465 resultados para Formicidae


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This work determined toxicity and attractiveness of straight-chain fatty acids (C 5 to C 12) to Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Forel) workers. The effect to the symbiotic fungus, Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Singer) Möller, was also tested with the fatty acids C 6 to C 12. A strong mortality of leaf-cutting ants that were fed with an artificial diet containing fatty acids C to C at concentrations above 1.0 mg.ml -1 was observed. Rice flakes impregnated with solutions of these fatty acids were repellent to leaf-cutting ants. Contact experiments showed that treatments with C 6 and C 7 at concentration of 100 mg.ml -1 significantly reduced the survival rate of leaf-cutting ants. The fatty acids C 8 to C 11 were toxic to leaf-cutting ants when topically tested at concentration of 200 mg.ml -1. In relation to the fungus' bioassays, the fatty acids C 6 to C 12 at concentration of 0.1 mg.ml -1 inhibited 100% of the fungal development. Although when the concentration was reduced by half no inhibition effects were observed. The results showed that straight-chain fatty acids have desirable properties for controlling leaf-cutting ants since they directly interfere with both organisms of the symbiotic relationship. The potential of fatty acids as well as ways to control leaf-cutting ants with these compounds are discussed in this article.


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This study is based on sampled data obtained in 60 equally distant municipalities of São Paulo State. In this study, we proposed a tool to identify Acromyrmex species in a practical and agile manner through the use of an illustrated key that demonstrates the morphological attributes of workers, associated with the type of cut plant material, external and internal appearance of nests and nidification sites. Through sampling, eleven species and six subspecies of Acromyrmex occurring in the State were identified, including the first registers of A. diasi and A. subterraneus molestans.


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The present study focused on the relationship between the queen and workers in Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus colonies mediated by the possible transfer of substances from the fertile to the sterile caste. The queens were submitted to different situations of physical limitation, i.e., they were kept isolated in cages with holes that only permitted the entry of workers but left the queen isolated. A tracer (water-soluble dye) was applied to the pronotum and gaster of the queen and its dispersal among workers was analyzed. The results demonstrated that the minor sub caste (0.7-0.9 mm) passed on the dye through allogrooming and self-grooming, or transferred the dye through trophallaxis to the major sub caste (1.2-2.0 mm) when they were not in direct contact with the queen. These findings indicate the communication and probable transfer of substances from the queen to the workers, as well as a substance transfer between workers.


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In this study we describe and quantify the brood care performed by workers in queenless colonies of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus. Fifteen behavioral acts were recorded in the three colonies studied. The behavioral repertoire of males was more limited, with only four behavioral acts being observed: feeding through workers, collecting staphylae and self-feeding, mutual grooming between adults (worker-males), and self-grooming. Males were also found to be able to collect food (staphylae or fungal hyphae) from the fungus garden and to feed themselves, not requiring workers for this activity. This study contributes to a better understanding of the basic biology of leaf-cutting ant colonies, with the description and quantification of the activities performed by the members of a colony in a situation of the loss of the fertile caste.


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The ant Paratrechina longicornis is a cosmopolitan ant species that has been accidentally spread by commerce around the world, and now is a pest of houses and hospitals. The morphology of its larval stages has been previously described without knowledge of the number of instars. The present study revisits the original description of P. longicornis larvae by adding differences observed among the three larval instars. Compared to other Paratrechina species studied so far, P. longicornis presents smaller larvae, less evident variation in mandible morphology, and clear variation in the morphology of head hairs between the analysed specimens of the second and third instar larvae. Ultrastructural images of the eggs, larval spiracle ornamentation, and pupae are also presented for the first time. Copyright © 2007 - Magnolia Press.


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The histology (H.E.), histochemistry (carbohydrates, proteins, collagen, and calcium), enzyme profile (ATPase and Acid phosphatase), and ultramorphology of the ileum of Cephalotes atratus, C. clypeatus and C. pusillus were studied in order to obtain some information about the similarities of these species. The relationship among these three species, as well as the results obtained for the wall, and the contents of this portion of the digestive tract were discussed. In C. clypeatus the ileum is somewhat smaller than that of C. atratus, despite the similarities in body size. The ATPase results showed 2 different regions: the anterior region responsible for absorbing material from the haemolymph and the posterior region for absorbtion from the ileum lumen. Other histochemical analyses failed to show any differences.


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Collections in households and industrial kitchens were done aiming at evaluating the potential of urban ants in spreading fungi. The most abundant ant species in households were Tapinoma melanocephalum and Paratrechina longicornis. In industrial kitchens Paratrechina longicornis and Monomorium floricola were the most common. Tapinoma melanocephalum was the species that most carried fungi, followed by Paratrechina longicornis, Tetramorium sp., Monomorium pharaonis and Monomorium floricola. An aflatoxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus was isolated.


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Two Trachymyrmex fuscus nests were observed between 2001 and 2002 in order to analyze the ant's foraging activity and the substrate collected by workers in an area modified by human activity. The analysis of results demonstrated alterations in the diel activity patterns of workers during the several months studied; however, we could not establish direct relations with variations in temperature and relative humidity. The materials transported to grow the symbiotic fungus were, for the most part, recently fallen or dry leaves, flowers, twigs, and seeds. The distances traveled by the ants until the foraging area and their collected material preferences revealed an opportunistic behavior, in which workers use plant parts according to the vegetation's phenology.


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This study examines some aspects of the basic biology of the worldwide distributed ant Tapinoma melanocepbalum Fabricius. The number of larval instars and the growth ratio between each instar are given. We used colonies containing only queens and workers, and later removed these queens in order to estimate the production of eggs and the duration of immature development of the worker caste. Measurements of larvae cephalic capsule widths revealed that workers of the ghost-ant have four larval instars from egg-hatching to adult. The mean growth rate for the species is 1.38, in accordance with Dyar's rule. The highest egg production was 5.3±2.2 eggs/day/queen and the analysis of these brood suggested the presence of two kinds of eggs inside the colony. The development of workers from egg to adult lasted 16-52 days with the embryonic development longer than larval, prepupal or pupal stages. Despite the slow egg-laying by queens, our findings also showed that colonies of T. melanocephalum grow faster than colonies of other tramp ants.


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The genus Paratrechina (Motschulsky) is composed of about 147 cosmopolitan ant species and subspecies, of which some were accidentally spread by commerce around the world, infesting houses and hospitals. In Brazil, two species are of remarkable economic importance: Paratrechina fulva (Mayr) and Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille). The present paper aims to report the following aspects on the biology of P. longicornis: number of larval instars, growth rates, duration and viability of the developmental stages and some observations on brood-care behaviour. Artificial colonies were kept under controlled temperature (25±2°C) and relative humidity (60±10%) conditions. To access the number of larval instars, we analyzed 1531 larvae fixed in Dietrich by measuring their maximum head capsule widths. We analysed ten artificial colonies daily to measure the developmental time and viability of immatures. We found P. longicornis presented three larval instars and a mean growth ratio of 1.2988. Egg stage was found to last 16.1 ±0.1 days, with a viability of 24.6%; larval stages were found to last 18.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 33.3% and the pupal stage was found to last 12.3±0.1 days, with a viability of 65.3%.


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Studies of histological nature, histochemistry and ultra-morphology of the midgut of three species of ants belonging to the genus Cephalotes (atratus, clypeatus and pusillus) were performed. In histology H-E was employed, and in histochemistry techniques for detection of carbohydrates, proteins in general and collagen and calcium fibers were used. The results obtained from this second technique made possible some discussion about the pH of the midgut of these insects. The species are identical in the characters under study. The digestive cells exhibited a secretion that is typical of ants, the apocrine type.


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We studied the morphometry of the sting apparatus of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus workers by dissection and mounting of the structures on slides, and present here a brief description and illustrations. Sting apparatus examinations showed differences in size, but without morphological differences. The seven morphometric variables studied permitted grouping of the Ac. subterraneus brunneus workers into the following three groups: cluster 1 - consisting of 85, 39 large, 45 medium and 1 small workers; cluster 2 - consisting of 44 small workers, and cluster 3 - consisting of 6 large workers. This study demonstrated that all worker castes follow the same morphological pattern, although functional characteristics of the sting apparatus should be highlighted.


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Toxic baits are the most used control method for leaf-cutting ants due to their high effectiveness and because they are considered the safest for humans. Taking into account that the importance of leaf-cutting ants as pests, knowing the process by which dispersal and worker contamination is achieved becomes essential to understand several aspects about the functioning of a bait-borne AI (active ingredient) used in toxic baits. It has been established that an effective toxic bait should have a delayed- action AI, but its dispersion among the different sizes of workers is unknown. Workers of different sizes are involved in quite different tasks such foraging, cultivation of symbiotic macrofungus or control of deleterious microfungi. Therefore, we prepared a toxic bait containing the delayed-action AI sulfluramid and a dye (Rhodamine B) as an AI tracer in order to study dispersal and contamination in colonies, evaluated at different periods and in relation to different workers' sizes. Both field and laboratory colonies were evaluated. The great level of contamination, about 50% at 24 hours, in all sizes of workers demonstrates that worker contact with toxic bait is intense within this period. The distribution in field and laboratory colonies was similar. This contamination pattern is probably enough to cause the colony to die because of contamination of smaller workers, leading to the loss of control of the aggressive microfungi, which can quickly overgrow the symbiotic fungus culture. The dispersal dynamics of AI in leaf-cutting ant workers is important for investigations on the mode of action of this insecticide in the colony, and as a reference in future studies, such as those attempting to reduce the concentration of AIs in baits to reduce their environmental impact, or for facilitation of new AI screening.


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This work's objectives were to isolate and evaluate the growth of the symbiotic fungus of Atta capiguara Gonçalves on artificial medium, under different pH and temperature conditions. Isolation was accomplished using the following media: Sabouraud, oat-agar, PDA, and PDA with the addition of extracts from the grasses Paspalum sp. Flügge and Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf.. The medium used in the growth study was PDA with the addition of a Paspalum sp. (0.22%, w/v) extract at initial pH values of 4.5, 6.0, and 7.5. Mycelium disks were transferred to plates containing the culture medium. The plates were maintained at temperatures of 20, 23, and 26 ± 1°C. Mycelial radial growth evaluations were performed at 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days of incubation. Fungus isolation was obtained in all media studied. The highest radial means were obtained at initial pH values of 6.0 and 7.5 and temperatures of 23 and 26± 1°C. Greater plot losses occurred at the initial pH condition of 7.5. In general, A. capiguara fungi can be grown in the medium studied, at an initial pH of 6.0 and temperatures of 23 or 26± 1°C. Radial growth evaluations at 14 and 28 days of incubation can be recommended for substrate studies involving the symbiotic fungus.


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This study was performed in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil, visiting numerous municipalities, over a period of 25 years, excavating nests of 12 species of leaf-cutting ants of the Acromyrmex genus. Larvae and pupae of Microdon tigrinus were found only in nests of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex coronatus, indicating high specificity. Observation showed that larvae and pupae were well accepted in the nests and the adults, immediately after puparia eclosion and prior to wing distension, were not attacked by the workers, suggesting that they produce semiochemicals for a short time period until they arrive outside the Acromyrmex coronatus nest. It was postulated that these larvae feed on the organic detritus of the nest, as shown for Microdon larvae of other species.