for all specific psychological interventions (ESs between -1.10 and -1.37) and moderate effects of psychological interventions that were used to control for non-specific intervention effects (ESs -0.58 and -0.62). ES differences between various types of specific psychological interventions were absent to small (ES differences between 0.00 and 0.27). Considerable between-trial heterogeneity occurred (τ 2 = 0.30). Stratified analyses revealed that trials that adhered to DSM-III/IV criteria for PTSD were associated with larger ESs. However, considerable heterogeneity remained. Heterogeneity was reduced in trials with adequate concealment of allocation and in large-sized trials. We found evidence for small-study bias. CONCLUSIONS Our findings show that patients with a formal diagnosis of PTSD and those with subclinical PTSD symptoms benefit from different psychological interventions. We did not identify any intervention that was consistently superior to other specific psychological interventions. However, the robustness of evidence varies considerably between different psychological interventions for PTSD, with most robust evidence for cognitive behavioral and exposure therapies.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The prevalence and clinical importance of primarily fragmented thrombi in patients with acute ischemic stroke remains elusive. Whole-brain SWI was used to detect multiple thrombus fragments, and their clinical significance was analyzed. MATERIALS AND METHODS Pretreatment SWI was analyzed for the presence of a single intracranial thrombus or multiple intracranial thrombi. Associations with baseline clinical characteristics, complications, and clinical outcome were studied. RESULTS Single intracranial thrombi were detected in 300 (92.6%), and multiple thrombi, in 24 of 324 patients (7.4%). In 23 patients with multiple thrombi, all thrombus fragments were located in the vascular territory distal to the primary occluding thrombus; in 1 patient, thrombi were found both in the anterior and posterior circulation. Only a minority of thrombus fragments were detected on TOF-MRA, first-pass gadolinium-enhanced MRA, or DSA. Patients with multiple intracranial thrombi presented with more severe symptoms (median NIHSS scores, 15 versus 11; P = .014) and larger ischemic areas (median DWI ASPECTS, 5 versus 7; P = .006); good collaterals, rated on DSA, were fewer than those in patients with a single thrombus (21.1% versus 44.2%, P = .051). The presence of multiple thrombi was a predictor of unfavorable outcome at 3 months (P = .040; OR, 0.251; 95% CI, 0.067-0.939). CONCLUSIONS Patients with multiple intracranial thrombus fragments constitute a small subgroup of patients with stroke with a worse outcome than patients with single thrombi.


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Research on performance and participation in (elite) sports has predominantly focused on variables relating to the achievement motive. However, some authors describe that athletes in interactive sports (e.g. tennis) are assumed to exhibit a strong power motive in order to win competitive matches, usually resulting in the demonstration of dominance or the experience of inferiority. The affiliation motive, by contrast, is not functional in elite sports due to their competitive rather than social character. In the present chapter we discuss how the three basic implicit motives of power, affiliation, and achievement relate to the sports field and describe how they can affect athletes’ performance. We present empirical evidence for the existence of different strengths of the three basic motives in three studies with elite athletes (Study 1), non-elite athletes (sport students, Study 2), and non-sport students infrequently involved in sports (Study 3). Our results suggest that elite athletes show higher levels of the implicit power motive compared to sport students, who in turn have higher power motives than non-sport students. Surprisingly, elite athletes do not differ from non-sport students regarding their implicit achievement motive. Moreover, non-sport students exhibit higher implicit affiliation motive scores than sport students and elite athletes. We propose that research on motivational processes of highly competitive athletes should – in addition to the achievement motive – focus more on motive themes like the implicit motives of power and affiliation.