574 resultados para FRONTS
Les femmes autochtones vivent une discrimination intersectionnelle, en ce qu’elle provient d’au moins deux sources: le genre et la race (ou la culture), et qu’elle est plus complexe que la somme de ses sources. Par conséquent, les revendications des femmes autochtones se situent sur au moins deux plans: elles ont des revendications comme autochtones au sein de la population canadienne et comme femmes à l’intérieur de leurs communautés. Partant de la prémisse que l’État canadien doit reconnaître le droit à l’autodétermination des peuples autochtones et par le fait même le droit autochtone, nous nous interrogeons sur les moyens qui permettraient aux femmes autochtones d’exercer l’influence nécessaire pour faire reconnaître et accepter leurs revendications politiques et juridiques dans les processus décisionnels de leurs communautés. Féminisme et revendications autochtones sont-ils nécessairement antinomiques? Pour certaines auteures autochtones, une approche libérale fondée sur la « structure des droits » est incompatible avec les valeurs autochtones. Comment surmonter ces objections en apparence inébranlables? Le problème des femmes autochtones est-il simplement une affaire de « droits » non reconnus? N’est-ce pas plutôt un problème de rapports de pouvoir à l’extérieur, mais également à l’intérieur, des communautés? Nous tentons dans ce qui suit de démontrer qu’au-delà d’un cadre théorique basé sur les droits de la personne, une approche basée sur le principe démocratique permettrait aux femmes autochtones de faire valoir leurs revendications en tant que femmes et en tant qu’autochtones d’une manière plus efficace. En effet, la participation démocratique de tous les membres de la communauté permettrait de contourner les problèmes théoriques liés à une dichotomie entre droits individuels et collectifs, en mettant l’accent sur le processus décisionnel plutôt que sur la valeur des décisions en découlant. Dans cette perspective, féminisme et revendications autochtones peuvent s’allier avantageusement.
Grâce à son accessibilité, sa polyvalence et sa sécurité, l'échocardiographie est devenue la technique d'imagerie la plus utilisée pour évaluer la fonction cardiaque. Au vu du succès de l'échographie ultrarapide par ondes planes des techniques similaires pour augmenter la résolution temporelle en échocardiographie ont été mise en oeuvre. L’augmentation de la résolution temporelle de l’échographie cardiaque au-delà des valeurs actuellement atteignables (~ 60 à 80 images par secondes), pourrait être utilisé pour améliorer d’autres caractéristiques de l'échocardiographie, comme par exemple élargir la plage de vitesses détectables en imagerie Doppler couleur limitées par la valeur de Nyquist. Nous avons étudié l'échocardiographie ultrarapide en utilisant des fronts d’ondes ultrasonores divergentes. La résolution temporelle atteinte par la méthode d'ondes divergentes a permis d’améliorer les capacités des modes d’échocardiographie en mode B et en Doppler couleur. La résolution temporelle de la méthode mode B a été augmentée jusqu'à 633 images par secondes, tout en gardant une qualité d'image comparable à celle de la méthode d’échocardiographie conventionnelle. La vitesse de Nyquist de la méthode Doppler couleur a été multipliée jusqu'à 6 fois au delà de la limite conventionnelle en utilisant une technique inspirée de l’imagerie radar; l’implémentation de cette méthode n’aurait pas été possible sans l’utilisation de fronts d’ondes divergentes. Les performances avantageuses de la méthode d'échocardiographie ultrarapide sont supportées par plusieurs résultats in vitro et in vivo inclus dans ce manuscrit.
Satellite remote sensing is being effectively used in monitoring the ocean surface and its overlying atmosphere. Technical growth in the field of satellite sensors has made satellite measurement an inevitable part of oceanographic and atmospheric research. Among the ocean observing sensors, ocean colour sensors make use of visible band of electromagnetic spectrum (shorter wavelength). The use of shorter wavelength ensures fine spatial resolution of these parameters to depict oceanographic and atmospheric characteristics of any region having significant spaio-temporal variability. Off the southwest coast of India is such an area showing very significant spatio-temporal oceanographic and atmospheric variability due to the seasonally reversing surface winds and currents. Consequently, the region is enriched with features like upwelling, sinking, eddies, fronts, etc. Among them, upwelling brings nutrient-rich waters from subsurface layers to surface layers. During this process primary production enhances, which is measured in ocean colour sensors as high values of Chl a. Vertical attenuation depth of incident solar radiation (Kd) and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) are another two parameters provided by ocean colour sensors. Kd is also susceptible to undergo significant seasonal variability due to the changes in the content of Chl a in the water column. Moreover, Kd is affected by sediment transport in the upper layers as the region experiences land drainage resulting from copious rainfall. The wide range of variability of wind speed and direction may also influence the aerosol source / transport and consequently AOD. The present doctoral thesis concentrates on the utility of Chl a, Kd and AODprovided by satellite ocean colour sensors to understand oceanographic and atmospheric variability off the southwest coast of India. The thesis is divided into six Chapters with further subdivisions
We introduce a set of sequential integro-difference equations to analyze the dynamics of two interacting species. Firstly, we derive the speed of the fronts when a species invades a space previously occupied by a second species, and check its validity by means of numerical random-walk simulations. As an example, we consider the Neolithic transition: the predictions of the model are consistent with the archaeological data for the front speed, provided that the interaction parameter is low enough. Secondly, an equation for the coexistence time between the invasive and the invaded populations is obtained for the first time. It agrees well with the simulations, is consistent with observations of the Neolithic transition, and makes it possible to estimate the value of the interaction parameter between the incoming and the indigenous populations
En la actualidad y de acuerdo al informe del Sistema Nacional de Instituciones de Educación Superior (SNIES) la deserción estudiantil en la Educación Superior está en el 52%. Cada Institución de Educación Superior (IES) realiza esfuerzos por retener y sostener en el tiempo a los estudiantes académicamente viables; estos esfuerzos están divididos en diferentes frentes: Académico, Financiero, Psicológico y Cultural. Desde la estructura administrativa se busca responder a esta necesidad, y para ello, con el fin de contrarrestar el retiro o abandono de los estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado en la Universidad del Rosario, identificado mediante la aplicación de la metodología propuesta por La Estrategia de los Cuatro Círculos y el Método MEYEP, ante cuyas conclusiones y recomendaciones se procedió a realizar un proyecto que pretende conformar una Unidad de Gestión Integral de Apoyo al Estudiante (UGIAE). Unidad que constituye una iniciativa por integrar los esfuerzos en un organismo que responda a las necesidades de los estudiantes y cuya directriz se enmarque en el contexto del Plan Integral de Desarrollo PID de la Universidad. La finalidad de la UGIAE es facilitar a los estudiantes académicamente viables de la Universidad del Rosario, la culminación de sus estudios; para lo cual se pretende el mejor aprovechamiento de las competencias humanas, el trabajo en equipo, y la transdisciplinariedad que canalice los esfuerzos colectivos; para este efecto se desarrolla un modelo de simulación en Stella en el que convergen y se aplican las recomendaciones finales del presente documento.
El trabajo de grado fue inspirado en la primera experiencia laboral del autor en Proaño Representaciones, una empresa comercializadora del Equipos de Protección Personal (EPPs) y seguridad industrial en Quito, Ecuador. Durante la primera etapa de esta experiencia se pudo ser parte de diferentes iniciativas, especialmente en el tema de la gestión de la comercialización, dentro de ellas se evidenciaba el interés de la empresas por introducirse en le mercado de la seguridad ocupacional en los países vecinos, Colombia y Perú. De la mano de lo anterior, se le presento a la empresa una propuesta donde se planteaba hacer una investigación de mercados en el sector de la salud ocupacional en las principales ciudades de Colombia, Bogotá y Medellín, la iniciativa en un principio tenia dos frentes, la intervención en los canales de distribución (pequeños distribuidores y fabricantes) y por otro lado la participación en contrataciones estatales. Pero a lo largo del desarrollo de la iniciativa se replanteo la iniciativa, los dos ejes no podían ser trabajados simultáneamente, se decidió que fueran pasos a seguir, ósea, en un principio intervenir los canales de distribución en Bogotá y Medellín, y después la participación en la contracción estatal. Durante el desarrollo de este trabajo de grado se tuvo la oportunidad de ser parte de círculos de aprendizaje especializados, visitas a empresas protagonistas del sector como por ejemplo ARSEG, todo lo anterior se llevo a cabo tanto en la ciudad de Bogotá y Medellín. Igualmente desarrollar esta iniciativa permitió un acercamiento a entidades de gobierno como lo fue el Ministerio del Trabajo.
El presente trabajo de grado surgió a partir de una investigación realizada semestres anteriores a la empresa ACONQUISTAR S.A.S., en donde se encontraron falencias logísticas relacionadas con el transporte de mercancías. Por consiguiente este trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la cadena de Abastecimiento y el acercamiento a la creación de un plan estratégico de logística Para dicha empresa. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se establecieron tres frentes de ejecución; la cadena de abastecimiento de la empresa, los operadores logísticos de transporte y los clientes, con el fin de obtener las bases necesaria para lograr trabajar en el diseño del plan estratégico de logística para la empresa. El cual, consistió en la aplicación del Modelo de Referencia de Operaciones para la Cadena de abastecimiento (SCOR).
This document is a reflextion on a proposal that is called: “Structural analysis of strategic sectors”, the analysis that will be explained on manages to conjugate a series of data originating from different sectorial fronts, for to be utilized to discretion by the analysts, and its result should be understood as a perception, but not like a diagnosis. The analysis is comprised of sev eral test whose study should be done carefully, trying to integrate the individual results of each one of the components to translate them in a result that I call: Perception on the environment of the organization. The tests that are proposed are the following: Analysis of the forces of the market, Lifting of the competitive panorama, Analysis of supposed and capacities of the competence, Analysis of profit value, employment, certifications and foreign trade.
It is often assumed that ventilation of the atmospheric boundary layer is weak in the absence of fronts, but is this always true? In this paper we investigate the processes responsible for ventilation of the atmospheric boundary layer during a nonfrontal day that occurred on 9 May 2005 using the UK Met Office Unified Model. Pollution sources are represented by the constant emission of a passive tracer everywhere over land. The ventilation processes observed include shallow convection, turbulent mixing followed by large-scale ascent, a sea breeze circulation and coastal outflow. Vertical distributions of tracer are validated qualitatively with AMPEP (Aircraft Measurement of chemical Processing Export fluxes of Pollutants over the UK) CO aircraft measurements and are shown to agree impressively well. Budget calculations of tracers are performed in order to determine the relative importance of these ventilation processes. Coastal outflow and the sea breeze circulation were found to ventilate 26% of the boundary layer tracer by sunset of which 2% was above 2 km. A combination of coastal outflow, the sea breeze circulation, turbulent mixing and large-scale ascent ventilated 46% of the boundary layer tracer, of which 10% was above 2 km. Finally, coastal outflow, the sea breeze circulation, turbulent mixing, large-scale ascent and shallow convection together ventilated 52% of the tracer into the free troposphere, of which 26% was above 2 km. Hence this study shows that significant ventilation of the boundary layer can occur in the absence of fronts (and thus during high-pressure events). Turbulent mixing and convection processes can double the amount of pollution ventilated from the boundary layer.
A climatology of extratropical cyclones is produced using an objective method of identifying cyclones based on gradients of 1-km height wet-bulb potential temperature. Cyclone track and genesis density statistics are analyzed and this method is found to compare well with other cyclone identification methods. The North Atlantic storm track is reproduced along with the major regions of genesis. Cyclones are grouped according to their genesis location and the corresponding lysis regions are identified. Most of the cyclones that cross western Europe originate in the east Atlantic where the baroclinicity and the sea surface temperature gradients are weak compared to the west Atlantic. East Atlantic cyclones also have higher 1-km height relative vorticity and lower mean sea level pressure at their genesis point than west Atlantic cyclones. This is consistent with the hypothesis that they are secondary cyclones developing on the trailing fronts of preexisting “parent” cyclones. The evolution characteristics of composite west and east Atlantic cyclones have been compared. The ratio of their upper- to lower-level forcing indicates that type B cyclones are predominant in both the west and east Atlantic, with strong upper- and lower-level features. Among the remaining cyclones, there is a higher proportion of type C cyclones in the east Atlantic, whereas types A and C are equally frequent in the west Atlantic.
Numerical studies of surface ocean fronts forced by inhomogeneous buoyancy loss show nonhydrostatic convective plumes coexisting with baroclinic eddies. The character of the vertical overturning depends sensitively on the treatment of the vertical momentum equation in the model. It is less well known how the frontal evolution over scales of O(10 km) is affected by these dynamics. Here, we compare highly resolved numerical experiments using nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic models and the convective-adjustment parametrization. The impact of nonhydrostatic processes on average cross-frontal transfer is weak compared to the effect of the O(1 km) scale baroclinic motions. For water-mass distribution and formation rate nonhydrostatic dynamics have similar influence to the baroclinic eddies although adequate resolution of the gradients in forcing fluxes is more important. The overall implication is that including nonhydrostatic surface frontal dynamics in ocean general circulation models will have only a minor effect on scales of O(1 km) and greater.
This article describes the development and evaluation of the U.K.’s new High-Resolution Global Environmental Model (HiGEM), which is based on the latest climate configuration of the Met Office Unified Model, known as the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model, version 1 (HadGEM1). In HiGEM, the horizontal resolution has been increased to 0.83° latitude × 1.25° longitude for the atmosphere, and 1/3° × 1/3° globally for the ocean. Multidecadal integrations of HiGEM, and the lower-resolution HadGEM, are used to explore the impact of resolution on the fidelity of climate simulations. Generally, SST errors are reduced in HiGEM. Cold SST errors associated with the path of the North Atlantic drift improve, and warm SST errors are reduced in upwelling stratocumulus regions where the simulation of low-level cloud is better at higher resolution. The ocean model in HiGEM allows ocean eddies to be partially resolved, which dramatically improves the representation of sea surface height variability. In the Southern Ocean, most of the heat transports in HiGEM is achieved by resolved eddy motions, which replaces the parameterized eddy heat transport in the lower-resolution model. HiGEM is also able to more realistically simulate small-scale features in the wind stress curl around islands and oceanic SST fronts, which may have implications for oceanic upwelling and ocean biology. Higher resolution in both the atmosphere and the ocean allows coupling to occur on small spatial scales. In particular, the small-scale interaction recently seen in satellite imagery between the atmosphere and tropical instability waves in the tropical Pacific Ocean is realistically captured in HiGEM. Tropical instability waves play a role in improving the simulation of the mean state of the tropical Pacific, which has important implications for climate variability. In particular, all aspects of the simulation of ENSO (spatial patterns, the time scales at which ENSO occurs, and global teleconnections) are much improved in HiGEM.
An investigation is made of the impact of a full linearized physical (moist) parameterization package on extratropical singular vectors (SVs) using the ECMWF integrated forecasting system (IFS). Comparison is made for one particular period with a dry physical package including only vertical diffusion and surface drag. The crucial extra ingredient in the full package is found to be the large-scale latent heat release. Consistent with basic theory, its inclusion results in a shift to smaller horizontal scales and enhanced growth for the SVs. Whereas, for the dry SVs, T42 resolution is sufficient, the moist SVs require T63 to resolve their structure and growth. A 24-h optimization time appears to be appropriate for the moist SVs because of the larger growth of moist SVs compared with dry SVs. Like dry SVs, moist SVs tend to occur in regions of high baroclinicity, but their location is also influenced by the availability of moisture. The most rapidly growing SVs appear to enhance or reduce large-scale rain in regions ahead of major cold fronts. The enhancement occurs in and ahead of a cyclonic perturbation and the reduction in and ahead of an anticyclonic perturbation. Most of the moist SVs for this situation are slightly modified versions of the dry SVs. However, some occur in new locations and have particularly confined structures. The most rapidly growing SV is shown to exhibit quite linear behavior in the nonlinear model as it grows from 0.5 to 12 hPa in 1 day. For 5 times this amplitude the structure is similar but the growth is about half as the perturbation damps a potential vorticity (PV) trough or produces a cutoff, depending on its sign.
An analytical dispersion relation is derived for linear perturbations to a Rankine vortex governed by surface quasi-geostrophic dynamics. Such a Rankine vortex is a circular region of uniform anomalous surface temperature evolving under quasi-geostrophic dynamics with uniform interior potential vorticity. The dispersion relation is analysed in detail and compared to the more familiar dispersion relation for a perturbed Rankine vortex governed by the Euler equations. The results are successfully verified against numerical simulations of the full equations. The dispersion relation is relevant to problems including wave propagation on surface temperature fronts and the stability of vortices in quasi-geostrophic turbulence.
Rights as well as democracy play a crucial role in the legitimacy of the EU and constitutional patriotism has been influential in attempting to link them together. The article seeks to engage in a critique of constitutional patriotism on two fronts. First, it distinguishes between the various types of right that exist within EU law-Community, citizenship and fundamental-and then analyses the place of these rights within various political models of the EU ranging from nationalism to republicanism. It argues that constitutional patriotism does not enjoy a monopoly on rights discourse in the EU: most models of the EU see a place for rights; it is just that the type of right supported varies. Secondly, advocates of constitutional patriotism argue that EU rights generate European identity. The article questions the extent to which this is the case, arguing that identity potential varies considerably according to the type of EU right concerned.