856 resultados para Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
O presente trabalho examina as normas brasileiras relativas ao provisionamento e à divulgação de passivos contingentes com vistas especificamente à sua aplicação para processos judiciais e administrativos, que representam o tipo de passivo contingente que mais impacta o resultado da maior parte das companhias nacionais, de todos os segmentos. O texto das normas, portanto, é confrontado com a realidade prática do mercado e as especificidades inerentes aos processos judiciais e administrativos. Além de contextualizar e explicar o funcionamento das regras aplicáveis, com destaque para o Pronunciamento Técnico nº. 25, do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis, que se tornou obrigatório para as companhias abertas por meio da Deliberação CVM nº. 594, de 15 de setembro de 2009, é realizada sua análise crítica, identificando omissões que podem dificultar o desempenho das atividades de provisionamento de tais demandas pelos profissionais competentes, fomentando a falta de uniformidade desses registros entre as demonstrações financeiras das companhias, bem como possibilitando o gerenciamento de resultados. Em seguida, são avaliadas e propostas soluções para os problemas identificados, com destaque para o estabelecimento de valores percentuais aos critérios de classificação de risco e a definição de critérios para classificação de risco de perda e mensuração de valores de passivos contingentes, organizadas em forma de diretrizes de boas práticas de provisionamento e de divulgação de passivos contingentes decorrentes de processos judiciais e administrativos.
This research has as objective of study the evolution of the accountancy princliple terminology which is present in the accounting conceptual framework. The scene of this research will have as target the North American School of Accounting. The choice of the searched terminology is its relevance in the study of the Accounting Theory. To understand the evolution of the accountancy thought, will be boarded: the influence of the Feudal System and the Mercantilism in the European economic conception; the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the accounting standards and the influence of England in the formation of the North American School of Accounting. With relation to U.S.A., the development of the economic-financial scene of the American society will be evaluated, focusing the contribution in the search of the construction of an applied theoretical framework to the Accounting. The economic-financial development of U.S.A. provided the sprouting of new users with specific necessities. The necessity of the user for useful information for the decision taking, unchained the process of research directed toward the establishment of an applied Accountancy terminology. In this process, the paper exerted for the responsible accountancy organisms for the accounting standards will be boarded, as well as the professionals associations which had invested in researches, aiming at to elaborate a body of accountancy principles and to adjust the accountancy procedures to the necessities of the users. To reach the research objective, a bibliographical revision in specialized literature will be effected, adopting the historical method, in the period that understands the development of the North American School of Accounting. As result of the research, it can conclude that the evolution process of the terminology which is studied presents a structural logical problem, because the impossibility of the construction of a theoretical framework, having as bases the principle terminology. The impossibility occurred in function of the reach attributed to the term, which made a difficult in its application in the elaboration of the accountancy procedures
Con il presente lavoro si è tentato di verificare se le ragioni che hanno portato l’ordinamento italiano ad adottare il principio della derivazione del reddito d'impresa dal risultato contabile, possano essere considerate ancora attuali alla luce dell'introduzione dei principi IAS/IFRS nel nostro sistema contabile. In particolare, si è cercato di esaminare se questo collegamento ai principi contabili internazionali, introdotto nel nostro ordinamento anche per la redazione dei bilanci d'esercizio, abbia comportato il venir meno della neutralità dell'imposizione fiscale tra le società cd. Ias adopter e no Ias adopter. L'analisi di questa problematica è stata condotta anche prendendo come riferimento le modalità di recepimento delle opzioni contenute nel Regolamento n. 1606/2002 da parte dei legislatori di alcuni Stati europei, e valutando se le conseguenze fiscali emergenti tra i vari ordinamenti possano creare possibili distorsioni alla concorrenza ed alle libertà fondamentali dell’Unione europea.
This research was designed to answer the question of which direction the restructuring of financial regulators should take – consolidation or fragmentation. This research began by examining the need for financial regulation and its related costs. It then continued to describe what types of regulatory structures exist in the world; surveying the regulatory structures in 15 jurisdictions, comparing them and discussing their strengths and weaknesses. This research analyzed the possible regulatory structures using three methodological tools: Game-Theory, Institutional-Design, and Network-Effects. The incentives for regulatory action were examined in Chapter Four using game theory concepts. This chapter predicted how two regulators with overlapping supervisory mandates will behave in two different states of the world (where they can stand to benefit from regulating and where they stand to lose). The insights derived from the games described in this chapter were then used to analyze the different supervisory models that exist in the world. The problem of information-flow was discussed in Chapter Five using tools from institutional design. The idea is based on the need for the right kind of information to reach the hands of the decision maker in the shortest time possible in order to predict, mitigate or stop a financial crisis from occurring. Network effects and congestion in the context of financial regulation were discussed in Chapter Six which applied the literature referring to network effects in general in an attempt to conclude whether consolidating financial regulatory standards on a global level might also yield other positive network effects. Returning to the main research question, this research concluded that in general the fragmented model should be preferable to the consolidated model in most cases as it allows for greater diversity and information-flow. However, in cases in which close cooperation between two authorities is essential, the consolidated model should be used.
The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation in English of the Notes on the Consolidated Financial Statements of MNLG S.r.l., holding company of the Italian Sorma Group. This translation work is one example of the technical material produced in accordance with the project called Language Toolkit, set up by the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena, to support the internationalization of the companies established in the territory. This initiative has represented a unique opportunity for me to put into practice the knowledge and abilities learnt in the translation field during these years at university. It also allowed me to give a concrete purpose to my dissertation, that is to provide a technical document translated into a foreign language. By making its Consolidated Financial Statement readily available in English, the company MNLG S.r.l. can in fact increase the number of possible investors and guarantee a more transparent financial informative to its shareholders. This translation work is divided into six chapters: the first one describes the project, its main objectives and the ways in which it was developed. The second chapter deals with the notions of Consolidated Financial Statements and presents the accounting documents of which the Financial Statements are made up as well as the norms according to which they are prepared. The third chapter, instead, focuses on the translation procedure applied and especially on the documentation process, analysing the differences between the International Accounting Standards and the accounting standards used in Italy. The fourth chapter provides a description of the translation resources built for the translation of this specific document. The fifth chapter includes the English version of the Notes on the Consolidated Financial Statements and, to conclude, the sixth chapter analyses the difficulties encountered in translating and the strategies adopted to overcome them.
El crecimiento económico ha producido mejoras en el nivel de vida de la población que muchas veces tienen efectos medioambientales negativos en el largo plazo. Ante esta problemática, surge la necesidad a nivel empresarial de enmarcarse en un modelo de desarrollo sostenible que combine los objetivos de crecimiento económico con los de protección medioambiental. Esta situación puede representar altos costes para las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano, debido al elevado riesgo de sus operaciones y al conjunto de regulaciones legales vigentes en materia medioambiental. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la presente investigación ha sido proponer un modelo para la gestión de costes medioambientales de dicho sector fundamentado en la ecoeficiencia. Se planteó una investigación proyectiva, desde un enfoque holístico. Se utilizó un diseño de investigación univariable, transeccional contemporáneo, de fuente mixta. Univariable, porque se enfoca en la gestión de costes medioambientales como único evento a modificar. Transeccional contemporáneo, porque el evento se estudia en la actualidad y la medición de los datos se realiza en un solo momento. De fuente mixta, porque se combinó un diseño documental con un diseño de campo. Se utilizó un diseño documental para el análisis comparativo de las normativas de registro y control de costes medioambientales propuestas por organismos internacionales, mediante la aplicación de una matriz de análisis de categorías emergentes. Para el diagnóstico de la gestión de costes medioambientales en el sector petroquímico venezolano, se utilizó un diseño de campo en las empresas del sector que operan en la región zuliana. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario con 100 ítems en escala Likert y 6 preguntas de opción múltiple. Dicho cuestionario fue validado mediante la revisión de expertos y se determinó su confiablidad a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados muestran que los principales asuntos tratados por las normativas analizadas pueden agruparse en seis temas: alcance de la contabilidad de gestión medioambiental, clasificación, tratamiento contable, asignación, informes de costes medioambientales e indicadores de gestión. Se evidenció que las guías de aplicación de la contabilidad de gestión medioambiental abordan todos los temas identificados pero no hay uniformidad en los criterios asumidos. Por el contrario, las normativas en el ámbito de la contabilidad financiera consideran principalmente los aspectos relacionados con el tratamiento contable de los costes medioambientales y su inclusión en los estados financieros. En cuanto a la gestión de costes medioambientales que realizan las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano, se evidenció su limitación por la escasa consideración de criterios de ecoeficiencia y la poca aplicación de herramientas de contabilidad de gestión, que dificultan la determinación y el control de costes medioambientales. Tomando como base los resultados obtenidos, se diseñó el modelo de Gestión de Costes Medioambientales Ecoeficiente (GCME). Dicho modelo plantea como deben incorporarse los criterios de ecoeficiencia y las herramientas de contabilidad de gestión medioambiental para la planificación, coordinación y control en la gestión de costes medioambientales. Se plantea que estas etapas deben desarrollarse permanentemente para asegurar la mejora continua del proceso y su adaptación a los cambios tecnológicos y a las regulaciones legales. Se hace énfasis en las directrices que deben seguir las empresas del sector petroquímico venezolano para la aplicación del modelo GCME. Sin embargo, por su generalidad y adaptación a las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad vigentes en Venezuela, dicho modelo es aplicable a diversos sectores industriales que requieran mejorar su desempeño económico-medioambiental. ABSTRACT Economic growth has led to improvements in the standard of living of the population that often have negative environmental effects over the long term. Faced with this problem, at the enterprise-level, the need to be framed in a sustainable development model that combines the goals of economic growth with environmental protection arises. This situation may represent high costs for the Venezuelan petrochemical companies due to the high risk of their operations and to all the applicable legal regulations on environmental matters. Therefore, this research aims to propose a model for the environmental costs management of these companies based on eco-efficiency. A projective research was performed from a holistic approach. An univariate, contemporary cross-sectional and mixed source research design was used. It is univariate, because it focuses on environmental costs management as the single event to change. It is contemporary cross-sectional, because the event is currently studied and the data measurement is performed in a single moment. It relies on mixed source, because it combines a documentary design with a field design. A documentary design was used for the comparative analysis of the standards of registration and control of environmental costs proposed by international organizations, by applying an analysis matrix of emerging categories. For the diagnosis of the environmental costs management in the Venezuelan petrochemical industry, a field design was applied in the companies that operate in the Zulia region. A questionnaire with 100 items on a Likert scale and 6 multiple-choice questions was used. The questionnaire was validated by peer review and internal consistency reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results show that the main issues addressed in the analyzed regulations can be grouped into six themes: scope of environmental management accounting, classification, accounting, allocation, reporting of environmental costs and performance indicators. It was evident that implementation guides of environmental management accounting address all issues identified but there is no uniformity in the assumed criteria. Meanwhile, regulations in the financial accounting field mainly consider aspects related to the accounting treatment of environmental costs and their inclusion in the financial statements. Regarding the environmental costs management performed by Venezuelan petrochemical companies, its limitations were made evident by the low status of eco-efficiency criteria and insufficient application of management accounting tools, which hinder the identification and control of environmental costs. Based on the results, the model of eco-efficient environmental costs management (EECM) was designed. This model indicates how eco-efficiency criteria and tools of environmental management accounting for planning, coordination and control in the environmental costs management should be incorporated. It argues that these stages must be continually developed to ensure a continuous process improvement and its adaptation to technological and legal regulatory changes. The guidelines which the Venezuelan petrochemical companies should follow for the EECM model application have been emphasized. However, due to its generality and adaptation to the International Accounting Standards enforced in Venezuela, this model is applicable to various industries that require an improvement of their economic and environmental performance.
(SPA) Los bonos convertibles en acciones son instrumentos de financiación corporativa que en general comparten varias de las características de las emisiones de deuda senior corporativa, como el pago regular y fijado de cupones, vencimiento definido, momento en el que se repaga la totalidad del principal, y prelación en caso de default con respecto a otras obligaciones crediticias. En cambio, el repago del principal se ofrecerá bajo determinadas circunstancias en acciones de la compañía emisora en una proporción acordada previamente. Pero los instrumentos convertibles son instrumentos heterogéneos que suelen incorporar otras características particulares a cada caso, como son repagos anticipados bajo determinadas condiciones, reducción del ratio de conversión a determinados precios de la acción, pagos compensatorios o "make-whole" y otros. Los instrumentos convertibles son ejemplos de activos híbridos que comparten características de deuda y de capital y por tanto tienen impacto específico en la contabilidad de las empresas y en la posible dilución de sus accionistas. En España y otros países de la periferia de Europa, la emisión de bonos convertibles ha aumentado considerablemente desde el inicio de la crisis financiera, fundamentalmente debido a la restricción de otras formas de crédito empresarial, principalmente los créditos bancarios. En el presente artículo se explican algunas de las características comunes a los bonos convertibles emitidos recientemente por empresas españolas, se analizan las ventajas, y las razones para la emisión de estos activos, y se indican sus implicaciones contables. Los instrumentos convertibles pueden ser una alternativa estable a la deuda bancaria y a la renta fija tradicional en los mercados de capitales para la financiación de las compañías medianas, que tienen menos acceso a fuentes de financiación en situaciones de aversión riesgo por parte de los inversores y entidades financieras. (ENG)Convertible bonds share several characteristics with secure corporate debt, such as the regular coupon payments, fixed maturity and similar seniority in case of default. Nevertheless the investor of the convertible bond has the option of receiving the principal amount repayment at maturity in cash or receiving a previously agreed number of shares. But convertible securities can be complex financial instruments that possess exotic or specific features, such as soft calls, put options, cash options, cash top up features, or make whole amounts. Convertible securities are hybrid instruments that share characteristics of both debt and equity, and therefore suffer an specific accounting treatment under International Financial Reporting Standards, where the issuing company must separately identify the debt and equity components in its financial statements In peripheral European countries and in Spain in particular, convertible issuance has significantly increased since the start of the Global Financial Crisis, an increase mainly driven by the restriction of other forms of credit, namely banking loans. This article summarizes some of the common characteristics of convertible securities, analyzes its advantages for both issuers and investors, and introduces the accounting of convertible bonds. Convertible Bonds can become a viable and stable alternative to bank loans and to high yield or investment grade bonds for the funding of mid-sized corporates which normally have a more difficult access to credit in regional banking crisis or credit restrictive environments.
O estudo investiga os efeitos da adoção obrigatória das IFRS sobre a qualidade do ambiente informacional e confirma a hipótese de que os incentivos econômicos associados aos fatores institucionais são mais relevantes do que os padrões contábeis para explicar a qualidade do ambiente informacional. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 15 países que não passaram por reformas significativas na estrutura de enforcement legal, proporcionando uma estratégia de identificação econométrica mais robusta. Os países analisados adotaram as IFRS em momentos diferentes a partir de 2006. Foram utilizadas quatro métricas de qualidade dos accruals e três métricas de performance dos analistas para operacionalizar a variável dependente qualidade do ambiente informacional. Além disso, foram utilizadas como variáveis mediadoras diversas características institucionais com potencial de afetar os incentivos à elaboração e divulgação de demonstrações financeiras. Os resultados indicam que a adoção obrigatória das IFRS afetou de forma negativa a qualidade dos accruals e a performance dos analistas. No entanto, esses resultados são contingentes à qualidade da infraestrutura institucional da jurisdição que adotou as IFRS como modelo contábil obrigatório. Os efeitos das IFRS foram significativamente mais positivos (ou menos negativos) para os países com origem legal common law, estrutura de enforcement legal mais forte, mercado de capitais mais desenvolvido, menor diferença entre padrões contábeis locais e padrões internacionais, maior grau de liberdade econômica, menor corrupção percebida e instituições mais sólidas. Foram realizados testes de robustez para verificar a sensibilidade desses resultados. Os resultados permaneceram qualitativamente iguais após serem aplicados diferentes critérios de amostragem, controlados os efeitos da crise financeira de 2008 e levado em conta o possível efeito aprendizado dos responsáveis pela elaboração e análise das demonstrações financeiras no primeiro ano de adoção. O estudo contribui com a literatura da área de contabilidade financeira e com os órgãos reguladores da indústria contábil ao fornecer evidências de que a adoção obrigatória das IFRS, quando não acompanhada por reformas econômicas e institucionais, não causará os benefícios informacionais esperados
The last decades have been fruitful in reforms in public sector accounting across the world, namely moving from cash-based into accrual-based regimes. In this process of bringing public sector accounting close to business accounting, International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) have been developed and adopted in several countries. In the EU context, public sector harmonization among member-States is currently being considered, namely via the development of European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSASs). Both IPSASs and EPSASs are understood as, among other things, important to contribute for a more informative and transparent financial reporting of public sector entities and governments. Moreover they are expected to approximate public sector accounting and the National Accounts, hence allowing for more reliable information to monitor fiscal discipline among EU countries. The Iberian countries, after using accrual accounting in the public sector for more than twenty years (Spain from middle 1980s and Portugal from 1990s), have acknowledged the need to embark in an international harmonization process adopting IPSASs, particularly after the adoption of IFRSs in the business sector, which was creating some difficulties for consolidated accounts. Spain has passed the Chart of Accounts for the Public Sector through the Order EHA/1037/2010, which is adapted to IPSASs; Portugal has just passed Law-decree 192/2015, September 11, and is expecting to start implementation in 2017. In both countries a central role in this reform has been assumed by the national standard-setters for public sector accounting. Based on the “Actor Network Theory” to help understanding how and why organizations interact and how this interaction could have an impact on their choice of accounting policies, this paper aims to analyse, from the Iberian public sector accounting standard-setters perspective, how the adoption/adaptation of IPSASs has been considered and developed in these countries. Research questions to be considered are the following, which will be asked in interviews to the members of the standard-setting committees in both Portugal and Spain: • What were the driving forces leading to the decision to adopt and implement IPSASs? • Which other governmental bodies’ experiences, if any, were considered in the adoption of IPSASs? • What specific steps were/are being undertaken to prepare for the conversion from the existing system to IPSASs? • What were/are the institutional challenges faced/expected to face? • What assistance have been received from IFAC and/or IPSASB, or from other sources, if any, throughout the adoption/implementation? • How can the success of the adoption/implementation be characterised? • What benefits can/have the government derive/derived from the adoption and implementation of IPSASs? The paper is expected to contribute to the understanding of the issues underlying the process of embarking in public sector accounting reforms towards IPSASs.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been promoted as a global set of financial reporting standards that will help integrate global capital markets. We examine whether the mandatory European-wide adoption of IFRS in 2005 improved the forecast accuracy for foreign analysts relative to that of domestic analysts. We find that, on average, foreign analysts experience no incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts. However, we find that those foreign analysts who are familiar with IFRS do experience an incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts. We also find that this incremental improvement in forecast accuracy relative to domestic analysts is concentrated among firms domiciled in countries with both strong enforcement regimes and domestic accounting standards that differ significantly from IFRS. Our results highlight that both familiarity with IFRS and the quality of countries' enforcement environments play key roles in determining the extent to which IFRS adoption can reduce information asymmetry between foreign and domestic analysts.
The European Commission’s Action Plan consists, in a nutshell, of a short list of technical proposals and a longer one of (rather general) potential actions. Overall, the plan indeed proposes to achieve some short-term objectives, such as a reduction of listing costs for SMEs, but it lacks long-term vision. The plan bundles actions under rather generic objectives of long-term finance or cross-border investing. Improving the informational infrastructure (e.g. accounting standards, company data) and cross-border enforcement of rules is left to vaguely defined future actions, but these constitute the core of the capital markets infrastructure. Without a well-defined set of measurable objectives, the whole plan may lose political momentum and become an opportunity for interested parties to cherry pick their pet provisions. Building a single market, i.e. removing cross-border obstacles to capital circulation, is too challenging a task to simply appear as one of many items on a long list of general objectives, which incidentally do not include institutional reform. The ultimate risk is that the Commission may just miss a unique opportunity to revamp and improve the financial integration process in Europe after almost a decade of harmful financial retrenchment.
"June 11, 1996."
"May 1996."
"Issued June 30, 2007"
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