963 resultados para Follicular wall


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BACKGROUND: Synthesis of the Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan pentaglycine interpeptide bridge is catalyzed by the nonribosomal peptidyl transferases FemX, FemA and FemB. Inactivation of the femAB operon reduces the interpeptide to a monoglycine, leading to a poorly crosslinked peptidoglycan. femAB mutants show a reduced growth rate and are hypersusceptible to virtually all antibiotics, including methicillin, making FemAB a potential target to restore beta-lactam susceptibility in methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Cis-complementation with wild type femAB only restores synthesis of the pentaglycine interpeptide and methicillin resistance, but the growth rate remains low. This study characterizes the adaptations that ensured survival of the cells after femAB inactivation. RESULTS: In addition to slow growth, the cis-complemented femAB mutant showed temperature sensitivity and a higher methicillin resistance than the wild type. Transcriptional profiling paired with reporter metabolite analysis revealed multiple changes in the global transcriptome. A number of transporters for sugars, glycerol, and glycine betaine, some of which could serve as osmoprotectants, were upregulated. Striking differences were found in the transcription of several genes involved in nitrogen metabolism and the arginine-deiminase pathway, an alternative for ATP production. In addition, microarray data indicated enhanced expression of virulence factors that correlated with premature expression of the global regulators sae, sarA, and agr. CONCLUSION: Survival under conditions preventing normal cell wall formation triggered complex adaptations that incurred a fitness cost, showing the remarkable flexibility of S. aureus to circumvent cell wall damage. Potential FemAB inhibitors would have to be used in combination with other antibiotics to prevent selection of resistant survivors.


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Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Wall Lake, Iowa for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015


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A noise wall was investigated to assess its effect on snow accumulation and air quality. Wind tunnel studies were undertaken to evaluate (a) possible snow accumulations and (b) the dispersion of particulate concentrations (dust, smoke, and lead particles) and carbon monoxide. Full-scale monitoring of particulate concentrations and carbon monoxide was performed both before and after the noise wall was constructed. The wind tunnel experiments for snow accumulation were conducted on a model wall located in a flat, unobstructed area. A separated flow zone existed upwind of the wall and snow immediately began to accumulate over most of the separated zone. Having the noise wall in an aerodynamically rough area, such as in an urban area as this one was, substantially decreased the amount of snow collected, compared with in the wind tunnel studies, because of turbulence reducing the separation zone. The snow accumulation has not been significantly greater with the noise wall in place than it was before construction and has proven to be of no concern to date. Monitoring for particulate concentrations has shown that the noise wall has had a beneficial effect because the amount of material collected was reduced. With the noise wall in place, monitoring for carbon monoxide has indicated that (a) for equivalent emissions under conditions of high atmospheric stability and low wind speeds, the carbon monoxide levels would be lower; and (b) under conditions of low atmospheric stability and high wind speeds, the carbon monoxide levels would be higher than expected without the wall in place.


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The majority of HIV-infected individuals fail to produce protective antibodies and have diminished responses to new immunizations. We report here that even though there is an expansion of follicular helper T (TFH) cells in HIV-infected individuals, the cells are unable to provide adequate B cell help. We found a higher frequency of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1)(+) germinal center B cells from lymph nodes of HIV-infected individuals suggesting a potential role for PD-1-PD-L1 interaction in regulating TFH cell function. In fact, we show that engagement of PD-1 on TFH cells leads to a reduction in cell proliferation, activation, inducible T-cell co-stimulator (ICOS) expression and interleukin-21 (IL-21) cytokine secretion. Blocking PD-1 signaling enhances HIV-specific immunoglobulin production in vitro. We further show that at least part of this defect involves IL-21, as addition of this cytokine rescues antibody responses and plasma cell generation in vitro. Our results suggest that deregulation of TFH cell-mediated B cell help diminishes B cell responses during HIV infection and may be related to PD-1 triggering on TFH cells. These results demonstrate a role for TFH cell impairment in HIV pathogenesis and suggest that enhancing their function could have a major impact on the outcome and control of HIV infection, preventing future infections and improving immune responses to vaccinations.


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Tumors in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) patients are often proximal to the major blood vessels in the abdomen or neck. In external-beam radiotherapy, these tumors present a challenge because imaging resolution prevents the beam from being targeted to the tumor lesion without also irradiating the artery wall. This problem has led to potentially life-threatening delayed toxicity. Because radioimmunotherapy has resulted in long-term survival of NHL patients, we investigated whether the absorbed dose (AD) to the artery wall in radioimmunotherapy of NHL is of potential concern for delayed toxicity. SPECT resolution is not sufficient to enable dosimetric analysis of anatomic features of the thickness of the aortic wall. Therefore, we present a model of aortic wall toxicity based on data from 4 patients treated with (131)I-tositumomab. METHODS: Four NHL patients with periaortic tumors were administered pretherapeutic (131)I-tositumomab. Abdominal SPECT and whole-body planar images were obtained at 48, 72, and 144 h after tracer administration. Blood-pool activity concentrations were obtained from regions of interest drawn on the heart on the planar images. Tumor and blood activity concentrations, scaled to therapeutic administered activities-both standard and myeloablative-were input into a geometry and tracking model (GEANT, version 4) of the aorta. The simulated energy deposited in the arterial walls was collected and fitted, and the AD and biologic effective dose values to the aortic wall and tumors were obtained for standard therapeutic and hypothetical myeloablative administered activities. RESULTS: Arterial wall ADs from standard therapy were lower (0.6-3.7 Gy) than those typical from external-beam therapy, as were the tumor ADs (1.4-10.5 Gy). The ratios of tumor AD to arterial wall AD were greater for radioimmunotherapy by a factor of 1.9-4.0. For myeloablative therapy, artery wall ADs were in general less than those typical for external-beam therapy (9.4-11.4 Gy for 3 of 4 patients) but comparable for 1 patient (32.6 Gy). CONCLUSION: Blood vessel radiation dose can be estimated using the software package 3D-RD combined with GEANT modeling. The dosimetry analysis suggested that arterial wall toxicity is highly unlikely in standard dose radioimmunotherapy but should be considered a potential concern and limiting factor in myeloablative therapy.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: T follicular helper (Tfh) cells play a critical role as providers of B-cell help and dysfunction in Tfh/B-cell interactions can lead to autoimmunity or immunodeficiency. These observations have generated a great deal of interest in understanding how these cells are affected during HIV infection and how their functional changes might affect antibody responses. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies have shown that HIV/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection affects both Tfh-cell frequency and function and suggest that Tfh-cell perturbations might contribute to the relative inefficiency of HIV-infected individuals to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). SUMMARY: The present review will highlight these recent findings addressing the role of Tfh cells in HIV infection as well as the impact HIV infection has on Tfh and circulating memory Tfh (cTfh) cell frequency and function.


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BACKGROUND: Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a rare form of chronic inflammatory granulomatous arteritis of the aorta and its major branches. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has demonstrated its value for the detection of vessel wall alterations in TA. The aim of this study was to assess LGE of the coronary artery wall in patients with TA compared to patients with stable CAD. METHODS: We enrolled 9 patients (8 female, average age 46±13 years) with proven TA. In the CAD group 9 patients participated (8 male, average age 65±10 years). Studies were performed on a commercial 3T whole-body MR imaging system (Achieva; Philips, Best, The Netherlands) using a 3D inversion prepared navigator gated spoiled gradient-echo sequence, which was repeated 34-45 minutes after low-dose gadolinium administration. RESULTS: No coronary vessel wall enhancement was observed prior to contrast in either group. Post contrast, coronary LGE on IR scans was detected in 28 of 50 segments (56%) seen on T2-Prep scans in TA and in 25 of 57 segments (44%) in CAD patients. LGE quantitative assessment of coronary artery vessel wall CNR post contrast revealed no significant differences between the two groups (CNR in TA: 6.0±2.4 and 7.3±2.5 in CAD; p = 0.474). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that LGE of the coronary artery wall seems to be common in patients with TA and similarly pronounced as in CAD patients. The observed coronary LGE seems to be rather unspecific, and differentiation between coronary vessel wall fibrosis and inflammation still remains unclear.


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Background: Pediatric follicular lymphoma (FL) is a rare disease that differs from its adult counterpart both genetically and clinically. Excluding pediatric FL with IRF4-translocation, the genetic events associated with pediatric FL have not yet been defined. Objectives: The aim of this study was to perform a complete genetic characterization of IRF4-translocation negative pediatric follicular lymphomas to elucidate the genetic profile of these rare pediatric cases and determine common genetic alterations that could be associated to this phenotype. Design/Methods: We applied array-comparative genomic hybridization and molecular inversion probe assay adapted to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from 18 patients aged £18 years diagnosed with FL. With the exception of one case with only focal involvement by lymphoma, the tumor cell content exceeded 50% in the evaluable samples. Eleven of 18 patients were treated according to NHL-BFM group multicenter trials whereas the remaining according to different protocols. All lacked t(14;18) translocation. Mutational analysis of TNFRSF14 gene was performed in 17 cases. Results: Only six pediatric cases displayed chromosomal imbalances, with gain/amplification of 6pter-p24.3 (including IRF4) and deletion/ copy number neutral-loss of heterozygosity in 1p36 (including TNFRSF14) being the most frequent alterations. Sequencing of the candidate gene TNFRSF14 at 1p36.32 showed nine mutations in seven cases. Conclusion: Combination of molecular and genetic features differentiated a recurrent pattern of genomic imbalances as well as of TNFRSF14 mutations in pediatric FL which together with other genetic alterations distinguishes two subsets of pediatric follicular lymphomas. The first group shows genomic aberrations and is associated with more aggressive histopathologic and clinical features. The second group lacks genetic alterations detectable with the present approaches and is associated with a more limited disease. Despite the absence of genomic aberrations, these cases resembled FL by their histopathological features.


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Follicular Th (T(FH)) cells have emerged as a new Th subset providing help to B cells and supporting their differentiation into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cells. Their differentiation had not yet been investigated following neonatal immunization, which elicits delayed and limited germinal center (GC) responses. We demonstrate that neonatal immunization induces CXCR5(high)PD-1(high) CD4(+) T(FH) cells that exhibit T(FH) features (including Batf, Bcl6, c-Maf, ICOS, and IL-21 expression) and are able to migrate into the GCs. However, neonatal T(FH) cells fail to expand and to acquire a full-blown GC T(FH) phenotype, as reflected by a higher ratio of GC T(FH)/non-GC CD4(+) T cells in immunized adults than neonates (3.8 × 10(-3) versus 2.2 × 10(-3), p = 0.01). Following the adoptive transfer of naive adult OT-II CD4(+) T cells, OT-II T(FH) cells expand in the vaccine-draining lymph nodes of immunized adult but not infant recipients, whereas naive 2-wk-old CD4(+) OT-II cells failed to expand in adult hosts, reflecting the influence of both environmental and T cell-intrinsic factors. Postponing immunization to later in life increases the number of T(FH) cells in a stepwise manner, in direct correlation with the numbers of GC B cells and plasma cells elicited. Remarkably, adjuvantation with CpG oligonucleotides markedly increased GC T(FH) and GC B cell neonatal responses, up to adult levels. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the T(FH) cell development limits early life GC responses and that adjuvants/delivery systems supporting T(FH) differentiation may restore adultlike early life GC B cell responses.


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Les muqueuses respiratoires, genitales et digestives sont continuellement exposées aux antigènes de l?alimentation, à la flore intestinale et aux pathogènes. Cela implique une activité immunologique intense et finement régulée dans ces tissus. On admet que la modulation de ces réponses immunitaires muqueuses s?effectue dans des organes sentinels spécifiques appelés o-MALT (organized mucosal associated lymphoid tissues). Ces processus de modulation et la biologie de ces sites immuno-inducteurs sont peu connus. Ceci est pourtant d?une grande relevance si l?on veut faire un design rationnel de drogues et de vaccins muqueux. Dans l?intestin grèle, ces organes sont composés de follicules multiples et sont appelés plaques de Peyer. Ils sont constitués de follicules enrichis en cellules B comprenant ou non un centre germinatif, de regions interfolliculaires comprenant des cellules T, et d?une région en d ome riche en cellules dendritiques, cellules B naives et cellules T CD4+, surmontée par un epithelium specialisé, le FAE (epithelium associé aux follicules). Le FAE contient des cellules M spécialisées dans le transport de macromolécules et micro-organismes de la lumière intestinale au tissu lymphoide sous-jacent. Ce transport des antigènes est une condition obligatoire pour induire une réponse immunitaire. Les cellules du FAE, outre les cellules M, expriment un programme de différenciation distinct de celui des cellules associées aux villosités. Ceci est characterisé par une baisse des fonctions digestives et de défenses, et l?expression constitutive des chimiokines: CCL20 et CCL25. Le but de l?étude présentée ici est de rechercher les facteurs cellulaires et/ou moléculaire responsables de cette différenciation. Certaines études ont démontré l?importance du contact entre le compartiment mésenchymateux et l?épithelium pour la morphogenèse de ce dernier. En particulier, les molécules de la matrice extracellulaire peuvent activer des gènes clefs qui, à leur tour, vont controler l?adhésion et la differenciation cellulaire. Dans l?intestin, les cellules mésenchymateuses différencient en myofibroblastes qui participent à l?élaboration de la matrice extracellulaire. Dans cette étude, nous avons décrit les différences d?expression de molécules de la matrices sous le FAE et les villosités. Nous avons également montré une absence de myofibroblastes sous le FAE. Suite à plusieurs évidences expérimentales, certains ont proposé une influence des composés présents dans la lumière sur la différenciation et/ou la maturation des plaques de Peyer. La chimiokine CCL20, capable de recruter des cellules initiatrices de la réponse immunitaire, constitue notre seul marqueur positif de FAE. Nous avons pu montrer que la flagelline, un composé du flagelle bactérien, était capable d?induire l?expression de CCL20 in vitro et in vivo. Cet effet n?est pas limité aux cellules du FAE mais est observé sur l?ensemble de l?épithelium intestinal. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. La signalement induit par la lymphotoxine ß est critique pour l?organogenèse des plaques de Peyer, car des souris déficientes pour cette molécules ou son récepteur n?ont ni plaque de Peyer, ni la plupart des ganglions lymphatiques. Nous avons obtenus plusieurs évidences que la lymphotoxine ß était impliquée dans la régulation du gène CCL20 in vitro et in vivo.<br/><br/>Mucosal surfaces of the respiratory, genital and digestive systems are exposed to food antigens, normal bacterial flora and oral pathogens. This justifies an intense and tuned immunological activity in mucosal tissues. The modulation of immune responses in the mucosa is thought to occur in specific sentinel sites, the organized mucosa associated lymphoid tissues (o-MALT). This immune modulation and the biology of these immune-inductive sites are poorly understood but highly important and relevant in the case of drugs and vaccines design. In the small intestine, these organs (gut associated lymphoid tissue : GALT) consists of single or multiple lymphoid follicles, the so-called Peyer?s patches (PP), with typical B cell-enriched follicles and germinal centers, inter-follicular T cell areas, and a dome region enriched in dendritic cells, naive B cells, and CD4+ T cells under a specialized follicle associated epithelium (FAE). To trigger protective immunity, antigens have to cross the mucosal epithelial barrier. This is achieved by the specialized epithelial M cells of the FAE that are able to take up and transport macromolecules and microorganisms from the environment into the underlying organized lymphoid tissue. The ontogeny of M cells remains controversial: some data are in favor of a distinct cell lineage, while others provide evidence for the conversion of differentiated enterocytes into M cells. In this study we mapped the proliferative, M cells and apoptotic compartments along the FAE. Enterocytes acquire transient M cell features as they leave the crypt and regain enterocyte properties as they move towards the apoptotic compartment at the apex of the FAE, favouring the hypothesis of a plastic phenotype. The follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) is found exclusively over lymphoid follicles in mucosal tissues, including Peyer?s patches. The enterocytes over Peyer?s patches express a distinct phenotype when compared to the villi enterocytes, characterized by the down regulation of digestive and defense functions and the constitutive expression of chemokines, i.e. CCL20 and CCL25. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the potential cells and/or molecules instructing FAE differentiation. Contact between the epithelial and the mesenchymal cell compartment is required for gut morphogenesis. Extracellular matrix molecules (ECM) can activate key regulatory genes which in turn control cell adhesion and differentiation. In the gut, mesenchymal cells differentiate into myofibroblats that participate to the elaboration of ECM. We have described a differential expression of extracellular matrix components under the FAE, correlating with the absence of subepithelial myofibroblats. Molecular mechanisms of FAE differenciation. Different studies proposed an influence of the luminal compartment in the differentiation and/or the maturation of PP. CCL20, a chemokine able to recruit cells that initiate adaptive immunity constitutes our first positive FAE molecular marker. We have shown that CCL20 gene expression is inducible in vitro and in vivo in intestinal epithelium by flagellin, a component of bacterial flagella. This effect was not restricted to the FAE. Lymphotoxin ß (LTß) signaling is critical for PPs organogenesis as LT deficient mice as well as LTß-receptor-/- mice lack PPs and most of the lymph nodes (LN). The continuous signaling via LTßR-expressing cells appears necessary for the maintenance throughout the life of PP architecture. We obtained in vitro and in vivo evidence that LTß signalling is involved in CCL20 gene expression.


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Cell-cell fusion is essential for fertilization. For fusion of walled cells, the cell wall must be degraded at a precise location but maintained in surrounding regions to protect against lysis. In fission yeast cells, the formin Fus1, which nucleates linear actin filaments, is essential for this process. In this paper, we show that this formin organizes a specific actin structure-the actin fusion focus. Structured illumination microscopy and live-cell imaging of Fus1, actin, and type V myosins revealed an aster of actin filaments whose barbed ends are focalized near the plasma membrane. Focalization requires Fus1 and type V myosins and happens asynchronously always in the M cell first. Type V myosins are essential for fusion and concentrate cell wall hydrolases, but not cell wall synthases, at the fusion focus. Thus, the fusion focus focalizes cell wall dissolution within a broader cell wall synthesis zone to shift from cell growth to cell fusion.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin prototyyppi betonielementin dimension mittaus järjestelmästä. Tämä järjestelmä mahdollistaa kolmiulotteisen kappaleen mittauksen. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin myös stereonäköön perustuva kappaleen mittaus. Prototyyppiä testailin ja tulokset osoittautuivat luotettaviksi. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään ja vertaillaan myös muita lähestymistapoja ja olemassa olevia järjestelmiä kappaleen kolmiuloitteiseen mittaukseen, joita Suomalaiset yhtiöt käyttävät tällä alalla.