925 resultados para FCC 110 SURFACES


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We have analyzed the relative energy of nonmagnetic and magnetic low-lying electronic states of Ni atoms adsorbed on regular and defective sites of the MgO(001) surface. To this end cluster and periodic surface models are used within density functional theory. For Ni atoms adsorbed on oxygen vacancies at low coverage, the interaction energy between the metal and the support is much larger than on regular sites. Strong bonding results in a diamagnetic adsorbed species and the energy required to reach the high-spin state increases. Moreover, a correlation appears between the low-spin to high-spin energy difference and the interaction energy hypothesizing that it is possible to prepare the surface to tune the high-spin to low-spin energy difference. Magnetic properties of adsorbed thin films obtained upon increasing coverage are more difficult to interpret. This is because the metallic bond is readily formed and dominates over the effect of the atoms directly bound to the vacancy.


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Työssä tutkittiin typen oksidien (NOx) päästöjen muodostumista ja NOx-päästöjen poistomenetelmiä leijukatalyyttisessa krakkausyksikössä (FCC). Koeajossa Porvoon öljynjalostamon FCC-yksikössä tutkittiin NOx-päästöjen hallintaa CO-promoottorin (CO:n palamista edistävä lisäaine) annostelun avulla. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin NOx-päästöjen muodostumista FCC-yksikön regeneraattorissa. Katalyyttisten lisäaineiden vaikutusta NOx-päästöjen muodostumiseen tarkasteltiin laajasti. Katalyyttisten lisäaineiden ohella käsiteltiin muitakin NOx-päästöjen poistomenetelmiä. Koeajojen tarkoituksena oli optimoida FCC-yksikön katalyyttikiertoon annosteltavan CO-promoottorin määrä. CO-promoottorin sisältämä platina lisää NOx-päästöjen muodostumista regeneraattorissa, mutta vähentää jälkipalamista. Jälkipalamisen vuoksi regeneraattorin ylimenolinjan lämpötila nousee. Regeneraattorin ylimenolinjan lämpötila oli CO-promoottorin vähentämistä rajoittava tekijä, NOx-päästöjä pyrittiin vähentämään ilman merkittävää jälkipalamisen kasvua. Tuorekatalyytin platinapitoisuuden pienentäminen vähentää merkittävästi NOx-päästöjä.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten eri parametrit vaikuttavat monilankaisen verrannollisuuslaskurin laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä voidaanko suurikokoista monilankaverrannollisuuslaskuria käyttää tehokkaasti suurien pintojen ? - ja ?- kontaminaation mittaamiseen. Ensin selvitettiin EU:n nykyistä clearing-käytäntöä sekä hahmoteltiin tulevia materiaalivirtoja, esiteltiin verrannollisuuslaskurin ja sen monilankamallin toimintaperiaate sekä käytettävien materiaalien ominaisuudet. Kootun teorian pohjalta selvitettiin tärkeimpien parametrien vaikutus ilmaisimen laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Lopuksi suoritettiin rakenteilla olevan monilankaverrannollisuuslaskurin alustava testaus. Tulevien vuosien aikana eri puolilla maailmaa suljettavat erityyppiset ydinlaitokset luovat suuren tarpeen tehokkaiden kontaminaatiomittauslaitteistojen kehittämiselle. Tällä hetkellä mittaukset suoritetaan lähinnä noin 1 dm2 käsi-instrumentein, joten suurikokoinen, automatisoitu mittauslaitteisto sekä tehostaisi mittausprosessia suuresti sekä säästäisi runsaasti miestyötunteja. Jatkotoimenpiteiksi ehdotetaan laitteiston jatkotestausta, liikkeen ja nopeuden testausta sekä lopulta paikkaherkkyystoiminnon toteuttamisperiaatteen valintaa ja testausta.


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BACKGROUND: After cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), acquired coagulopathy often leads to post-CPB bleeding. Though multifactorial in origin, this coagulopathy is often aggravated by deficient fibrinogen levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether laboratory and thrombelastometric testing on CPB can predict plasma fibrinogen immediately after CPB weaning. PATIENTS / METHODS: This prospective study in 110 patients undergoing major cardiovascular surgery at risk of post-CPB bleeding compares fibrinogen level (Clauss method) and function (fibrin-specific thrombelastometry) in order to study the predictability of their course early after termination of CPB. Linear regression analysis and receiver operating characteristics were used to determine correlations and predictive accuracy. RESULTS: Quantitative estimation of post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen from on-CPB fibrinogen was feasible with small bias (+0.19 g/l), but with poor precision and a percentage of error >30%. A clinically useful alternative approach was developed by using on-CPB A10 to predict a Clauss fibrinogen range of interest instead of a discrete level. An on-CPB A10 ≤10 mm identified patients with a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen of ≤1.5 g/l with a sensitivity of 0.99 and a positive predictive value of 0.60; it also identified those without a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen <2.0 g/l with a specificity of 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: When measured on CPB prior to weaning, a FIBTEM A10 ≤10 mm is an early alert for post-CPB fibrinogen levels below or within the substitution range (1.5-2.0 g/l) recommended in case of post-CPB coagulopathic bleeding. This helps to minimize the delay to data-based hemostatic management after weaning from CPB.


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Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria that induce root nodules formation in legume soybean (Glycine max.). Using 13C- and 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we have analysed the metabolite profiles of cultivated B.japonicum cells and bacteroids isolated from soybean nodules. Our results revealed some quantitative and qualitative differences between the metabolite profiles of bacteroids and their vegetative state. This includes in bacteroids a huge accumulation of soluble carbohydrates such as trehalose, glutamate, myo-inositol and homospermidine as well as Pi, nucleotide pools and intermediates of the primary carbon metabolism. Using this novel approach, these data show that most of the compounds detected in bacteroids reflect the metabolic adaptation of rhizobia to the surrounding microenvironment with its host plant cells.


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Electron energy-loss spectroscopy is used to map composition and electronic states in epitaxial La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 films grown on SrTiO3 001 and 110 substrates. It is found that in partially relaxed 110 films cationic composition and valence state of Mn3+/4+ ions are preserved across the film thickness. In contrast, in fully strained 001 films, the Ca/La ratio gradually changes across the film, being La rich at film/substrate interface and La depleted at free surface; Mn valence state changes accordingly. These observations suggest that a strongly orientation-dependent adaptative composition mechanism dominates stress accommodation in manganite films and provides microscopic understanding of their dissimilar magnetic properties.


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In this work, we investigate the influence of finite size on the recombinations dynamics of ZnO nanowires. We demonstrate that diameter as well as lenght of nanowires determine the lifetime of the neutral donor bound excitons. Our findings suggest that while the length is mainly responsible for different mode quality factors of the cavity-like nanowires, the diameter determines the influence of surface states as alternative recombinations channels for the optical modes trapped in the nanocavity. In addition, comparing nanowires grown using different catalyst we show that the surfaces states strongly depend on each precursor characteristics.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is a major therapeutic target that plays pivotal roles in prostate cancer (PCa) and androgen insensitivity syndromes. We previously proposed that compounds recruited to ligand-binding domain (LBD) surfaces could regulate AR activity in hormone-refractory PCa and discovered several surface modulators of AR function. Surprisingly, the most effective compounds bound preferentially to a surface of unknown function [binding function 3 (BF-3)] instead of the coactivator-binding site [activation function 2 (AF-2)]. Different BF-3 mutations have been identified in PCa or androgen insensitivity syndrome patients, and they can strongly affect AR activity. Further, comparison of AR x-ray structures with and without bound ligands at BF-3 and AF-2 showed structural coupling between both pockets. Here, we combine experimental evidence and molecular dynamic simulations to investigate whether BF-3 mutations affect AR LBD function and dynamics possibly via allosteric conversation between surface sites. Our data indicate that AF-2 conformation is indeed closely coupled to BF-3 and provide mechanistic proof of their structural interconnection. BF-3 mutations may function as allosteric elicitors, probably shifting the AR LBD conformational ensemble toward conformations that alter AF-2 propensity to reorganize into subpockets that accommodate N-terminal domain and coactivator peptides. The induced conformation may result in either increased or decreased AR activity. Activating BF-3 mutations also favor the formation of another pocket (BF-4) in the vicinity of AF-2 and BF-3, which we also previously identified as a hot spot for a small compound. We discuss the possibility that BF-3 may be a protein-docking site that binds to the N-terminal domain and corepressors. AR surface sites are attractive pharmacological targets to develop allosteric modulators that might be alternative lead compounds for drug design.


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Objective: An evaluation and comparison is made of the thermal increment at different implant surfaces during irradiation with CO2 and ErCr:YSGG lasers. Study design: Five threaded and impacted implants with four types of surfaces were inserted in an adult pig rib: two implants with a hydroxyapatite surface (HA)(impacted and threaded, respectively), a machined titanium surface implant (TI mach), a titanium plasma spray surface implant (TPS), and a sandblasted, acid-etched surface implant (SBAE). A 0.5-mm diameter bone defect was made in the implant apical zone, and a type-K thermocouple (Termopar)® was placed in contact with the implant. The implants were irradiated in the coronal zone of each implant with a CO2 (4 W continuous mode) and an ErCr:YSGG laser (1.5 W, pulsed mode) first without and then with refrigeration. The temperature variations at the implant apical surface were recorded. Results: An apical temperature increase was recorded in all cases during CO2 and ErCr:YSGG laser irradiation without refrigeration. However, when the ErCr:YSGG was used with a water spray, a decrease in temperature was observed in all implants. The acid-etched and sandblasted surfaces were those most affected by the thermal changes. Conclusions: The ErCr:YSGG laser with a water spray applied to the sealing cap or coronal zone of the implants does not generate thermal increments in the apical surface capable of adversely affecting osseointegration and the integrity of the peri-implant bone tissue


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Through an interplay between scanning tunneling microscopy experiments and density functional theory calculations, we determine unambiguously the active surface site responsible for the dissociation of water molecules adsorbed on rutile TiO2(110). Oxygen vacancies in the surface layer are shown to dissociate H2O through the transfer of one proton to a nearby oxygen atom, forming two hydroxyl groups for every vacancy. The amount of water dissociation is limited by the density of oxygen vacancies present on the clean surface exclusively. The dissociation process sets in as soon as molecular water is able to diffuse to the active site.


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Through an interplay between scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we show that bridging oxygen vacancies are the active nucleation sites for Au clusters on the rutile TiO2(110) surface. We find that a direct correlation exists between a decrease in density of vacancies and the amount of Au deposited. From the DFT calculations we find that the oxygen vacancy is indeed the strongest Au binding site. We show both experimentally and theoretically that a single oxygen vacancy can bind 3 Au atoms on average. In view of the presented results, a new growth model for the TiO2(110) system involving vacancy-cluster complex diffusion is presented.


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Due to their numerous novel technological applications ranging from the example of exhaust catalysts in the automotive industry to the catalytic production of hydro- gen, surface reactions on transition metal substrates have become to be one of the most essential subjects within the surface science community. Although numerous applications exist, there are many details in the different processes that, after many decades of research, remain unknown. There are perhaps as many applications for the corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steels. A thorough knowledge of the details of the simplest reactions occuring on the surfaces, such as oxidation, play a key role in the design of better catalysts, or corrosion resistant materials in the future. This thesis examines the oxidation of metal surfaces from a computational point of view mostly concentrating on copper as a model material. Oxidation is studied from the initial oxidation to the oxygen precovered surface. Important parameters for the initial sticking and dissociation are obtained. The saturation layer is thoroughly studied and the calculated results arecompared with available experimental results. On the saturated surface, some open questions still remain. The present calculations demonstrate, that the saturated part of the surface is excluded from being chemically reactive towards the oxygen molecules. The results suggest, that the reason for the chemical activity of the saturated surface is due to a strain effect occuring between the saturated areas of the surface.


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This paper describes in detail a technique employed to grow quasi-spherical single crystals of noble metals for electrochemical applications, using platinum as an example. The metal beads were formed by melting the extremity of a wire in an oxygen / butane flame. X-ray techniques were used to check the crystallization and to determine the orientation of the crystals. Treatment with a pure hydrogen flame followed by a cooling procedure in a hydrogen / argon atmosphere were used for conditioning the well-defined platinum single crystal surfaces. Finally, electrochemical characterization of the Pt(111), Pt(110) and Pt(100) surfaces was done in diluted sulfuric acid solution in the hydrogen adsorption / desorption potential region.


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Platinum is widely used as electrode in electrocatalytic processes, however the use of polycrystalline electrodes introduces a series of variables in the electrochemical system due to the aleatory contribution of all the crystallographic orientations with different surface packing of atoms. Single crystal platinum electrodes of low Miller index present surface structure of high regularity and serve as model to establish a correlation among the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the electrochemical interface. Therefore, the main aim of this work is the study of the voltammetric profiles of the reversible adsorption-desorption of hydrogen on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111), in order to correlate the electrochemical properties of each different orientation with the surface atomic structure.