977 resultados para Focal ischemia


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Two cases of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations are reported. The 1st infant, born at 36 3/7 weeks gestational age, presented on day 3 with crying, abdominal distension, and liquid stools. Clinical examination showed a slightly irritable hypothermic (35.7 °C) infant with a distended abdomen and few bowel sounds. Blood tests were normal apart from an elevated C-reactive protein level (59 mg/l). The abdomen x-ray was erroneously considered normal. The infant's condition remained stable for nearly 3 days. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was started on antibiotics and operated. Macroscopically, the entire gut was normal apart from a focal sigmoid perforation, which was stitched. A transmural colic biopsy revealed focal vascular dilation but was negative for necrotising enterocolitis or Hirschsprung disease. The infant recovered quickly. She is now a healthy, normal 3-year-old. The 2nd infant, born at 38 5/7 weeks gestational age, presented between day 1 and 2 with clinical signs of infection associated with slowly progressive ileus. The chest and abdomen x-ray was mistakenly considered normal. Frank septicemia developed. After reviewing the initial x-ray, pneumoperitoneum was suspected and confirmed by a cross-table lateral abdominal x-ray. The infant was operated. Macroscopically, the small intestine was normal, the ascending and transverse colons were dilated, and the descending and sigmoid colons were narrow. Three cecal perforations were discovered and stitched. An ileostomy and multiple colic biopsies were also performed. The postoperative course was complicated by persistent septic ileus due to descending and sigmoid colon leaks, which led to colic resections with end-to-end anastomosis. Rectal aspiration biopsies were also performed. At 1 month of age, the infant was discharged from the hospital. The ileostomy was closed in two steps at 2 and 5 months of age. A normal sweat test excluded cystic fibrosis. All colic and rectal biopsies revealed nonspecific inflammatory signs and excluded necrotizing enterocolitis and Hirschsprung disease. Nonspecific irregular thinning of muscularis mucosae and muscularis propria were observed in the two resected colic segments. The boy is now a healthy 7-year-old. The incidence of neonatal focal spontaneous colic perforations at term or close to term is unknown but probably very rare. Our department is the neonatal referral center for approximately 14,000 annual births. In the last 10 years (2000-2009), out of 5115 neonatal admissions in our unit, only ten cases have presented a neonatal spontaneous intestinal perforation, seven of ten in very-low-birth-weight infants and three of ten in term or near-term neonates (one with Hirschsprung disease and the two cases reported herein). In the same period, 108 infants suffered from necrotizing enterocolitis, seven of 108 were term infants and 6 out of 7 had a congenital heart disease. The medical literature is poor on the subject of focal spontaneous colic perforations at term; no risk factor is described. The most specific clinical sign seems to be the abdominal distension. The presence of pneumoperitoneum on an abdominal x-ray is the most sensitive paraclinical sign. In case of an intestinal perforation, surgery must be performed quickly. The vital prognosis seems to be good. The objective of this study was to draw pediatricians' attention to focal spontaneous colic perforations in term or close to term newborns. In the cases reported, the diagnostic delays could have been prevented if the entity - with its radiological manifestation - had been well known.


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Focal therapy in prostate cancer aims to treat only the part of the gland harboring clinically significant disease while preserving the rest of the tissue. This approach may substantially reduce treatment-related toxicity without compromising disease control outcomes. Short- to medium-term functional and oncological results in prospective interventional studies are promising, but comparative effectiveness research against standard of care is required to incorporate focal therapy among standard options. In this review, we discuss the actual stage of assessment and results of sources of energy commonly used to deliver focal therapy. We also provide our viewpoint on how the field will evolve in the near future.


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BACKGROUND: Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) treatment is usually performed with coma induction using an appropriate general anesthetic. Most frequent complications are represented by hypotension and infection. Other side-effects may however be encountered. OBSERVATIONS: We describe two patients suffering from acute bowel ischemia after thiopental (THP) treatment for RSE. A 73-year-old man with a complex-patial RSE following an acute stroke received THP (303 mg/kg over 48 h); 36 h after THP discontinuation, he presented abdominal tenderness and lactate elevation. Necrosis of the terminal ileum and colon was seen during surgical exploration; he deceased shortly thereafter. A 21 year-old woman had a cryptogenic de novo generalized-convulsive RSE resistant to 5 attempts of EEG burst-suppression. During the 6th attempt, after THP (840 mg/kg over 150 h) together with mild hypothermia, she developed an ileus with elevated serum lactate; caecum necrosis was observed during surgery. Hypernatremia, acidosis and hyperlactatemia heralded this complication in both patients. CONCLUSION: In these two patients, mechanical vascular ischemia may have resulted from drug-induced paralytic ileus. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing this potential fatal side effect in adults with RSE.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The present report examines a new pig model for progressive induction of high-grade stenosis, for the study of chronic myocardial ischemia and the dynamics of collateral vessel growth. METHODS: Thirty-nine Landrace pigs were instrumented with a novel experimental stent (GVD stent) in the left anterior descending coronary artery. Eight animals underwent transthoracic echocardiography at rest and under low-dose dobutamine. Seven animals were examined by nuclear PET and SPECT analysis. Epi-, mid- and endocardial fibrosis and the numbers of arterial vessels were examined by histology. RESULTS: Functional analysis showed a significant decrease in global left ventricular ejection fraction (24.5 +/- 1.6%) 3 weeks after implantation. There was a trend to increased left ventricular ejection fraction after low-dose dobutamine stress (36.0 +/- 6.6%) and a significant improvement of the impaired regional anterior wall motion. PET and SPECT imaging documented chronic hibernation. Myocardial fibrosis increased significantly in the ischemic area with a gradient from epi- to endocardial. The number of arterial vessels in the ischemic area increased and coronary angiography showed abundant collateral vessels of Rentrop class 1. CONCLUSION: The presented experimental model mimics the clinical situation of chronic myocardial ischemia secondary to 1-vessel coronary disease.


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The diagnostics of focal nodular hyperplasia is reached through the use of imaging. When the diagnostic is certain, surgical abstention is the rule. Nevertheless, we were confronted with two cases of a rare complication; that of intraperitoneal rupture. In this situation, we suggest to first do an arteriography to control the bleeding, then to perform surgery when the patient has reached hemodynamic stability. Spontaneous rupture as a complication of benign nodular hyperplasia remains a rare event and only five cases were reported in litterature.


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The serine protease thrombin plays a role in signalling ischemic neuronal death in the brain. Paradoxically, endogenous neuroprotective mechanisms can be triggered by preconditioning with thrombin (thrombin preconditioning, TPC), leading to tolerance to cerebral ischemia. Here we studied the role of thrombin's endogenous potent inhibitor, protease nexin-1 (PN-1), in ischemia and in tolerance to cerebral ischemia induced by TPC. Cerebral ischemia was modelled in vitro in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures from rats or genetically engineered mice lacking PN-1 or with the reporter gene lacZ knocked into the PN-1 locus PN-1HAPN-1-lacZ/HAPN-1-lacZ (PN-1 KI) exposed to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD). We observed increased thrombin enzyme activity in culture homogenates 24 h after OGD. Lack of PN-1 increased neuronal death in the CA1, suggesting that endogenous PN-1 inhibits thrombin-induced neuronal damage after ischemia. OGD enhanced β-galactosidase activity, reflecting PN-1 expression, at one and 24 h, most strikingly in the stratum radiatum, a glial cell layer adjacent to the CA1 layer of ischemia sensitive neurons. TPC, 24 h before OGD, additionally increased PN-1 expression 1 h after OGD, compared to OGD alone. TPC failed to induce tolerance in cultures from PN-1(-/-) mice confirming PN-1 as an important TPC target. PN-1 upregulation after TPC was blocked by the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor, L-JNKI1, known to block TPC. This work suggests that PN-1 is an endogenous neuroprotectant in cerebral ischemia and a potential target for neuroprotection.


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The treatment of writer's cramp, a task-specific focal hand dystonia, needs new approaches. A deficiency of inhibition in the motor cortex might cause writer's cramp. Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates cortical excitability and may provide a therapeutic alternative. In this randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study, we investigated the efficacy of cathodal stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex in 3 sessions in 1 week. Assessment over a 2-week period included clinical scales, subjective ratings, kinematic handwriting analysis, and neurophysiological evaluation. Twelve patients with unilateral dystonic writer's cramp were investigated; 6 received transcranial direct current and 6 sham stimulation. Cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation had no favorable effects on clinical scales and failed to restore normal handwriting kinematics and cortical inhibition. Subjective worsening remained unexplained, leading to premature study termination. Repeated sessions of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex yielded no favorable results supporting a therapeutic potential in writer's cramp.


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AIMS: This study was performed to compare the sensitivity of ultrasonography, computerized tomography during arterial portography, delayed computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to detect focal liver lesions. Forty three patients with primary or secondary malignant liver lesions were studied prior to surgical intervention. METHODS: The results of the imaging studies were compared with intraoperative examination of the liver, intraoperative ultrasonography and pathology results (29 patients). In the non-operated (14 patients) group, we compared the number of lesions detected by each technique. RESULTS: One hundred and forty six lesions were detected. There was 84% sensitivity with computerized tomography during arterial portography, 61.3% with delayed scan, 63.3% with magnetic resonance imaging and 51% with ultrasonography in operated patients. In patients who did not undergo surgery, magnetic resonance imaging was more sensitive in detecting lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In operated and non-operated patients series, CT during arterial portography had the highest sensitivity, but magnetic resonance imaging had the most consistent overall results.


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Focal therapy is a novel treatment strategy in prostate cancer aiming to treat only the area of the gland harbouring clinically significant disease. The overall objective is to maintain the oncological benefit of active treatment while minimising treatment-related morbidity. Leading centres are currently evaluating various minimally invasive technologies in a rigorous manner. Oncological and functional results in mid-term are encouraging with low rate of urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. However, the oncological outcome needs to be evaluated in the long-term in the light of the prolonged natural history of the disease.


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PURPOSE: To prospectively compare various parameters of vessels imaged at 3 T by using time-of-flight (TOF) and T2-prepared magnetic resonance (MR) angiography in a rabbit model of hind limb ischemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experiments were approved by the institutional animal care and use committee. Endovascular occlusion of the left superficial femoral artery was induced in 14 New Zealand white rabbits. After 2 weeks, MR angiography and conventional (x-ray) angiography were performed. Vessel sharpness was evaluated visually in the ischemic and nonischemic limbs, and the presence of small collateral vessels was evaluated in the ischemic limbs. Vessel sharpness was also quantified by evaluating the magnitude of signal intensity change at the vessel borders. RESULTS: The sharpness of vessels in the nonischemic limbs was similar between the TOF and the T2-prepared images. In the ischemic limbs, however, T2-prepared imaging, as compared with TOF imaging, generated higher vessel sharpness in arteries with diminished blood flow (mean vessel sharpness: 44% vs 30% for popliteal arteries, 45% vs 28% for saphenous arteries; P < .001 for both comparisons) and enabled better detection of small collateral vessels (93% vs 36% of vessels, P < .001). CONCLUSION: T2-prepared imaging can facilitate high-spatial-resolution MR angiography of small vessels with low blood flow and thus has potential as a tool for noninvasive evaluation of arteriogenic therapies, without use of contrast material. Supplemental material: http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/2452062067/DC1.


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Back-focal-plane interferometry is used to measure displacements of optically trapped samples with very high spatial and temporal resolution. However, the technique is closely related to a method that measures the rate of change in light momentum. It has long been known that displacements of the interference pattern at the back focal plane may be used to track the optical force directly, provided that a considerable fraction of the light is effectively monitored. Nonetheless, the practical application of this idea has been limited to counter-propagating, low-aperture beams where the accurate momentum measurements are possible. Here, we experimentally show that the connection can be extended to single-beam optical traps. In particular, we show that, in a gradient trap, the calibration product κ·β (where κ is the trap stiffness and 1/β is the position sensitivity) corresponds to the factor that converts detector signals into momentum changes; this factor is uniquely determined by three construction features of the detection instrument and does not depend, therefore, on the specific conditions of the experiment. Then, we find that force measurements obtained from back-focal-plane displacements are in practice not restricted to a linear relationship with position and hence they can be extended outside that regime. Finally, and more importantly, we show that these properties are still recognizable even when the system is not fully optimized for light collection. These results should enable a more general use of back-focal-plane interferometry whenever the ultimate goal is the measurement of the forces exerted by an optical trap.


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Back-focal-plane interferometry is used to measure displacements of optically trapped samples with very high spatial and temporal resolution. However, the technique is closely related to a method that measures the rate of change in light momentum. It has long been known that displacements of the interference pattern at the back focal plane may be used to track the optical force directly, provided that a considerable fraction of the light is effectively monitored. Nonetheless, the practical application of this idea has been limited to counter-propagating, low-aperture beams where the accurate momentum measurements are possible. Here, we experimentally show that the connection can be extended to single-beam optical traps. In particular, we show that, in a gradient trap, the calibration product κ·β (where κ is the trap stiffness and 1/β is the position sensitivity) corresponds to the factor that converts detector signals into momentum changes; this factor is uniquely determined by three construction features of the detection instrument and does not depend, therefore, on the specific conditions of the experiment. Then, we find that force measurements obtained from back-focal-plane displacements are in practice not restricted to a linear relationship with position and hence they can be extended outside that regime. Finally, and more importantly, we show that these properties are still recognizable even when the system is not fully optimized for light collection. These results should enable a more general use of back-focal-plane interferometry whenever the ultimate goal is the measurement of the forces exerted by an optical trap.


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Une lésion fonctionnelle ou structurale des artérioles intramurales influence le seuil ischémique du myocarde. Le diagnostic de dysfonction microvasculaire est retenu en présence d'une diminution du flux coronaire maximal et de coronaires angio-graphiquement normales ou presque normales. Un trouble de la microcirculation peut traduire une dysfonction endothéliale chez le sujet diabétique ou hyperlipidémique, ou une lésion structurale ou fonctionnelle dans le cadre de la cardiomyopathie hypertrophique, la sténose aortique ou l'hypertension artérielle. Après recanalisation de l'artère responsable d'un infarctus, la mesure de la fonction microcirculatoire permet d'estimer la qualité de la reperfusion myocardique. L'appréciation de la fonction microvasculaire est un enjeu majeur dans l'évaluation de l'ischémie du myocarde en l'absence de sténose coronaire. Functional or structural lesions in intramural arterioles influence the ischemic threshold of the myocardium. Microvascular dysfonction is evidenced by a decrease in coronary blood flow during maximum hyperemia in the presence of angiographically normal or near-normal coronary arteries. Microvascular dysfonction may reflect endothelial dysfonction in diabetic or hyperlipidemic patients, as well as structural and functional changes in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis or hypertension. Assessing microvascular fonction after thrombolysis or primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction allows to estimate the quality of myocardial reperfusion. Assessing microvascular fonction is a major component of the evaluation of myocardial ischemia in the absence of coronary artery stenoses.


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INTRODUCTION: Focal therapy may reduce the toxicity of current radical treatments while maintaining the oncological benefit. Irreversible electroporation (IRE) has been proposed to be tissue selective and so might have favourable characteristics compared to the currently used prostate ablative technologies. The aim of this trial is to determine the adverse events, genito-urinary side effects and early histological outcomes of focal IRE in men with localised prostate cancer. METHODS: This is a single centre prospective development (stage 2a) study following the IDEAL recommendations for evaluating new surgical procedures. Twenty men who have MRI-visible disease localised in the anterior part of the prostate will be recruited. The sample size permits a precision estimate around key functional outcomes. Inclusion criteria include PSA ≤ 15 ng/ml, Gleason score ≤ 4 + 3, stage T2N0M0 and absence of clinically significant disease outside the treatment area. Treatment delivery will be changed in an adaptive iterative manner so as to allow optimisation of the IRE protocol. After focal IRE, men will be followed during 12 months using validated patient reported outcome measures (IPSS, IIEF-15, UCLA-EPIC, EQ-5D, FACT-P, MAX-PC). Early disease control will be evaluated by mpMRI and targeted transperineal biopsy of the treated area at 6 months. DISCUSSION: The NEAT trial will assess the early functional and disease control outcome of focal IRE using an adaptive design. Our protocol can provide guidance for designing an adaptive trial to assess new surgical technologies in the challenging landscape of health technology assessment in prostate cancer treatment.