950 resultados para Flash animations


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This study focused object a steam generation system, steam distribution and condensate return a textile plant located in Rio Grande do Norte. The work was based on the following objectives: Knowing the use of saturated water vapor in the dyeing and finishing processes in a textile plant; To study the various aspects of a steam distribution system to identify the ways in which energy losses occur; Obtain quantitative information of the main loss in steam generation system and steam distribution and to measure the losses, water and steam system; Using the flash steam as a means of cost reduction. For it was made use of the calculation of financial gains made in their respective improvements. As a database for the development of working registers are used in industrial processes, data from utility systems, laboratory data analysis and on-line analyzers, covering the period 2013. Using the principles set conservation laws mass and energy, those data showed that the loss of water and energy in the steam system are significant and that the environmental and economic gains to be obtained with improvement actions are quite significant. Based on the data and results suggest that future studies deem the continuity approach to steam generation systems, distribution and mainly condensate return.


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Google Docs (GD) is an online word processor with which multiple authors can work on the same document, in a synchronous or asynchronous manner, which can help develop the ability of writing in English (WEISSHEIMER; SOARES, 2012). As they write collaboratively, learners find more opportunities to notice the gaps in their written production, since they are exposed to more input from the fellow co-authors (WEISSHEIMER; BERGSLEITHNER; LEANDRO, 2012) and prioritize the process of text (re)construction instead of the concern with the final product, i.e., the final version of the text (LEANDRO; WEISSHEIMER; COOPER, 2013). Moreover, when it comes to second language (L2) learning, producing language enables the consolidation of existing knowledge as well as the internalization of new knowledge (SWAIN, 1985; 1993). Taking this into consideration, this mixed-method (DÖRNYEI, 2007) quasi-experimental (NUNAN, 1999) study aims at investigating the impact of collaborative writing through GD on the development of the writing skill in English and on the noticing of syntactic structures (SCHMIDT, 1990). Thirtyfour university students of English integrated the cohort of the study: twenty-five were assigned to the experimental group and nine were assigned to the control group. All learners went through a pre-test and a post-test so that we could measure their noticing of syntactic structures. Learners in the experimental group were exposed to a blended learning experience, in which they took reading and writing classes at the university and collaboratively wrote three pieces of flash fiction (a complete story told in a hundred words), outside the classroom, online through GD, during eleven weeks. Learners in the control group took reading and writing classes at the university but did not practice collaborative writing. The first and last stories produced by the learners in the experimental group were analysed in terms of grammatical accuracy, operationalized as the number of grammar errors per hundred words (SOUSA, 2014), and lexical density, which refers to the relationship between the number of words produced with lexical properties and the number of words produced with grammatical properties (WEISSHEIMER, 2007; MEHNERT, 1998). Additionally, learners in the experimental group answered an online questionnaire on the blended learning experience they were exposed to. The quantitative results showed that the collaborative task led to the production of more lexically dense texts over the 11 weeks. The noticing and grammatical accuracy results were different from what we expected; however, they provide us with insights on measurement issues, in the case of noticing, and on the participants‟ positive attitude towards collaborative writing with flash fiction. The qualitative results also shed light on the usefulness of computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 learning.


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Este trabalho propõe o estudo comparativo do uso de infográficos multimídia pelos sites Clarín.com, da Argentina e Folha.com, do Brasil. A pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar e analisar como esses dois importantes veículos de comunicação online da América Latina têm utilizado a tecnologia HTML5 para avançar nas possibilidades interativas do gênero jornalístico. Para tanto, a análise comparada trata da infografia multimídia, que tem passado por profundas mudanças tecnológicas, alterando o formato e o conteúdo da notícia. Além da conceituação teórica e revisão de literatura sobre infografia, newsgame, narrativa transmídia, jornalismo online, interatividade e as linguagens de programação voltadas para a produção de infografia multimídia, o trabalho realizou análise comparativa das seções Infográficos, veiculada pela Folha.com, e Especiales Multimedia, do Clarín.com. O estudo, quantitativo e qualitativo, verificou os recursos narrativos e informativos, ferramentas e tecnologias de linguagem de programação para Internet que são empregadas pelos dois meios de comunicação, com base no modelo de análise proposto por Alberto Cairo em Infografia 2.0 – visualización interactiva de información en prensa. A pesquisa demonstrou que ainda que o Clarín.com tenha utilizado a tecnologia Flash na maioria dos infográficos multimídia analisados, os resultados da análise comparada mostram que os infográficos do jornal online argentino possibilitaram níveis mais elevados de interatividade do que os infográficos multimídia da Folha.com, desenvolvidos majoritariamente em HTML5.


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La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ (LSGM), a promising electrolyte material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, can be sintered to a fully dense state by a flash-sintering technique. In this work, LSGM is sintered by the current-limiting flash-sintering process at 690°C under an electric field of 100 V cm-1, in comparison with up to 1400°C or even higher temperature in conventional furnace sintering. The resultant LSGM samples are investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The SEM images exhibit well-densified microstructures while XRD results show that the perovskite structure after flash-sintering does not changed. EIS results show that the conductivity of LSGM sintered by the current-limiting flash-sintering process increases with sintering current density value. The conductivity of samples sintered at 120 mA mm-2 reaches 0.049 σ cm-1 at 800°C, which is approximate to the value of conventional sintered LSGM samples at 1400°C. Additionally, the flash-sintering process is interpreted by Joule heating theory. Therefore, the current-limiting flash-sintering technique is proved to be an energy-efficient and eligible approach for the densification of LSGM and other materials requiring high sintering temperature.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di studiare l’efficacia e l’applicabilità dello strumento HERACLES II Flash Gas Chromatography Electronic Nose mediante l’analisi di un set molto ampio di campioni di oli d’oliva vergini reperiti presso un concorso nazionale. Nello specifico, mediante elaborazioni di statistica multivariata dei dati, è stata valutata sia la capacità discriminante del metodo per campioni caratterizzati da un diverso profilo sensoriale, sia la correlazione esistente tra l’intensità delle sensazioni percepite per via sensoriale ed i dati ottenuti mediante l’analisi strumentale. La valutazione delle caratteristiche sensoriali dei campioni è stata realizzata in occasione dello stesso concorso da parte di un gruppo di giudici esperti e secondo le modalità stabilite dai regolamenti comunitari. Ogni campione è stato valutato da almeno 8 assaggiatori che hanno determinato l’intensità di caratteristiche olfattive (eventuali difetti, fruttato e note secondarie positive) e gustative (amaro e piccante). La determinazione dei composti volatili, invece, è stata condotta mediante lo strumento HERACLES II Electronic Nose (AlphaMOS), dotato di due colonne cromatografiche caratterizzate da diversa polarità (MXT-5 con fase stazionaria apolare e MXT-WAX con fase stazionaria polare), ciascuna collegata ad un rivelatore di tipo FID. L’elaborazione multivariata dei dati è stata realizzata mediante il software in dotazione con lo strumento.


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The XML-based specification for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), sponsored by the World Wide Web consortium, allows for compact and descriptive vector graphics for the Web. SVG s domain of discourse is that of graphic primitives whose optional attributes express line thickness, fill patterns, text size and so on. These primitives have very different properties from those of traditional document components (e.g. sections, paragraphs etc.) that XML is normally called upon to express. This paper describes a set of three tools for creating SVG, either from first principles or via the conversion of existing formats. The ab initio generation of SVG is effected from a server-side CGI script, using a PERL library of drawing functions; later sections highlight the problems of converting Adobe PostScript and Macromedia s Shockwave format (SWF) into SVG.


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Imagen tomada de noche, con luz de flash, donde se puede apreciar la textura de una reja de color blanco, que permite ver a través de ella algunas bicicletas colgadas.


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This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.


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This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.


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This periodical tells about all the activities going on at the Sandhill Farmers Market and other markets in the Columbia area. Many things are hot linked to the market flash including recipes, planting tips, Clemson University and the South Carolina Farmer's Market.


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No Brasil, a viticultura ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 71 mil hectares, com vinhedos estabelecidos desde o extremo sul do País, em latitude de 31 o Sul, até regiões situadas muito próximas ao equador, em latitude de 5 o Sul. Em função da diversidade ambiental, existem no País pólos vitícolas típicos de regiões temperadas, caracterizadas por um período de repouso hibernal; pólos em áreas subtropicais, onde a videira é cultivada com dois ciclos anuais, definidos em função de um período de temperaturas mais baixas, nos quais há risco de geadas; e pólos de viticultura tropical, onde é possível a realização de podas sucessivas, com a realização de dois e meio a três ciclos vegetativos por ano. Nos últimos anos, as estatísticas oficiais registram uma produção de uvas que varia em torno de 1,2 milhão de toneladas por ano. Deste volume, cerca de 45% é destinado ao processamento para a elaboração de vinhos, sucos e outros derivados, e 55% comercializado para o consumo in natura no mercado interno e exportação.


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Questa Tesi di Laurea è legata agli aspetti tecnologici dell'esperimento Gamma-Flash, progetto coordinato dall'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica finanziato dall'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana che ha lo scopo di studiare eventi altamente energetici che avvengono in atmosfera denominati Terrestial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs). Questi eventi hanno uno stretto legame con i fulmini che avvengono durante episodi temporaleschi. I fulmini producono particelle ionizzate ed elettroni che per effetto bremmstrahlung emettono radiazione in un ampio intervallo di energie da centinaia di keV a decine di MeV. Questo tipo di eventi è stato rivelato da numerose missioni da satellite fin dagli anni '90 (BATSE/CGRO) e successivamente con i satelliti RHESSI, AGILE, BeppoSAX e Fermi. Molto più rare sono le osservazioni di questi eventi da terra o da rivelatori posti su velivoli. Gamma-Flash ha lo scopo di realizzare strumentazione per la rivelazione di questi eventi da un osservatorio posto su M.te Cimone (2165m s.l.m) e su un aereo in grado di raggiungere quote di 8-10000m. L'esperimento viene effettuato attraverso rivelatori a scintillazione e con elettronica dedicata la cui risposta in energia dipende dalla temperatura di funzionamento. È quindi importante conoscere come il detector si comporta al variare della temperatura, che, soprattutto nell'esperimento terrestre, può variare di decine di gradi anche su tempi scala brevi. Scopo di questa tesi è stato quindi di caratterizzare uno dei rivelatori che saranno posti all'Osservatorio O. Vittori di M.te Cimone utilizzando una camera climatica che simula le condizioni di temperatura variabili e riscontrabili durante l'esperimento.


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Being the commonest ocular disorder, dense cataracts disable fundoscopic examination and the diagnosis of retinal disorders, which dogs may be predisposed. The aim of this study was to compare the electroretinographic responses recorded according to the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision human protocol to evaluate retinal function of diabetic and non diabetic dogs, both presenting mature or hypermature cataracts. Full-field electroretinogram was recorded from 66 dogs, with ages varying from 6 to 15 years old allocated into two groups: (1) CG, non diabetic cataractous dogs, and (2) DG, diabetic cataractous dogs. Mean peak-to-peak amplitude (microvolts) and b-wave implicit time (milliseconds) were determined for each of the five standard full-field ERG responses (rod response, maximal response, oscillatory potentials, single-flash cone response and 30 Hz flicker). Comparing CG to DG, ERGs recorded from diabetic dogs presented lower amplitude and prolonged b-wave implicit time in all ERG responses. Prolonged b-wave implicit time was statistically significant (p< 0.05) at 30 Hz flicker (24.0 ms versus 22.4 ms). These data suggests full-field ERG is capable to record sensible alterations, such as flicker's implicit time, being useful to investigate retinal dysfunction in diabetic dogs.