259 resultados para Fad


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The cyclic enzymatic function of a cytochrome P450, as it catalyzes the oxygen-dependent metabolism of many organic chemicals, requires the delivery of two electrons to the hemeprotein. In general these electrons are transferred from NADPH to the P450 via an FMN- and FAD-containing flavoprotein (NADPH-P450 reductase). The present paper shows that NADPH can be replaced by an electrochemically generated reductant [cobalt(II) sepulchrate trichloride] for the electrocatalytically driven omega-hydroxylation of lauric acid. Results are presented illustrating the use of purified recombinant proteins containing P450 4A1, such as the fusion protein (rFP450 [mRat4A1/mRatOR]L1) or a system reconstituted with purified P450 4A1 plus purified NADPH-P450 reductase. Rates of formation of 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid by the electrochemical method are comparable to those obtained using NADPH as electron donor. These results suggest the practicality of developing electrocatalytically dependent bioreactors containing different P450s as catalysts for the large-scale synthesis of stereo- and regio-selective hydroxylation products of many chemicals.


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NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR; NADPH:ferrihemoprotein reductase, EC catalyzes the transfer of electrons to all known microsomal cytochromes P450. CPR is unique in that it is one of only two mammalian enzymes known to contain both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), the other being the various isoforms of nitric oxide synthase. Similarities in amino acid sequence and in functional domain arrangement with other key flavoproteins, including nitric oxide synthase, make CPR an excellent prototype for studies of interactions between two flavin cofactors. We have obtained diffraction-quality crystals of rat liver CPR, expressed in Escherichia coli and solubilized by limited proteolysis with trypsin. The crystals were grown in Hepes buffer (pH 7.0), containing polyethylene glycol 4500 and NaCl. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 103.3 A, b = 116.1 A, and c = 120.4 A. If we assume that there are two molecules of the 72-kDa CPR polypeptide per asymmetric unit, the calculated value of Vm is 2.54 A3/Da.


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Apesar de ser considerado um combustível sustentável, o etanol, produzido a partir da cana de açúcar, deixa um passivo de grandes proporções durante seu processo produtivo, a vinhaça, que vem sendo depositada nas próprias lavouras de cana de açúcar. É gerada na proporção de 12 litros para cada litro de etanol produzido em média, sendo rica em diversos nutrientes, os quais podem ser aproveitados para diversos fins como, por exemplo, meio de cultivo para microalgas. A presente pesquisa avaliou em uma primeira etapa a clarificação da vinhaça por um processo de coagulação com auxílio de um polímero catiônico, seguida de uma etapa de microfiltração tangencial em filtro de fibras ocas, o que permitiu uma redução superior a 77% para a cor aparente, de 99% para a turbidez e de 20% para a DQO, facilitando a utilização deste efluente para o cultivo de microalgas. Numa segunda etapa, foi avaliado o cultivo da microalga Chlorella vulgaris, em escala de bancada e operação em batelada, em meio preparado a partir da diluição da vinhaça em água de poço profundo, obtendo um aumento na biomassa produzida, determinado em termos de clorofila-a, em concentrações de vinhaça inferiores a 7,5% utilizando inóculo da ordem de 106 indivíduos. Tais dados permitiram a realização de ensaios de cultivo em escala contínua, com fotobiorreatores em escala piloto, gerando assim a biomassa utilizada nas próximas fases do estudo, que avaliaram a separação da biomassa gerada pelo processo de flotação por ar dissolvido. Os ensaios inicialmente realizados em escala de bancada e operados em batelada permitiram identificar as condições ótimas de operação, as quais foram então avaliadas em um flotador operando em fluxo contínuo. Tal flotador permitiu a obtenção de um lodo com teor de sólidos superior a 2%, o qual foi submetido à um processo final de desaguamento por centrifugação. Os ensaios de desaguamento, permitiram verificar que a utilização do mesmo polímero utilizado na etapa de clarificação permite a obtenção de um lodo mais estável, quando comparado com a não utilização de produto químico, na dosagem de polímero catiônico de 6 g.kg-1. A conclusão deste trabalho permitiu verificar a possibilidade de utilização da vinhaça como meio de cultivo de microalgas, reduzindo assim um dos impactos causados pela produção de etanol. Além disso foi possível verificar o potencial da FAD, para o espessamento de biomassa produzido em fotobiorreatores.


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Este trabalho apresenta e discute os resultados de um estudo amplo e aprofundado sobre os principais parâmetros operacionais da flotação por ar dissolvido, utilizada no pós-tratamento de efluentes de um reator anaeróbio de leito expandido (RALEx), tratando 10 m3/hora de esgoto sanitário. Foram realizados preliminarmente ensaios utilizando o flotateste, unidade de flotação em escala de laboratório, para identificar as melhores dosagens de coagulante (cloreto férrico), o polímero mais adequado, dentre os 26 testados, e sua respectiva dosagem, o pH de coagulação adequado, o tempo (Tf) e o gradiente de velocidade (Gf) de floculação mais apropriados e a quantidade de ar (S*) requerida. Para obtenção das condições operacionais adequadas para a unidade piloto de flotação, os valores de Tf e de Gf foram variados de zero a 24 minutos e de 40 a 100 s-1, respectivamente. As concentrações de cloreto férrico e de polímero sintético variaram de 15 a 92 mg/L e de 0,25 a 7,0 mg/L, respectivamente. S* variou de 2.85 a 28.5 gramas de ar por metro cúbico de efluente e a taxa de aplicação superficial na unidade de flotação abrangeu de 180 a 250 m3/m2/d. O desempenho da flotação durante a partida do reator anaeróbio também foi investigado. O uso de 50 mg/L de cloreto férrico, de Tf igual a 20 min e Gf de 80 s-1, de S* de 19,7 g de ar por m3 de efluente e taxa de 180 m3/m2/d produziu excelentes resultados nos ensaios com a instalação piloto de flotação, com elevadas remoções de carga de DQO (80,6%), de fósforo total (90,1%) e de sólidos suspensos totais (92,1%) e com turbidez entre 1,6 e 15,4 uT e residuais de ferro de 0,5 mg/L, com remoção estimada, na forma de lodo, de 77 gramas de SST por m3 de efluente tratado. Nestas mesmas condições, no sistema RALEx+FAD, foram observadas remoções globais de 91,6% de carga de DQO, de 90,1% de carga de fósforo e de 96,6% de carga de SST. O emprego da flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) mostrou-se alternativa bastante atraente para o pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios. Se a coagulação estiver bem ajustada, o sistema composto de reator anaeróbio seguido de unidade de flotação consegue alcançar excelente remoção de matéria orgânica, redução significativa da concentração de fósforo e de sólidos suspensos, além de precipitação dos sulfetos dissolvidos, gerados no reator anaeróbio. Bons resultados foram alcançados mesmo quando o reator RALEx produziu efluentes de baixa qualidade durante seu período de partida. Nesse período, o sistema de flotação atuou como barreira eficaz, evitando a emissão de efluente de baixa qualidade do sistema.


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O emprego da flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) para o pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios aparenta ser atraente considerando algumas características desse processo físico-químico. A FAD é reconhecidamente um processo de alta taxa, particularmente eficiente na remoção de material particulado em suspensão e de flocos produzidos pela coagulação química de águas residuárias. Além disso, há produção de lodo espesso e provavelmente arraste de parcela de gases e de compostos voláteis, presentes nos efluentes anaeróbios. Entretanto, a concepção de sistemas de FAD deve ser precedida por ensaios em unidades de flotação em escala de laboratório, permitindo a determinação dos principais parâmetros do processo. Neste trabalho, são apresentados e discutidos os resultados obtidos em laboratório e em instalação piloto de flotação com escoamento contínuo recebendo efluente de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB), com 18 m3 de volume, tratando esgoto sanitário. Os ensaios em unidade em escala de laboratório foram realizados utilizando diferentes dosagens de cloreto férrico (entre 30 e 110 mg/L) ou de polímero catiônico (entre 1,0 e 16,0 mg/L), atuando como coagulantes. Além disso, foram estudadas as condições de floculação (tempo de 15 e de 25 min, e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação entre 30 e 100 s-1) e diferentes valores de quantidade de ar fornecido ao processo (S*, entre 4,7 e 28,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com a instalação piloto de FAD foram realizados apenas ensaios preliminares variando-se a taxa de aplicação superficial (140 e 210 m3/m2/d) para diferentes valores de S* (14,8 a 29,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com o emprego de dosagem de 65 mg/L de cloreto férrico, de tempo de 15 min e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação de 80 s-1 e de 19 g de ar por m3 de efluente, foram observados excelentes resultados em laboratório, com elevadas remoções de DQO (89%), de fosfato total (96%), de sólidos suspensos totais (96%), de turbidez (98%), de cor aparente (91%), de sulfetos (não detectado) e NTK (47%). Considerando o sistema UASB e FAD, nos testes em laboratório, foram observadas remoções globais de 97,7% de DQO, de 98,0% de fosfato total, de 98,9% de SST, de 99,5% de turbidez, de 97,8% de cor aparente e de 59,0% de NTK. Nos ensaios com a instalação piloto de FAD, o sistema apresentou remoções de 93,6% de DQO, de 87,1% de SST, de 90% de sulfetos e de 30% de NTK.


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The mitochondrial matrix flavoproteins electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) are responsible for linking fatty acid β-oxidation with the main mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons derived from flavoprotein dehydrogenases are transferred sequentially through ETF and ETF-QO to ubiquinone and then into the respiratory chain via complex III. In this study, the effects of changes in ETF-QO redox potentials on its activity and the conformational flexibility of ETF were investigated. ETF-QO contains one [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In the porcine protein, threonine 367 is hydrogen bonded to N1 and O2 of the flavin ring of the FAD. The analogous site in Rhodobacter sphaeroides ETF-QO is asparagine 338. Mutations N338T and N338A were introduced into the R. sphaeroides protein by site-directed mutagenesis to determine the impact of hydrogen bonding at this site on redox potentials and activity. FAD redox potentials were measured by potentiometric titration probed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The N338T and N338A mutations lowered the midpoint potentials, which resulted in a decrease in the quinone reductase activity and negligible impact on disproportionation of ETF1e- catalyzed by ETF-QO. These observations indicate that the FAD is involved in electron transfer to ubiquinone, but not in electron transfer from ETF to ETF-QO. Therefore it is proposed that the iron-sulfur cluster is the immediate acceptor from ETF. It has been proposed that the αII domain of ETF is mobile, allowing promiscuous interactions with structurally different partners. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) was used to measure the distance between spin labels at various sites and an enzymatically reduced FAD cofactor in Paracoccus denitrificans ETF. Two or three interspin distance distributions were observed for spin-labels in the αI (A43C) and βIII (A111C) domains, but only one is observed for a label in the βII (A210C) domain. This suggests that the αII domain adopts several stable conformations which may correspond to a closed/inactive conformation and an open/active conformation. An additional mutation, E162A, was introduced to increase the mobility of the αII domain. The E162A mutation doubled the activity compared to wild-type and caused the distance distributions to become wider. The DEER method has the potential to characterize conformational changes in ETF that occur when it interacts with various redox partners.


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Hydrogen peroxide is a substrate or side-product in many enzyme-catalyzed reactions. For example, it is a side-product of oxidases, resulting from the re-oxidation of FAD with molecular oxygen, and it is a substrate for peroxidases and other enzymes. However, hydrogen peroxide is able to chemically modify the peptide core of the enzymes it interacts with, and also to produce the oxidation of some cofactors and prostetic groups (e.g., the hemo group). Thus, the development of strategies that may permit to increase the stability of enzymes in the presence of this deleterious reagent is an interesting target. This enhancement in enzyme stability has been attempted following almost all available strategies: site-directed mutagenesis (eliminating the most reactive moieties), medium engineering (using stabilizers), immobilization and chemical modification (trying to generate hydrophobic environments surrounding the enzyme, to confer higher rigidity to the protein or to generate oxidation-resistant groups), or the use of systems capable of decomposing hydrogen peroxide under very mild conditions. If hydrogen peroxide is just a side-product, its immediate removal has been reported to be the best solution. In some cases, when hydrogen peroxide is the substrate and its decomposition is not a sensible solution, researchers coupled one enzyme generating hydrogen peroxide “in situ” to the target enzyme resulting in a continuous supply of this reagent at low concentrations thus preventing enzyme inactivation. This review will focus on the general role of hydrogen peroxide in biocatalysis, the main mechanisms of enzyme inactivation produced by this reactive and the different strategies used to prevent enzyme inactivation caused by this “dangerous liaison”.


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The stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the late Miocene and early Pliocene have been examined at six sites in the South Atlantic and southwest Pacific oceans: Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites 284, 516A, 519, 588, and 590 and two piston cores from Chain cruise 115. A consistent stratigraphy was developed among sites using graphic correlation, which resulted in age models for all sites that are tied to the revised paleomagnetic time scale of Berggren et al. (1985). Applying these chronologies, we assessed latitudinal and interocean contrasts in the stratigraphic ranges of late Miocene-early Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal and nanno - fossil datums. Salient stratigraphic results include (1) The last appearance datum (LAD) of Globoquadrina dehiscens is a late Miocene (approx. 6.4 Ma) event in the subtropics and is not useful for the placement of the Miocene/Pliocene (M/P) boundary in this biogeographic province. (2) The first appearance datum (FAD) of Globorotalia crassaformis occurred at 5.1 Ma in the South Atlantic near the M/P boundary, suggesting that Gr. crassaformis may have first evolved in the South Atlantic and later migrated to other regions. (3) In the southwest Pacific, the FADs of Gr. margaritae (5.97 Ma), Gr. puncticulata (5.09 Ma), and Gr. crassaformis (4.87 Ma) are significantly time transgressive between temperate and warm subtropical regions. Time lags of 1.0 m.y. were required for these species to adapt to physical and/or biotic conditions peripheral to their endemic biogeographic provinces. (4) Between the subtropics of the South Atlantic and southwest Pacific, many planktonic foraminiferal datums (FAD of Dentogloboquadrina altispira, Gr. cibaoensis, Gr. conomiozea, Gr. margaritae, and Gq. dehiscens and LAD of Gr. cibaoensis) markedly depart from the correlation suggested by magnetostratigraphy, indicating that these datum levels are unreliable for correlation between these ocean basins. (5) In contrast, available calcareous nannofossil datum levels fall on or near the paleomagnetic correlation line, indicating synchroneity of events within the subtropics. (6) Biostratigraphic, magnetic, and 87Sr/86Sr correlation between sites 588 and 519 and the M/P neostratotype at Capo Rossello, Sicily, suggests that the base of the Zanclean stratotype occurs at 5.1-5.0 Ma in the lower reversed subchron of the Gilbert, about 2-3 * 10**5 years above the Gilbert/Chron 5 boundary. Oxygen isotopic results from DSDP sites 284, 519, and CH115 piston cores confirm a prolonged benthic d18O increase in the latest Miocene between 5.6 and 5.0 Ma, as originally proposed by Shackleton and Kennett (1975). At DSDP site 588, the benthic d18O record in the latest Miocene is marked by high-frequency fluctuations with amplitude variations of 0.5per mill, and a long-period wavelength component of 400,000 years. Maximum d18O values, however, occurred during the late Miocene (Kapitean Stage) between 5.5 and 5.1 Ma. The late Miocene d18O changes resulted from mid- and high-latitude cooling and pulses of ice sheet expansion and contraction. Glacial events were most intense during the latest Miocene (Kapitean Stage), and occurred at 5.50-5.35 Ma and at 5.10 Ma. Glacial events are estimated to have lowered sea level by 40 to 60 m and contributed to the isolation and desiccation of the Mediterranean Basin during the late Messinian. Interglacial conditions prevailed at 5.2 Ma and between 5.0 and 4.1 Ma in the early Pliocene. The beginning of the Pliocene was marked by changes in many proxy climatic indicators at all sites, suggesting a prolonged interval of warm, interglacial conditions between 5.0 and 4.1 Ma during the earliest Pliocene.


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Leg 94 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project has provided a unique set of paleomagnetically dated cores, taken along a N-S transect in the North Atlantic. High deposition rates in the sediments, combined with the palaeomagnetic ages, have enabled existing planktonic foraminiferal zonations to be tested and a new zonation for the mid- to high latitudes to be erected. The PL zonation of Berggren (1973, 1977) is shown to be adequate as far north as 41°N, although both the LAD's of Globigerina nepenthes and Globorotalia margaritae occur earlier than in tropical regions. North of 41°N these two species have very diachronous LAD's, even though they are common during their range in the northern sites. The new zonation for the mid to high latitude North Atlantic is based on the FAD of G. margaritae, FAD of G. puncticulata, LAD of G. cf. crassula, LAD of N. atlantica, FAD of G. inflata and FAD of sinistrally coiled encrusted N. pachyderma.


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We produced a preliminary record for shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifer d18O at Site 807 for the late Pleistocene, early Pliocene, and early Miocene. Site 807 d18O values between 4 and 5 Ma average 0.75 per mil more than Holocene values and show an average variation of 0.5 per mil. For the early Pliocene, peak maximum d18O at Site 807 attain values equivalent with the last glacial maximum whereas peak minimum d18O were never less than Holocene d18O. Shallow-dwelling planktonic d18O at Site 807 between 16 and 24 Ma average more than 1.0 per mil more positive than Holocene d18O and exhibit 0.5 per mil average amplitude. Assuming that the global ice budget for the early Pliocene and early Miocene was restricted to Antarctica, it is difficult to attribute the very positive Site 807 d18O for these intervals to ice on Antarctica. Site 807 d18O for these intervals more likely reflect sea-surface temperatures cooler than at present, sea-surface salinity greater than at present, increased dissolution, or some combination of these changes.


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A relatively complete lower Paleocene to lower Oligocene sequence was recovered from the Southern High of Shatsky Rise at Sites 1209, 1210, and 1211. The sequence consists of nannofossil ooze and clay-rich nannofossil ooze. Samples from these sites have been the target of intensive calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigations. Calcareous nannofossils are moderately preserved in most of the recovered sequence, which extends from nannofossil Zones CP1 to CP16. Most traditional zonal markers are present; however, the rarity and poor preservation of key species in the uppermost Paleocene and lower Eocene inhibits zonal subdivision of part of this sequence.


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Calcareous nannofossils were studied in 574 Neogene samples recovered from eight sites drilled in block-faulted basins on the continental margin of Oman. This portion of the Arabian Sea experiences seasonal upwelling associated with the southwest monsoon. Not surprisingly, some of the more typical Neogene warm-water nannoplankton are either missing entirely or are extremely rare in these sediments. Coccolithus pelagicus, a typical cold-water indicator, is extremely abundant in many samples of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. These intervals correspond to periods of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Reworked Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic nannofossils are found in a majority of the samples. They were probably carried from the Arabian Peninsula or the continent of Africa on strong southwest summer winds. Ages for the various nannofossil events were calculated by projecting the nannofossil datums onto the magnetostratigraphic scale for Sites 724, 727, and 728. These are the first ages for the various nannofossil datums derived from Oman Margin sediments. The following ages have been calculated for these nannofossil events: FAD Emiliania huxleyi, 0.23 Ma; LAD Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, 0.38 Ma; FAD Helicosphaera inversa, 0.42 Ma; top of acme of Reticulofenestra sp. A, 0.70 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsaparallela, 0.85 Ma; LAD Gephyrocapsa spp. (large), 1.07 Ma; LAD Helicosphaera sellii, 1.34 Ma; LAD Calcidiscus macintyrei, 1.47 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa oceanica, 1.53 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, 1.80 Ma; LAD Discoaster brouweri, 2.03 Ma; LAD Discoasterpentaradiatus, 2.31 Ma; LAD Discoaster surculus, 2.42; LAD Discoaster tamalis, 2.77 Ma; LAD Sphenolithus abies, 3.44 Ma; and LAD Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, 3.44 Ma.


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Benthic foraminifers were studied in upper Eocene to Recent core-catcher samples from DSDP Sites 573, 574, and 575. The sites are on a north-south transect from the equator to about 05°N at about 133°W, water depth 4300 to 4600 m. At Site 574 additional samples were used to study the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in detail. About 200 specimens were counted per sample. The fauna is highly diverse (about 50 to 70 species per sample) and is of low dominance. The diversity is not related to age or sub-bottom depth. Many species are cosmopolitan and probably have wide environmental tolerances. Fluctuations in frequency of some taxa (e.g., Nuttallides umbonifera, Epistominella exigua, and Uvigerina spp.) cannot be correlated from one site to another. Several common species (e.g. Oridorsalis umbonatus and Globocassidulina subglobosa) range from late Eocene to Recent. First and last appearances are generally difficult to define precisely because many species are rare. For some species these datums differ from one site to another, but several datum levels are within 1 m.y. at all sites. First and last appearances are most numerous in two intervals, the late Eocene to early Oligocene (about 32 to 37 Ma) and the early to middle Miocene (about 13 to 18.5 Ma). Isotopic events occur within each of these periods of benthic faunal change, but the isotopic events have a shorter duration and start after the initiation of the changes in the fauna. Changes in deep-sea benthic faunal composition are not directly related to short-term oceanographic changes as expressed in isotopic records.


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This preliminary report does not present the distribution of selected key planktonic species in each Leg 133 hole, but rather, extracts the best chronodatum levels in two sets of holes, which comprise the Queensland Trough and Townsville Trough transects. In general, the sampling interval was 1.5 m, but sometimes was larger. To convert the datum levels into time, the absolute ages of Berggren et al. (1985, doi:10.1144/GSL.MEM.1985.010.01.18) were used. Extinction levels were employed in the main, because they are the most easily recognized, the order of events seems to be consistent from hole to hole, and they correlate reasonably well with chronodatum levels obtained from nannofossil biostratigraphy (see Gartner et al., 1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.133.213.1993).


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Edited by Abū al-Qāsim al-Sadahī al-Iṣfahānī.