995 resultados para Facial-nerve Function
The mechanisms regulating retinal ganglion cell (RGC) development are crucial for retinogenesis and for the establishment of normal vision. However, these mechanisms are only vaguely understood. RGCs are the first neuronal lineage to segregate from pluripotent progenitors in the developing retina. As output neurons, RGCs display developmental features very distinct from those of the other retinal cell types. To better understand RGC development, we have previously constructed a gene regulatory network featuring a hierarchical cascade of transcription factors that ultimately controls the expression of downstream effector genes. This has revealed the existence of a Pou domain transcription factor, Pou4f2, that occupies a key node in the RGC gene regulatory network and that is essential for RGC differentiation. However, little is known about the genes that connect upstream regulatory genes, such as Pou4f2 with downstream effector genes responsible for RGC differentiation. The purpose of this study was to characterize the retinal function of eomesodermin (Eomes), a T-box transcription factor with previously unsuspected roles in retinogenesis. We show that Eomes is expressed in developing RGCs and is a mediator of Pou4f2 function. Pou4f2 directly regulates Eomes expression through a cis-regulatory element within a conserved retinal enhancer. Deleting Eomes in the developing retina causes defects reminiscent of those in Pou4f2(-/-) retinas. Moreover, myelin ensheathment in the optic nerves of Eomes(-/-) embryos is severely impaired, suggesting that Eomes regulates this process. We conclude that Eomes is a crucial regulator positioned immediately downstream of Pou4f2 and is required for RGC differentiation and optic nerve development.
Much of the craniofacial skeleton, such as the skull vault, mandible and midface, develops through direct, intramembranous ossification of the cranial neural crest (CNC) derived progenitor cells. Bmp-signaling plays critical roles in normal craniofacial development, and Bmp4 deficiency results in craniofacial abnormalities, such as cleft lip and palate. We performed an in depth analysis of Bmp4, a critical regulator of development, disease, and evolution, in the CNC. Conditional Bmp4 overexpression, using a tetracycline regulated Bmp4 gain of function allele, resulted in facial form changes that were most dramatic after an E10.5 Bmp4 induction. Expression profiling uncovered a signature of Bmp4 induced genes (BIG) composed predominantly of transcriptional regulators controlling self-renewal, osteoblast differentiation, and negative Bmp autoregulation. The complimentary experiment, CNC inactivation of Bmp2, Bmp4, and Bmp7, resulted in complete or partial loss of multiple CNC derived skeletal elements revealing a critical requirement for Bmp-signaling in membranous bone and cartilage development. Importantly, the BIG signature was reduced in Bmp loss of function mutants indicating similar Bmp-regulated target genes underlying facial form modulation and normal skeletal morphogenesis. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) revealed a subset of the BIG signature, including Satb2, Smad6, Hand1, Gadd45g and Gata3 that was bound by Smad1/5 in the developing mandible revealing direct, Smad-mediated regulation. These data indicate that Bmp-signaling regulates craniofacial skeletal development and facial form by balancing self-renewal and differentiation pathways in CNC progenitors.
Neuropathic pain caused by peripheral nerve injury is a debilitating neurological condition of high clinical relevance. On the cellular level, the elevated pain sensitivity is induced by plasticity of neuronal function along the pain pathway. Changes in cortical areas involved in pain processing contribute to the development of neuropathic pain. Yet, it remains elusive which plasticity mechanisms occur in cortical circuits. We investigated the properties of neural networks in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a brain region mediating affective responses to noxious stimuli. We performed multiple whole-cell recordings from neurons in layer 5 (L5) of the ACC of adult mice after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve of the left hindpaw and observed a striking loss of connections between excitatory and inhibitory neurons in both directions. In contrast, no significant changes in synaptic efficacy in the remaining connected pairs were found. These changes were reflected on the network level by a decrease in the mEPSC and mIPSC frequency. Additionally, nerve injury resulted in a potentiation of the intrinsic excitability of pyramidal neurons, whereas the cellular properties of interneurons were unchanged. Our set of experimental parameters allowed constructing a neuronal network model of L5 in the ACC, revealing that the modification of inhibitory connectivity had the most profound effect on increased network activity. Thus, our combined experimental and modeling approach suggests that cortical disinhibition is a fundamental pathological modification associated with peripheral nerve damage. These changes at the cortical network level might therefore contribute to the neuropathic pain condition.
OBJECTIVES Facial self-mutilation is rare. It is usually discussed from the psychiatric or psychoanalytic perspectives but has little prominence in general medical literature. Our objective was to describe facial self-mutilation in terms of its comorbidities, and to outline the different types of facial mutilation, as well as the basic approach to the patients with facial self-mutilation. METHODS We undertook a review of all published cases of facial self-mutilation (1960-2011). RESULTS We identified 200 published cases in 123 relevant papers. Four major groups of comorbidities emerged: psychiatric, neurological and hereditary disorders, and a group of patients without identified comorbidities. There were three general patterns of facial self-mutilation: (1) major and definitive mutilation, with the ocular globe as primary target--seen in patients with psychotic disorders; (2) stereotypical mutilation involving the oral cavity and of variable degree of severity, most often seen in patients with hereditary neuropathy or encephalopathy; (3) mild chronic self-mutilation, seen in patients with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders, acquired neurological disorders, and patients without comorbidities. About 20% of patients that mutilated their face also mutilated extra-facial structures. Patients with psychiatric conditions, especially those with psychotic disorders, had significantly higher (p<0.05) rates of permanent facial self-mutilation than others. Most treatment plans were very individually based, but some principles, such as prevention of irreversible loss of function and structure, or development of infection are applicable to all patients with facial self-mutilation. CONCLUSIONS Facial self-mutilation is a potentially severe manifestation of diverse conditions. Several aspects of facial self-mutilation remain to be fully characterised from a clinical perspective.
BACKGROUND Patients in whom conventional peroneal nerve repair surgery failed to reconstitute useful foot lift need to be evaluated for their suitability to undergo a concomitant tendon transfer procedure or nerve transfers. OBJECTIVE To report our first clinical experience with nerve transfers for persistent traumatic peroneal nerve palsy. METHODS Between 2007 and 2013, 8 patients were operated on for foot drop after unsuccessful nerve surgery. Six patients without fatty degeneration of the anterior tibial muscle and proximal lesion of the peroneal nerve were oriented for tibial to peroneal nerve transfer. In the other 2 cases where the anterior and lateral compartments were destructed, the anterior tibial muscle function was reconstructed with a neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer. For each patient, we graded postoperative results using the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre scheme and the Ninkovic assessment scale. RESULTS Of the 6 patients who underwent nerve transfer of the anterior tibial muscle, 2 patients had excellent results, 1 patient had good results, 1 patient had fair results, and 2 patients had poor results. Of the 2 patients that underwent neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer, 1 patient achieved excellent results after tenolysis, whereas 1 patient achieved poor results. After the nerve transfer, 5 patients did not wear an ankle-foot orthosis. Four patients did not limp. Four patients were able to walk barefoot, navigate stairs, and participate in activities. CONCLUSION Early clinical results after tibial to peroneal nerve transfer and neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer appear mixed. The results of nerve transfer seem, on the whole, less reliable than the literature reports on tendon transfer. ABBREVIATIONS EMG, electromyographyNAP, nerve action potential.
The objective of this study was to assess implant therapy after a staged guided bone regeneration procedure in the anterior maxilla by lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve and vessel bundle. Neurosensory function following augmentative procedures and implant placement, assessed using a standardized questionnaire and clinical examination, were the primary outcome variables measured. This retrospective study included patients with a bone defect in the anterior maxilla in need of horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation prior to dental implant placement. The surgical sites were allowed to heal for at least 6 months before placement of dental implants. All patients received fixed implant-supported restorations and entered into a tightly scheduled maintenance program. In addition to the maintenance program, patients were recalled for a clinical examination and to fill out a questionnaire to assess any changes in the neurosensory function of the nasopalatine nerve at least 6 months after function. Twenty patients were included in the study from February 2001 to December 2010. They received a total of 51 implants after augmentation of the alveolar crest and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. The follow-up examination for questionnaire and neurosensory assessment was scheduled after a mean period of 4.18 years of function. None of the patients examined reported any pain, they did not have less or an altered sensation, and they did not experience a "foreign body" feeling in the area of surgery. Overall, 6 patients out of 20 (30%) showed palatal sensibility alterations of the soft tissues in the region of the maxillary canines and incisors resulting in a risk for a neurosensory change of 0.45 mucosal teeth regions per patient after ridge augmentation with lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve. Regeneration of bone defects in the anterior maxilla by horizontal and/or vertical ridge augmentation and lateralization of the nasopalatine nerve prior to dental implant placement is a predictable surgical technique. Whether or not there were clinically measurable impairments of neurosensory function, the patients did not report them or were not bothered by them.
OBJECTIVES Chewing efficiency may be evaluated using cohesive specimen, especially in elderly or dysphagic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate three two-coloured chewing gums for a colour-mixing ability test and to validate a new purpose built software (ViewGum©). METHODS Dentate participants (dentate-group) and edentulous patients with mandibular two-implant overdentures (IOD-group) were recruited. First, the dentate-group chewed three different types of two-coloured gum (gum1-gum3) for 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 chewing cycles. Subsequently the number of chewing cycles with the highest intra- and inter-rater agreement was determined visually by applying a scale (SA) and opto-electronically (ViewGum©, Bland-Altman analysis). The ViewGum© software determines semi-automatically the variance of hue (VOH); inadequate mixing presents with larger VOH than complete mixing. Secondly, the dentate-group and the IOD-group were compared. RESULTS The dentate-group comprised 20 participants (10 female, 30.3±6.7 years); the IOD-group 15 participants (10 female, 74.6±8.3 years). Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement (SA) was very high at 20 chewing cycles (95.00-98.75%). Gums 1-3 showed different colour-mixing characteristics as a function of chewing cycles, gum1 showed a logarithmic association; gum2 and gum3 demonstrated more linear behaviours. However, the number of chewing cycles could be predicted in all specimens from VOH (all p<0.0001, mixed linear regression models). Both analyses proved discriminative to the dental state. CONCLUSION ViewGum© proved to be a reliable and discriminative tool to opto-electronically assess chewing efficiency, given an elastic specimen is chewed for 20 cycles and could be recommended for the evaluation of chewing efficiency in a clinical and research setting. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Chewing is a complex function of the oro-facial structures and the central nervous system. The application of the proposed assessments of the chewing function in geriatrics or special care dentistry could help visualising oro-functional or dental comorbidities in dysphagic patients or those suffering from protein-energy malnutrition.
El caso presentado nos plantea una situación de desorden fun- cional (limitación de la función articular), en apertura y laterali- dad, asociado a dolor intenso orofacial. La hipoplasia condílea unilateral se manifiesta como asimetría esqueletal con desplazamiento notable del mentón hacia el lado derecho, y mordida abierta anterior. Previamente se exponen conceptos básicos de crecimiento con- dilar e hipoplasia condilar.
Differentiation and function of pancreatic β cells are regulated by a variety of hormones and growth factors, including nerve growth factor (NGF). Whether this is an endocrine or autocrine/paracrine role for NGF is not known. We demonstrate that NGF is produced and secreted by adult rat pancreatic β cells. NGF secretion is increased in response to elevated glucose or potassium, but decreased in response to dibutyryl cAMP. Moreover, steady-state levels of NGF mRNA are down-regulated by dibutyryl cAMP, which is opposite to the effect of cAMP on insulin release. NGF-stimulated changes in morphology and function are mediated by high-affinity Trk A receptors in other mammalian cells. Trk A receptors are present in β cells and steady-state levels of Trk A mRNA are modulated by NGF and dibutyryl cAMP. Taken together, these findings suggest endocrine and autocrine roles for pancreatic β-cell NGF, which, in turn, could be related to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus where serum NGF levels are diminished.
Immunocytochemistry and in vitro studies have suggested that the ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) protein, radixin, may have a role in nerve growth cone motility. We tested the in situ role of radixin in chick dorsal root ganglion growth cones by observing the effects of its localized and acute inactivation. Microscale chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (micro-CALI) of radixin in growth cones causes a 30% reduction of lamellipodial area within the irradiated region whereas all control treatments did not affect lamellipodia. Micro-CALI of radixin targeted to the middle of the leading edge often split growth cones to form two smaller growth cones during continued forward movement (>80%). These findings suggest a critical role for radixin in growth cone lamellipodia that is similar to ezrin function in pseudopodia of transformed fibroblasts. They are consistent with radixin linking actin filaments to each other or to the membrane during motility.
Attempts to rescue retinal ganglion cells from retrograde degeneration have had limited success, and the residual function of surviving neurons is not known. Recently, it has been found that axotomized retinal ganglion cells die by apoptotic mechanisms. We have used adult transgenic mice overexpressing the Bcl-2 protein, a powerful inhibitor of apoptosis, as a model for preventing injury-induced cell death in vivo. Several months after axotomy, the majority of retinal ganglion cells survived and exhibited normal visual responses. In control wild-type mice, the vast majority of axotomized retinal ganglion cells degenerated, and the physiological responses were abolished. These results suggest that strategies aimed at increasing Bcl-2 expression, or mimicking its function, might effectively counteract trauma-induced cell death in the central nervous system. Neuronal survival is a necessary condition in the challenge for promoting regeneration and eventually restoring neuronal function.
The Drosophila apterous (ap) gene encodes a protein of the LIM-homeodomain family. Many transcription factors of this class have been conserved during evolution; however, the functional significance of their structural conservation is generally not known. ap is best known for its fundamental role as a dorsal selector gene required for patterning and growth of the wing, but it also has other important functions required for neuronal fasciculation, fertility, and normal viability. We isolated mouse (mLhx2) and human (hLhx2) ap orthologs, and we used transgenic animals and rescue assays to investigate the conservation of the Ap protein during evolution. We found that the human protein LHX2 is able to regulate correctly ap target genes in the fly, causes the same phenotypes as Ap when ectopically produced, and most importantly rescues ap mutant phenotypes as efficiently as the fly protein. In addition, we found striking similarities in the expression patterns of the Drosophila and murine genes. Both mLhx2 and ap are expressed in the respective nerve cords, eyes, olfactory organs, brain, and limbs. These results demonstrate the conservation of Ap protein function across phyla and argue that aspects of its expression pattern have also been conserved from a common ancestor of insects and vertebrates.
Normal aging is associated with a significant reduction in cognitive function across primate species. However, the structural and molecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly. Extensive cell loss does not occur as a consequence of normal aging in human and nonhuman primate species. More recent studies have demonstrated significant reductions in functional neuronal markers in subcortical brain regions in primates as a consequence of aging, including dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, although corresponding losses in cortical innervation from these neurons have not been investigated. In the present study, we report that aging is associated with a significant 25% reduction in cortical innervation by cholinergic systems in rhesus monkeys (P < 0.001). Further, these age-related reductions are ameliorated by cellular delivery of human nerve growth factor to cholinergic somata in the basal forebrain, restoring levels of cholinergic innervation in the cortex to those of young monkeys (P = 0.89). Thus, (i) aging is associated with a significant reduction in cortical cholinergic innervation; (ii) this reduction is reversible by growth-factor delivery; and (iii) growth factors can remodel axonal terminal fields at a distance, representing a nontropic action of growth factors in modulating adult neuronal structure and function (i.e., administration of growth factors to cholinergic somata significantly increases axon density in terminal fields). These findings are relevant to potential clinical uses of growth factors to treat neurological disorders.
In postnatal tissues, angiogenesis occurs in nontumoral conditions on appropriate stimuli. In the nervous tissue, hypoxia, neural graft, increased neural function, and synaptic activity are associated with neoangiogenesis. We have investigated the occurrence of neoangiogenesis in the superior cervical ganglia (scg) of newborn rats treated for 8–21 days with 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA), nerve growth factor (NGF), or 6-OHDA + NGF. The two latter treatments induced a significant increase in scg size. However, the increase after combined treatment far exceeded that of NGF alone. Similarly, histological and histochemical analysis revealed neuronal hypertrophy and endothelial cell hyperplasia associated with stromal hypertrophy (as described by laminin immunostaining) and increased vascular bed (as revealed by platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 immunostaining) in 6-OHDA + NGF-treated pups. NGF, either alone or associated with 6-OHDA, also induced a significant up-regulation of NADPH diaphorase, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in scg neurons. The present investigation suggests that the increase of scg size induced by NGF and 6-OHDA + NGF is associated with neoangiogenesis, and that the induction of vasoactive and angiogenic factors in neurons represents a further and previously undisclosed effect of NGF.
We review the mechanical origin of auditory-nerve excitation, focusing on comparisons of the magnitudes and phases of basilar-membrane (BM) vibrations and auditory-nerve fiber responses to tones at a basal site of the chinchilla cochlea with characteristic frequency ≈ 9 kHz located 3.5 mm from the oval window. At this location, characteristic frequency thresholds of fibers with high spontaneous activity correspond to magnitudes of BM displacement or velocity in the order of 1 nm or 50 μm/s. Over a wide range of stimulus frequencies, neural thresholds are not determined solely by BM displacement but rather by a function of both displacement and velocity. Near-threshold, auditory-nerve responses to low-frequency tones are synchronous with peak BM velocity toward scala tympani but at 80–90 dB sound pressure level (in decibels relative to 20 microPascals) and at 100–110 dB sound pressure level responses undergo two large phase shifts approaching 180°. These drastic phase changes have no counterparts in BM vibrations. Thus, although at threshold levels the encoding of BM vibrations into spike trains appears to involve only relatively minor signal transformations, the polarity of auditory-nerve responses does not conform with traditional views of how BM vibrations are transmitted to the inner hair cells. The response polarity at threshold levels, as well as the intensity-dependent phase changes, apparently reflect micromechanical interactions between the organ of Corti, the tectorial membrane and the subtectorial fluid, and/or electrical and synaptic processes at the inner hair cells.