947 resultados para Extreme waves


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The aim of the present study is to understand the characteristics and properties of different wave modes and the vertical circulation pattern in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over Indian region using data obtained from the Indian Mesosphere-Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) radar, National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Centres of Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysed data and radiosonde observations.Studies on the vertical motion in monsoon Hadley circulation are carried out and the results are discussed . From the analysis of MST radar data, an overall picture of vertical motion of air over Indian region is explained and noted that there exists sinking motion both during winter and summer. Besides, the study shows that there is an anomalous northerly wind in the troposphere over the southern peninsular region during southwest monsoon season.The outcome of the study on intrusion of mid-latitude upper tropospheric trough and associated synoptic-scale vertical velocity over the tropical Indian latitudes are reported and discussed . It shows that there is interaction between north Indian latitudes and tropical easterly region, when there is an eastward movement of Western Disturbance across the country. It explains the strengthening of westerlies and a change of winter westerlies into easterlies in the tropical troposphere and lower stratosphere. The divergence field computed over the MST radar station shows intensification in the downward motion in association with the synoptic systems of the northwest Indian region.


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The thesis attempts to study the changes in oceanographic parameters associated with extreme climatic events,the influence of oceanographic as well as meteorological parameters on fishes.The characteristics of major pelagic fishes of southwest coast of India(Oil sardine and Indian mackerel) have been described here.A description on study area and period of study is also described .The impact of extreme climatic events on the oceanographic variability of Eastern Arabian Sea.The extreme climatic event,the Indian Ocean Dipole associated with EI Nino Southern Oscillation is taken into consideration.The variability in oil sardine and mackerel landings of southwest coast of India during the study period.The trend analysis of the landings has been done and also a prediction model is applied for the landings.The influence of environmental parameters on oil sardine as well as mackerel fishery has been explained .With regression analysis ,the significant relation between environmental parameters and fish landings are also been recognized.The prediction of landings is done with these environmental parameters.


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In this thesis the author has presented qualitative studies of certain Kdv equations with variable coefficients. The well-known KdV equation is a model for waves propagating on the surface of shallow water of constant depth. This model is considered as fitting into waves reaching the shore. Renewed attempts have led to the derivation of KdV type equations in which the coefficients are not constants. Johnson's equation is one such equation. The researcher has used this model to study the interaction of waves. It has been found that three-wave interaction is possible, there is transfer of energy between the waves and the energy is not conserved during interaction.


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Some investigations on the spectral and statistical characteristics of deep water waves are available for Indian waters. But practically no systematic investigation on the shallow water wave spectral and probabilistic characteristics is made for any part of the Indian coast except for a few restricted studies. Hence a comprehensive study of the shallow water wave climate and their spectral and statistical characteristics for a location (Alleppey) along the southwest coast of India is undertaken based on recorded data. The results of the investigation are presented in this thesis.The thesis comprises of seven chapters


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Halobacteria, members of the domain Archaea that live under extremely halophilic conditions, are often considered as dependable source for deriving novel enzymes, novel genes, bioactive compounds and other industrially important molecules. Protein antibiotics have potential for application as preserving agents in food industry, leather industry and in control of infectious bacteria. Halocins are proteinaceous antibiotics synthesized and released into the environment by extreme halophiles, a universal characteristic of halophilic bacteria. Herein, we report the production of halocin (SH10) by an extremely halophilic archeon Natrinema sp. BTSH10 isolated from salt pan of Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India and optimization of medium for enhanced production of halocin. It was found that the optimal conditions for maximal halocin production were 42 C, pH 8.0, and 104 h of incubation at 200 rpm with 2% (V/V) inoculum concentration in Zobell’s medium containing 3 M NaCl, Galactose, beef extract, and calcium chloride as additional supplements. Results indicated scope for fermentation production of halocin for probable applications using halophilic archeon Natrinema sp. BTSH10


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Sensing with electromagnetic waves having frequencies in the Terahertz-range is a very attractive investigative method with applications in fundamental research and industrial settings. Up to now, a lot of sources and detectors are available. However, most of these systems are bulky and have to be used in controllable environments such as laboratories. In 1993 Dyakonov and Shur suggested that plasma waves developing in field-effect-transistors can be used to emit and detect THz-radiation. Later on, it was shown that these plasma waves lead to rectification and allows for building efficient detectors. In contrast to the prediction that these plasma waves lead to new promising solid-state sources, only a few weak sources are known up to now. This work studies THz plasma waves in semiconductor devices using the Monte Carlo method in order to resolve this issue. A fast Monte Carlo solver was developed implementing a nonparabolic bandstructure representation of the used semiconductors. By investigating simplified field-effect-transistors it was found that the plasma frequency follows under equilibrium conditions the analytical predictions. However, no current oscillations were found at room temperature or with a current flowing in the channel. For more complex structures, consisting of ungated and gated regions, it was found that the plasma frequency does not follow the value predicted by the dispersion relation of the gated nor the ungated device.


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A branching random motion on a line, with abrupt changes of direction, is studied. The branching mechanism, being independient of random motion, and intensities of reverses are defined by a particle's current direction. A soluton of a certain hyperbolic system of coupled non-linear equations (Kolmogorov type backward equation) have a so-called McKean representation via such processes. Commonly this system possesses traveling-wave solutions. The convergence of solutions with Heaviside terminal data to the travelling waves is discussed.This Paper realizes the McKean programme for the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation in this case. The Feynman-Kac formula plays a key role.


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Cat??logo de las publicaciones peri??dicas extreme??as de Badajoz y su provincia entre 1880 y 1917. El trabajo se limita a hacer una rese??a del lugar, el t??tulo, fecha de nacimiento y desaparici??n, y la periodicidad de estas publicaciones.


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Los objetivos del trabajo son: conocer la evoluci??n hist??rica y econ??mica de diferentes n??cleos rurales conociendo su estructura sociecon??mica, localizar la distribuci??n espacial de la poblaci??n rural, analizar e interpretar el modelo de espacio, establecer interrelaciones con los factores geogr??ficos, hist??ricos, econ??micos y sociales incidiendo en el fen??meno de emigraciones y sus consecuencias y analizar e interpretar los elementos estad??sticos y gr??ficos representativos de los diferentes pueblos. Diez pueblos (dos de la provincia de Badajoz y ocho de la provincia de C??ceres. Las fases de la investigaci??n fueron: elecci??n de los pueblos objeto de estudio; se seleccionaron n??cleos representativos de varias comarcas extreme??as, estudio de bibliograf??a para el conocimiento del entorno geogr??fico cultural y estad??stico de los diferentes pueblos, establecimiento de contacto con los responsables municipales (alcaldes, secretarios de ayuntamiento, personal administrativo, etc.), vaciado sistem??tico de registros: recopilaci??n de datos de nacimientos, matrimonios, defunciones de los registros parroquiales y civiles desde 1900 hasta la actualidad, insercci??n de los valores obtenidos a la base de datos elaborada y confecci??n de cuadros y gr??ficos pertinentes complet??ndolos con cifras procedentes del material bibliogr??fico e interpretaci??n de los datos en varios momentos de la historia del n??cleo objeto de estudio para apreciar la evoluci??n sufrida.


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Inventariar los documentos relativos a la educaci??n que existen en el IES Benazaire de Herrera del Duque y llevar a cabo una encuesta a personas relacionadas con la ense??anza en la comarca de la Siberia para conocer c??mo ha sido la educaci??n a lo largo del siglo XX. La investigaci??n comenz?? en el curso 98-99 en el cual se llevaron a cabo distintas actividades: inventario de documentos relativos a la educaci??n, exposici??n de materiales, encuestas a alumnos, etc. Durante el curso 99-00 el trabajo se ha centrado en la realizaci??n de encuestas y entrevistas a personas relacionadas con la ense??anza en la comarca.


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El trabajo integra distintas facetas de la actividad cient??fica y sus aspectos colaterales a trav??s de materiales que expresan formas y modos cient??ficos de siglos precedentes. Sus objetivos son: acercar la ciencia al alumnado desde una faceta hist??rica, mostrar algunos cient??ficos extreme??os, relacionar las formas de entender la ciencia en el pasado con las actuales, entender la ciencia como un conjunto de saberes intimamente relacionados con las disciplinas no cient??ficas, integrar las distintas disciplinas cient??ficas en una obra, comprender algunos textos cient??ficos, diferenciar hip??tesis y hechos cient??ficos y redactar res??menes de textos.