248 resultados para Fortuny (Vaixell)
[EN] This paper presents a parametric study that looks into the influence of pile rake angle on the kinematic internal forces of deep foundations with inclined piles. Envelopes of maximum kinematic bending moments, shear forces and axial loads are presented along single inclined piles and 2X2 symmetrial square pile groups with inclined elements subjected to an earthquake generated by vertically-incident shear waves.
[EN] Sediment materials play an important role on the dynamic response of large structures where fluid-soil-structure interaction is relevant and materials of that kind are present. Dam-reservoir systems and harbor structures are examples of civil engineering constructions where those effects are significant.
[EN] This paper shows a BEM-FEM coupling model for the time harmonic dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups embeddes in an elastic half-space. Piles are modelled using Finite Elements (FEM) as a beam according to the Bernoulli hypothesis, while the soil modelled using Boundary Elements (BEM) as a continuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous or zoned homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.
[EN] This paper presents a Boundary Elements (BE) approach for the efficiency improvement of road acoustic barriers, mora specifically, for the shape design optimization of top-edge devices in the search for the best designs in terms of screening performance, usually represented by the insertion loss (IL).
[EN]This works aims at assessing the acoustic efficiency of differente this noise barrier models. These designs frequently feature complex profiles and their implementarion in shape optimization processes may not always be easy in terms of determining their topological feasibility. A methodology to conduct both overall shape and top edge optimisations of thin cross section acoustic barriers by idealizing them as profiles with null boundary thickness is proposed.
[EN]The dynamic throug-soil interaction between nearby pile supported structures in a viscoelastic half-space, under incident S and Rayleigh waves, is numerically studied. To this end, a three-dimensional viscoelastic BEM-FEM formulation for the dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups in the frequency domain is used, where soil is modelled by BEM and piles are simulated by one-dimensional finite elements as Bernouilli beams.
[EN]A boundary element-finite element model is presented for the three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled buildings in the frequency domain. Piles are modelled as compressible Euler-Bernoulli beams founded on a linear, isotropic, viscoelastic, zoned-homogeneous, unbounded layered soil, while multi-storey buildings are assumed to be comprised of vertical compressible piers and rigid slabs.
[EN]The influence of inclined piles on the dynamic response of deep foundations and superstructures is still not well understood and needs further research. For this reason, impedance functions of deep foundations with inclined piles, obtained numerically from a boundary element-finete element coupling model, are provided in this paper.
[EN]When analysing the seismic response of pile groups, a vertically-incident wavefiel is usually employed even though it doesnot necessarily correspond to the worst case scenario. This work aims to study the influence of both type of seismic body wave and its angle of incidence on the dynamic response of pile foundations.
[EN]This work presents a time-harmonic boundary elementfinite element three-dimensional model for the dynamic analysis of building structures founded on elastic or porelastic soils. The building foundation and soil domains are modelled as homogeneous, isotropic, elastic or poroelastic media using boundary elements.
[EN]This paper addresses the seismic analysis of a deeply embedded non-slender structure hosting the pumping unit of a reservoir. The dynamic response in this type of problems is usually studied under the assumption of a perfectly rigid structure using a sub-structuring procedure (three-step solution) proposed specifically for this hypothesis.
[EN]In this work, stiffness and damping functions of pile foundations with inclined end-bearing piles have been computed for square 2X2 and 3X3 pile groups embedded in a soft stratum overlaying a rigid bedrock. The paper algo invetigates the influence that the assumption of a perfectly rigid bedrock and fixed boundary conditions at the pile tips have on the impedance functions.
[ES]Se presenta un modelo bidimensional de Elementos de Contorno que permite determinar la eficacia de medidas de reducción del impacto acústico provocado por el tráfico rodado. Se presentarán resultados de eficacia pra estrategias que implican el apantallamiento de la fuente de ruido (pantalla acústica y depresión de vías).
[ES]Los autores de este artículo trabajan desde hace algunos años en la formulación e implementación de procedimientos numéricos que permiten proponer geometrías de pantalla anti-ruido que sean acústicamente más eficientes. Estos procedimientos utilizan modelos de búsqueda de óptimos basados en Algoritmos Evolutivos que permiten seleccionar y ajustar los parámetros del problema en el sentido de obtener diseños mejorado.
[EN] This work studies the structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effects on the dynamic response of nearby piled structures under obliquely-incident shear waves. For this purpose, a three-dimensional, frequency-domain, coupled boundary element-finite (BEM-FEM) model is used to analyse the response of configuration of three buildings aligned parallel to the horizontal component of the wave propagation direction.