273 resultados para Farkas lemma
The goal of the present thesis was to investigate the production of code-switched utterances in bilinguals’ speech production. This study investigates the availability of grammatical-category information during bilingual language processing. The specific aim is to examine the processes involved in the production of Persian-English bilingual compound verbs (BCVs). A bilingual compound verb is formed when the nominal constituent of a compound verb is replaced by an item from the other language. In the present cases of BCVs the nominal constituents are replaced by a verb from the other language. The main question addressed is how a lexical element corresponding to a verb node can be placed in a slot that corresponds to a noun lemma. This study also investigates how the production of BCVs might be captured within a model of BCVs and how such a model may be integrated within incremental network models of speech production. In the present study, both naturalistic and experimental data were used to investigate the processes involved in the production of BCVs. In the first part of the present study, I collected 2298 minutes of a popular Iranian TV program and found 962 code-switched utterances. In 83 (8%) of the switched cases, insertions occurred within the Persian compound verb structure, hence, resulting in BCVs. As to the second part of my work, a picture-word interference experiment was conducted. This study addressed whether in the case of the production of Persian-English BCVs, English verbs compete with the corresponding Persian compound verbs as a whole, or whether English verbs compete with the nominal constituents of Persian compound verbs only. Persian-English bilinguals named pictures depicting actions in 4 conditions in Persian (L1). In condition 1, participants named pictures of action using the whole Persian compound verb in the context of its English equivalent distractor verb. In condition 2, only the nominal constituent was produced in the presence of the light verb of the target Persian compound verb and in the context of a semantically closely related English distractor verb. In condition 3, the whole Persian compound verb was produced in the context of a semantically unrelated English distractor verb. In condition 4, only the nominal constituent was produced in the presence of the light verb of the target Persian compound verb and in the context of a semantically unrelated English distractor verb. The main effect of linguistic unit was significant by participants and items. Naming latencies were longer in the nominal linguistic unit compared to the compound verb (CV) linguistic unit. That is, participants were slower to produce the nominal constituent of compound verbs in the context of a semantically closely related English distractor verb compared to producing the whole compound verbs in the context of a semantically closely related English distractor verb. The three-way interaction between version of the experiment (CV and nominal versions), linguistic unit (nominal and CV linguistic units), and relation (semantically related and unrelated distractor words) was significant by participants. In both versions, naming latencies were longer in the semantically related nominal linguistic unit compared to the response latencies in the semantically related CV linguistic unit. In both versions, naming latencies were longer in the semantically related nominal linguistic unit compared to response latencies in the semantically unrelated nominal linguistic unit. Both the analysis of the naturalistic data and the results of the experiment revealed that in the case of the production of the nominal constituent of BCVs, a verb from the other language may compete with a noun from the base language, suggesting that grammatical category does not necessarily provide a constraint on lexical access during the production of the nominal constituent of BCVs. There was a minimal context in condition 2 (the nominal linguistic unit) in which the nominal constituent was produced in the presence of its corresponding light verb. The results suggest that generating words within a context may not guarantee that the effect of grammatical class becomes available. A model is proposed in order to characterize the processes involved in the production of BCVs. Implications for models of bilingual language production are discussed.
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del "nosotros", el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, & Barabasi, 2000) y la "ola mexicana" (Farkas, Helbing, & Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden & Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del 'nosotros', el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, Barabasi, 2000) y la 'ola mexicana' (Farkas, Helbing, Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden; Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del "nosotros", el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, & Barabasi, 2000) y la "ola mexicana" (Farkas, Helbing, & Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden & Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del 'nosotros', el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, Barabasi, 2000) y la 'ola mexicana' (Farkas, Helbing, Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden; Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del 'nosotros', el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, Barabasi, 2000) y la 'ola mexicana' (Farkas, Helbing, Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden; Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
El simpatizante de fútbol que concurre a un espectáculo deportivo es más que un mero espectador, es el protagonista central de un espectáculo más amplio que aquí denomino el aliento. Esta práctica colectiva tiene como características centrales el uso del canto colectivo para la celebración del "nosotros", el hostigamiento de los simpatizantes rivales y la demanda de la victoria a través de la arenga. Pero además de ser un tipo de performance cultural, esta práctica es expresión de una auto-organización social que ejemplifica un proceso complejo de difusión y sincronización. En esta ponencia explicaré la dinámica de este proceso a través de un sencillo modelo de simulación (Bundio, 2011b), similar a otros desarrollados para estudiar fenómenos colectivos que implican auto-organización, como la dinámica del aplauso (Néda, Ravasz, Brechet, Vicsek, & Barabasi, 2000) y la "ola mexicana" (Farkas, Helbing, & Vicsek, 2002). Puesto que el canto colectivo es un emergente de las actuaciones individuales es posible diseñar mecanismos de interferencia como el delayed auditory feedback (Van Wijngaarden & Van Balken, 2007). Estos mecanismos pueden complementar las posibles medidas destinadas a evitar la emergencia y/o impedir la difusión de cantos ofensivos y discriminatorios durante el transcurso de un espectáculo deportivo
OntoTag - A Linguistic and Ontological Annotation Model Suitable for the Semantic Web
Computational Linguistics is already a consolidated research area. It builds upon the results of other two major ones, namely Linguistics and Computer Science and Engineering, and it aims at developing computational models of human language (or natural language, as it is termed in this area). Possibly, its most well-known applications are the different tools developed so far for processing human language, such as machine translation systems and speech recognizers or dictation programs.
These tools for processing human language are commonly referred to as linguistic tools. Apart from the examples mentioned above, there are also other types of linguistic tools that perhaps are not so well-known, but on which most of the other applications of Computational Linguistics are built. These other types of linguistic tools comprise POS taggers, natural language parsers and semantic taggers, amongst others. All of them can be termed linguistic annotation tools.
Linguistic annotation tools are important assets. In fact, POS and semantic taggers (and, to a lesser extent, also natural language parsers) have become critical resources for the computer applications that process natural language. Hence, any computer application that has to analyse a text automatically and ‘intelligently’ will include at least a module for POS tagging. The more an application needs to ‘understand’ the meaning of the text it processes, the more linguistic tools and/or modules it will incorporate and integrate.
However, linguistic annotation tools have still some limitations, which can be summarised as follows:
1. Normally, they perform annotations only at a certain linguistic level (that is, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, etc.).
2. They usually introduce a certain rate of errors and ambiguities when tagging. This error rate ranges from 10 percent up to 50 percent of the units annotated for unrestricted, general texts.
3. Their annotations are most frequently formulated in terms of an annotation schema designed and implemented ad hoc.
A priori, it seems that the interoperation and the integration of several linguistic tools into an appropriate software architecture could most likely solve the limitations stated in (1). Besides, integrating several linguistic annotation tools and making them interoperate could also minimise the limitation stated in (2). Nevertheless, in the latter case, all these tools should produce annotations for a common level, which would have to be combined in order to correct their corresponding errors and inaccuracies. Yet, the limitation stated in (3) prevents both types of integration and interoperation from being easily achieved.
In addition, most high-level annotation tools rely on other lower-level annotation tools and their outputs to generate their own ones. For example, sense-tagging tools (operating at the semantic level) often use POS taggers (operating at a lower level, i.e., the morphosyntactic) to identify the grammatical category of the word or lexical unit they are annotating. Accordingly, if a faulty or inaccurate low-level annotation tool is to be used by other higher-level one in its process, the errors and inaccuracies of the former should be minimised in advance. Otherwise, these errors and inaccuracies would be transferred to (and even magnified in) the annotations of the high-level annotation tool.
Therefore, it would be quite useful to find a way to
(i) correct or, at least, reduce the errors and the inaccuracies of lower-level linguistic tools;
(ii) unify the annotation schemas of different linguistic annotation tools or, more generally speaking, make these tools (as well as their annotations) interoperate.
Clearly, solving (i) and (ii) should ease the automatic annotation of web pages by means of linguistic tools, and their transformation into Semantic Web pages (Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila, 2001). Yet, as stated above, (ii) is a type of interoperability problem. There again, ontologies (Gruber, 1993; Borst, 1997) have been successfully applied thus far to solve several interoperability problems. Hence, ontologies should help solve also the problems and limitations of linguistic annotation tools aforementioned.
Thus, to summarise, the main aim of the present work was to combine somehow these separated approaches, mechanisms and tools for annotation from Linguistics and Ontological Engineering (and the Semantic Web) in a sort of hybrid (linguistic and ontological) annotation model, suitable for both areas. This hybrid (semantic) annotation model should (a) benefit from the advances, models, techniques, mechanisms and tools of these two areas; (b) minimise (and even solve, when possible) some of the problems found in each of them; and (c) be suitable for the Semantic Web. The concrete goals that helped attain this aim are presented in the following section.
As mentioned above, the main goal of this work was to specify a hybrid (that is, linguistically-motivated and ontology-based) model of annotation suitable for the Semantic Web (i.e. it had to produce a semantic annotation of web page contents). This entailed that the tags included in the annotations of the model had to (1) represent linguistic concepts (or linguistic categories, as they are termed in ISO/DCR (2008)), in order for this model to be linguistically-motivated; (2) be ontological terms (i.e., use an ontological vocabulary), in order for the model to be ontology-based; and (3) be structured (linked) as a collection of ontology-based
Cuando la separación física entre el sistema local y remoto es relativamente corta, el retardo no es perceptible; sin embargo, cuando el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se encuentran a una distancia lejana uno del otro, el retardo de tiempo ya no es insignificante e influye negativamente en la realización de la tarea. El retardo de tiempo en un sistema de control introduce un atraso de fase que a su vez degrada el rendimiento del sistema y puede causar inestabilidad. Los sistemas de teleoperación pueden sacar provecho de la posibilidad de estar presente en dos lugares simultáneamente, sin embargo, el uso de Internet y otras redes de conmutación de paquetes, tales como Internet2, impone retardos de tiempo variables, haciendo que los esquemas de control ya establecidos elaboren soluciones para hacer frente a inestabilidades causadas por estos retardos de tiempo variables. En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el modelado y análisis de un sistema de teloperación bilateral no lineal de n grados de libertad controlado por convergencia de estado. La comunicación entre el sitio local y remoto se realiza mediante un canal de comunicación con retardo de tiempo. El análisis presentado en este trabajo considera que el retardo puede ser constante o variable. Los principales objetivos de este trabajo son; 1) Desarrollar una arquitectura de control no lineal garantizando la estabilidad del sistema teleoperado, 2) Evaluar la estabilidad del sistema considerando el retardo en la comunicación, y 3) Implementación de los algoritmos desarrollados para probar el desempeño de los mismos en un sistema experimental de 3 grados de libertad. A través de la teoría de Estabilidad de Lyapunov y el funcional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, se demuestra que el sistema de lazo cerrado es asintóticamente estable. Estas conclusiones de estabilidad se han obtenido mediante la integración de la función de Lyapunov y aplicando el Lema de Barbalat. Se demuestra también que se logra sincronizar las posiciones del manipulador local y remoto cuando el operador humano no mueve el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se mueve libremente. El esquema de control propuesto se ha validado mediante simulación y en forma experimental empleando un sistema de teleoperación real desarrollado en esta tesis doctoral y que consta de un un manipulador serie planar de tres grados de libertad, un manipulador local, PHANTOM Omni, el cual es un dispositivo haptico fabricado que consta de 3 grados de libertad (en fuerza) y que proporciona realimentación de fuerza en los ejes x,y,z. El control en tiempo real se ha diseñado usando el Sistema Operativo en Tiempo Real QuaRC de QUARC en el lado local y el Simulink Real-Time Windows TargetTM en el lado remoto. Para finalizar el resumen se destaca el impacto de esta tesis en el mundo científico a través de los resultados publicados: 2 artículos en revistas con índice de impacto , 1 artículo en una revista indexada en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 7 artículos en congresos y ha obtenido un premio en la 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010. ABSTRACT When the physical separation between the local and remote system is relatively short, the delay is not noticeable; however, when the local manipulator and the remote manipulator are at a far distance from each other, the time delay is no longer negligible and negatively influences the performance of the task. The time delay in a control system introduces a phase delay which in turn degrades the system performance and cause instability. Teleoperation systems can benefit from the ability to be in two places simultaneously, however, the use of Internet and other packet switched networks, such as Internet2, imposes varying time delays, making established control schemes to develop solutions to address these instabilities caused by different time delays. In this thesis work we present a modeling and analysis of a nonlinear bilateral teloperation system of n degrees of freedom controlled by state convergence strategy. Communication between the local and remote site is via a communication channel with time delay. The analysis presented in this work considers that the time-delay can be constant or variable. The main objectives of this work are; 1) Develop a nonlinear control schemes to ensure the stability of the teleoperated system, 2) Evaluate the system stability considering the delay in communication, and 3) Implementation of algorithms developed to test the performance of the teleoperation system in an experimental system of 3 degrees of freedom. Through the Theory of Stability of Lyapunov and the functional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, one demonstrates that the closed loop system is asymptotically stable.. The conclusions about stability were obtained by integration of the Lyapunov function and applying Barbalat Lemma. It further shows that the positions of the local and remote manipulator are synchronize when the human operator stops applying a constant force and the remote manipulator does not interact with the environment. The proposed control scheme has been validated by means of simulation and in experimental form using a developed system of real teleoperation in this doctoral thesis, which consists of a series planar manipulator of three degrees of freedom, a local manipulator, PHANTOM Omni, which is an haptic device that consists of 3 degrees of freedom (in force) and that provide feeback force in x-axis, and, z. The control in real time has been designed using the Operating system in Real time QuaRC of Quanser in the local side and the Simulink Real-Time Windows Target in the remote side. In order to finalize the summary, the highlights impact of this thesis in the scientific world are shows through the published results: 2 articles in Journals with impact factor, one article in a indexed Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 7 articles in Conferences and has won an award in 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010.
In cyanobacterial cells, fatty acid desaturation is one of the crucial steps in the acclimation processes to low-temperature conditions. The expression of all the four acyl lipid desaturase genes of Synechocystis PCC 6803 was studied as a function of temperature and separately as a function of light. We used cells grown at 25°C in light-activated heterotrophic growth conditions. In these cells, the production of α-linolenic acid and 18:4 fatty acids was negligible and the synthesis of γ-linolenic acid was remarkably suppressed compared with those of the cells grown photoautotrophically. The cells grown in the light in the presence of glucose showed no difference in fatty acid composition compared with cells grown photoautotrophically. The level of desC mRNA for Δ9 desaturase was not affected by either the temperature or the light. It was constitutively expressed at 25°C with and without illumination. The level of desB transcripts was negligible in the dark-grown cells and was enhanced about 10-fold by exposure of the cells to light. The maximum level of expression occurred within 15 min. The level of desA and desD mRNAs was higher in dark-grown cells than that of desB mRNA for ω3 desaturase. However, the induction of both desA and desD mRNAs for Δ12 and Δ6 desaturases, respectively, was enhanced by light about 10-fold. Rifampicin, chloramphenicol, and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea completely blocked the induction of the expression of desA, desB, and desD. Consequently, we suggest the regulatory role of light via photosynthetic processes in the induction of the expression of acyl lipid desaturases.
In a Hungarian family with triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) deficiency, two compound heterozygote brothers were found with the same severe decrease in TPI activity, but only one of them had the classical symptoms. In search for the pathogenesis of the differing phenotype of the same genotypic TPI deficiency, an increase in red cell membrane fluidity was found. There were roughly 100% and 30% more 16:0/20:4 and 18:0/20:4 diacyl-phosphatidylcholine species in erythrocytes from the two TPI-deficient brothers than in the probes from healthy controls. The activities of acethylcholinesterase and calmodulin induced Ca2+ ATPase were significantly enhanced in erythrocytes from the propositus as compared with those of the neurologically symptom-free brother and other members of the TPI-deficient family as well as to those from healthy controls. Both enzymes are crucially involved in the function of nerve cells. The observed differences in membrane fluidity and enzyme activities between the erythrocytes from the phenotypically differing TPI-deficient brothers underline the importance of investigations into the effect of biophysical changes in the lipid environment of the membrane proteins on the development of disseminated focal neurological disorders of unknown pathogenic origin.
Heterotrimeric G proteins (peripheral proteins) conduct signals from membrane receptors (integral proteins) to regulatory proteins localized to various cellular compartments. They are in excess over any G protein-coupled receptor type on the cell membrane, which is necessary for signal amplification. These facts account for the large number of G protein molecules bound to membrane lipids. Thus, the protein-lipid interactions are crucial for their cellular localization, and consequently for signal transduction. In this work, the binding of G protein subunits to model membranes (liposomes), formed with defined membrane lipids, has been studied. It is shown that although G protein α-subunits were able to bind to lipid bilayers, the presence of nonlamellar-prone phospholipids (phosphatidylethanolamines) enhanced their binding to model membranes. This mechanism also appears to be used by other (structurally and functionally unrelated) peripheral proteins, such as protein kinase C and the insect protein apolipophorin III, indicating that it could constitute a general mode of protein-lipid interactions, relevant in the activity and translocation of some peripheral (amphitropic) proteins from soluble to particulate compartments. Other factors, such as the presence of cholesterol or the vesicle surface charge, also modulated the binding of the G protein subunits to lipid bilayers. Conversely, the binding of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and the G protein β-subunit to liposomes was not increased by hexagonally prone lipids. Their distinct interactions with membrane lipids may, in part, explain the different cellular localizations of all of these proteins during the signaling process.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules displayed clustered patterns at the surfaces of T (HUT-102B2) and B (JY) lymphoma cells characterized by interreceptor distances in the micrometer range as detected by scanning force microscopy of immunogold-labeled antigens. Electron microscopy revealed that a fraction of the MHC class II molecules was also heteroclustered with MHC class I antigens at the same hierarchical level as described by the scanning force microscopy data, after specifically and sequentially labeling the antigens with 30- and 15-nm immunogold beads. On JY cells the estimated fraction of co-clustered HLA II was 0.61, whereas that of the HLA I was 0.24. Clusterization of the antigens was detected by the deviation of their spatial distribution from the Poissonian distribution representing the random case. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements also confirmed partial co-clustering of the HLA class I and II molecules at another hierarchical level characterized by the 2- to 10-nm Förster distance range and providing fine details of the molecular organization of receptors. The larger-scale topological organization of the MHC class I and II antigens may reflect underlying membrane lipid domains and may fulfill significant functions in cell-to-cell contacts and signal transduction.
Slow nonselective cation conductances play a central role in determining the excitability of many neurons, but heretofore this channel type has not been analyzed at the single-channel level. Neurotensin (NT) excites cultured dopaminergic neurons from the ventral tegmental area primarily by increasing such a cation conductance. Using the outside–out configuration of the patch clamp, we elicited single-channel activity of this NT-induced cation channel. Channel activity was blocked by the nonpeptide NT antagonist SR48692, indicating that the response was mediated by NT receptors. The channel opened in both solitary form and in bursts. The reversal potential was −4.2 ± 1.7 mV, and the elementary conductance was 31 pS at −67 mV with [Na+]o = 140 mM, [Cs+]o = 5 mM, [Na+]i = 88 mM, and [Cs+]i = 74 mM. Thus, the channel was permeable to both Na+ and Cs+. From these characteristics, it is likely that this channel is responsible for the whole-cell current we studied previously. In guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate-loaded cells, NT irreversibly activated about half of the channel activity, suggesting that at least part of the response was mediated by a G protein. Similar channel activity could be induced occasionally in the cell-attached configuration by applying NT outside the patch region.
It is known that the phospholipids of the brain cells of fish are altered during cold adaptation. In particular, the 1-monounsaturated 2-polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs) increase 2- to 3-fold upon adaptation to cold. One of the most striking changes is in the 18:1/22:6 species of PE. We determined how this lipid affected the bilayer-to-hexagonal-phase transition temperature of 16:1/16:1 PE. We found that it was more effective in lowering this transition temperature than were other, less unsaturated, PE species. In addition, it was not simply the presence of the 18:1/22:6 acyl chains which caused this effect, since the 18:1/22:6 species of phosphatidylcholine had the opposite effect on this transition temperature. Zwitterionic substances that lower the bilayer-to-hexagonal-phase transition temperature often cause an increase in the activity of protein kinase C (PKC). Indeed, the 18:1/22:6 PE caused an increase in the rate of histone phosphorylation by PKC which was greater than that caused by other, less unsaturated, PEs. The 18:1/22:6 phosphatidylcholine had no effect on this enzyme. The stimulation of the activity of PKC by the 18:1/22:6 PE is a consequence of this lipid's increasing the partitioning of PKC to the membrane.