563 resultados para Ferritic Steels


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The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) initiation process for 4340 high strength steel in distilled water at room temperature was studied using a new kind of instrument: an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). It was found that the applied stress accelerated oxide film formation which has an important influence on the subsequent SCC initiation. SCC was observed to initiate in the following circumstances: (1) cracking of a thick oxide film leading to SCC initiation along metal grain boundaries, (2) the initiation of pits initiating SCC in the metal and (3) SCC initiating from the edge of the specimen. All these three SCC initiation circumstances are consistent with the following model which couples SCC initiation with cracking of a surface protective oxide. There is a dynamic interaction between oxide formation, the applied stress, oxide cracking, pitting and the initiation of SCC. An aspect of the dynamic interaction is cracks forming in a protective surface oxide because of the applied stress, exposing to the water bare metal at the oxide crack tip, and oxidation of the bare metal causing crack healing. Oxide crack healing would be competing with the initiation of intergranular SCC if an oxide crack meets the metal surface at a grain boundary. If the intergranular SCC penetration is sufficiently fast along the metal grain boundary, then the crack yaws open preventing healing of the oxide crack. If intergranular SCC penetration is not sufficiently fast, then the oxidation process could produce sufficient oxide to fill both the stress corrosion crack and the oxide crack; in this case there would be initiation of SCC but only limited propagation of SCC. Stress-induced cracks in very thin oxide can induce pits which initiate SCC, and under some conditions such stress induced cracks in a thin oxide can directly initiate SCC.


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Fracture mechanics tests were carried out for AerMet 100 in distilled water and NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The initiation period at higher values of the stress intensity factor indicated that load application in the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) environment is a necessary but not sufficient factor for SCC and that time is needed for some other factor (e.g., the local hydrogen concentration) to reach an appropriate value. The threshold stress intensity factor, K-ISSC, was found to increase with decreasing NaCl concentration. The plateau stress corrosion crack velocity was 2 x 10(-8) ms(-1) for NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The fracture mode was transgranular with small areas of an intergranular nature. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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This paper reports the application of linearly increasing stress testing (LIST) to the study of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of carbon steel in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. LIST is similar to the constant extension-rate testing (CERT) methodology with the essential difference that the LIST is load controlled whereas the CERT is displacement controlled. The main conclusion is that LIST is suitable for the study of the SCC of carbon steels in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. The low crack velocity in Bayer liquor and a measured maximum stress close to that of the reference specimen in air both indicate that a low applied stress rate is required to study SCC in this system. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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Analytical electron microscopy was used to measure the composition of grain boundaries (GBs) and interconstituent boundaries (IBs) of X52 pipeline steel using specimens about 40-60 nm in thickness. All elements of interest were examined with the exception of carbon. With this caveat; there was no segregation at proeutectoid ferrite GBs. This indicated that the commonly expected species S and P are not responsible for preferential corrosion of GBs during intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels. Manganese was the only species measured to segregate at the IBs. Manganese segregated to the IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic cementite, and desegregated from IBs between proeutectoid ferrite and pearlitic ferrite. The pearlitic cementite was Mn rich. There was no Mn segregation at the IBs between pearlitic ferrite and pearlitic cementite. The pattern of Mn segregation could be explained in terms of diffusion in the process zone ahead of the pearlite during the austenite to pearlite transformation and diffusion in the IBs between the proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is the first paper in a study on the influence of the environment on the crack tip strain field for AISI 4340. A stressing stage for the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was constructed which was capable of applying loads up to 60 kN to fracture-mechanics samples. The measurement of the crack tip strain field required preparation (by electron lithography or chemical etching) of a system of reference points spaced at similar to 5 mu m intervals on the sample surface, loading the sample inside an electron microscope, image processing procedures to measure the displacement at each reference point and calculation of the strain field. Two algorithms to calculate strain were evaluated. Possible sources of errors were calculation errors due to the algorithm, errors inherent in the image processing procedure and errors due to the limited precision of the displacement measurements. Estimation of the contribution of each source of error was performed. The technique allows measurement of the crack tip strain field over an area of 50 x 40 mu m with a strain precision better than +/- 0.02 at distances larger than 5 mu m from the crack tip. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Crack tip strain maps have been measured for AISI 4340 high strength steel. No significant creep was observed. The measured values of CTOD were greater than expected from the HRR model. Crack tip branching was observed in every experiment. The direction of crack branching was in the same direction as a major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain, which in turn was in the same direction as predicted by the HRR model. Furthermore, the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(y)y strain in this same direction were in general greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. This indicates more plasticity in the crack tip region than expected from the HRR model. This greater plasticity could be related to the larger than expected CTOD values. The following discrepancies between the measured strain fields for AISI 4340 and the HRR predictions are noteworthy: (1) The crack branching. (2) Values of CTOD significantly higher than predicted by HRR. (3) The major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain an angle of about 60 degrees with the direction of overall propagation of the fatigue precrack, in which the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(yy) strain were greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. (4) Asymmetric shape of the plastic zone as measured by the epsilon(yy) strain. (5) Values of shear strain gamma(xy) significantly higher than predicted by the HRR model. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Rock bolt stress corrosion cracking (SCC) has been investigated using the linearly increasing stress test (LIST). One series of experiments determined the threshold stress of various bolt metallurgies (900 MPa for 1355AXRC, and 800 MPa for MAC and MA840B steels). The high values of threshold stress suggest that SCC begins in rock bolts when they are sheared by moving rock strata. SCC only occurred for environmental conditions which produce hydrogen on the sample surface, leading to hydrogen embrittlement and SCC. Different threshold potentials were determined for a range of metallurgies. Cold work was shown to increase the resistance of the steel to SCC. Rock bolt rib geometry does not have a direct impact on the SCC resistance properties of the bolt, although the process by which the ribs are produced can introduce tensile stresses into the bolt which lower its resistance to SCC. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Different abrasive wear tests have been applied to materials with hardnesses ranging from 80 HV (aluminium) to 1700 HV (tungsten carbide). The tests were: dry sand rubber wheel (DSRbrW); a similar test using a steel wheel (DSStlW); a new combined impact-abrasion test (FIA). The DSRbrW results were as expected, giving generally decreasing wear with increasing hardness. White cast irons and tool steels containing coarse, hard carbide particles performed better than more homogeneous materials of comparable hardness. When normalized to load and distance, the DSStlW results for the homogeneous materials were similar to the DSRbrW results. The multi-phase materials performed poorly in the DSStlW test, with volume loss for high-speed steel (880 HV) higher than that of aluminium. Within this group, wear increased with increasing hardness. These unexpected results are explained in terms of (a) differential friction coefficients of wheel and specimen, (b) increased fracture of sand, and (c) introduction of microfracture wear mechanisms. The FIA combined impact-abrasion results lacked clear correlations with hardness. The span of relative wear rates was similar to that reported for materials in ball mills. White cast irons at maximum hardness performed fairly poorly and showed evidence of microfracture. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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This paper reports on measurements of crack growth by environmental assisted fracture (EAF) for 4340 steel in water and in air at various relative humidities. Of most interest is the observation of slow crack propagation in dry air. Fractographic analysis leads to the strong suggestion that this slow crack propagation is due to hydrogen cracking caused by internal hydrogen in solid solution inside the sample material.


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Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).


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A mudança no mercado global do petróleo nos últimos anos, com o declínio das reservas de óleo leve, têm forçado a busca por novos campos petrolíferos em ambientes mais remotos, como nos campos localizados na camada pré-sal, e a exploração de óleos pesados que possuem elevado teor de ácidos naftênicos. Isso acarreta em grandes desafios para a previsão do desempenho de materiais frente às novas condições ambientais em que estão inseridos. No presente trabalho, o comportamento da corrosão do aço carbono AISI 1010 e do aço inoxidável AISI 316L foi estudado em soluções aquosas com elevado teor de cloreto e em solução de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico a fim de ter melhor entendimento da ação dessas espécies no processo de corrosão e simular a corrosão pela água de produção na indústria petrolífera. Foram aplicadas as técnicas de potencial de circuito aberto, polarização potenciodinâmica, voltametria cíclica, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, espectroscopia Raman, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia de força atômica, usadas, em cada caso, de acordo com a conveniência. O aumento da [Cl-] na faixa de 1,2–2,8 mol.L-1 não altera os processos catódicos e anódicos perto do Ecorr para os aços AISI 1010 e AISI 316L. Em condições de sobrepotenciais afastados do Ecorr, o aumento de [Cl-] aumenta os processos oxidativos de corrosão, o que é expresso pelas maiores densidades de corrente e carga anódica e aumento da perda de massa sofrida pelos eletrodos de ambos os aços. Portanto, os danos da corrosão são mais intensos quando se aumenta a [Cl-]. O aço AISI 1010 é ativo nas soluções de NaCl e a corrosão se propaga livremente de forma uniforme. Para o aço AISI 316L, uma ampla faixa de passividade pode ser vista nas soluções de NaCl; no Epit ocorre a ruptura do filme passivo e o crescimento de pites estáveis. Após 24 h de imersão em soluções de sulfato de sódio (branco) e de ácido naftênico ciclopentanóico ocorre crescimento de filme de óxido e as fases α-Fe2O3, Fe3O4 e δ-FeO(OH) foram identificadas nos espécimes de aço AISI 1010 e Fe3O4 foi identificado nos defeitos do filme prévio presente na superfície do aço AISI 316L. Os filmes formados em solução de ácido ciclopentanóico possuem menor resistência à polarização, maior rugosidade e maior taxa de corrosão quando comparado aos filmes crescidos na solução branco, para ambos os aços. A presença do ácido naftênico muda a forma como a reação de corrosão se procede e contribui para o aumento da corrosão. A corrosão naftênica foi mais pronunciada no aço carbono porque a presença dos elementos de liga no aço inox reduzem o número de sítios ativos ricos em Fe e tornam menos oportuna a ligação do Fe com o naftenato.


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O comportamento da corrosão e inibição à corrosão dos aços carbono AISI 1010, inox AISI 316 e duplex UNS S31803 foi estudado em meio de solução de íons cloreto à 3,0% (m/v), na ausência e presença do benzimidazol e imidazol como inibidores. A caracterização química e morfológica dos aços foi realizada por meio das técnicas de espectrometria de emissão ótica, difração de raios X (DRX), microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e energia dispersiva de raios X (EDX). As análises eletroquímicas foram realizadas através das técnicas de polarização potenciodinâmica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. As análises de DRX e de metalografia mostraram as fases presentes em cada aço, sendo o aço AISI 1010 composto pela fase ferrita, o aço AISI 316 pelas fases de FeNi e Cr e o aço UNS S31803 pelas fases austenita e ferrita. Além disso, a metalografia e as análises de MEV e EDX permitiram identificar regiões e certos elementos presentes nos aços que propiciam à ocorrência da corrosão, tais como inclusões. Os inibidores foram testados em diferentes concentrações (25 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 500 ppm e 1000 ppm) para os três aços, através das curvas de polarização e impedância eletroquímica, e verificou-se que para todas as concentrações houve aumento da resistência à corrosão dos aços. Pelas curvas de polarização verificou-se que o benzimidazol proporcionou aos aços AISI 1010, AISI 316 e UNS S31803, eficiências de inibição de cerca de 51%, 71% e 75%, respectivamente. Enquanto que o imidazol apresentou eficiência de cerca de 73%, 95% e 86%, respectivamente. Os resultados de impedância eletroquímica mostraram que as eficiências de inibição do benzimidazol foram de aproximadamente 52%, 73% e 71%, respectivamente, para os aços AISI 1010, AISI 316 e UNS S31803. E por sua vez, o imidazol apresentou eficiências de aproximadamente 96% para os aços AISI 1010 e AISI 316 e 85% para o aço UNS S31803. O teste de perda de massa mostrou que para o aço AISI 1010 tanto o benzimidazol quanto e o imidazol inibiram a corrosão, sendo que reduziram a corrosão em cerca de 17% e 24%, respectivamente. Nas análises das curvas de polarização em estudos com a água do mar observou-se que os inibidores foram menos eficientes do que em meio de solução de cloreto. O benzimidazol obteve eficiências de cerca de 14%, 50% e 33%, respectivamente, para os aços AISI 1010, AISI 316 e UNS S31803. Enquanto que o imidazol apresentou eficiências de aproximadamente 21%, 59% e 34%, respectivamente. Em todas as análises eletroquímicas e análise de perda de massa, o imidazol se mostrou o melhor inibidor para os aços estudados.


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Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica