1000 resultados para FLUCTUATION RELATIONS


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This paper appears to be the first where the multi-temperature shock slip-relations for the thermal and chemical nonequilibrium flows are derived. The derivation is based on analysis of the influences of thermal nonequilibrium and viscous effects on the mass, momentum and energy flux balance relations at the shock wave. When the relaxation times for all internal energy modes tend to sere, the multi-temperature shock slip-relations are converted into single-temperature ones for thermal equilibrium hows. The present results can be applied to flows over vehicles of different geometries with or without angles of attack. In addition, the present single-temperature shock slip-relations are compared with those in the literature, and Some defects and limitations in the latter are clarified.


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 Burgers suggested that the main properties of free-turbulence in the boundless area without basic flow might be understood with the aid of the following equation, which was much simpler than those of fluid dynamics, 


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In Paper I (Hu, 1982), we discussed the the influence of fluctuation fields on the force-free field for the case of conventional turbulence and demonstrated the general relationships. In the present paper, by using the approach of local expansion, the equation of average force-free field is obtained as (1+b)×B 0=(#x002B;a)B 0#x002B;a (1)×B 0#x002B;K. The average coefficientsa,a (1),b, andK show the influence of the fluctuation fields in small scale on the configurations of magnetic field in large scale. As the average magnetic field is no longer parallel to the average electric current, the average configurations of force-free fields are more general and complex than the usual ones. From the view point of physics, the energy and momentum of the turbulent structures should have influence on the equilibrium of the average fields. Several examples are discussed, and they show the basic features of the fluctuation fields and the influence of fluctuation fields on the average configurations of magnetic fields. The astrophysical environments are often in the turbulent state, the results of the present paper may be applied to the turbulent plasma where the magnetic field is strong.


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Table of Contents [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Executive Summary [pdf, 0.07 Mb] MODEL Task Team Workshop Report Final Report of the International Workshop to Develop a Prototype Lower Trophic Level Ecosystem Model for Comparison of Different Marine Ecosystems in the North Pacific [pdf, 11.64 Mb] Report of the 1999 MONITOR Task Team Workshop [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Report of the 1999 REX Task Team Workshop Herring and Euphausiid population dynamics Douglas E. Hay and Bruce McCarter Spatial, temporal and life-stage variation in herring diets in British Columbia [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Augustus J. Paul and J. M. Paul Over winter changes in herring from Prince William Sound, Alaska [pdf, 0.08 Mb] N. G. Chupisheva Qualitative texture characteristic of herring (Clupea pallasi pallasi) pre-larvae developed from the natural and artificial spawning-grounds in Severnaya Bay (Peter the Great Bay) [pdf, 0.07 Mb] Gordon A. McFarlane, Richard J. Beamish and Jake SchweigertPacific herring: Common factors have opposite impacts in adjacent ecosystems [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Tokimasa Kobayashi, Keizou Yabuki, Masayoshi Sasaki and Jun-Ichi Kodama Long-term fluctuation of the catch of Pacific herring in Northern Japan [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Jacqueline M. O’Connell Holocene fish remains from Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada [pdf, 0.40 Mb] Elsa R. Ivshina and Irina Y. Bragina On relationship between crustacean zooplankton (Euphausiidae and Copepods) and Sakhalin-Hokkaido herring (Tatar Strait, Sea of Japan) [pdf, 0.14 Mb] Stein Kaartvbeedt Fish predation on krill and krill antipredator behaviour [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Nikolai I. Naumenko Euphausiids and western Bering Sea herring feeding [pdf, 0.07 Mb] David M. Checkley, Jr. Interactions Between Fish and Euphausiids and Potential Relations to Climate and Recruitment [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Vladimir I. Radchenko and Elena P. Dulepova Shall we expect the Korf-Karaginsky herring migrations into the offshore western Bering Sea? [pdf, 0.75 Mb] Young Shil Kang Euphausiids in the Korean waters and its relationship with major fish resources [pdf, 0.29 Mb] William T. Peterson, Leah Feinberg and Julie Keister Ecological Zonation of euphausiids off central Oregon [pdf, 0.11 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Environmentally forced variability in larval development and stage-structure: Implications for the recruitment of Euphausia pacifica (Hansen) in the Southern California Bight [pdf, 3.26 Mb] Scott M. Rumsey Inverse modelling of developmental parameters in Euphausia pacifica: The relative importance of spawning history and environmental forcing to larval stage-frequency distributions [pdf, 98.79 Mb] Michio J. Kishi, Hitoshi Motono & Kohji Asahi An ecosystem model with zooplankton vertical migration focused on Oyashio region [pdf, 33.32 Mb] PICES-GLOBEC Implementation Panel on Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program Executive Committee and Task Team List [pdf, 0.05 Mb] (Document pdf contains 142 pages)


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Relations veritables et curieuses de l'Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, de responsabilidade do livreiro Augustin Courbé, foi redigida em parte por Morisot, de DiJon, com base em documentos fornecidos pelos irmãos Dupuy. A obra, composta por dois volumes reunidos em um tomo, contém diversos relatos. Muita confusão existe acerca dessa edição de Courbé, seja relativamente ao número de volumes da obra, seja quanto à autoria dos relatos. Borba de Moraes a firma que "esses erros decorrem da raridade do trabalho completo". O primeiro volume, apresentado sob o titulo geral ‘Relations veritables et curieuses de l’Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil’, contém os trabalhos ‘Relation du voyage de François Couché...: De la religion, moeurs, et façons de faire de ceux de I'Lsle de Madagascar: colloque entre le madagascarois et le françois...’, e ‘Re1ation du voyage de Roulox Baro’. O segundo volume é intitulado ‘Histoire des derniers troubles du Bresil entre les hollandois et les portugais’ e foi escrito por Pierre Moreau, cujo texto ocupa as 212 páginas iniciais. Além deste, constam do volume ‘Trois relations d'Egypte et autres memoires...’ e a ‘Relation d'um voyage de Perse’. Prod uzida a partir da observação dos fatos ocorridos durante o período de sua permanência em Pernambuco durante a ocupação pelos holandeses, a obra de Moreau é de capital importância para o estudo da situação socioeconômica de Pernambuco sob o domínio holandês. A edição de A. Courbé, conhecido livreiro que se estabeleceu em Paris de 1629 a 1660, teve o projeto das ilustrações a cargo de Jean Picard, oriundo de uma famosa família de gravadores, cujo nome aparece no primeiro volume apenas, segundo Borba de Moraes


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The divergence of properties from one location to another within a soil mass is termed spatial variability, which traditionally includes three parameters the mean, the standard deviation, and the scale of fluctuation, in order to stochastically describe a soil property. Among them, determining the scale of fluctuation in the evaluation of spatial variability of soil profiles is not easy due to soil condition complexity. A simplified procedure is presented in the paper to determine the scale of fluctuation combined recurrence averaging and weighted linear regression. The alternative approach utilizes widely usable spreadsheet to solve the problem more directly and efficiently.


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This paper investigates a class of self-adjoint compact operators in Hilbert spaces related to their truncated versions with finite-dimensional ranges. The comparisons are established in terms of worst-case norm errors of the composite operators generated from iterated computations. Some boundedness properties of the worst-case norms of the errors in their respective fixed points in which they exist are also given. The iterated sequences are expanded in separable Hilbert spaces through the use of numerable orthonormal bases.


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A torch with a set of inter-electrode inserts between the cathode and the anode/nozzle with a wide nozzle exit was designed to generate plasma jets at chamber pressures of 500–10 000 Pa. The variation of the arc voltage was examined with the change in working parameters such as gas flow rate and chamber pressure. The fluctuation in the arc voltage was recorded with an oscilloscope, and the plasma jet fluctuation near the torch exit was observed with a high-speed video camera and detected with a double-electrostatic probe. Results show that the 300 Hz wave originated from the tri-phase rectified power supply was always detected under all generating conditions. Helmholtz oscillations over 3000 Hz was detected superposed on the 300 Hz wave at gas flow rates higher than 8.8 slm with a peak to valley amplitude lower than 5% of the average voltage value. No appreciable voltage fluctuation caused by the irregular arc root movement is detected, and mechanisms for the arc voltage and jet flow fluctuations are discussed.


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The effect of exit rate and the ratio of atomic injection rate on gain behaviour has been investigated, and the effects of phase fluctuation on absorption, dispersion and population difference in an open four-level system have been analysed by using numerical simulation from the steady linear, analytical solution. The variation of the linewidth, Rabi frequency of the driving field, the exit rate or the ratio of atomic injection rate can change the lasing properties in the open system. The presence of finite linewidth due to driving-field phase fluctuation prevents the open four-level atomic system from obtaining a high refractive index along with zero absorption.


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This thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the smooth sets with respect to a Borel equivalence realtion E on a Polish space X. The collection of smooth sets forms σ-ideal. We think of smooth sets as analogs of countable sets and we show that an analog of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets holds in the context of smooth sets. We also show that the collection of Σ11 smooth sets is ∏11 on the codes. The analogs of thin sets are called sparse sets. We prove that there is a largest ∏11 sparse set and we give a characterization of it. We show that in L there is a ∏11 sparse set which is not smooth. These results are analogs of the results known for the ideal of countable sets, but it remains open to determine if large cardinal axioms imply that ∏11 sparse sets are smooth. Some more specific results are proved for the case of a countable Borel equivalence relation. We also study I(E), the σ-ideal of closed E-smooth sets. Among other things we prove that E is smooth iff I(E) is Borel.

In chapter 2 we study σ-ideals of compact sets. We are interested in the relationship between some descriptive set theoretic properties like thinness, strong calibration and the covering property. We also study products of σ-ideals from the same point of view. In chapter 3 we show that if a σ-ideal I has the covering property (which is an abstract version of the perfect set theorem for Σ11 sets), then there is a largest ∏11 set in Iint (i.e., every closed subset of it is in I). For σ-ideals on 2ω we present a characterization of this set in a similar way as for C1, the largest thin ∏11 set. As a corollary we get that if there are only countable many reals in L, then the covering property holds for Σ12 sets.


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The amphipod Gammarus lacustris, a regular representative of lacustrine communities, often plays a significant role in the transformation of matter and energy. The object of the present work was to clarify the quantitative side of the feeding of the amphipod under different conditions of habitation. Experimental works on determination of the rate of consumption of food and its dependence on body-weight were carried out in the summer periods 1975-1978 on three water-bodies of the Krasnoyarsk region, of different conditions of habitation for the amphipods.