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To evaluate the role of garnet and amphibole fractionation at conditions relevant for the crystallization of magmas in the roots of island arcs, a series of experiments were performed on a synthetic andesite at conditions ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 GPa, 800-1,000 degrees C and variable H2O contents. At water undersaturated conditions and fO(2) established around QFM, garnet has a wide stability field. At 1.2 GPa garnet ? amphibole are the high-temperature liquidus phases followed by plagioclase at lower temperature. Clinopyroxene reaches its maximal stability at H2O-contents <= 9 wt% at 950 degrees C and is replaced by amphibole at lower temperature. The slopes of the plagioclase-in boundaries are moderately negative in T-XH2O space. At 0.8 GPa, garnet is stable at magmatic H2O contents exceeding 8 wt% and is replaced by spinel at decreasing dissolved H2O. The liquids formed by crystallization evolve through continuous silica increase from andesite to dacite and rhyolite for the 1.2 GPa series, but show substantial enrichment in FeO/MgO for the 0.8 GPa series related to the contrasting roles of garnet and amphibole in fractionating Fe-Mg in derivative liquids. Our experiments indicate that the stability of igneous garnet increases with increasing dissolved H2O in silicate liquids and is thus likely to affect trace element compositions of H2O-rich derivative arc volcanic rocks by fractionation. Garnet-controlled trace element ratios cannot be used as a proxy


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Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2009


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subsequent extension-induced exhumation. Geochronological dating of various Structural, thermobarometric, and geochronological data place limits on the age and tectonic displacement along the Zanskar shear zone, a major north-dipping synorogenic extensional structure separating the high-grade metamorphic sequence of the High Himalayan Crystalline Sequence from the overlying low-grade sedimentary rocks of the Tethyan Himalaya, A complete Barrovian metamorphic succession, from kyanite to biotite zone mineral assemblages, occurs within the I-km-thick Zanskar shear zone. Thermobarometric data indicate a difference In equilibration depths of 12 +/- 3 km between the lower kyanite zone and the garnet zone, which is Interpreted as a minimum estimate for the finite vertical displacement accommodated by the Zanskar shear zone. For the present-day dip of the structure (20 degrees), a simple geometrical model shows that a net slip of 35 +/- 9 km is required to regroup these samples to the same structural level. Because the kyanite to garnet zone rocks represent only part of the Zanskar shear zone, and because its original dip may have been less than the present-day dip, these estimates fur the finite displacement represent minimum values. Field relations and petrographic data suggest that migmatization and associated leucogranite intrusion in the footwall of the Zanskar shear zone occurred as a continuous profess starting at the Barrovian metamorphic peak and lasting throughout the subsequent extension-induced exhumation. Geochronological dataing of various leucogranitic plutons and dikes in the Zanskar shear zone footwall indicates that the main ductile shearing along the structure ended by 19.8 Ma and that extension most likely initiated shortly before 22.2 Ma.


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We combined structural analysis, thermobarometry and oxygen isotope geochemistry to constrain the evolution of kyanite and/or andalusite-bearing quartz veins from the amphibolite facies metapelites of the Simano nappe, in the Central Alps of Switzerland. The Simano nappe records a complex polyphase tectonic evolution associated with nappe stacking during Tertiary Alpine collision (D1). The second regional deformation phase (132) is responsible for the main penetrative schistosity and mineral lineation, and formed during top-to-the-north thrusting. During the next stage of deformation (D3) the aluminosilicate-bearing veins formed by crystallization in tension gashes, in tectonic shadows of boudins, as well as along shear bands associated with top-to-the-north shearing. D2 and D3 are coeval with the Early Miocene metamorphic peak, characterised by kyanite + staurolite + garnet + biotite assemblages in metapelites. The peak pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions recorded are constrained by multiple-equilibrium thermobarometry at 630 +/- 20 degrees C and 8.5 +/- 1 kbar (similar to 27 km depth), which is in agreement with oxygen isotope thermometry indicating isotopic equilibration of quartz-kyanite pairs at 670 +/- 50 degrees C. Quartz-kyanite pairs from the aluminosilicate-bearing quartz veins yield equilibration temperatures of 645 +/- 20 degrees C, confirming that the veins formed under conditions near metamorphic peak. Quartz and kyanite from veins and the surrounding metapelites have comparable isotopic compositions. Local intergranular diffusion in the border of the veins controls the mass-transfer and the growth of the product assemblage, inducing local mobilization of SiO2 and Al2O3. Andalusite is absent from the host rocks, but it is common in quartz veins, where it often pseudomorphs kyanite. For andalusite to be stable at T-max, the pressure in the veins must have been substantially lower than lithostatic. An alternative explanation consistent with structural observations would be inheritance by andalusite of the kyanite isotopic signature during polymorphic transformation after the metamorphic peak.


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Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2010


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Urgonian-type carbonates are a characteristic feature of many late Early Cretaceous shallow-marine, tropical and subtropical environments. The presence of typical photozoan carbonate-producing communities including corals and rudists indicates the prevalence of warm, transparent and presumably oligotrophic conditions in a period otherwise characterized by the high density of globally occurring anoxic episodes. Of particular interest, therefore, is the exploration of relationships between Urgonian platform growth and palaeoceanographic change. In the French and Swiss Jura Mountains, the onset and evolution of the Urgonian platform have been controversially dated, and a correlation with other, better dated, successions is correspondingly difficult. It is for this reason that the stratigraphy and sedimentology of a series of recently exposed sections (Eclepens, Vaumarcus and Neuchatel) and, in addition, the section of the Gorges de l'Areuse were analysed. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the evolution of phosphorus contents of bulk rock, a sequence-stratigraphic interpretation and a correlation of drowning unconformities with better dated sections in the Helvetic Alps were used to constrain the age of the Urgonian platform. The sum of the data and field observations suggests the following evolution: during the Hauterivian, important outward and upward growth of a bioclastic and oolitic carbonate platform is documented in two sequences, separated by a phase of platform drowning during the late Early Hauterivian. Following these two phases of platform growth, a second drowning phase occurred during the latest Hauterivian and Early Barremian, which was accompanied by significant platform erosion and sediment reworking. The Late Barremian witnessed the renewed installation of a carbonate platform, which initiated with a phase of oolite production, and which progressively evolved into a typical Urgonian carbonate platform colonized by corals and rudists. This phase terminated at the latest in the middle Early Aptian, due to a further drowning event. The evolution of this particular platform segment is compatible with that of more distal and well-dated segments of the same northern Tethyan platform preserved in the Helvetic zone of the Alps and in the northern subalpine chains (Chartreuse and Vercors).


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This paper presents the first quantitative study of the Early Jurassic recovery of ammonoids after the end-Triassic mass extinction based on detailed U-Pb ID-TIMS (isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry) geochronology from ash bed zircons placed within a clear phylogenetical and biochronological framework at the subzonal and species level. This study was triggered by the discovery of a rich Peruvian succession of ammonites, deposited concomitantly with an unusually large number of ash beds. Two major phases of rediversification are observed during the Psiloceras spelae and Angulaticeras zones that correspond to positive peaks in the delta C-13(org) curve, providing a possible link between biodiversity and the global carbon cycle. In the case of the post-extinction recovery, the development of the earliest Hettangian ammonites occurs within the genus Psiloceras, which begins with the occurrence of P. spelae and then explodes into worldwide development of smooth psiloceratids of the Psiloceras planorbis group s.l. This rapid biodiversification likely occurred less than 100 ka after the end-Triassic crisis; the genus Psiloceras occupied all the possible ecological niches worldwide, from the Pacific deep waters to the NW European shallow deposits and also in some rare Tethyan occurrences like at Germig in Tibet. This global dispersion allowed the differentiation of the group in several major phyla, the Schlotheimiidae, Discamphiceratinae, Arietitidae and Lytocerataceae, which were the roots of all other Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New precise zircon U-Pb ages are proposed for the Triassic-Jurassic (Rhetian-Hettangian) and the Hettangian-Sinemurian boundaries, The ages were obtained by ID-TIMS dating of single chemical-abraded zircons from volcanic ash layers within the Pucara Group, Aramachay Formation in the Utcubamba valley, northern Peru. Ash layers situated between last and first occurrences of boundary-defining ammonites yielded Pb-206/U-238 ages of 201.58 +/- 0.17/0.28 Ma (95% c.l., uncertainties without/with decay constant errors, respectively) for the Triassic-Jurassic and of 199.53 +/- 0.19/0.29 Ma for the Hettangian-Sinemurian boundaries. The former is established on a tuff located 1 m above the last local occurrence of the topmost Triassic genus Choristoceras, and 5 m below the Hettangian genus Psiloceras. The latter sample was obtained from a tuff collected within the Badouxia canadensis beds. Our new ages document total duration of the Hettagian of no more than c. 2 m.y., which has fundamental implications for the interpretation and significance of the ammonite recovery after the topmost Triassic extinction. The U-Pb age is about 0.8 +/- 0.5% older than Ar-40-Ar-39 dates determined on flood basalts of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Given the widely accepted hypothesis that inaccuracies in the K-40 decay constants or physical constants create a similar bias between the two dating methods, our new U-Pb zircon age determination for the T/J boundary corroborates the hypothesis that the CAMP was emplaced at the same time and may be responsible for a major climatic turnover and mass extinction. The zircon Pb-206/U-238 age for the T/J boundary is marginally older than the North Mountain Basalt (Newark Supergroup, Nova Scotia, Canada), which has been dated at 201.27 +/- 0.06 Ma [Schoene et al., 2006. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 426-445]. It will be important to look for older eruptions of the CAMP and date them precisely by U-Pb techniques while addressing all sources of systematic uncertainty to further test the hypothesis of volcanic induced climate change leading to extinction. Such high-precision, high-accuracy data will be instrumental for constraining the contemporaneity of geological events at a 100 kyr level. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Talea Ori unit is the lowermost known tectonic unit of Crete and the most external part of the Hellenides. Its stratigraphy ranges from Late Carboniferous to Oligocene and outcrops of the lower part are only known in the Talea Ori mountains (central Crete). In this area, a black sandstone at the base of the Galinos Beds, thought to be the oldest formation, contains zircons which were dated using the single grain evaporation method. The majority of these grains yielded Late Carboniferous ages (Variscan), while a small group yielded Early Proterozoic ages. The age distribution of these zircons suggests that, at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not much of the older North Gondwanan basement was exposed and that a river system carried detrital material from the Variscan belt towards the forming Neotethyan rift. Additionally, higher up in the stratigraphy benthic foraminifers (miliolids) were found in clasts from a conglomerate which was so far thought to be of Early Triassic age [Epting, M., Kudrass, H.-R., Leppig, U., Schaffer, A., 1972. Geologie der Talea Ori/Kreta. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 141, 259-285.]. These miliolids belong to the species Hoyenella inconstans [Michalik, J., Jendrejakova, O., Borza, K., 1979. Some new foraminifera species of the Fatra-Formation (Uppermost Triassic) in the West Carpathians. Geol. Carpath. 30 (1), 61-91.], thus attributing a Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian?) maximal age to this conglomerate. The carbonate platform from which the miliolids-bearing clasts come is not known. The presence to the north of a continuous hemipelagic record from the Carboniferous to the Triassic (Phyllite-Quartzite and Tripali units), attributed to the Palaeotethys realm, allows the Talea Ori unit and its lateral equivalents (the Ionian zone) to be assigned to the westward continuation of the Cimmerian block and therefore to the northern margin of the East Mediterranean Neotethys ocean. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian constraints of the Polyakov string. The gauge fixing at the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian level is also studied.


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We analyze the constraints on the mass and mixing of a superstring-inspired E6 Z' neutral gauge boson that follow from the recent precise Z mass measurements and show that they depend very sensitively on the assumed value of the W mass and also, to a lesser extent, on the top-quark mass.


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In order to study the connections between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms constructed from aperhaps singularhigher-order Lagrangian, some geometric structures are constructed. Intermediate spaces between those of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, partial Ostrogradskiis transformations and unambiguous evolution operators connecting these spaces are intrinsically defined, and some of their properties studied. Equations of motion, constraints, and arbitrary functions of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms are thoroughly studied. In particular, all the Lagrangian constraints are obtained from the Hamiltonian ones. Once the gauge transformations are taken into account, the true number of degrees of freedom is obtained, both in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, and also in all the intermediate formalisms herein defined.