280 resultados para Fossa séptica


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Objectives/Hypothesis: The aim of this work was to define the anatomical landmarks, limitations, and difficulties of obtaining internal carotid artery (ICA) exposure via endonasal endoscopic approaches (EEA).


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Objectives/Hypothesis: Demonstrate the endoscopic anatomy of the palatovaginal (PV) canal and artery for identification and dissection of the vidian nerve during endoscopic transpterygoid approaches. Evaluate the length of the PV canal and its relation with the vidian nerve. Show that the traditionally known PV canal is a misnomer and should be renamed. Study Design: Experimental study: anatomical and radiological. Methods: Dissection of eight cadaveric heads was performed to demonstrate the endoscopic anatomy of the PV canal. Computed tomography scan analysis of 20 patients was used to evaluate the length of the PV canal, the angle formed between this canal and the vidian nerve, and the distance between the vidian canal and the PV canal. Study of 10 dry skull bases was performed to verify the structures involved in the formation of the PV canal. Results: Anatomic steps and foundations for dissection of the vidian nerve using the PV canal as a landmark were described. The mean length of the PV canal was 7.15 mm. The mean proximal distance between the vidian and the PV canal was 1.95 mm, and the mean distal distance was 4.14 mm. The mean angle between those canals was 48 degrees. The osteology study showed the vaginal process of the sphenoid bone did not contribute to the formation of the PV canal. Conclusions: Our anatomic investigations, radiologic studies, and surgical experience demonstrate the important anatomic relationship of the PV canal with the vidian canal and the relevance of the PV canal as a surgical landmark in endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid approaches. Anatomically, PV canal is a misnomer and should be replaced with palatosphenoidal canal.


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This manuscript reports an uncommon case of inferior third molar facial abscess with purulent secretion drainage through the left external acoustic meatus. The patient's left external acoustic meatus was filled with a purulent secretion observed on a CT scan. He underwent surgery to drain the facial abscess. Despite facial abscesses being routine occurrences, the literature does not contain many case reports of odontogenic facial abscesses with drainage via the external acoustic meatus. These situations occur in two possible ways: multiple fissures in the anterior wall of the cartilaginous portion of the external acoustic meatus; and congenital defects that are occasionally present in the anterior-superior aspect of the external acoustic meatus, known as the foramen of Huschke, which allow communication between the external acoustic meatus and mandibular fossa. These defects may also predispose the patient to the spread of the infection or tumour from the external auditory canal to the infratemporal fossa and vice versa. No otological sequelae were observed in this case. The authors conclude that the hypothesis of bone malformation cannot be excluded, and affirm that any facial abscess requires appropriate and immediate treatment for adequate resolution, by removing the causal factor and providing systemic support.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate bone changes in the condyle, articular eminence and glenoid fossa in relation to the position of the articular disc. Methods: 148 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 74 symptomatic patients who underwent MRI were evaluated. The position of the disc was classified as either normal (N), disc displacement with reduction (DDwR), disc displacement without reduction (DDwoR) and posterior displacement (PD). Bone changes were investigated in the condyle and temporal components of the TMJ and classified as osteophytosis, sclerosis or erosion. Results: There were no bone changes in the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone. Of the total number of TMJs studied, 94 (63.5%) were N, 34 (23%) presented DDwoR, 19 (12.8%) presented DDwR and 1 (0.7%) presented PD. The bone changes in the condyle and posterior aspect of the articular eminence were associated with the position of the disc. The bone changes in the anterior aspect of the articular eminence were not associated with the position of the disc. Conclusion: In cases of DDwoR, bone changes in the condyles were more common. The combination of erosion and osteophytosis in the condyle and the bone changes of the posterior aspect of the articular eminence were associated with disc position. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (2012) 41, 367-372. doi: 10.1259/dmfr/79317853


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Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable method for auditory restoration in patients with severe to profound hearing loss. Objective: To describe the surgical complications of cochlear implantation. Materials and Methods: Information from 591 consecutive multichannel cochlear implant surgeries were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for at least one year. Forty-one patients were excluded because of missing data, follow-up loss or middle fossa approach. Results: Of 550 cochlear implantation analyzed, 341 were performed in children or adolescents, and 209 in adults. The mean hearing loss time was 6.3 +/- 6.7 years for prelingual loss and 12.1 +/- 11.6 years for postlingual. Mean follow-up was 3.9 +/- 2.8 years. Major complications occurred in 8.9% and minor in 7.8%. Problems during electrode insertion (3.8%) were the most frequent major complication followed by flap dehiscence (1.4%). Temporary facial palsy (2.2%), canal-wall lesion (2.2%) and tympanic membrane lesion (1.8%) were the more frequent minor complications. No death occurred. Conclusion: There was a low rate of surgical complications, most of them been successfully managed. These results confirm that cochlear implant is a safe surgery and most surgical complications can be managed with conservative measures or minimal intervention.


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Background: Body packing is used for international drug transport, immediate drug concealment during a police searching or introducing drugs inside prisons. Despite the high level of specialization of dealers who have started to manufacture more complex packs, up to 5% of patients could develop intoxication due to pack rupture. Bowel obstruction is another acute complication. Case presentation: A 27-year-old black male patient was sent to the hospital by court order for clinical evaluation and toxicological examination. The patient was conscious, oriented, had good color, normal arterial pressure and heart rate, and no signs of acute intoxication. Abdominal examination revealed discrete pain upon deep palpation and a small mass in the left iliac fossa. A plain abdominal radiograph revealed several oval structures located in the rectum and sigmoid. Fasting and a 50 g dose of activated charcoal every six hours were prescribed. After three days, the patient spontaneously evacuated 28 cocaine packs. Conclusion: Adequate clinical management and prompt identification of potential complications are of fundamental importance in dealing with body packing.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação precoce do laser terapêutico e do ultrassom no processo de regeneração de uma lesão experimental em ratos. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se 24 ratos. Dezoito foram submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico de lesão do nervo ciático por compressão, através de uma pinça hemostática acima da fossa poplítea. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos com seis animais em cada. Grupo controle normal. GI: controle lesado sem intervenção terapêutica. GII: intervenção terapêutica do laser ArGaAl. GIII: intervenção terapêutica do ultrassom Pulsado. Iniciamos as intervenções terapêuticas 24 horas após a lesão, com aplicações diárias, por um período de quatorze dias consecutivos. RESULTADOS: Ao avaliar a perimetria dos músculos da coxa direita obteve-se os seguintes valores médios de diminuição (mm), para cada grupo GI: 0,45; GII: 0,42; GIII: 0,40. Quanto ao tempo de deslocamento tanto o GII e GIII apresentaram diferença significativa, quando comparados ao GI. Na avaliação final do IFC o GII sobressaiu ao GIII. Quanto a cicatrização observou-se grande melhora no GII e GIII. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram que a recuperação nervosa foi maior com a aplicação do laser. Nível de evidência II, Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento


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OBJECTIVE: Define and compare numbers and types of occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation. METHODS: The study consisted of clinical and photographic analysis of occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation. Twenty-six Caucasian Brazilian subjects were selected before orthodontic treatment, 20 males and 6 females, with ages ranging between 12 and 18 years. The subjects were diagnosed and grouped as follows: 13 with Angle Class I malocclusion and 13 with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion. After analysis, the occlusal contacts were classified according to the established criteria as: tripodism, bipodism, monopodism (respectively, three, two or one contact point with the slope of the fossa); cuspid to a marginal ridge; cuspid to two marginal ridges; cuspid tip to opposite inclined plane; surface to surface; and edge to edge. RESULTS: The mean number of occlusal contacts per subject in Class I malocclusion was 43.38 and for Class II Division 1 malocclusion it was 44.38, this difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: There is a variety of factors that influence the number of occlusal contacts between a Class I and a Class II, Division 1 malocclusion. There is no standardization of occlusal contact type according to the studied malocclusions. A proper selection of occlusal contact types such as cuspid to fossa or cuspid to marginal ridge and its location in the teeth should be individually defined according to the demands of each case. The existence of an adequate occlusal contact leads to a correct distribution of forces, promoting periodontal health.


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Cerebellar malformation are increasingly diagnosed in utero. To assess the effectiveness of ultrasound and fetal magnetic resonance in the antenatal prediction of long term neurodevelopmental delay. STUDY DESIGN: We collected 105 cases of cerebellum malformation in the period 2000-2010 in Bologna and Bari University. Classification included cystic anomalies of posterior fossa and cerebellar hypoplasia. RESULTS: The greater group included Blake’s pouch cysts and mega cisterna magna cases (58/105). These cases seemed to have a good prognosis with a good outcome both in association with other anomalies and isolated. In cases of Dandy Walker malformation, vermis hypoplasia and cerebellum hypoplasia there were few survivors, so it was so difficult to outline some conclusion for child outcome. Despite great neuroimaging advances, in our study, ultrasound and MR reached a similar sensitivity (62-63%) for the diagnosis of posterior fossa anomalies, but the number of MR was lower compared with ultrasonography. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonography remains the screening method of choice for evaluation of cerebellum anatomy but probably MR imaging can improve some details expecially in the third trimester. Despite the data on Dandy Walker, vermis hypoplasia and cerebellum hypoplasia were conflicting and uncertain, for Blake and mega cisterna magna we can considered a rather good outcome.


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Gleno-humeral joint (GHJ) is the most mobile joint of the human body. This is related to theincongr uence between the large humeral head articulating with the much smaller glenoid (ratio 3:1). The GHJ laxity is the ability of the humeral head to be passively translated on the glenoid fossa and, when physiological, it guarantees the normal range of motion of the joint. Three-dimensional GHJ linear displacements have been measured, both in vivo and in vitro by means of different instrumental techniques. In vivo gleno-humeral displacements have been assessed by means of stereophotogrammetry, electromagnetic tracking sensors, and bio-imaging techniques. Both stereophotogrammetric systems and electromagnetic tracking devices, due to the deformation of the soft tissues surrounding the bones, are not capable to accurately assess small displacements, such as gleno-humeral joint translations. The bio-imaging techniques can ensure for an accurate joint kinematic (linear and angular displacement) description, but, due to the radiation exposure, most of these techniques, such as computer tomography or fluoroscopy, are invasive for patients. Among the bioimaging techniques, an alternative which could provide an acceptable level of accuracy and that is innocuous for patients is represented by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Unfortunately, only few studies have been conducted for three-dimensional analysis and very limited data is available in situations where preset loads are being applied. The general aim of this doctoral thesis is to develop a non-invasive methodology based on open-MRI for in-vivo evaluation of the gleno-humeral translation components in healthy subjects under the application of external loads.


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L’approccio chirurgico agli adenomi ipofisari ACTH secernenti è la terapia d’elezione nell’uomo. L’ipofisectomia transfenoidale è invece una tecnica poco diffusa in ambito veterinario. La terapia più diffusa nel cane con ipercortisolismo ipofisi dipendente (PDH) è di tipo medico e prevede la somministrazione di farmaci inibitori della sintesi del cortisolo. Gli adenomi ipofisari possono aumentare di volume e determinare una conseguente sintomatologia neurologica; in questi casi le uniche opzioni terapeutiche sono rappresentate dall’asportazione chirurgica della neoplasia e dalla radioterapia. Nella presente tesi vengono descritti 8 interventi di ipofisectomia transfenoidale effettuati su 7 cani con macroadenoma ipofisario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna. La difficoltà maggiore per il chirurgo è rappresentata dalla localizzazione della fossa ipofisaria rispetto ai punti di repere visibile in tomografia computerizzata o in risonanza magnetica nucleare, oltre ai problemi di sanguinamento durante la rimozione della neoplasia. Nel periodo post-operatorio maggiori complicazioni si riscontrano in soggetti con adenomi ipofisari di maggiori dimensioni. Al contrario, in presenza di adenomi di dimensioni più contenute, la ripresa post-operatoria risulta più rapida e il tasso di successo maggiore. Al fine di poter eseguire nel cane l’exeresi mirata della sola neoplasia ipofisaria, al pari di quanto avviene nell’uomo, è stato condotto uno studio sulla tomografia computerizzata (TC) in 86 cani con PDH. Il protocollo TC non ha tuttavia permesso di individuare con precisione la posizione della neoplasia per guidare il chirurgo nella sua rimozione. In due casi riportati nel presente lavoro si è verificata una recidiva della neoplasia ipofisaria. In un soggetto si è optato per il reintervento, mentre nell’altro caso per la radioterapia. Entrambe le opzioni hanno garantito una buona qualità di vita per più di un anno dall’intervento terapeutico. Questi casi clinici dimostrano come il reintervento e la radioterapia possano essere considerate valide opzioni in caso di recidiva.


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La presente tesi esamina le caratteristiche geologico-tecniche della frana avvenuta il 3 dicembre 2013 in Montescaglioso (Matera) . Il fenomeno franoso ha determinato l’interruzione della strada a “scorrimento veloce” che collega l’abitato di Montescaglioso con la valle del Fiume Bradano, sede delle principali arterie di comunicazione del Comune. Inoltre sono stati del tutto compromessi i servizi della rete gas, della rete di smaltimento delle acque nere e, limitatamente all’area circoscritta, anche della rete elettrica. Numerosi sono i danni causati alle unità abitative e commerciali, alcune delle quali sono state completamente distrutte. L’eccezionalità dell’evento franoso, determinata sia dalla dimensione della massa coinvolta, che dai danni provocati alle infrastrutture, ha reso da subito indispensabile il coinvolgimento di strutture statali e regionali che insieme al comune di Montescaglioso hanno istituito un tavolo tecnico permanente per far fronte all’emergenza in essere. In particolare la tesi si occupa della ricostruzione geologica, geomorfologica e idrogeologica pre e post frana , utili per comprenderne le dinamiche morfo-evolutive del fenomeno.


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A seguito di grandi eruzioni esplosive, le ceneri emesse possono coprire un areale molto ampio depositandosi nei mari, sui continenti e nei ghiacciai generando livelli chiamati tefra la cui caratteristica peculiare è quella di possedere un’età isocrona. L’isocronia di questi depositi rende la tefrostratigrafia un potente strumento grazie al quale è possibile datare/correlare eventi geologico-stratigrafici e paleoclimatici con una buona precisione. Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo l’analisi di livelli di tefra presenti in una carota lunga circa 430 cm prelavata nella fossa del Mare Adriatico Meridionale. In totale sono stati trovati 15 livelli di tefra, 9 appartenenti a Campi Flegrei e 6 al Somma-Vesuvio. Correlando le composizioni chimiche delle glass shard (ottenute tramite microanalisi SEM/EDS) con i dati presenti in letteratura e, sfruttando marker stratigrafici come il sapropel S1, sono state individuate le eruzioni corrispondenti. Il livello più antico ritrovato è Pomici di Base del Somma-Vesuvio con un età di circa 18 ka.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is a frequent health problem. The prevalence of extrapulmonary TB has increased in the last couple of years. Head and neck tuberculosis forms nearly 10% of all extrapulmonary manifestations of the disease. TB of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is rare; only a few cases have been reported. The clinical appearance of TB infection of the TMJ has been described as unspecific, resembling arthritis, osteomyelitis, cancer or any kind of chronic joint diseases. This article describes a 22-year-old woman with pain and left preauricular swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography showed an expansive process with destruction of the left condyle and condylar fossa. A fine needle aspiration examination of the swelling showed non-specific granulomatous inflammation. In the following days, a preauricular fistula developed, of which a swab and biopsy specimens were taken. Histological and microbiological examinations revealed an infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The initial antituberculosis treatment consisted of a combination of four antibiotics and could be reduced to two antibiotics in the course of treatment. The treatment was completed successfully after 9 months.


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This study was to evaluate the treatment dosimetry, efficacy and toxicity of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) in the management of infratentorial ependymoma. Between 1999 and 2007, seven children (median age, 3.1 years) with infratentorial ependymoma were planned with either IMRT (3 patients) or SFRT (4 patients), the latter after conventional posterior fossa irradiation. Two children underwent gross total resection. Median prescribed dose was 59.4 Gy (range, 55.8-60). The median follow-up for surviving patients was 4.8 years (range, 1.3-8). IMRT (median dose, 59.4 Gy) and FSRT (median dose, 55.8 Gy) achieved similar optimal target coverage. Percentages of maximum doses delivered to the cochleae (59.5 vs 85.0% Gy; P = 0.05) were significantly inferior with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. Percentages of maximum doses administered to the pituitary gland (38.2 vs 20.1%; P = 0.05) and optic chiasm (38.1 vs 14.1%; P = 0.001) were, however, significantly higher with IMRT, when compared to FSRT planning. No recurrences were observed at the last follow-up. The estimated 3-year progression-free survival and overall survival were 87.5 and 100%, respectively. No grade >1 acute toxicity was observed. Two patients presented late adverse events (grade 2 hypoacousia) during follow-up, without cognitive impairment. IMRT or FSRT for infratentorial ependymomas is effective and associated with a tolerable toxicity level. Both treatment techniques were able to capitalize their intrinsic conformal ability to deliver high-dose radiation. Larger series of patients treated with these two modalities will be necessary to more fully evaluate these delivery techniques.